WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, twas, ' -- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG = li EXPECT FIVE THOUSAND | STOCK. MARKETS |} THE ORANGE PARADE If there's any difference between hand- ing a man $5.00 and selling him one of our new and handsome $25.00 Suits that are cheap for $25.00, for $20.00, we fail to see 20% off ALL READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING Outing Trousers and cotton goods excepted $20.00 Suits for $25.00 Suits for . ... ......$20.00 $27.50 Suits for . ......... $22.00 $30.00 Suits for ... .......$24.00 $35.00 Suits for ...$28.00 $37.50 Suits for ........ $30.00 Goods marked in plain figures. ' SALES FOR ASH. NO APPROVAL. NO EXCHANGES. 75-79 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" Quality--Larger Retail Market Phones 435-450. NEW SEASON'S SPRING | "Lamb = A very choice lot for Thursday's selling --Legs, Loins, Chops--cut to order. Fronts (4-6 Ibs. each) . . .. A 3 T ih @® : Special price for Thursday only, 3 Ihe, 42c. . Fresh shipment, direct from the factory. (Reported by Johnston & Ward, 86 Princess street. Members of the Montreal and Toronto Stock Ex- | changes). bd New York. July 11th, 2 p.m. -- am. Loge: .....0 LL... GY jam. Cam, oo ese. 2. .. §6% Baldwin Loco. .. .... .. .. 1¥§3% BR & O 453% Chandler Motors .. .. ..... 49 Coslen Of .. .... .. .. 37% California Pete .. .... 3 Corn Products ...., CPR. octavian. Crucible Steel .. .. Cuban Cane Sugar pid .. ,. Cuban Cane Sugar Com .. . Gen. Asphalt . Kelley Springfield . Marine ptd Mack Motors . Marland Oil ... N.Y. C ..°. New Haven .. Facific Ofl Pan. Am. Pete. .... Pan. Am. Pete. "B" .. _. . I'roducers and Refiners .. , Studebaker .. .. .. Son. Pac. .. . Sou Ry... Stewart Warner .. Sinclair Oil Standard Oil of N. J. .. ... Texas ONL... ..... .. ve Bolen Pav... J 0010 00 U. 8. Steel .... * Montreal. July 11th, 2 pm. -- Abitidi Power .... .. .. .. Atlantic Sugar Bell Telephon AME Prasil:. >, <0 - Brompton ... British Empire Steel 1st pfd.. British Empire 2nd pd.... Cap. Converters Can. Can. Cement pfd. .... .. . . Can. Car. pfd. we. ua Can. Stesgmships Com. . .. . ow Can. Stepmships pra. .... .. Dom. Steel pfd. .. ... Dom. Textilo .... .. wa Dom, Bridge ...... .. Detroit United Gen, Blestrie .. .... .. we Howard Smith lautentide ...... .. .. .s Montreal Power .. .... "ane Mackay .... Ta National! Breweries . :.. Ottawa Power Ontario Steel Products .. .. Penmans Spanish River pfd : >! Smeilters .. | Steel of Canada .. .... .. Twin Oity .... .. .. Wabasso | . Hollinger . .. W. Hargraves .... GRAIN MARKET, Plans Complete for the Big Demonstration in Kingston on Thursday. The plans for the celebration of the Glorious Twelfth, Thursday have been completed, and the committee expect that there will be a monster demon- stration - unequalled in the history of the Orange Order in this city. There | will probably be 1,000 delegates from | the state of New York in addition to those from scores of lodges in the dis- trict surrounding Kingston. John McMaster will be marshal of the par- ade. Fully 5,000 are expected to take part in the demonstration. The delegites from Dexter and Wa- tertown, N.Y., will arrive by the stea- mer Waubic and probably another Steamer at 12.30 p.m. They will be met | at the wharf by H. A. Graham, and | the reception committee, composed of T. A. Kidd, W. Ferguson, J. Potts, C. Posselwaite, J. McRory and J. Mec- Cammon, and the county lodge offi- cers, A. E. Donaldson, master, and C. Wood secretary. Kingston fife and drum band will be present with an es- cort to conduct the visitors to the Prince George hotel. The ceremony .at the 'wharf will 'be a- formal welcome a Union Jack, The market building has been sec- ured for the storage of all flags, ban- ners and other equipment to be used and the presentation to the visitors of | ~ in the parade. The parade will be form- ed