iY, JULY 131, 1028, "1c on» A" . TEM see is always delightfully refreshing. 'The coolness of the mountain top is in every glass. So easily made .-- Try it, * "FROM GENERATION TO GENERATION egetable Compound to Kee Them in Health = ' ve her Lydia E. Pinkhany's V a) y De y 8 and weighs 120 pay She Bai difficulty in doing her 'gym' work and she works at home every night and morning, too. who can certainly icine, and if it will 1 I am a mother gE i ihr Hi i 4 g i , Pa. Every girl wants to be healthy and strong, and eyery mother wants her i igag 1H daughter to ell in school and to ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- a splendid medicine for uj it. Retdember it is from roots injure, and tends to tome up and stren the organs so manner. For nearly fifty years it has been these women know its great value. Let it help your daughter and yourself. 0 njoy herself at all times. pound is Joune Is just enterin, ognan- ood. other may bs ne nothing that can concerned, that will work in a health hen a y and by women of all ages, "DINE OUT DURING THE HOT WEATHER ' HAVE YOUR MEALS AT OUR CAFE DURING THE SUM- MER -- GOOD THINGS SERVED AS YOU LIKE THEM -- PRICES RIGHT. DAIN1Y CAFE PRINCESS 8ST. OPPOSITE BIBBY'S R-- Stylish Shoes SNOW WHITE CANVAS SHOES--One or Two Strap Can- EVO BhoMS «Vs ii. iii $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 Shed "WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS with Rubber heels, low or Snban heels ..............7 civ. craves rea $2.50 WHITE BUCK OXFORDS--low heels. WHITE BUCK 1 STRAP SHOES. 3 WHITE BUCK 1 STRAP SHOES--Low Heels. ALL STYLES OF WHITE CANVAS SHOES--White or Black trimmed. $ : RUNNING SHOES. CHILDREN'S GREY ELK OXFORDS. The Sawyer Shoe Store Phone 159, 184 Princess St. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIGC - Girl wno Snubbed A King Weds In Atlanta; Left Alfonso On Dance Floor wn a" & Yi : 3 Ae MRS. ARTHUR_CHAMBERS STEVENS; INSET, ALFON [SO_OF_SPAIN, ¢ ATLANTA, GEORGIA="The girl 'who "snubbed a king" has) just been married here to Arthur Chambers Stevens of Savannah. She is Miss Katherine Dickey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Dickey of Atlanta, ~~ a . \ Miss Dickey. one of the pretticst debutantes of winter before last,, gained the world's attention when she left King Alionso of Spain! standing in the middle of the dance-floor while she went to gree' Ner father, whom she had not seen for a day. _ _ _ | Diplomatic circles smoothed the ruffled feelings of Spain's ruler) who_kad_ncver before been "stood up" in just that fashion. Margaret Wilson Now an Advertising Saleswoman for Big New York Concern MISS MARGARET WILSON. © NEW YORK--Miss Margaret Wilson, daughter of former Presi: on Yeilson, has Become fe advertising ssleswoman for the Biow ompany.' Inc, a national advertising and merchandisin Le West Thirty-second Street, New York. an Miss, ison will devote he major part of her time to selling services of the co ny, and will act also a Soosyiung ty mpany, $a member of the oi a vert ising has become. an integral part of industdy, because \e; large production that is_now_the_keynofe of i R the roduct h w_ the _keyui American busi \ |serves that should not be overlook- quarters down through the | THE HOME KITCHEN By Jeannette Young Nortom Author of "Mrs. Norton's Cook FIVE NOVEL WAYS TO SERVE MELONS OF THREE VARIETIES. Our markets are filled with a choice of melons at this season and tuey make not only breakfast and dessert dishes, but drinks and pre- ed, Canteloupes are perhaps the greatest favorites and are not nearly as much of a gamble as in former times. For they are planted in sel- ected varieties that yleld a large percentage of fine melons and when we get one that is perhaps a bit green, it may be used for salad, or if too soft, it can be used up in ple. It ls an economy to know what to do in each case. The breakfast melon is served halved, chilled, and with salt, or dusted with powdered sugar, according to taste. So it is] the other recipes for their use that are of greater importance. > Canteloupe Salad. Halve and remove the seeds .rom