TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1923. B---- 5 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Extracts From Report Controller J. A. Ellis rs A. Wauklyn before Special Committee at Ottawa, March 23rd, 1923. : MR. ELLIS STATED: I would put Welsh Anthra- cite Coal first and American An- thracite second, and I would gladly pay $3.00 per ton more for Welsh Coal. It has more heating qualities and very much less ash and comparatively no slate or stone. Sold only in Kingston by:-- W. A. Mitchell & Co. 15 Ontario Street Telephone 67. Farm For Sale On Wolfe Island, about 4 miles _ from village. 100 acres, all work- | able land. Large frame house and outbuildings. Price and terms on ap- plication. General Insurance, Guarantee Bonds. Victory Bonds bought and sold. R. H. Waddell DRA. W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON, Corner Johnson and Wellington Streets ot Phone 363 - men ASK FOR BELL'S CUCUMBER CREAM (Chapped Hands, etc.) Use Use It Always All Ways. For Moving of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. 877. Kveaings 2231. 165 WELLINGTON STREET. Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S, D.D.8, ellington Brock Streeta, bo oy 138" Wellington St. a) ment, I WATTS SOFT COAL and Cannel Coal. Mixed Wood cut in stove lengths, aco. s BOOTH Grove lan Yard Phene 133 - FOR SALE l A MOUTHFUL ANSCO SPEEDEX FILMS ARE SELLING WELL, They get results. It's a pretty goad world at that, For a freih suppiy-- PRINCESS PHARMACY A Wide-Awake Drug Store Where Princess and Division Cross. i .. EMMONS 24 HOUR TAXI SERVICE PHONE 32 | Hard Wood Best quality hard body wood. | | We have a large stock of | soft Maple and Birch, at a very | reasonable price. } Dry Kindling and Slabs. Chas. Bedore & Son 274 NELSON STREET Fhone 1746J, A SAFE AND SURE REMEDY FOR AILING CHILDREN MILLER'S POWDERS CONTAIN NO - NOTICE The farmers coming to King- ston by way of West end of Prin- cess Street, will benefit by getting their supplies from J. H. JARVIS Cor. Princess and Albert Streets, A very convenient spot for their horses to stand; no street cars to trouble them. High class Fruta, Oitection- ery, Tobacco, Papers, } agazines and Patent Medicines. Open nights. Op. Princess Street Methodist Church, HYDROGEN PEROXIDE Antiseptic, cleansing and healing. Highly recommended by the medical profession for cuts, sores, etc., also as a gargle and mouth wash. Full direc- tions on every bottle. 15¢ and 25¢ a-bottle Buy your Peroxide from and Clergy Sts.' Phone 82 $900--Frame house, 4 rooms, 2 bedrooms, barn and garden. North. $1400=--Frame house, 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, electric light and garden. * $4600--Brick veneer, 7 room house, 3 bedrgoms, 3 p. B., electric light, gas for cooking, hot air heat- Ing, two garages and henhouse. $5500--Brick, 10 room house, § bedrooms, 3 p. B., good cellar, elec- tric light and gas for cooking, hot air heating, fireplaces and garage, E. L. MARTIN \ 111% Breck Street. 'Phone 230. KINGSTON anp VICINITY Purchased Perth Property. A. R. Dufresre, son-in-law of Dr. Patterson, Perth, has purchased C. J. Sewell's residence and property on Drummond street west, Perth, ---- ee | Rain Is Needed. | Ynless a good rain arrives shortly {te off-set the hot weather of the | past few days, the season for straw- {berries will be brought to an abrupt {eonelusion this week, -- Sale of Men's Shirts. We have just received three cases {of men's colored shirts sizes 131% {to 163%, guaranteed fast colors, beautiful $2.50 to $3.50; our sale price $1.75 |sach. Prevost, Brock street. > Back After Fifty Years. After an absence of fifty years, {Nelson Chapman, Detroit, arrived at Augusta last week and spent a few {days with ol@ friends and relatives, {He also visited his old home at Gos- {ford, where he spent his boyhood. i -- Passed Away at Newburgh. » Newburgh, died on The funeral took place | David Cameron | Monday. = |Thursday with interment in the fa- | mily plot in 5th concession cemetery. | Mr. Cameron leaves a wife, two bro- jthers, a sister and a niece, who all {live in Newburgh. ------n To Practice in Athens. Dr. C. M. Bracken, who recently {graduated in medicine from Queen's | University, has decided to locate in {Athens and has purchased the home {of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lamb, |Eilgin street east. | ------ | Are At The Boys' Camp, Rev. J. K. Curtis, Kingston, and Rev. Rinaldo W. Armstrong, Mrs. {Armstrong and family, Harrow- smith, are at the St. Lawrence Boys' {Camp which opened at Hudson's | Point near Brockville on Saturday. | ---------- | Leaves Geological Service. Cryil