TH For the Fall and Winter COATS, CAPES and WRAPS Plain and trimmed with contrasting Furs CHOKERS in every wanted pelt. If ittomes from Mec- Kay's you can depend upon the merchan- 1. dise. Fur Johan McKay Limited KINGSTON, CANADA HORLICK'S MALTED MILK An ideal lunch food, a nutritious table drink. Invaluable for Infants, Invalids, the aged and travellers. Easily prepared by dis- solving in water only. No cooking or milk is required. Price 50c. Large size $1.00. Family size jars, $3.75. SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Corner Montreal and Princess Streets. Telephone 41. RE -------- . |] | nm Pleasant Water Trips--Str. Brockville From Picton every Tuesaay and Friday at 6.00 a.m. Standard Time. To Picton every Tuesday and Friday at 4.00' p.m. Standard Time. Passengers and freight carried. Among the Islands, down the Canadian Channel, one hour at Alexandria Bay, back by the American Channel. The only way to see all the Islands on both the Canadian and American sides. Every Saturday and Sunday at 2.00 p.m. Fast Time. Fare, round trip, 75c. BOAT LEAVES WHARF. ¥0OT OF BROCK STREET The J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK STREET Phone 68. Res. 2240m--1123w. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS Double frame on Nelson, 2 large lot , d location. A snap at $3,300. BI Solid Brick on Albert Street, stone founda- tion, hot air furnace, fir trim, oak floors, fire- place, 3 piece bath, double windows. Lot 33 x 165. Price .. $5,500. We Sell The Best p CORN FLAKES Tuesday, 300 pkgs. © Quaker l Corn Flakes (on sale) Cav senses t veenue i Fancy Blue Rose Rice 8 Ibs. 28¢ Pure Cocoa ....2 Ibs, for 25¢. P. & G. or Gold Soap 5 bars 35c¢. Pure Cream Baking Powder, tin Choice large Bananas, doz, 85c. Raspberries and Cherries. 680 MONTREAL STREET PHONE 1681J. Dominion of Canada Guaranteeing Canadian National Railway Company De 5% Serial Equipment Bonds e serially 1st Feb., 1927, to 1st Aug. 1 Price to yield 5.10% 10 bos °° ~ for tired eyes and poor sight, 1s my examination of the eyes and Glasses which restore standard vision to the wearer! . I am a Registered Optome- ~ trist, qualified to render expert aid to all who need reliable 'Glasses. 2) | E DAILY BR CHAUTAUQUA SUBSCRIBERS, 1923 (Additionnl.) Prof. Arkley. Mr. and Mrs. W. Chapman. Mrs. Arkley. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Wilson. G. B. Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Archibald, Mrs Derbyshire. Annie Goodman, T. Mintagh. Mrs. E. L. Vanluven.' Miss McCaig. Mr. and Mrs. A. Nelson, Mrs. E. J. McLelland. Mrs. F. Sine. Mrs. M. G. Johnston, C. Holland. T. J. Lockhart, June Gordon. E. Squares. M. Millard. Miss Lillian Burns, M. Miller. Miss "Helen Vanluven. Miss Eva Craig. K. Monk. K. Lawless. Miss Eviyn Garrett. Mr. Scott. LOCAL NEWS. Brief Items of Interest Picked | Up by the Whig Re- porters. Horace Attwood, Montreal. former- | ly of this city, is visiting in the city. | Mr. Swaine, plano *uner. Orders [received at 100 Clergy street west. |"Phone 564w. Shores of the Bay of Quinte are onlookers being shad, indeed. Claire Devlin, of the Kingston Standard reportorial staff, 1s enjoy- ing two weeks' holidays. Capt, Quinn says that the steam- fer Carter and cargo, which foundered | on Saturday night, was insured. | Fifteen houses constituted the list | of bids for the Lennox and Adding- ton issue of $28,000, 514 per cent, ten instalments which was awarded to R, A. Daly & Co. at 100 56. On August 19th, Rev. Allan Mac- Rossie, D.D., National Superinten- dent of Methodist Summer Schools, a former Kingstonian, will preach at Thousand Island Park. One thousand people witnessed the production of "Cappy Ricks," the New York comedy, at the Chautauqua in Aylmer, Ont. The same produc- tion will be put on here at the Chau- tauqua on Thursday night. Ensign and Mrs. Smith, of the Sal- vation Army, Peterboro, formerly of Kingston, are in the city renewing az- quaintances. Mrs. Smith is engaged as police matron in Peterboro, a posi- tion she held while in this city. The funeral of the late Mrs. Annie A. Watts, wife of Joseph D. Eller- beck, Glenvale, took place from her late residence, under the charge of S. S. Corbett, on Tuesday afternoon. In- terment took place at Cataraqui cemetery. The employees of the Kingston Standard held their annual picnic at Loughboro Lake on Tuesday