Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jul 1923, p. 15

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3 * _ Shaver, Sarah Godwin. : ' WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 1028, | | Here Is Some More of Tod QUEEN STREET METHODS SUNDAY SCAOL PEN 8ig Event on Tuesday--Oapt. Robert Crawford the loe Oream Man. +. The annual picnic = of Queen street 'Methodist church Sunday school was held on Tuesday afternoon, when over three hundred children and their par- ents, were carried to Brophy's Point by the steamer Waubic, where a hap- py time was spent. The usual races and sports were staged and keen compe- tition and enthusiasm prevailed dur- ing the many events. : . Dr. W. S. Lennon accompanied the ickers, as well as Dr. C. C. Nash, superintendent of the Sunday school, and the latter carried off first prize in one of the races for teachers. The "grown-ups" took a keen inter- . est in the entire proceedings and were also present when the roll was called for the refreshments. The happy crowd réturned to the city at an early hour in the evening, the affair being voted one of the most uccessful and enjoyable in the history f the Sunday school. The baseball game between the mar- ried men and the single men was won ' by the married men with the aid of three players from St. Andrew's Sun- day School team. The second game be- tween Mr. Norman's and Mrs. Hutch- issons' classes, and Dr. Sparks' and Mrs, Rankin's classes, ended in a tie. After some swimming contests, the following races were run off under Be ion of the superintendent, as- sisted by Capt. Law, Capt. Crawford, Dr. Lennon and Mr. Paynter. Girls under four years of age--Helen Stagg, Katherine Paige, Thelma Dav- ies. Boys under four--John Crawiord, Alex. ing, . Girls four and five--Eleanor Revelle ean Stagg, Eleanor Shaver. 4 Boys four and five--Kenneth Craw- ford, Jack Painter, Ken. Ruddrick. Girls five and six--Alice Revelle, Edith Morgan, Beatrice McCleverty. 3 five and six--Leslic White, Bill Bayarey, Stratford Merritt. Girls seven and eight--Dorothy Paige, Edna Harpell, Margaret Cav- erly. Lows seven and eight--George Arm k Ted Whitney, Lloyd Elroy. t and nine--Gladys Hunt, Lil- ~ ian Mitchell. Boys--Charles Nash, Nelson Me- y. Girls nine and ten--Dorothy Arm- strong, Mary Graham. Boys nine and ten--Bill Camic, Bill Moyse. Girls, eleven and twelve--Mildred |. ~ Hunt, Helen McCleverty. eleven and twelve--Ford Davy, Herman Shaver, Girls, thirteen and fourteen--Ruth Boys, thirteen and fourteen--Edward Revelle, Bill Mann. Girls, fourteen and fifteen--Marga- ret McCleverty, Ruth Skenner. Boys, fourteen and fifteen--Donald Graham, Norman Truesdale. fifteen and sixteen--Grace , Margaret Phillips. fifteen and sixteen--Osborne + Beamance, Horace Norman. Teachers--Margaret Phillips, Truesdale. . Gentlenien teachers--Horace Nor- me Gage. last race run off resulted. 1st Dr. 'Nash, and Dr. Lennon, 3rd Mr. Sha- Bie Sujish B13 ' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Indexed, standardized and popular ized according to THE BASIL L. SMITH SYSTEM Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. - All ads. are restricted to thelr proper classification, and to the rexular Dally Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES rat r line or consecutive Daily hy Pasertions: Minimum charge, 25 cents. L:aily rates per line. § days 3 : Td. 8 insertion, charged, ements, Tiages, Card of Thank: and Memoriam Notices--Charged, $1.50; cash, $1.00 each insertion. Advertising ordered for irregular insertions Fakes the one-time Inser- tion rate; no ad. taken for less than basis of four lines. Count six Average words to the line. Charged ads. will be received by telephone and if paid at The Brit. ish ig Office within § days from the first day of Insertion, cash rate will be allowed. Ads. ordered for more than one day and stopped before expiration will only be eharged for the number of times the ad. appeared and adjust- ment made at the rate earned. Rate per line for white space the same as & line of type. ; Special rate for yearly advertising upon request. Publishers reserve the right to edit or reject all classified advertising copy. Telephone 243, ask for a want ad. taker. is Index to Classifications The following Slassincation headings this news r in the nume ju tals PA pe: closely allied & grouped together. The individual advertisements are arran or these headings ia Hr oi ordep for quick reference. Engagements. Marriages. 