} i THE BEST Film Finishing BETTER RESULTS | QUICKER SERVICE | LOWER PRICES We do our own finishing. We have our own equipment and know how to use it. For your satisfaction leave your next Film with L. T. Best PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST Open Sundays. .Bateman's Real Estate ~ FOR SALE Farm, 55 acres, 10 miles from city, 25 acres under cultivation, 15 acres good bush, frame house, barn and cow sta- ble Will be sold with crops and stock and implements if desired. Farm, valuable, truck farm, 65 acres, thoroughly equipped for vegetable and small fruit, close to city. Other farms on inquiry. 50 houses for sale in all parts of the city. Customs Broker. Money to Loan. 136 Wellington St. Opp. Post Office L. C. HEMSLEY from R. J. ROGER WATOHES and CLOCKS REPAIRED at shortest notice 149 Sydenham St. Phone 20564. Five Dollars :/Chapter 81--The Book of the Dead. What happens to a person after he dies? That was a question the people of Egypt tried very hard to answe.. Stories about a life after death were invented and written down on will purchase any one of 19 pleces of Silver Plate shown in one of our wii. dows. There are:-- BREAD TRAYS, SANDWICH PLATES, and CRACKERS AND CHEESE HOLDERS These are all of a quality that would seil regularly at from $7.50 wo $9.00, and at the quoted price of $5.00 are really wonderful value long sheets of papyrus. The stor- ies together with some pregers, were usually called the "Book of the Dead." The Egyptians beleved every per- son had a "double," The double did not have real flesh or bones, but it looked just Mke its owner. When death came, the double left the boay and went to a region under the ground, the "under-world." The Book of the Dead says that when a person entered the under world, he met evil spirits or demons. He kept them from hurting mm by saying prayers he had learned in the Book of the Dead. Lakes of fire were also there and had to be avoided. Sometimes monsters had /to be put out of the way. Finally the dead person went to ithe Hall of Truth and Justice, Here |he saw Osiris, king of the under- world, sitting on a throne. In SENATOR W. H. THORNE OF ST. JOHN IS DEAD Well Known Figure in Fed- eral and New Brunswick Politics Removed. Ottawa, July 10.--The news of the death of Senator W. H. Thorne, of St. John, N.B,, removes a well-known and popular figure from federal poli- tics, and it was received with much regret in the capital. He was one of those forces whose influence was exercised more through contact wit his fellows than through speeches made from his place in the Red Chamber. When he did speak, how- AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS Try our up-to-date Cylinder a 1 Wel d Car- boa Si iahe ding an Mechanical work of all kinds. Gasoline Station. Free Air. CLARK'S GARA Cor, King und Princess Sts. Phone 2857F. ever, it was with authority, as his ripe judgment and business acumen ient to his public utterances an un- doubted distinction. He was a Con- servative of the Macdonald school and his reminiscences of political battles of days long past in New Brunswick always secured for him an appreciative audience. His death makes three vacancies in the senate, the other two being from Alberta and Quebec. MISTOOK CHARACTER 50 ft. § plain Hose, complete . ... . . .$6.75 With Couplings and Nozzle. 50 ft. } Corrugated Hose, complete . $9.25 With Couplings and Nozzle. - Window Screens 14" high ..................55¢ and 60c. ea, 18" high . .... «+= 65c and 75¢. ea. Preserving Kettles Enamel. ....... from $1.00 to $2.25 each Alumin cee. from $1.50 to $5.00 each elvey & Birch, Li and Plumbers, J Archbishop of Paris Addressed Paris, July 10.--His Eminence Louis Cardinal Dubots, Archbishop of Paris, ascended the pulpit in the Church of St. Eustace on Sunday |The Cardinal, one of the most loved and eloquent men in France, was to preach in support of an institution that helps fallen girls. "My daughters," he began, "I see with joy that gradually the traces of vice are vanishing from your faces and that the straying sheep are re- entering the fold. I am thank--" A priest ran up the pulpit stairs and whispered that the congregation was made up, largely, not of the in- mates of the beneficent institution, but of its patronesses, some of the most aristocratic and fashionable 'wo- men in Paris. ------ OBSERVE 100TH ANNIVERSARY. Of the Anglican Church at Richmond een] Rectors. Ottawa Journal, July 6th: Angji- cans of Richmond on. Wednesday celebrated the 100th anniversary of {the founding of a parish of the {Church of England in the town. The first cha bullding in the town was constructed in 1823 and was later replaced by the present building. The corner stone of the first church, laid with Masonic honors, is gtill preserve ed and is in the possession of the par- ish. On Wednesday three former rec- tors of St. John's church were present PROBS:--Wednesday, a few scattered showers, but mostly fair. front of Osiris were 42 Judges, each standing for a different city in| Looking at Yhe Judges and Ostrls, | the double declared: "I have not caused anyone to be! hungry. "1 have not murdered "I have not taken milk from the mouths of children." He also denied having committed 39 other sina. This picture shows a "soul" spear-| ing a great serpent which is trying to block his way to the Hall of Truth, the serpent has its teeth in the body of a donkey. Next--Weighing of tho Heart. | PN. et --------ny | HUCKLEBERRIES PLENTIFUL | Selling in Northbrook at On: Dollar a Pail, Northbrook, July 10.