WEDMLAY, JULY 11, 1028, THE DAI L Y ; BR IT I SH w H IG Dreco Took Hold [~~ -- ate | ofl Toes] KINGSTON AND VICINITY and F. A. Wauklyn before Special Committee at Ottawa, March 23rd, 1323. y Splendid Results in the Way of Tm. | Piano Lamp Stands of Mahogany ard : MR. ELLIS STATED: proved Health Accrue to Toronto | : 1 would put Welsh Anthra. [| Man, Although He Has Taken But| Summering at Napanee, |eighty in Montreal, eighty-eight at ther, Mr. McCaffrey. The deceased | irch. cite Coal first and American An- One Bottle: ! L. H. Meng, B.A), and Mrs. Meng jPort Arthur. It was seventy-two at had been a resident of Tweed for | Stair Newels of Birch or Pine. thracite second, and I would Dreco bas come to the aid of an- [are spending the summer months in | Calgary and sixty-eight at Foster about seven years. ; i gladly pay $3.00 per ton more : {Napanee. Mr. Meng has been teach- |I'oint. + ---- Many other articles racefully designed, for Welsh Coal. It has, more other [Toronto family. Here is Mrs. ing In Ottaws Constr during theil S -- Wonderful Strawberries. A heating qualities and very much Lyons' story of the help it gave her | 0g CANADIAN PACIFIC F. W. Coates, jeweler, has some | accurately turned and nished. less ash and comparatively no husband, Mr. 3. dons, of 100 Wes- |past year. BOTE Fron or 124 dome : stone. ton Road, South, Toronto. | ---- i. ; Bi ary in Kingston by:-- "My husband Had pains all over | Transferred to Verdun, Que. | Kingston-Ottawa Train Service. -|making citizens sit up and take no- | S ANGLIN C oO the body and every joint would ache. | Apo o stay of twelve months ir | tice. The berries are five and three- | . & 3 a He had taken a good many Pemed. Picton, Ensign Purdon and Captain LEAVE GOING ARRIvp |QuArter inches in circumference, and | Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington . les, but Dreco has taken hold of 8 |Cook, of the Salvation Army, are | Kingston $11.45 a.m. Ottawa $4.40 p.m.|are of very fine quality. Mr. Coates | Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Sltales and Is giving him. great re. Their new station is Ver- | Kingston { 4.15 p.m. Ottawa 18. P-m.;ig being congratulated on hig suc- Office Phone 66. ; = leaving. " : i5 Ontario Street sults. His appetite was very DOO en Montreas Kingston *10.30 p. 08g. | and he seemed to lose all strength. | : Telephone 67. | . "He has taken but one bottle of | ---- Oitaws Hi am. Kingston {3% -m. --_-- | Dreco, but feels like a different man | Men Wanted. Ottawa 10.15 p.m. Kingston +7.45 a.m. To Decorate With Flags. | altogether. He has no more pains Men who want a good made to | Dally Sanday ov On Thursday, July 12th, there will hi a e s ¥ p a ' . Sal AhyoRgh the Body and his ty of auch | measure suit will do well to 866. OUT | Ticket Offices 180 Wellington St. |D€ > bg Orazge SelepEation Jere Farm For e Progen. En BE im. ¥ bs Po Fr {range of cloth at reduced prices, we -- partly ro mention of he b 3 d, about 4 miles that formerly bothered him have have also In stock a few black lus- Chiireh Union for Summer, Kings Xs expected : On Wolfe lslang, ceased and his bowels act regularly. |tér coats. Prevost, Brock street. Trinity Methodist church and St. |Kingston, and citizens are exp from village. 100 acres, all work- He can now Eo about hos ein is Andrew's Preshyterian church, Na- [to decorate their homes with flags. MEN'S WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS able land. Large frame house and comfort and without that depressing, Engaged As Teacher. [panee, have arrangad union services [Such aelon on" the part of the citi- - | 1 Is held, will impress the | tbuildings. Price and terms on ap-| tireq oyut feeling. He tells me he A iss [for the summer months. The first zens, ft 1d, . oD: feels like a new man. nation A_Gidler, M Asha Mim Tor Hie Summer Mouite Andrew's |kundreds of visitors and show that |} Sewn sole of Bulldog Sole Leather, Price $4.00 "Mr. Lyons is continuing the Dr co a RY . s h th, | Kingston honors the memory of its . General Insurance, | treatment, 80 that his wih aca |Queen's University, have been en- [Fresbyterian chureh, on July 15 founder. Other lines atic. ..o nnn .$3.00 and $3.50 . Bond: and every or i} b out am | ged as teachers in the Kast End |[Rev. A. J. Wilson officiating. u nas. organ w e ou ac. . > ------------------ Suiiatsi Bo bt sadsctg, JEnd sverrorgus win 5 Coretht Tote ie te ast Fad Wer so mr omon il We also have a complete assortment of Rub- Victory Bo! : All the organs of digestion benefit ($2,200 a year, e ; ne : J] [from the medicinal herb, root, bark | -- Black bass fishing at the Thou-| At Harlem, Wilbert Chant came |B her Soled Canvas Shoes, high or low, at rea- R. H. Wad € and leaf juices contained in Dreco. Fpgagement Announced. sand Islands is one of the most popu- nid early losing his lite on ) 3 bl . Phomes 344-304. 