W. Knight, assistant chief of the staff of the Ontario goverrment's | | geological branch, is leaving that part to jo!n the Nippissing mine staff. {He has been in the government ser {Vice nineteen years. Dr. Knight is a {Kingstonian, son of Dr. A. P. Knight, {and a graduate of Queen's university. | ---- Poisoning of Dogs. Several residents of Quebec streot are indignant over a case of dog- {poisoning that odcurred in that viein- |ity recently. A valuable French {poodle died as a result of the whole- {sale scattering of poisoh in the neigh- borhood, and another dog is suffer- ing\at the present time, from the Same cause. It is not known whether the poison was scattered with malci- patterns. Regular price! ous inteat or not, but the fact is un- lawful, and cruel in any case, and it is understood that prosecution will fol- low if the guilty 'parly is found. An Additional Contract. A. Anderson, painter, Bagot street, has three gangs of men. at work lainting C.P.R. Stations and he is getting along fine with the work. The company is s0 well pleased that it has given him an additional con- tract, the pcinting of the stations from Peterboro to Port McNicol. Cheese Board Sales. Watertown, N. Y., 7,965 at 22¢. Gouvernulr, N. Y., 5,050 at 22¢. Belleville, 1,574 at 18 Ke 18 5-16¢. Vankleek HIM, 1,490 at 18%e to 18 9-162. Perth, 1343 at 18%e¢. Cornwall, 2,236 at 18 3-16¢. \ -------- Kingston the Oool City. Kingston was a decidedly cool spot on Sunday, and everybody enjoyed the day. Its coolness exceeded that of any place in the province. While it was seventy-four here, it was sev- enty-six in Toronto, eighty-eight at Ottawa, and eighty-four at Parry Sound. At Winnipeg the mercury touched eighty-six. ------ To Unveil Tabléts, It is exvected tbat the tablets to be erected by the historic sites branch of the Department of the Interior at Maitland, Fort Wallington (Pres- coil), Windmill Point and Chimney Island, will be unveiled about Sept. 17th with appropriate ceremony, At about the same time there will also Be unveiled a similar tablet at the site of the battle of Crysler's Farm. ---------------- CANADIAN PACIFIO Kingston-Ottawa Train Service. GOING LEAVE ARRI Kingston $11.45 a.m. Oltawa 4.15 p.m. Ottawa 10.30 p.m. Ottawa RETURNING Kingston Kingston Ottawa $10.15 a.m. Kingston Ottawa {12 30 p.m. Kingston Ottawa *10.15 p.m. Kingston {Dany except Sunday. Daily except Saturday. Ticket Office: 180 Wellington St. Proud of Kingston. The Brantford Expositor says: Kingston has a long and honorable history of two and one half centuries. Canadians, everywhere, will be proud {ot the historic distinction and tra- ditions that belong to that place as a Tart of their great national heritage, and rejoice that these ancient records are to be honored and preserved. -------- Presented With Purse. Rev. R. Bamforth, who is leaving the Deseronto Methodist church to as- to -|€nts, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Treneer .| Quebec street. |sunmie the pastorate of Mark street | church, Peterborp, was presented { vith a purse of gold and a fllattering | address by members of the Deserca- | to church. He is a son-in-law of | Mrs. William Lake, Queen street, | Kingston. -------- I Auto Leaps Into River. | At Thousand Island Park, N. Y., a | Ford sedan owned and driven by W. | F. Schnell, Rochester, N. Y., took a | leap into the river when Mr. Schaell was backing the car off the ferry boat. Schnell went down in ten feet of water with the car but with the aid of a life preserver and wil ling hands he was soon rescued. A diver attached a rope to the submerg- éd car and after four hours' work and towing it for a half mile it was finally hauled to terra firma in Crys- tal Bay. -------------- Murphy - Harrington Wedding. In St. John's church, Perth, on Tuesday Miss Annie Marie Harring- ton, Westport, was united in mer- riage to Benjamin James Murphy, Perth. Miss Hattie Bennett, Perth, was bridesmaid, and Earl Brady groomsman.