-- Huckle- berries are plentiful at a dollar a pail. Prospects are good for a big| crop: [| Young and old gave Mr. and | Mrs, Ernle Aikens a shower on Fri- day night, with many beautiful pres-| ents, showing the high esteem in! which the young couple are held. | Dancing was indulged in until day-| light. | William Sherry, driver of the Im- perial Oil truck, enroute to fill the Zas tanks was forced to give more | than his share of the road ana nur- | rowy averted upsetting, | Mrs. Neil Stonness has returned | to Westport, after visiting her broth- | er, C. C. Thompson. Miss P. Dodd | left on Saturday for her home In| Orillia. She will reopen school in| September. {Many tourists enjoy | the fine fishing and accomodation at the new hotel opened by Mrs. Ful- ler on Long Lake, The concert in Cloyne was attended by many who enjoyed the fine play, also the music rendered by the Spencer or- chestra of Kaladar. Mrs. Cary Morgan, of MacTier, and Mrs. Jones Port Hope, with D. Bongard, of Seattle, are visiting friends In the vicinity. A wee girl has been added to the family circle at Edward Bos- ley's. Miss Edith spent the week-end at William Kehoe's. Miss A. Jerome spent Sunday at Flinton_ Roy Moon has resumed his position as' conductor on the C.P.R. out of MacTier. Charles Thompson and | Peter Vanness are wearing broad | smiles. Wee girls have brightened their homes. Many fine program- mes are being enjoyed by local radio fans. Many motored from the Ore Chimney Mines to Kellar's farm at Dead Creek, spending Sun- day bathing and boating. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirk, Kingston are vis- Iting at W. Cassadas'. SUMMER MODEL SCHOOL. It is in Active Operation at Sharbot e. Sharbot Lake, July 6.--A great rumber of tourists have already ar- rived. The summer model school has cpened this week with a large at- tendance. Mrs. R. Balderson, BalM- erson, visited at J. H. Fair's for a week. Mrs. Boyce, Vermont, has re- turned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. . Burnham and Mrs. Bourk motor- ed to Lavant today. Mrs. Allen Buell has returned from Montreal. Mrs. J. Dodds spent a few days in Beach- burg. The Anglicans are practising r & lawn social. Jerome Thomson visited friends at Alexandria Bay. Roy Thomlnson has returned [from the hospital. Mrs. R. Gray and Mrs. Armstrong spent Saturday last ju Kingston. Miss Mildred Gray has returned from Norwood. T. Hall, Perth, is building the chimneys on 1] =r 0 PLEASE SHOP EARLY Store closes at 5 p.m. daily except Saturday during July and August. Wednesday at Steacy's July Clearance Sale! No matter what the heat is outside you'll find Steacy's de- lightfully cool and airy, and this coupled with the many excel- lent bargains makes this store a profitable as well as a pleasant place to shop in. Early Morning Shoppers--Here is Your Opportunity to Effect Economies! FROM 9 TO 1 O'CLOCK Triple Discount Stamps !! YPpU SAVE 159%, Stop and consider what this means in purchasing your personal apparel requirements and household needs--85¢ has the p power of $1.00 on all cash purchases in all departments. Shop early and take full advantage of this splendid feature attraction. New Wool Slip-on Sweaters 300 new Slip-on Sweaters-- made of fine wool, Mohair and Silk and Wool. Included in this special as- sortment are the following smart, new colorings--Pearl Grey, Camel, Orchid, Jade, Brown, Lemon, Flame, Navy and White, at the following special clearing prices: Reg. $2.48 to $3.00 values. SALE PRICE ......$1.89 Reg. $3.50 to $3.75 values. SALE PRICE ......$248 Reg. $4.50 to $4.75 values. SALE PRICE ......$3.48 Reg. $5.75 to $6.50 values. SALE PRICE ......$4.49 Reg. $7.50 to $9.75 values. SALE PRICE... $6.49 THE NEW McCALL. MAGAZINE Is now on sale at our pattern department. Priced at 10c.--as well as many new patterns for late Summer and early Fall. Cool Unistvear For Men Bal. Shirts and Dra 69c¢. each. we) 180. Balbriggan Shirts and ' Drawers--all sizes from 34 to 44; worth 85c¢. a garment. "Bal. Combinations, $1.19 300 Balbriggan Combina- tions with short sleeves and ankle length legs--in sizes 36 to 44--regularly priced these garments retail at $1.50 ea. 108 only, Striped Madras ~ and Irish Dimity Summer Combinations -- perfect fit- ting garments that will add to your comfort on the hot- test summer days -- a full range of sizes from 34 up to 46. Sold regularly fro $1.75 to $2.00 each, , . lh