THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 19m "NEWS AND V =WS FOR WOMEN READERS {heir family, who have peem with {Mr and Mrs. W. W. Chown, Divis- { ¢, motored back to Toromte {a Street, {this week. Mr. aug Nrs, F. Mallen, formerly LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE [#5 == 2 : iret af reeks vi E and, is visiting her daughter, Mrs |TOturned after two w Vai ja. F. Richardson Stuart s (iriends In this locality, { Miss Marjorie Lambe, Fa Mirs, J, Sappage and Mie Baa y eS or, N.Y. {the As > . Kine Andrews Toronto. former Kingston- Mrs. Shell Joyce, Ro~héater Yai Suest of Mrs. J. H. Elmsley, King Hans, arg the ducsts of Nd Dg i will jstree Is visiting er mother, Mrs lam |street. = HolMer, William street. Editor of Women's Page, Teles phone 248, Private 'phose 857Tw. - . - Craig, Brock street. | Nir. and Mrs. Archie Copley, wio Ss. Mrs. G. W. Mylks and Miss Helen | have been amoag the visilors at East- | Mrs. Malkolm Gibson and her |View, have returned to Detroit, Mica. | . smilton. | dirs. W. B. Carey, Albert street, is jehiiten, Hamiltug, are with Xr.) & 3 {and Mrs; Elmer, Bagot street the guest of Canoa and Abs. W. B.| Nrs. J. D. Burns, Galt, is visiting | Patton, "The Rectory," Prescot. | - * . jMys, John Macgillivary, Albert I street. : Myiks, Kensingston avenue, who have been in Atlanta, Ga., with Mr. and | Mrs. W. Woods White, have return od to town. Miss Olive Woodman, Earl street, | audience on Tuesday aftermoon CHAUTABIQUA WEEX Put up a Programme of Rare Merit. ------ The hig Chautaugua teat om the cricket fSeld held an enthusiastic | at | k, when the Kingstoa | week, of the Dominion Redpaih Chautauquyy began under the aus- Rices of the Rotary Club. Leman A. BEGAN IN GOOD FORM! ---- lef today for Toronto and will go en A little talk 'with the five young 20 Fremont, Mich,, on Thursday. She girls of the Metropolitan Orchestra, Welli visit Detroit and other cities dur- | Which gave the citihsens of King-| ing the monh tof August. Sion such a treat on Tuesday, at the| : Soigina Ferguson, Grafton Wikkinson who has beea [Chautauqua, Was' most interesting. | M8 vow a 5 Mrs Spending a week of his holidays at These girls. who have come from | » 5 the S Xt Johaston, Hamilton. i Steila, the guest of Mr. and = Mus. [the Southern States, playing ang; Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Brymaer,| Thomas Grimason, left for Montreal [Singing in the cities along the Al}, ondon Ont... are visiting Mrs. § lantie i by 3 . » . « - - fin tonday. Io artery wighl, Welledy., JSPTON CL. ate va | . a |cated and full of the ausic they |~ » 2h eu Mr. and Mrs. William Murray, | interpret so well, The) wave a good | Sir Henry soll Lads. Sham J Moncton, N.S., who have been tour- |e as they go on their way; as the, rd are in the city. Lady Room. 8 ! ing Western Canada, are the guests |Ierry laughter from their dressing is meeting old friends. She lived of Mr. and Mrs. H. W, Wilson, 119 room ol thelr visitor, The young here and in Odessa, her malden hamat William street. Lauder 3a Helin, wy Mea es being Miss Bregea. The couple | Mp and Mrs. Gilbert McClymont |Groff, the cellist, Miss Katharine call for Buziand on Aug. Th. and their daughter, Miss Mina Me- | Beberts, the futist, her sister, Miss| 34 68 A J Clymont, Ottawa, are visiting ir the | Mona Roberts. Miss Kataerael Hd » Forbes sings delightfully and ts an] Mrs. Edward Low, Ottawa, is visit- {SO the drummer playing the big ing with her daughter, Mrs. W, P. [drum with ease. Miss Frances Bea- Wilgar, Mock street. | Ran is the sympathetic accompamis: Rev, Freaeric'Gill, visiting Xr. and | 20d the pianist who brings real mus- Mrs. W. H. Wormwith, Barl