after- noon. With members of their family and friends, the party numbered for- ty-five. A programme of sports fea- tured the outing. ---------------------- '| to load coal for Kingston. IN MARINE CIRCLES The steamer Brantford cleared for Sodus Point, on Monday night, The steamer Pomeroy passed down, on Monday night, from Port Colborne to Montreal. The steamer Mapleboro arrived up from Montreal, on Monday night, and cleared for Detroit. The steamer Pentland cleared, on Tuesday, to load coal at Cleveland. The steamer Jeska and Susie Chipman arrived from Oswego, on | Monday night, and are unloading | at Crawford's. | The steamer Louis Pahlow arriv- ed from Oswego, on Monday night, and is unloading coal at Sowards'. The steamer Mapleton arrived K. Miller. Mrs. R. O. Patterson. Mrs. M. L. Todd. ° Mrs. R. Hayward, Mrs. 8. Campbel:. W. Woodman. Miss Shortt. Mrs. T. H. Sargent. Mr. Filson. Miss Isobel Sargght. H. Filson. Hon Wm. Harty (6) adults (6) childs. Reg. Patterson. Mrs. Lane. A. A. Morrisor. Mrs. C. M. Parker. M. R. Douglas. O. Tellsman. Prof. and Mrs. Clark J. Moore. Miss Cunningham, Mrs. D. Rodley, Mr. Bateman. H. Law. Miss B. Damieson, John Lemmon. M. C. Dunn. T. H. Sargent. mn andl CAPTURED THE PEOPLE, at the Park, Principal Taylor, of Queen's, so delighted the people at Thousand Island Park by his sermons on July 22nd, that he has been persuaaea to preach again on August 12th. The Park paper said: "Dr. Taylor-had not spoken uve minutes before he had captured the attention of every person in tne great congregation, He spoke of the strewn with dead fish, the sight to; down from Port Colborne, on Tues day, clearing for Montreal. Steamer Suffered The steamer Brockville sustained minor injuries to -her rudder and steering apparatus while returning to Kingston from the Bay of Quinte dis- trict, on Morday. She is undergo- ing repairs at the slip outside Davis drydock. The steamer Missizquoi, of the Gamanoque-Clayton ferry line, will arrive in Kingston at the end of the week, to enter the Davis drydock for repairs. The barge Commodore Jar- vis is now in drydock, but will be floated by Thursday. ' ; MORE ALCOHOL DRINKERS Three Before Magistrate Farrell in the Police Court on Tuesday In police eburt on Monday, a drunk swore that he had purchased a bottle of liquor from a certain man in King- ston. . The man, who it was alleged had made the sale, was hailed before Magistrate Farrell on Tuesday morn- ing, said that he did not sell the bottle of liquor and the charge against him of having sold liquor was dismissed. : Three more drinkers of alcohol were before the court. Two were fined, $10 and costs and the other was taxed $15 and costs. One man said that he told a local doctor he had a sore leg and that he needed the | alcohol for a rub. 'Desert Way,' and the lessons drawn from the text and applied to every- day life was truly remarkable, From the very beginning to the last sen- tence it seemed as if no one moved. It was a typical Scotch sermon, 'and so impressed the people that there has been a persistent demand for his return for another Sunday . "We will all vote it the greatest fourth Sunday in the history of Thousand Island Park." ------ Harvesters Needed. More harvesters than ever wili be needed this year, in Western Canada, on account of the bumper crop. Spe- cial trains will be run by the Cana- dian Pacific Railway, which is adver- tising the usual low rate of $15 to Winnipeg, plus a halfCcent per mile beyond to destinations in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Roturn- ing the fare will be $20 from Winni. Peg, plus a half-cent per mile from starting point. Going dates are Au- 8ust 13th and 22nd. On the lunch cars food and refreshments may be obtained at reasonable prices. . cial cars will be provided for ladies, children (full fare) and their escorts. First Speelal train will leave Toron- to on each date at 10 a.m., last spe- cial at 10:30 p.m. on cach date. Full information may be secured from any Canadian Pacific ticket office. ---- Toronto Conservatory Exams. Successful pupils of Miss Pear! Nesbitt: Junior school piano, pass, Jean Graves; primary piano, hon- ors, Mabel Waddell; primary schoo: piano, - first class honors, Helen Christmas; honors, Katharine Sim- mons and Katie Allen (equal) ; honors, Hilda Friendship; element. ary piano, honors, Reid McLeod; pass, Don. McCaig and Elsie Davis; introductory piano, first class hon- ors, Harold Anglin; primary rud!