Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Jul 1923, p. 6

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIGC TUESDAY, JULY 81, 1998. FEARING A REVOLUEON. Events are moving rapidly in Ger- | many following the coilapse of (he mark which within the lst two days bas almost disappearcd. Tho mark Was normally worth 23% cents. Dur- | ing the war the government flooded [Hee country with paper money which jit was unable to redeem, and since the war it has resorted to artificial expedients to sustain the value of the mark by controlling the trafic in for- eign currencies. Now it has aban- doned these attempts and financial circles profess to see a cataclysmic collapse of the nation's currency. Some idea of the situdion may be appreciated by the statement that in {June last the exchange value of the {mark was 10,000 marks for one dol- [lar. On Friday last it bad fallen to Shlshed Daity Wine Pinel 760.000 nnrks for one doilar. To ©0., LIMITED - |nake the situation worse the prmters <-.. President °f DeDPer money could not keep uy --. Editor and with the demand. asanlng- Birneter| A despatch from Berlin states that Private Excharee tioning sii the Reichsbank 1s + 243 numerous departments . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: | throughout Germany to print m Ons year, 4 0ny Eat il seco | 20d Within a few days, it is said, pro- One year. if paid 1a advance. 35.00 duction may catch up with tne de One year, by mail to rurui offices $2.30 One year, to United States $3.00 mand for this almost worlaless cur- . slo 'eRCY. Wash baskets are inadequcte year, if not paid in advance $1.50 for carrying the money away, and One , United Stat 1.% ; . Jen i. : | pushcarts, cabs and motor lorries are 23 WR EN TATIVES, being used to convey bales of notes . W. Fhuagarn aa Kiang St. W./ to other banks. Denominations ct Letters to the i'ditor are published | five and tem milion mark noice Sly over fhe Actual name of the (about $7.50 and $15) are being is- sued. This #5 not taken as the be- f the bes » aha t | ginning of the end. Tie end is al- {ready in sight The most eerious featurs of this i. || almost comic money crisis 1s its re- ABC action on the cost of living. Food ; Audit Bureau of Circulations prices rise as the mark falls, Nkewise ------ 2Utomatically entailing a food short- eee lage, Berlin just now has a potato Heresy is opposition to your pet | shortage, and this is the poor man's delusion. (staple food. In this currency crisis two things The first law of nature is another |are feared: The disolution of the Ger- that is pretty hard to enforce. | men empire into the original states {previous to the federation, and a | royalist | Willtam, believed to be planning his -- - |esoape from Wieringen. He hes been Some men work end watch the in consultation of late with agents clock, while somes watch the clock. lot the Nationalists. . | With the ex-scldiers. in Lhe event As we unclorstand the anthracite of the collapse of the empire it woald | miners, the laborer is worthy of his be replaced by Prussia, East Prus- higher, !sia,~ Bavaria, Saxony, Hees, Wurtem: plants Attached is printing officea The circulation of WHE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the Enjoy thinge while you ean. Altar ® while you will be sophisticated. jother small states. France is vitally concerned in the outcome for it would {mean au revision of the schedule of | reparations. ef indirect control of autos. They do "it from the back scat. -- B Every dog has his day. Mr. Ford Beste me ovo ™ 27 pean wan | President Harding was fittingly pr ------ Jeti Threat of capital levy Bubs little [POROTed by the People of Vancouver jan terror for the man who has grown 1 tomed to supporting a used car. I Never despair, girls. Lady Loufse ~ Mountbatten, cousin of King George, Is engaged at the age of forty-tagee. : ------ One reason why Sunday means Col. Chambers, Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, to Vancouver to make {the necessary errangements for the reception to the president, and it is gratifying to the people of Canada »swork. The coup by Prince Frederick | He is popular! {burg, Baden and possibly a dozen | Women have solved the problem ! 