up in the market square at I p.m. | ( |and will march off with the visitors in | the lead and the P.W.OR. band. The | ladies lodges will be next and the Kingston and district lodges will make up the remainder of the procession. The route of march will be long King street to William, down WiiliAm street to Ontario, and along Ontario Street to Princess street, up Princess fo Hred | and thence to the fair roms | | Addresses' will be given by Dr, J. W. Edwards, deputy grand master of British America, Rev. John Pugten- ham and A. W. Gray, M.P.P, There will be a baseball match and dancing in the crystal palace throughout the afternoon. Arrangements have been made for the visitors to tour the city and in- spect the city hall, court house, Queen's university, R. M. C. and other places of interest. In view of the fact that the celebra- tion is held in Kingston this year in honor of the 230th anniversary of the founding of the city, all residents are asked to decorate their homes with flags during the day. ---- Carload of Fruit From Grimbsy, Black, red and white cherries, strawberries, tomatoes, etc. 600 bas- kets for Thursday's sale at Car- novsky's. ---------- Hen Fitted Withy Leg. with an accident which necessitated amputation of its leg at the joint. An amateur veterinary surgeon suc- cessfully performed the operation, replaced the lost limb with a neat wooden leg. The fowl is now able to get about the yard with its pes- leg. and shows no Sgn of discom- fort. * A hen in Carmarthen, Wales, met : -------------------- Spend to-morrow afternoon with the Orangemen: bring your friends and enjoy the big demonstration at the Fair Grounds. At Brantford on Tuesday, Judge Harty, sitting on the recount on the voting in North Brand, found that Hon. H. C. Nixon, provincial secre- tary, was elected by fifty-two votes, four less than the court had first given out. DAILY MEMORANDUM St. Mary's Picnic, July 12th, at Bro- hy's Point. per steamer Brockville. aves 9.30, 11.30, 1.30, 330, 5.30, 7.30. Baseball, rk Nine vs Hilicrest. Adults 35¢. Children 15c. OFFICE SUPPLIES * and PRINTERS HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR SQUARE . KINGSTON ------, BORN, CHOWW---On July 11th, 1933, to Mr. and Mrs. WL. F Chown, Whitby, a daughter, MARRIED. DREVER--COON--On July Tth, 1923, at the home of the Prides parents, Lyndhurst, Ont, Vernon Adelaide, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs Leonard Soon, to Colin Drever, OL iain Kl on. on July 9th, 1923, Funeral t VALUES IN LINEN Should your linen supply need replenishing let us ad- vise you that prices are now at a few of our attractive lines. guaranteed. . their best. Listed below are Quality and satisfaction LINENTABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS SETS CLOTH AND NAPKINS Attractive for your table. All linen. Well made. All sizes. $12.00 up ROLLER TOWELLING Pure Linen. 17 inches wide. 20c yard Better qualities priced accordingly. CROCHET BED SPREADS Large size .76x90. $3.00 up Single bed size $2.00 up SEERSUCKER SPREADS No ironing required. Full size 76x90 $3.00 TABLE CLOTHS of fine quality Linen. NAPKINS TO MATCH Same quality 'and finish $6.50 doz. PURE LINEN HUCK TOWELS Hemmed and well made. 50c each Hemstitched Linep Huck Towels. Good value 59% each | COLORED BORDER LINEN HUCK TOWELS Something new and attractive. Fast colors: Rose, Gold and Blue. Size 18 x 36. $1.00 each LINEN TOWELS in solid colors of Rose, Gold and Blue 85c each NAPKINS An assortment of broken stock Napkins--all linen. Various pat- terns, $4.50 up A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT 8... 10" 18" . 24" MANY OTHER LINES to choose from. Your inspection is invited. 40" Hemstitched Pillow Slips Good Quality--Well Made. Gch Seed 506 ead ' With any initial Embroidered Pillow Slips Superior Finish and Quality. $2.50 | $2.00 Without initial L. Phones 754-755. Store Hours: 935.30.