- ments, Lois Baker and Margaret Rathman; primary singing honors, Eric Lennon. -------------------- Strong minds will be strongly bent and usually labor under a strong bias, but there is no mind so weak and powerless as not to have its inclinations and none so guard- ed as be without fits preposses- sions. ' Men worship the rising not the setting sun, pA "The Hat Store" ALL HATS FOR LADIES Final Reductions to Clear Quickly vd - J 6 This is clean-up week of all our Ladies' Summer Hats. Out they must all go and they are all at four prices-- . $3.95 - $2.95 -- | Principal Taylor to (Preach Again | ITISH WHIG ed | TIRE SPECIALS We 'Are Placing on Sale for THIS WEEK ONLY, 100 Grooved Tread Tires 12.25 .... Absolutely guarante | 5,000 Miles (First quality) These Tires will all be sold this week. If you need a pair buy early. This week only, | | | | BRISK BUSINESS | In Wash Goods Department DRESS GINGHAMS We show a very large range of Canadian, English and Scotch Ginghams-- beautifel wry terns .......... .......25c. to 50c. per yard DRESS VOILES Big assortment 'of English and American iles--plain and fancy--special prices serves ove... 19¢ to $1.25 per yard SWISS VOILE | Beautifully embroidered in light colors, small patterns and spots. 36 inch ....... $1.50 % Vo CREPEOLA A nice range of shades, includ- ing Rose, Pink, Red, Sand, Maize, Copen, White, Black. 36 inches wide ....50c. yard REMNANT TABLE-- a Table full of Remnants, including Galateas, Prints, Ra- tines, Voiles, Ginghams. Special prices to clear, ENGLISH NAINSOOK-- 36 inches wide. Correct weight for underwear Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE -- DESIRABLE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY $ 4 4 00 GARRETT STREET---detached brick dwelling, J) 8 rooms, two piece bath, 10 rooms, three piece bath, gas, electric lights, |} PRODUCE MARKETS. $2,800 lor All Millinery at reduced prices || Parisian Shop 322 BROCK STREET EARL STREET--detached rough cast dwelling, &as, electric lights, cel. hot water furnace, cellar, hardwood floors down. stairs, gas fireplace, sun room. | ] 1 i | RENTS COLLECTED, Toronto, July 31.--Heawy seers, | E. WwW t . Real $7.50 to $8. ! Phone 580w. FIRE INSURANCE. Cattle, $7 to $7.60, Estate and Insurance Brokers. Lambe, $13 50 to $13,75. Corner Johnson and Division Streets Hen, 22¢ to 24c¢; chickens, 35¢ to 40c; turkeys, 25c to 35c per Ib. i Manitoba Wheat, No. 1, norm./ new, $1 15% c if. bay ports. | Manitoba oats, No. 3 C.W. 45 ne; | No. 1 feed, 47c. ! Ontario Oats, No. to 48c: Hay, No, 2 track, Toronto, $15 | per ton; No, 3, $§13-to $14; mixed, | $12.50 to $13.50; lower grades, §8. Eggs, firsts, 29¢ to 30c; extras, ! {se to 35¢; cartons, 36¢c to | 37c. Eggs, delivered Toronto, extras, ¥xe¢ to 29c; firsts, 23¢c to 24c; seconds, 19¢ to 20c; splits, 17¢ to 18¢c, Butter, to retail trade, creamery, jextra fancy 35¢ to 36¢c; creamerw, No, 1, 34c to 45c; creamery, No. 2, 33¢ to 34c; dairy, 28c to 30c. De- livered, creamery, extra faacy,, solids, 30c to 30%c; solids, No 1 29%c to 30c; solids, No. 2, 28%e to 29c¢; dairy prints, 21c to 21¢; Cheese, large, per 1b, new, 20¢ to 2le. Smith's Narrow Escape; Struck With Pick-Axe C ---- Albert Smith, mason's helper, en- gaged on the work of building the Nurses' Home, at the Hotel Dieu, was the victim of an accident, when a pick-axe dropped from a scaffold, struck him on the head, rendering him semseless. Fortunately the blow proved to be a slight one and Mr. Smith was soon around and was able to proceed to his home at 17 Plum street. ---- Dainty Satin Strap Shoes $ ; 4.50 Smart, new and distinctive, these All- Black Satin One Strap Pumps offer excep- tionally good value at this price. ----TWO STYLES (1)--With Covered Baby Louis Heel. (2) --With Covered Spanish Dress Heel. All sizes 2} to 7 in each style. S. J. MARTIN SHOES OF MERIT AND DISTINCTION 3 46c | white, THIS WEEK ONLY All 35¢., 40c. and 50c. Sheet Music 3 for $1 All the Latest Hits in stock. College Book Store A band of two thousand pilgrims left Rome Tuesday for Lourdes, France, to visit the famous grotto. Pope Pius received the delegation, but insisted that its three hundred patients, whom it included, should not be taken to the Vatican lest they be further fatigued. __ OPEN NiGHTS PHONE 219