56 Brock St. | It tones and regulates and quickly re. | Mr. and Mrs, Wiliam Emberson,.|lar pastimes at this resort this sums |while he was oiling the engine o onable prices. Stores them to 'mormal functioning. uth Monaghan, Ont., announce the {fer. Many fine catches are brought | Mr. Strikefoot's drilling machine. His Stomach, bowels, liver and kidneys | i day clothes became caught in the mach- 0. engagement of their elder daughter, [in every day. ' . DR. A Ww WINNETT may all be helped with this reliable | 7, S3EC EER! of er en At Alexandria Bay, John Byron [Inery and he was whirled around . * corrective. Dreco contains no mer- ol Jatertown d Pine Tree until hig'clothing was torn to pieces. eury, potash or habit forming drugs. |Gay, Belleville, the marriage to take | Taylor, Watertown, gn e ul Phone 23 1]. 70 Brock Street : nr. Point, landed a forty-pound musca- {The presence of mind of Mr. Strike- DENTAL SURGEON, Dreco Is being specially in- ace July 18th, \ longe near his residence, foot, whio caught fhe fast revolving . ohnson and Wellington | troduced In Kingston by ; a = oo wheels at the risk of his own safety, Sud v3 *"" Phone 563] MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE pore From Thousand 12lands, Lost Boy Found probubly saved Mf. Chant's life. Streets 3 The yacht Gloria III arrived from 5 y . {re . 3 ere was g x It Is also sold in Napanee BY | Thousand Island Park, on Tuesday| Th reat excitement for a +] WALLACE & CO., in @ana= |; oming, with a party of excursion- [time on Tuesday morning, When 8 Canadian Pacific. | noque by W. E. AUSTIN, and ists. woman living in the north ond o 180 Wellington street, report the ASK FOR he cruf less, i the city reported that her little boy : BELL'S CUCUMBER CREAM | by a good druggist everywhere. The cruiser Dauntless, with a party had been lost. Later on in the af. liowing arrivals of : their - steam of American tourists on board, ar- (Chapped Hands, etc.) EMMONS' 24 HOUR rived from Thousand Island Park [ternoon the police received word Mont Laurier, from Liverpool, ar- Use Use It and intermediate points on Tuesday. | that the missing youngster was be- rived Quebec July 7th. > home on Barrie Always All Ways. he ion {Ing cared for at a Marloch, from Montreal, arrived g Hackett Cottage At River Leased. Street, and this report brought Peace | poitast, July 8th, and Glasgow, July The James K. Hackett cottage on ("nd happiness in the lad's home. Sth, . ---- 9 For Moving of the river has been rented for the Empress of Australia, from Hong ' ANOS. CARTAGE and STORAGE Dr PHONE 32 fummer to a group of New York Fishermen in Town, Kong and Yokohama, due Vancou- ha GOURDIER S have removed to PIANOS, mms heatrical people. Mr. Hackett is J *s Brady and Daniel Graves, |ver Jul 18th. EVERY DESCRIPTION t ames y A r July . {pow playing in England and on the | Harrowsmith, were in the city on Empress of Canada, from Vancou- 86 PRINCESS STREET, next to on Transfer Co. [continent. The parties leasing the [Tuesday and report great success in |ver, arrived Yokohama, July 9th, and 2231. 8 . "ie . o |cottage are all New, York theatrical |fshing for salmon, baes and perch in |Gue Hong King, July 16th. Bibby's, Limited, while alterations are Phone 377. Cans 2231. men, who will entertain their wives the Frontenac lakes.A salmon weigh- ---- . and friends. ing twelve pounds was landed the Personal Mention. being made to Brock Street store, Sewing Machines, Phonographs, ---------- Cther day at Long Lake. In Thirty Mrs. F. H. Joyce, Detroit, Mich, Guns, Rifles repaired and refitted. Memorial Altar Presented. Islands Lake, Thirteen Islands Lake, was In the city, on Tuesday, and Dental Surgeon Lie _SS¥ fit, Katves: The gift of a magnificent altar in Rock Lake and Desert Lake and crossed to the American side on the DR. J. C. W. BROOM Locks repaired. "keys fitted to | White and gold and a beautiful status many others fish abound this year |Cape® Vincent ferry steamer. | D.D.S. L.D.S. il Kinds of lueks, ai makes ue of the Blessed Virgin--the former |and provide high class sport. Dr. H. Bernstein, and family, New ' Wi and Broek Streets. Lawn re tharpeutd abu, Ye {donated by P. Sullivan and