Book." ¥ | ripe luscious pineapples and pure cane sugar. It's a rare treat for breakfast -- excellent for sand- wiches=--of the same high standard whipped cream. This is a most dec- orative dessert and very good. It desired, the jelly may be colored a delicate green, Wasixmelon Surprise. Select a medium-sized water- ene or two cantelolpes. Then, with a sharp teaspoon, take out the flesh! in.small pieces. Cut a small cuprul! of white crisp celery finely and cut | a cupful of lettuce in ribbons, Wipe! the salad-bowl with a cut bud of! garlic. Toss the lettuce, celery and | melon In a quarter-cupful of heavy} French dressing. Add a tablespoon- ful of washed capers, then serve: in lettuce leaves with a little mag! onnase heaped on top of each por- tion, S------ - Canteloupe Pie. ™ { Line a deep pie-plate with a good rich crust. After quartering and seeding the melons, cut them into small pieces and fill the pie full. Sprinke with three-quarters of a cupful of sugar with a dessertspoon-| ful of cornstarch mixed through fit,! add little lumps of butter saa ark in a hailf-cu 1 of ginger sy g Put on the"top crust, with fancy vénts cut into it, and bake as us- ual. Plain or whipped cream may be served with the pie. Honeydew Melon, Halve, seed and quarter a ripe honeydew melon of small size, With lar and serve very cold, leaving the shell. fudge sauce and serve at once. Two small melons will serve four peoples plentifully. ---- Hoveydew Jelll:d Melon. Halve and seed two small melons. Make an orange jelly out of tne juice of alx oranges and one lemon, a cupful and a half or sugar aaa three-quarters of a package of gela- tine soaked in a little water. Melt together and add a pint of water. Boil up once, then strain and cool. When cold, fill the melons and set them in a cold place to harden. a sharp teaspoon take out the flesh, ; Replace the flesh with a spoonful of hardly frozen | vanilla cream, cover with a carame! | melon, plug it deeply and turn into the hole a bottle. of ginger ale, then chill the melon. When ready - to serve, cut the melon lengthways, take out the flesh by the spoonful, removing the seeds, then lay them back in the hollow of the shell. Sprinkle with a little powdered sug- One shell will hold the meat of the two halves. This is a decorative and very good way to serve the melon. The ginger ale gives the meat a crisp, sharp flavor that is very pleas- ant. ' Long-Suffering Neighbor, Teacher--""What is the principal product of Cuba?" Teacher-- "Why, don't you know where the sugar you use comes from?" Little Girl--Yes, ma'am. We borrow it from the woman next door."'--Chicago News. The mother of a family showed the ticket collector on the rallway a couple of half-fare tickets for her two children. The latter, after looking at her doubtfully, said, "How old are they?" 5 "They are only s&ix, and they are twins." "SAN Sp Then after a moment's pause, the man inquired:-- ! "And where were they born?" The mother, {(unthinkingly)----- ; 'This one was born in London and the other in Leeds." r-- 3 "ny A Teuton Tip. : "Be. rilent or say something that is better than allence," runs a Ger man proverb.--Boston Traunseript. | * It is heaven upon earth to have & man's mind move in charity, rest ia Providence and turn upon the poles of truth. The prompt payment of debts the one virtue lacking in many a man's make-up. 1 The man who covets is always poor. A flow of words is no proos of wisdom. Jay wii It's not just take mus ard aids : meals. tard with their digestion and helps Itis a eMuskrd [able custom that makes people Must. to assimi- late the meals. freshly for every acquire. Mix When stiff, chill them, serve cut in Jelly and top each quarter with gtiffly an health permits. stem from im in its wake health. You an take a " of ENO is pure. O in is world's z AYS are Bappy=--nights are restful d refreshi nly when good Health comes from within. Keep your ities. Poor igestion (and all the ills that follow is the relentless foe of good and fx0ué children should the morning," 'ENO has the pleasant Parilying propetties of fresh, Hipe fruit batitmustbe Keen's