3--Iin Memoriam. mor! ae of Thanks. 4--Funeral Directors $~--~Funeral Flowers. Cemete Lots, Monumenta. © Notices. $--Coming Events. AUTOMOBILES A--Avutomobile Agencies. 1l---Automobiles kor Sale. 13--Aute Trucks For Sale. j---Auto Accessories--Tires--Parta, 4--Garag utos for Hire--Tax!. i ins. epatrin rvice aS utomonties: BUSINESS SERVICE 13--Business Services Oiered. ullding--Contracting. Pn eins tnovating. 31--Dressmaking--Millinery. 23--Heating, Plumbing, Roofing. 33--liivusduce. t--~Launderning. Sefaunde: Trucking, Storage. 36--Painting, Papering. Decorating. 37--Printing--KEngraving. $8--Professional Services. teopathy. teopathic Physicians. 2 oring and Pressing. 31--Wanted--Business Service. EMPLOYMENT 12--Help Wanted--NFemale. 3--Hel Pp Help-----Male or Female. Solicitors, Can Agenis 'edchers Wanted. 36--S8ituations Wanted ale, 37---Situations Wanted----Male. B! He nities. 33--Business Opportu 39--lnvestments, Stocks, Bonds 40--Money to Loan, 41--Wanted--To Borrow. \ ARSTRIGTION 3---Correspondence Courses. Sto instruction Classes. 44--Musical, Dancing, Dramatic. 4b--~Private Instruction. 46--Wanted--lnstruction. pega, L54R PERC 47 Cats, tne Cattle, Im 49--Poullry end Suppl 80--Want ve Stock. MERCHANDISE ~-Articles Por Bale. la---Barter an Busines and Office Equipment. ~Boats and Accessories. ngs and Building Materials Products. Plemen ts. $1--Good no usehol o--Jowelry and Watches §1--Mach and Tools. }--Musical Instruments. Radi EB ds. Plants and Flowers. at the Stores. ~-Wearing parel Se Wentes-T0 Buy. ROOMS FOR RENT ¢7--Rooms Wirh Board. fifon MEA 3 Where To Shop In ere 13--Wanted--Rooms oe Board. ESTATE FOR RENT Ruy ich and Flats 78--Business Fysces For Rent. r THE DAILY BKITIdA WH ay s News---You 9 The Map of necessity, of Opportunity. convenience! Opportunity. and happiness. opportunities--to-day! Opportunity The unwilling school boy, when forced to attack his geography lesson, may deplore the invention of maps-- yet maps are quite obviously both a convenience and a Modern commerce owes its very existence to the in- trepid explorers who in the past have little by charted the highways and byways of the world. And within our everyday world, which seems so fa- miliar, there lies all about us another world--a World That, too, has been charted--{for our satisfaction and The A-B-C Classified Section of the Whig is a map of It shows the location of all sorts of ad- vantages, and charts many different routes to economy Consult this map and find the location of your special THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY little Announ.».ment Personals SKIN BLEMISHES Halr, Moles, Warts, Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, Scars, Pits, etc, removed permanent- ly. Satisfactory Glasses fitted and furnished after others have failed Goitre cured without operation. ars' experience. Dr. ye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 1135J Lost and Found 10 BLACK CLUB BAG -- Lost, on June 25th, between gston and beyond Gananoque, valuable, as it contained B. A. degrep. Finder liberally reward- ed by notifying either Whig Office or owner. Rev. J. W. Charlesworth, Iro- quois. CHAIN---Found, small gold, corner of Montreal and Markland Streets. Own- er may have same at 12 Markland Street. FOUNTAIN PEN-- Found, on Barrie reet. Owner may have same at 