a The Prolétary was the first Russian trade ship to ply between Russia and London. London dockers refused to unload her cargo, which consisted of four hundred tons of eggs. #7 Sng The seventeenth annual contest between the bowling associa- tions of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales commenced at Croydon, England. It is twelve years since the contest last took place. A esmpetitor, with an "out-size"' nosebag, waiting his tum to Ge judged at "Our Dumb Friends League," Costers' Donkey Show at Kensingion Palace Field. This advanced fall style dis- plays the newest in sleeves, loose which are long and four inches of the The skirt laps over within wrist. and is drawn up on one side. Count Harry Kessler of Ber- lin, well-known scholar and diplomat, who has arrived on this continent for an attempt to untie the Eurdpean tangle by a series of lectures. . Baron de Warzee, Belgian minister to Cuba, is now act- ing charge d'affaires at Wash- ington 'during the absence of Baron de Cartier de Marchi- enne. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. The K-26 is England's latest and largest submarine. It is now undergoing her trial trips at Portsmouth. Because she is accused of being "unfaithful" to Germany dur- ing the World War, Frieda Hempel, world-famed singer, is howled down at every performance where she tries to sing in that country. Benny Leonard proved that he is still the world's lightweight champion when he defeated Lewis Tendler in the fifteen, one- i sided but interesting rounds. Frei -- A Princess Falmy Bey, French wife of the murdered young Egyptian Prince Ali Falmy + who is accused of having shot and killed her husband in a fit of jealousy. To the world's championship cowboy goes this Roosevelt Tro- phy, which is to be contested for on a point basis at Cheyenne Frontier Days in July and the famous Pendleton roundup in September. Dr. Alexander Tsankoff has been appointed premier of Bulgaria. He is one of the keenest financial authorities in all Europe, a noted scholar and author. Miss Adelia Prichard of Port- land, Oregon, has achieved the distinction of being elect- ed president of the National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, which met recently. At the stamp market in Paris collectors of all ages and nations gather on Thursdays and Sundays of every week and trade vari- ous issues. Old and young are equally intent on their hobby.