the ---------- Haven, arrived in the city on Tues- | Entrance, 150 Welllagton St, Hor) is repairable, {latter by Mr. and Mrs. Leahy-havo Death of Mrs, (Dr.) Thompson. day after touring Ontario, crossing | Renin OF Snpolutaent, {added much to the beauty of the After a long illness, Mrs. (Dr.) [the boundary at Niagara Falls. They | J. M. PATRICK {Lakefield church. The Catholic Wo- | J. E. Thompson, Tweed, passed away returned home Tuesday afternoon 78-80 Brock Street 149 Sy Street, K men's League undcrtook the cost of fon Sunday. Deceased had been a [via the steamer Waubie, Phone 2056J. decorating the church. great sufferer from cancer, and had A. L. Coyne, Clinton, N.Y. arrived | -- undergone soveral operations which [in Kingston, on Monday afternoon, Ww. A TTS Kingston, the Cool City. ouly afforded her temporary relief. [from Cape Vincent. Mr, Coyne in- age 188 WELLIN PIANO TUNING Kingston, on Monday, had weath- |For a greater 'part . of the [tends to motor through Ontaido and Plano Tuning, Repairing ang er conditions just ten degrees lower time during. nine Michigan before returning home. than tha temperature at Toronto and inonths she . had . bee con- Dr. Charles Green, and family, : People Frayet Plano Adjusting. Norman Ottawa, making this as usual the fined to her ped. The remains were New York, passed througn Kingston. 178-X - 'Butcher, 37 Pine Street. coolest place in nearly all of Canada. [pat on board the C.P.R. 'train for [on Monday, on their way to then 4 PHONE 1819w. It was seventy-two in Kingston, Omemee, where fnterment took [summer home at 8t. Ola, Hastings - |éighty-two in Ottawa and Toronto. | place from the residence of her fa- county, . ---- CE -- ! EE lias nan Fresh Flowers and Plants daily. a i : Funeral designs, d ! EEN li I AN ENGLISH COTTAGE CREAM CENTRE CHOCOLATES [i Trey 9 Our home-made: Cream Sentra 1 | > For the Best Values in 0 Chocolates are made fondant,' heavily coated with high grade Chocolate, hand dip- ped, ensuring a lasting flavor and a soft, creamy centre, : , Vy 9 o_ | he star Frat] >. Young Men's Suits If & Candy Store | erm % | at 66 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 113 : Eee ay ¥ $20.00, $25.00, $28.00, $32.00, $35.00, SR OTR Ae i | EE OUR SPORT MOD Strawberries aw BN Yee -- ; I in 3 y At $25.00 BL suns. Aik nn MY 3 Nee Be TWEDDELL"S RASPBERRIES .. ++«i28¢c. can CORN STARCH .. dbo a Vio bed LY [IW | ] gill i B Clothing House -- EVAP. PEACHES ,. ORANGES GRAPE FRUIT Strictly Fresh EGGS ... SARANERY BUTTER rR BELLEVILLE WHEY eres Ble 1 . "pipe TATOES 4 2 " NEW POTA h 'R.C Howrse & Bao: COOKED MEATS an Cann Coa BREAKFAST BACON 34c., sliced d el L '|| WINDSOR BACON ve. . 4c, sliced Mixed Wood cut in MITH 9 stove lengths. SM cotharns S : BOOTH & 00, THE STORE OF Ak ALVES " pret Wenn Grove lun Yard; Phone sap [Loo il SW ebiVER : a pi = et eee EE JIE - = Women's Gingham Dresses -- neat : Checks and Stripes, in all sizes up to Mor. ri... 00 $2.95 each. 4 : Children's Mercerized Lisle Thread For the lover of the English Cottage type of Home (and whet other type 1s 50 rich In ardistic possibil- Sox--white and colored, with fancy for the small house?) here is a house that appeals. : . 1 i Nor does the appeal of this house tops for,35c¢. a pair or 3 pairs $1.00. I}! claim. It is an economical, practical ) J . All of thess factors are Important ones, without them, no matter how pleasing may be the exterior, it Women's Sweater Coats -- Pull- €annot be a home in the real sense of the word, overs and Tuxedos -- a special lot to He vesin, Iie Shiough Shale an the Neisgroom. A cms I tm clear at greatly reduced prices. Only Aho Jbving-roum. i ot ood. siz. It has windows.on thres siden 45d opens ato an smeloted Sun Fore. Ri fn diiven aves $34.95 etch A small rear hall serves the stairway, floor bedroom and the toflet-room.. | The rear entry, kitchen and pantry are arranged for convenience and comfort. [Excelent light and Tho einocond floor one finds three bedrooms, & bath and plenty of closet space. : 3 | The exterior is of stucco finish On frame construction ,the roof is slate, the chimney hard burned ci brick. ' : Lt 1 a : ; . o old woatbirad samen ont entrance door 4nd sach fs nd adsed antique Shieh, the tone one fads. the old weathered timbers 's of English houses. Eke : | The window shutters should be stained to mateh the timber work. AM windows are of the casement | Cost about $9,400. bie 50 secfaions fo hi boven may bo obaitd for a seminal sum. from th Ruler Lo. Foun AWA; LCT Teh fw Fok ah ® x Ee