199 St William Street. KEY---Found, corner Wellington and Brock streets. Owner may have same at Whig Office. KEYS, TWO--Lost, with name en, Ve ed on one side of each. Finder kind- ly: return to James Stewart, Post- master, Kingston, and receive reward. METAL BUCKLE Found, lady's fancy, near St. George's church. Ap- ply phone 2424w before noon. MONEY---Lost, Saturday, between 5.30 and § p.m. on street. Finder please re- turn to Whig Office. Reward. PURSE--Found, Saturday afternoon, on Princess Street, between 3 and 4. Own- er may have same at 387 Barrie Street. PARCEL--Lost, containing silk dress, on way from Inverary to Kingston, on Saturda , July 7th. Finder please re- tutn to 30 Plum Street. Automoblies Automobiles For Sale USED CARS-- Before deciding definitely on pur- chase of a Used Car call in and examine those listed below: TWO BARGAINS: Studebaker Six McLaughlin 45 Special McLaughlin K49, 7 Passenger model. Overland Willys 6. Columbia Light Six, 5 Passenger. Reo 4. Reo speed wagon, almost new. BOYD'S GARAGE, Ltd 12% BROCK STRELT Auto Accessories--Tires--Parts 18 TIRES--See the new puncture pr tire. Made by the Tiger Tire pd Guaranteed "Leak Proof' at the Maxo- tire Shop, Queen and Ontario Streets. Edward B. Lowery, Holloway, died at Belleville hospital on Monday, He Was a native of Sidney where he was born fifty-one years ago and had been in the employ of the Granda Trunk Railway for over thirty years. Morden Bird, Stirling, fell on a banana skin in Belleville, and cut his hand besides sustaining other in. Juries. He asks damages. from the council, Belleville council will invite the Governor General to the city on an official visit at the time of the Un- ited Empire Lofalist celebration. Willlam H. Shaver, Prescott, is dead after three years iliness. One sister out of a family of nine, sur- vives. . ' Miss Luella Wing, Smith's Falls, and Percy M. Shufelt, Toronto, were married in Brockville on Tuesday. Business Services Business Services Offered 18 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY -- Verbatim Reporting, Auditing, Advertising. Bus- jaca Service, 14 Market Street. Phone 91J. : WELL DRILLING -- Sanitary water wells, the oldest, the largest, the only sanitary weil drillers In Frontenac ana Lennox and Addington. The most modern equipment in America. For full Information, write to ¥. J. Garri- son Co., Colebrook, Ont. AUCTIONEER-~For courtesy and hon- est dealing, W. A. Twigg, 374 King Street. Faone S30J or 17¥6w, CARPENTERING ---- Carpenter an builder. Estimates given on all class- es of work; hardwood flooring. James Fite 271 Bagot Street. Phone 50%: eo Drefsmaking---Mil HEMSTITCHING--Plicot edging, pleat. ing; work guaranteed. Ars. E. A Card, 368 Burrie Street. 13% blocks from Frincess Street, Saute lulu nab Insurance . 23 FIRE-- Automobile and Casua ty Insur- ance. E. M. Crumley, 420 Ear] Street. Phone 1782M. FIRE--Heailn, Accident and Automo- bile Insurance. For rates ar aay in- formation call or phone k. Williams, 3 Couper street. x INSURANCE--Fire, Life, Accident and Sickness, in reliavle companies. J. B. Cooke, Iustrict Manager. Phones: Iw. vilice: S0dwW. --Only the most reliable companies represented Strange & Strange, established in 1860. Office: 95 Clarence street, opposite Post Oftice. Business Service Repairing FURNITURE \. all kinds. Call and see W. Driscoll, 23 John Street. Phone 396F. : & SHOE REPAIRING--AIl hand Work. Rubber heels a specialty; efficient ser- Vice. Adolf Kaminski, corner Mont- real and Queen Streets. UPHOLSTERING--New or used farni- ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop a card. W. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot Street. UPHOISTERING -- Covered buttons made same day as ordered. Upholster- ing at reasonable prices. BE. J. Gooé- ri e 244 University Avenue. Phone 2043F. UPHOLSTERING--And general repair- ing. Leave orders at or drop a card to F. W. Harold ,104 Clergy Street. Employment Help Wanted--Female COOK--And House-maid; no laundry. Apply to Mrs. Carson, 72 Barrie Street. ee GIRL--For general housework In - ily of two; preferably from the coun- try. Apply ox 8-4, Whig Office. GIRL--For general housework. Apply 115 William Street. Phone 683w. Help Wanted--Male 33 BARBERS--Two, also two shoe shin- ers, at once. Apply J. A. Ferguson, King Edward Barver Sadp. MECHANICS--None but first class need apply. Blue Garages, Queen and Wel- {Lagan Sweels. = peo MAN---Goud, stea ir education; married preferred. Apply MckFarlane & Wood, 227 Ontario Street. PAINTER -- Two, first class. Appl Henry Ward & Son, 132 Victoria St Phone 1§67J. a SHO. I For ur hy and Saturday, July 12th and 14th. all at No. 207 Princess Street. - SHOW CARD WRITING--For us. Make money at home, $15 to $60 paid week- ly for your spare time writing show cards for us. No'canyassing. We in- struct and supply you with work. West-Angus Snow Card Service, 17 Colborne Bl. Toremto. = TIMEKEEPER-- And material clerk. Must be hustler. Apply Angiin-Nor- _coss Ltd., Queen's Liorary Bullding. YOUNG MAN---For office work, short- hand and typewriting essential. Ap- ply Box X-1v, Whig Office. | 244 Prjncess streei, Kingston. [ 51 ARMY TENTS Belle and McKay, camp beds, army blankets, aluminum hot water bottles. Everything necessary for camp. A bargain. A. Shapiro, 45 Princess Street. : GUITAR--Hawaiian steel, in first class condition. Apply 132 Wellington St. A ---- | Find Just what You Want Here Houses For Nale By s, solid brick, * ato ce, hot wat: electric two frult phone fireplaces, laundry . tubs, ti b+ garage. For particula: d condition, full scale, possessing 11 rich tone. Trgain. terms Apply C. ndsay, PIANO -- ficion. gait & Co. Upright, Eas, arranged. Ww. Th Limited. BRICK~--Hard and soft, any quantity. Arply E. E. Walthem, corner Birch a5 Sellingweod Streets. Phone 618 or 9 RN n sett, kitchen - net, buffet and bookcases, stovesand desks . Apply J. Tho n, $33 Prin- cess street, phone 1600W. MOWERS---A few good second-hand Renfrew Truck Scales, Renfrew Cream Seperators, Pumps, Extension Lad- ders . Frost & Wood Agency, 23% On- tario Street, Kingston. STANDING HAY. Apply Cooke Bros, Cataraqui. mean SEE--B n' args i vertisement, page A ed fe HOUSE Frame, ¢ rooms, mew. Up york: id bath Slectre light, cellar, Irn. ol reet, Phone 19%07J. PRY yore St BROCK STREET--Brick house, 3 storey fourteen rooms, nine bedrooms, elegs cation, : M, B. TRUMPOUR 3 237 Bagot Street Phones 704 or 1542F. Classifted-Display INESS SRRVICM SPINET DESKS--Mahogany and Rose- wood, 6 sets of walnut and mahogany chairs, twin beds, walnut tables, ete. Lesses Antique Shop, 507 Princess St. Phone 1045w. ' STOVES --Lawrenson's for Good Cheer Square uebec Stoves and LHieaters, Economy Ready Mixed Paints and Var- nishe 337 Princess Street. Phone _ S39W, opvosite Urange Hall WO Mixed, $3 25 quarter cord; new and second hand lumber, matched lum- ber, cedar posts; soft slabs, $2.50 quar- ter cord; mixed slabs, $3.25. W. H. Talbot. Yard: Concession street, near Division. Phone 2302w. 'Wanted----To Buy 66 végror False Touth, 15: OLD GO! exchange. Lyons, cash or Rooms For Rent ~) Rooms With Board [+ BUARD AND ROOMS--First class, by day or week. All conveniences. Rea- sonable rates Apply 398 Univerpity Avenue, near Brock Street. RUONS--Warm, $90d board, reason. able rates: close to the down-town| i section. Mrs. Todd, 114 John- Help----Male or Female oe FUR MACHINE OPERATOR -- Com- petent, also apprentice for fur ma- _chine. Apply John McKay, Itd. SMACK-- The ideal soft drink favor; cool, 'refreshing, satisfying, healthful and delightfully tasty; made at home --in a Jiffy; enormous demand; pro- mise to solicit orders with ten cents will bring selling sample enough for twenty-five glasses. Secure this busi- ness in your territory and make money hand over fist thig Selling