3 d government officials on the oc- | [Sing Sing now receives many more jcriminalg than it keeps, and after ex- amination passes them on to other special institutions as memtai and Physical conditions may warragt. Mental tests are made as a part of the routine of reception, four new large brick buildings"; now nearing completion for oucupancy in connection with the study beang car- ried on. One is a medical builaing designed especially for the psychiatry department. The mental problem is bound up with two other important {phases of the care of inmates. Gae | {of them 15 medical and surgical treatment, the other educational. | The average population is 1,200 in- | | i jmates. They have the attendance of {eminent surgeons from New York | City, men of note who serve as a con- | sulting staff and go gratuitously as (occasion may demand to operate in| | prison hospital. The néw medi- ) ding has one floor for the | {PEychiatric department, a second for {other floor is for dental and optical whole building was plan- ned by Dr. | tute. | Speaking of the Warden | Lewis E. Lawes \ 'The men of low intellect are easy \ojgauge. It 's. the borderline cases that present problems. They have to be welded linto the place | prison organization possible like rdrmal sociely outside of prisons. The mental examinations Mayo, of the Mayo Insti- | lamation work--given af { origin. Long before the advent of the white man the Indians of the plains, gazing on the line of peaks, bad caMed them the Shining Moun tains. Afterward the Crees called them 'TAssin-wati", literally stony or rocky mouatams. Along Life's Detour BY SAM HILL Old Fashioned. A strange, strange girl Is Helen Mary Blake; In summer she Wears skirts that are opaque. Observations of Oldest Imhabitant. I kin remember when girls were = modest they'd only wear bloomers in the gymn If there was a lady instruc ! tor. -- The Ananias Club. "I hope," said the lady to the milli- ner, "that thls isn't the only hat lke this one you have I would hate to wear a hat that is different from those | everybody else is wearing." The Comsiderate Pastor. "Pastor," sald the deacon, "don't | you think you could boll your ser- mons down a bit? Folks feel forty-five | minutes is too long for you to preach. Make it a half hour, say? | "But, deacon," retorted the pastor, "do you think you could get rested in! half an hour? You know you always have been used to a for nap on Sunday mornings -- Teot, Toot! I do not know, I do not care How far it is to anywhere; I only know that where I'm not Is always an alluring spot. {are of great value in determining the | capabilities of a man, an important {point if you make an individuai study |ot each case." The old penology gave scant thought to such matters, | but the prison is now viewed not as a matter of punishment but of reclama- tion, and Sing Sing to-day is con- | ducted with a view to training men {in trades and the routine of earning ia living under present-day machize- | production conditions. Education is | carried on in the institution with cay and night classes, and a closely super- vised system of correspondent sciool jwork. The Welfare League Associa tion of New York founded thirty-five | i scholarships for the men in the home | study department of Columbia Uni- | ; versity, and one hundred men tried to get them. | PRESS COMMENT | -- The Canadian Boundary. For more than a century the Un- | ited States and Canada have been | at peace, with no forts along the houndary and no warships on the | lakes "for the nai!onal defense." last. The federal government seit | THIS familiar text served the presi- | dent for his speech at Vancouver. The will to live at peace is effec- tive. for the maintenance of peace military | between neighbors where | power fails. The United States does nat covet | the lands of Canada because it has more to small tawn people is becanss it affords their one excuse for dres- | sing up. -------- ! Correct this sentence: "I'd raiker | take castor ofl myself," said the mo- Aher, "than to make the poor kiddies to know that the occasion was made | a memorable one by the spontaneous | enough of its own. Americans gO expressions of good-will that greeted | to Canada to take up farms and the distinguished visitor. I make homes, as Canadians come to President Harding was received | {Re United States to become citizens, with a salute by the artillery and was | sivas a of r ot ible, the civilimations of the two na- tions are so alike. Ships pass from but this interchange is scarcely vis- | several militia battaldons. Hon. J. IL take it." : SE ------ King read en address on bebalf of American to Canadian waters ana I also neither know nor care How far it is to anywhere. I only know wher'er I be . Seems simply elegant to me. --F. P. A. In New York World | And neither do I know or care, For I've no chance of going there; | I'm shy the price, whate'er it be, {So there's no place like home for me. -- | "Kindly Return te Owner, Suitable Re- { ward," &ec. | | Motorist (stopping) -- 'Smatter? | | Looking for trouble? | Motorist (already stopped and | standicg by cpen hood)--No Trouble | was looking for me and found me. I'm | looking for an engine that missing Not Se Bad, Is It? We've just read a pretty good defi- nition of a dream, credited to one of | | those very smart boys. He says: "Al jdream is a moving picture while you | sleep." | S-- Cat's Out of the Bag. Maybe the reason daughter goes In | SO strong for petting parties is be- | cause she has learned from her moth- er how little she will get after she is | married.