- Mr. and Mrs Murphy motored to Smith's Falls after the ceremony where the wedding break- fast was served. They left by train for Ottawa on their honeymgon af- ter which they returned to Perth to reside. ---- * To Carry On At Picton. Captain James A. Goodwin and Mrs. Goodwin have been ordered to Ficton to take charge of the Salva- tion Army comps. Captain Goodwin has been stationed at Summerside, Prince Edward Island, for the past year. A welcome meeting was held on July 8. Captain Goodwin is a great war veteran, having been in service with the Imperial forces at Gallipoli, Dardanelles, 'in 1915, and afterwards in France and Italy. Personal Mention. Herbert C. Treneer, Toronto, is spending a few days with his par- Mrs. George Briden, formerly of Kingston, is in the city for a few days after epending the past year with her daughter in St. Louis, Mo. Turnings In Wood . Piano Lamp Stands of Mahogany and irch. Stair Newels of Birch or Pine. ~ fully designed, Many other articles grace accurately turned and finish S. ANGLIN & CO. working Factory and Lumber Yards, and Wellingron Streets, KINGSTON, ford Office Phone 66, "Wood aa, 8, Y APPETITE, FREy. GIVE THEM OLAJEN. CHILDREN LIKE rp, AND SEE THEM ROSY, RUDDY, ROBUST AND STURDY. PRESCRIBED AND ENDORSED BY LEADNG CHILD SPECIALISTS a nny GOURDIER'S have removed to 86 PRINCESS STREET, next to Bibby's, Limited, while alterations are being made to Brock Street store. M. V. Buffam, a member of the Bank of Montreal stair of this city, | left on Monday afternoon to spend lwo weeks with his parents in Ren- frew, ---------- Miss Aileen Fitzgerald, Cape Vin- cent, N.Y. was seriously injured when the Ford car in which she was riding and which wag driven by Elvin Dodge, eighteen, tollided with a& Marmon touring car driven by Francis Tile, Rochester N.Y. ==and if it rains) how will you come out ? will protect you against financial loss ASK YOUR AGENT FOR PARTICULARS HARTFORD' FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY 34 Wellington S¢, E., TORONTO Er A---- PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing ang Player Piano Adjusting. Norman H, Butcher, .27 Pine Street. PHONE 1819%w. f. VISITING AT ODESSA. This Fine Old Village Has Many i Odessa, July 9. -- Miss Boland, Miss Divine and Mr. Conway motor- ed from Toronto and were week-end guests at the Dominion House. Mrs. Riley Lee, Toronto, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. John Mancur. Mrs. Samuel Winters, Yarker, spent a few days t week with her sister, Mrs. James Hillier. Mr. and Mrs. Knapp, Mrs. White and Miss Genevieve Smith, Bloomfield, spent Monday {guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Smith. Arthur Clarke Prescott and Ross {Clark, Kingston, spent the week-end and Dom'nion Day with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Olark. Mr. |ana Mrs. John Graham, Deseronto; |spent. Monday at Thomas Graham's. Mrs. James Kenny, Kingston, is RED PIMPLES ON FACE 3 YEARS ltched and Burned. Lost Sleep. Cuticura Heals, i i § E fis i 7 i } i tj Hi i : EE BEatt: fils i the guest of Mrs. A. Hagerman. Mr. and Mrs. Willam Jenkins, King- ston, spent Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Watts. Robert Hay- men, Kingston, spent Sunday at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Knowlton and sons, Cuthbert and Clarence, are guests of Mr. Knowilton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alon. They motored from their home in Windsor. Mrs. Melville Lee, Colebrook, is Spending a few days with her father, John O'Neil. Mre. Garret Joy, Mrs. Rosy Joy, Miss Yala and Master Garret Joy, Napanee, and Mr. and Mrs. James Clark, Los Angeles, were guests of Miss Katle Keayon on last Thursday, . Robert McHendry motored to To- ronto for Dominion Day. Miss Marte Kenyon left Thursday to Vacation in Millbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Bell, who h Monday. They their piece, Jeft to take a Daniel Boyle, aged fifty-eight years, was arrested at Deseronto, on a charge of indecency. EMORR HOIDS no! or er ching, Blesding, or tion Oln t Protruding opera aff Tasting Senet Limited, Toronto, required. Dr. Chase' SWOLLEN FEET Good-bye, sore: feet, burning feet, swollen feet, sweaty feet, smelling feet, tired feet. : Good-bye, corns, callouses, bunions and raw spots. No more shoe tight- ness, no more limping with pain or drawing up your face in agony. "T1z" is magical, acts right off. "TIZ" draws out all the poisonous exuda- tions which puff up the feet. Use "TIZ" and forget your foot misery. Ah! how comfortable your feet feel. Get a box of "TIZ" gist, or department store. Don't suf- fer. Have good feet, glad feet, feet that never swell, never hurt, never A year's foot comfort guaranteed for a few cents. TODAY | AM + REAL WELL ® Writes quan After aking Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg F = fires Xo re Part of was not GOURDIER'S 78-80 Brock Street For the Best Values in Young Men's Suits $20.00, $25.00, $28.00, $32.00, $35.00. SEE OUR SPORT MODEL SUITS At $25.00 TWEDDELL'S wi - now at any drug- |, ! Special Offering of | Ladies' Sweaters ; *495 | This is an exceptional price for these Sweaters, comprising Silk; Wool and Silk and Wool mixed, both in Tux- edo and Pullover styles. These are all this season's styles, and are made of English yarns, See window display. -