experience or capital unnece Dradley-Garretson, Brantfor Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 35 SALES AGENT--Reliable, for unrepre- sented districts. Good pay, free equip- met. We are tug largest growers of fruit and ornamental trees in Canada. Sell for a Nursery, not for a jobber You witl be successful. Write: Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto. Moving, Trucking, Storage 25 ASHES--Cleaned out of - cellars and yards, clean job dene. A. MacGregor, 24 Russell Street. Phone 2285. STORAGE SPACE--FOr furniture, clean and dry. Apply E. E. Wathem, 143 N street. hone 1391J .or $18. good service in Baggage, Ing; reasonavie prices. 104 Montreal iets Next to Armouries. Phone 464, STORAGE--For furniture, clean, dry. airy rooms and spaces; your own lock a key. Frost's City Storage, 299- 5 Queen St. Phone 526. . Res. 989w. __Painting, Papering, Decorating 26 PAINTINU--Papering Decorating -- first class work ana work guaranteed. Call or phone A. Anderson, 155 Bagot Street. Phone 1966. PAINTING--Paper Hanging and Deco- rating; wall paper sampies; metallic Kod letters for store apd office win- ows. Estimate submitled J. Flana- _B8u, 247 Montreal Street. Phone 1432 SIGN PAINTING--J. S. Robinsén, rear 275 Bagot street. --E SST TT = = a = -- Architects 28b. Power, Son and Drever, Merchants Bank Chambers, corner of Brock and Wellington. . Chiropractic 28c. m., A. D.C. Ph. ¢, cor- ner Prigcess and Barrie Streets. 2nd floor, Bagrie St. entrance. Kingston, Consultation free. Telephone 82 rs 9 to 12 am, 1to 8pm LUCY--Dr, George F. Dr. Jennie A. Luck, Chiropractic Specialists and Graduate Nurse, 239 Bagot Street, be- tween Princess and Brock. Telephone 943w. Hours § to 12 am. 1 to §, and 7 to § p.m. Spinal analysis and con- sultation free. Residential calls by appointment. Dental 28d. SP, --- 9 A ollngian treet Serer SP broil KN = A. tise. © ce: Princess Street. Phone $53w. Open evenings by appointment Ont. §32J. 28e. rrister and REVELLE--Adrian I, Ba Solicitor, §9 Clarence Street, Kingston. Money to loan. Phone 2475. --Ambrose, ~, Harflster ana Solicitor. Law ice, corner of King and Broek, over Royal Bank. Money to loan. e 1999. . and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Stecer ree Xi on. B. Cunningham, 3 Cyril A. Smith. ng xe "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS"--Osteo- pathy succeeds w drugs fail. Me- aad J Fg . 14 Teachers Wanted 30a 87K NO. 1, PITTSBURG -- Protestant qualified teacher. Duties to com- mence Sept. 4th. Apply with salary expected to W. A. Mutun, Sec.-Treas., Barriefield. TEACHER--Normal trained, Protestant (female), for 8.8. No. 11, Pittsburg. Duties to commence Sept. 4th, 1923. Salary $1,000. Apply rred Wilson, Joyceville, R. 1. t. po cr mrss t., for Junior , for school section No. 3, Port. Harrowsmith. Duties to com- mence Sept. Srd. Salary $%v0 per an- num. Apply to Thomas W. Coudy, Box 8, Harrowsmith. TeACHBR--Qualified. for 8. 8. No. 18; dutics to commence September 3rd Salary $900 per annum. Protestant only. Apply tq G. F. Storms, secretary, Verona, Ont. TEACHER --Qualified, (Protestant), for 8. 8. No. 1, (Union), Olden township. Puyes to commence September 1st, 1525. Salary $500.00. Apply, stating experience to James E. Price, Mountain Grove, Ont. Frontenac County. Financial son street. - Fo== Hooms Without Board as BEDROOMS Large, furnished, all con- venlences, near Queen's University frply $13 University Avenue. Phone Iw. ROOMS--Two or three, furnished, hard- woud floors, electric light, gas, private baccony, housekeeping If desired, use of phode. Apply 3456 Alfred or phone ROUMS--Furnished, modern conveni- ences; every room has running water, &vod locality, Apply 406 Johnson St. Fhone $97J. W. Kent Macnee Bank of Commerce Buildin Brock and King Streets. Phune 701 or 36m, G ! Insurance Agency. Writing: --Automoblle, Ji Accl. dent, Sickness, Plate Giase Burglary Te (Representing caly reliable com« NOTICE CITIZENS OF KINGSTON Th of you who are thrift ple, A are progressive citizens of Canada, and who desire to raise thelr financial standard ana future status in life, will do themselveg an outstanding service to uest an interview with MR. V. A. LYALL. Write clo. Queen's University, op phone 1154w., and leave your phone nuiber, nformation will be 1. : at my earliest convenione ly hen : t to pass your judgmen ---- a Ee ---------- AL ny 0 NUMBER OF FINE Building Lots on Toronto and Macdon 1 Streets, at a reasona ne us ble price. R. ATKINSON, 0. Macnee and Minnes. Apartmerts and klats 74 FLAT Three rooms, furnished for light housekeeping, gas tor cooking, electric light, .godd locality, no child ren. Apply Box V-5, Whig Office, Business Places ior Rent 75 LODGE ROOMS--Rooms on King street ~--formerly occupied by the LQ.0.F. Apply to Cunningham & Real Estate For | Rent a ROOMS FOR RENT == IF YOU WANT A 1 hoVANT A FURNISHED "THE ECHO" 187 BROCK STR MRS, D, J. h -- MERCHANDISE , 9 HOUSE--At once, new, seven room, th lige Jot ang barn Ly North Als e y J. D, Eastvie Park. Phone 1102 Re 3 " 2 RK ST.--8 rooms, new brick all modern improvements. Po on im- mediately. Apply 30 York Street. 2§ WEST ST.-- Furnished, 1st; garage. Apply to Dr. J. 487 ALFRED ST.--8 rooms, electric light, good stabling. $18.00 per month. 67 Stanley Street, § rooms, vod yard, stabling if required. Ap- ply H. F. Norman, §9 Patrick Street. Summer Paces For Rent AGES Sydenham Lake, one 2 storey, with fireplace; others, bungalows; all wide verandahs; $10 yes ly. Harold Boyce, Sydenham, from Sept. C. Connell. Money to Loan 40 FRONTENAC--Loan and Investment Society, incorporated 1561. President, W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice-prégident, A. B. Cunningham. Money issued on city and farm properties; municipal and county debentures; 'mortgages pur- chased; Mvesthent bonds tor sale; de- posits received and interest allowed. KR. C. Cartwright, manager, 57 Clarence Street, Kingston. ESS ------------ -- -- Live Stock Poultry and Supplies 49 CHICKENS--47, good sized, 3c. each, bo {ake the lot. "Apply 347 L. Patrick reet. Merchandise Articles For Sale AWNINGS -- Tents, Automol enta, oes, Life Savin Cushions, r'lags, rpaulins. ». "Cooke. 319 Bagot Street. Phone 438. To-Day's Blundes Corrected (See Illustratlon on Page 14.) When curtains and window cover ings are planned for the different 81 rooms of a house, consideration | should be had of the effect as seen | All the windowst from the street. of ome floor, that are seen at one time, should be as nearly alike as possible, or should at least harmo- nize 3 Farms and Laud For Sale 83 20 ACRES--On the middle road be- tween Kingston and Gananeque. Ap- ply G. L. Eaton, R. R. No. 1, ingston. ___. Houses For Sale 84 BUNGALOWS--We have Tor sale sev- eral new bungalows from $2,000 to $4,- Joo; on easy tering. Shey H. B. wWil- on, wn Post a 3 Phone Toor . i aftle 2 E. W. MULLIN & SON, Real Estate and Insuranee Brokers, Johnson and Division St Phone 539W. Ses advt. e 2 Whether It is Jour Sellar, Dank your house, take ' Cur screens--or Any one of th shcusands of odd jobs to be done around ous. at this Mme ut Year, you will someone n t 1 mecne dope eo through Daily = Swift & James to whitewash | URNITURE Of All Desert tions Reason. able' Prices Well repaired. at a rgiht price ]. Twk's PHONE 105. ee -- TRIPS by small Motor Boats is a most delightful pastime. Why not in- vest in a disappearing Propeller Water Ford-Scout or Water Ford de Luxe model? Both equipped with starter, dash snd very complete. Apply-- DAVIS DRY DOCK 0, East End of Wellington for deraonstration and prices, ' WHEN YOU write a ¢ In it all the facts you wo any one who made inquiry al proposition, HAVE YOU rea catalogue? oS -- bout Co., Limited Foot of Johnson Street WATER - | Ww

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