--Sam Hill in Cincinnati En- Quirer. All the party mother knows is the fretting party. | "Dusty" Miller. | Hat's Of To 'Em> A girl I like Is Nellie Hughes For these don't weap These colored shoes. | ~Cincinnat! Enquirer. The girl for me | Is Imma Ladds, She doesn't try Qut all fool fads. Cl SILVER KING GOLF BALLS WHITE DUCK TROUSERS SPECIAL 1.95 pair SILVER KING GOLF BALLS BIBBY'S : i.e Bowling On The Green is made much more en joyable when you are comfortably clothed. You should see our new Sport Shirts, ideal for Bowling, for Ten- nis, for Golf and for Boating, [CREAM FLANNEL | | MEN'S SILK HOSE Rich shades of plain Grey, Blue, and Brown, 79c¢. per pair SUITS ARE REAL VALUES We are taking out of our Clothing cabi- nets 68 Men's and Young Men's Suits in Grey Herringbone .Tweeds and Scotch Plaid Cheviots--Suits that were made to sell for $28.50, $30.00 and $32.50. Sizes 35to 44. To go at one price, $24.50 Don't miss seeing these Suits, nicely tailored garments pure wool fabrics--all this season's styles, p BIBBY"S OUR GLASSES | THE KEY TO | If you suffer from eye strain--if | | you find reading, writing or sewing | | unpleasant tasks-- Let us unlock the fetters that bind | you, by furnishing glasses that will | | enable you to see clearly and satisfac. | | torily. o "This is the home of better glasses. Phone 2108. Open evenings by appointment. WHY? FARMS FOR SALE 1-50 acres, two miles from King- aton, good frame dwelling, good cellar and cistern; large arn nearly new with hip roof; drive house, machine house and cow stable 20x50; lots of water, goud fences; first class drainage; land is tillable, small orchard. 2-110. acres, good bulidings, about $5 acres excelient clay loam under cultivation; well fenced; lots of water (wells and spring), a handy farm to work, convenient to church, school and station 3--A choloe farm of 220 acres on Bath Road, over 200 acres of the best soil under cultivation; first class brick dwelling, large barn; well Watered. For further particulars en- quire at office. T. J. Real Estate and Insurance 58 Brock St., Kingston, Ont. Phozes 322J or 1797J. DRINKS LEMON SQUASH ORANGE SQUASH Kingston's Every room hag water. Stations and Steamboat Tunning KIA-ORA LIME JUICE CORDIAL GINGER ALE SYRUP a ------ Hotel Frontenac hot and col One-half block from le Land Railway ings. J. A. HUGHES, ---- 16¢c and up | back agaln, railroads from state to The indeterminate sentence allows Premier King, and addresses were province and province to state with- | for the probability that the criminal will manage to get his hands oa.s fo - Fortunately, limitation of armam- i® came just in time to give the na. 8 sufficient spare money to build r feats. iS oso are aia & Just possibly that young woman #0 went to a movie and has not uTned is waiting for the next epi- out interruption or given by Premier Oliver of British | change in the habitations, the dress Columbia, and Mayor Charles Tiedall, | of Yyancouver. he pregident's message was wie | that should touch the hearts of all 4 become sufficiently Canadians for be spoke with pride ot | sensible not to let these. differences the contury of pemce betweun the | oon' ose is Interesting, if profit. United States and Oaneds, declaring less, to speculate whether all would "our protection is in our fraternity, | have been comfortable if Montcalm our armor is our faith: the tle that| and not Wolfe had been wictor on binds more finmly year by year. is the plains of Abraham. everdncreasing acquaintance and| The Germans and Poles pass even comradeshdp through interchange of | NOW back and forth ower the tolerant ana observable | or the language of the people. We! have our differences over tariffs, | embargoes and booze, but we have, 1 | Perhaps you have often wonder- | ed what was really in that big red | lump called a bunion which you find | at the inner side of the joint of the | big toe whore it meets the bone of | the sole of the foot. You see Nature has put a little bag of water over that joint for protec- tion. If this little bag of water gels 1--Everything found in a modern Drug Store. Complete Soda Fountain recently installed and now operating. 2--Convenienct corner. Location: "Where Princess and Division Cross." v prompt, service -- al. ways! - 4--Enquiry and delivery? Phone 2018 any time. PRINCESS PHARMACY DEPENDABLE DRUGS AT POPULAR PRICES ple BATHING SHOES All rubber, close-fit- ting and colors to match the Bathing Suit sieeiele0lale $1.00 ie NE ENT > ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SAL ALI IFW VIN 4 . 426 PRINCESS ST irritated it swells up and forms the | painful lump that is called a bunion. | p------ Now it you could go barefooted al- I -- ---------- In New Mexico they have dug up citizens; and the compact is not of | Poundary, the German and French over theirs where military occupa- Jrble Fades, but of Tudeh tion is not keeping hates alive, the = al E Germans and Czechs over theirs. me prehistoric dice. Here at iast Some bons to prove the evolu- Ty theory false. grant, shall continue for all time." _ President Harding is an advocate of the World Court of Justice as a Neighbor: 0 are divided only by the line ich treaties have drawn got On very well where govern. ------ Mexican conference #% makirg ih satisfactory .headway that we ® beginning to wonder why they Ll #t a conference, ---- The judge who says ft isn't illegal ments do not. There are differences deaply rooted in race, custom, lang- uage and attitude, there is a great. er congestion of population and a sterner strife for a livelihood to make the situation In Burope more difficult than the situation on this solution of warfare, and he express- ed the conviction that Burope's troubles would disappear if the ex- ample of QOanada and the United States were followed, in all interna- tional affairs. It is earnestly to be F a man to take money from his holding that he cannot steal her, is rignt in both opinions. : ---- It is estimated that there will be 000,900 bdushis of wheat on hoped that he may succeed in bos de- tire to carry American influence into the World Court. The United States has got to be reckomed with in any Tature conflict and, in justice to her self, she should be in a position to continent. But there is in our ex. perience at least an example worth the attention of European peoples, although their differences are marked as American and Canadian are not. For all Europe knows thet Bd this year, or sufficient to scad 432 more tanm boys to the eily '¥ say it is uticonstitutional to _scopolamin, the truth-compeiling l» on criminals; but they might least use it on the witnesses. t---- embryonic Edison has invented with a removable paper - facilitates the old ways have fafled. The way that the United States and Canada have lived in close company could- n't work worse and should work a great deal better. It's worth trying. --Syracuse, N.Y., Post Canad: : a naetloms Q.--Whaet is the value of furs ex- ported by Canada? A.~--Canada's exports of furs, in 1921; reached a value of nearly $15,000,000. Q--How many cent in Canada in a wear? A.--15,031,993 were sent In Canada in 1921; also 1,154.- 787 and cables, and over $5,000,000 was transmitted by telegraph. Q--How were the Rocky Moun- tains eo mained? A--The name Rocky Mountaing make her influence felt in the inter- ests of pence before howtiiities begin. A PRISON CLEARING HOUSE. The famous New York State pri son, "Sing Sing," at Ossining, is the most up-to-date in America not be- cause of its in.ernal regimen, but because the state prison authors. ties recognize the place of science in' the treatment of crime and have pro- vidod the means by which criminals receive rational treatment wath a view to remaking life's musfits, A scientific study tn detail is to be made of every delinquent recuived, in order that the utmost may be done, first in fitting him into the prison's system of factory production, and, second, in helping to shape him for regeneration and eventual emergence into the world as a men remade and equipped for life. The work has a bearing on the distribution of prison- ers who are seat to other institutions. Sppears to have been of Oree Indian ways, you'd never lave a bunion be- | cause it is caused in nearly every case | by tight, poorly fitting shoes. | Tae number of these cases rejected | for army service was very large in- | deed. | You see a tight shoe, particularly | one with a pointed toe not only press- €s on this little bag of water but ac- | tually forces the big toe outward | against the other toes. | Tals pressure causes an inflamma- jun which is usually very painful. | The fluid increases in amount In | the little bag, and every step is ac- | companied by a throbbing pain. Sometimes these cases go on to an actual formation of pus in the Joint. Now what about it? | i NOTICE The farmers coming 'to King- ston by way of West end of Prin- cess Street, will benefit by getting their supplies from Cor. Princess and Albert Streets. A very convenient spot for their horses to stand; no street cars to trouble them. High class Fruits, Confection ery, Tobacco, Papers, Magazines and Patent Medicines. Op. Princess Street Methodist Church. a FFs ef :5 hi MER: -- TRY BURNS' WHOLR WHEAT BRZAD THE STAFF OF LIFB W. BURNS PHONE 1944 _ S THE PROPER FUEL} HEALTHFUL ROLET sorry," said a ~Tommy Thirst. IF there is a question about the purity of the water you 'Cc: drink, you'd better not use f = for a beverage. : OAL QUARTETTE Thompson's Ginger springtime Prescription for what to be the mat ter with you. It was written out in plains Englisn by Old > . Dr. Commonsense. He says THOMPSON'S that good coal will cheer BOYTLING CO you up after everything else aioe db falls. We never fail to be / 2 politely attentive to our cus. tomer"s wants, 61 Frontenac St., North Phone 1826v.. Crawford | PHONE 9, QUEEN #7,

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