street, | IC out of the keys with her excellent leit today for his home at Arlinzlop, |'echhique. They travel westward, & suburd of Boston. arriving at the end of their tour m > i Wieiggun-ia NPB. Mrs. Ada Lingham Wagner has { elleville Park- | Miss Gwendolen and Mis Dore Bate Sua Belleville zo Fuse. ta for Miss Mary | Prof. §. Marien, Quesn'y Univer- 4 = sity, wh i for a Crookall, New York. |sity, whe has been in France . * | Miss Harriet Gardiner, "The Chestauts," has returned from New- | TO { King-| i Willam | * Mrs. JM. Campbell, "Glen Lyon," will entertain at bridge this after- | noon for her daughter, Mrs. L. Dun- { bar Stevensom, New York, and again will arrive in town from New York oa Friday, Mrs. M. J. Skelly, Chicago, is re- turning home after a very emjoyabie visit with her brothers, Wilham acd Matthew Ryan. Bro. Albert Ryan, Alexian Bro- thers, St. Louis, Mo., spent a few days with bis brothers, William and Mathew Ryan. Bro. Albert has mot many old Kingstonians and all en- Joyed the visit. Miss Elizabeth Sharpe has left for Ogdensburg, N.Y. J * * A party of boye and girls motored to Colin's Bay on Tuesday evening and surprised Miss Gertrude Mahood, who with Mr. and Mrs. George Ma- hood, Is spending ihe summer at Elm Lodge. Through the ' kindness of Mrs. George Clark, the young people ~ danced in the spacious rooms of this delightful summer home. Those pre- Sent were Misses Edith Rees, Sylvia White, Pat Lyster, Margaret Christ | \~Ruth lim, * Betty Ni 0 » Eleanor Walkem, ir Maliood. Messrs. Kenneth ¥: R. McXelvey, Ben Cunning- - Bam, Innes Fraser, Norman Mcieod, nek Gardiner, Fulton Best, Jack » Gordon Macpherson ana Bert Winnett. % * * @» - Mrs. Deedes, Saltash Castle, Eng- couple of months, will sail for Can-| § a ada om Aug. 1st Mrs. Havelock Price, Sydenham] Mrs. Dunnett and .her son, Ken-| Street, entertained at bridge 'om aid - meth, are visiting Mrs. Joha Buch Tuesday evening for some of the Ottawa. visitors in town. Anan, aie Tt... 9 Nir. and Mrs. Curtis White, Syra- Mrs. J. M. Campbell, "Glen Lyon" cuse, N.Y. who have beem with Mr was the hostess of a pleasant briage ang Mrs. W. J. B. White, Univer and tea on Tuesday afterncea for [sivy aveaue, have returned home Mrs, Fane Sewell, Toroto, and Ars | Mrs Calvert Carruthers and Miss J. D, Burns, Galt. Bertha White, who have been with . - * Mrs. Charles Douglas, Ottawa, have Mrs. James Miller, Albert street, returane. to town. gave a small tea on Tuesday for some of the younger set. . - . Miss Laura and Miss Doris Porter, Carleton Place, Oat, are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Porter, Bagot street. Miss Bessie and Miss Katharine McKegney and a party of girls mot- <red to Belleville this week and wer the . guests of Mrs. T, Hogan, Dr. and Mra Heary Gordon, Win- nipeg, will be-the guests of Mrs. John Carson, "Suany Knowle," thw week. Mr. and Mrs Allan Chown The Direct Attack. According te William T. Tilden, a sportamanlikeg tennis player alwaye makes a deliberate misplay when the umpire makes a decision unfair to his opponent The profession- al baliplayer's method is more direct. He merely kills the umpire. ------ Sleep over your problems and you will come to a resolution, There are some who despise prige and with greater pride. By Juanita Hamel Guild, the president of the club, gave | a short address. The programme | was, he sald, oven Netter than last | j Year, when it was greatly enjoyed, a | ture Judge few season tickets could still be ob- | | tained at the price which was vary | small. Mr. Guild tola the audience | something of the work of the Rotary | Club for underprivileged boys ana | girls for which the surplus from the | Chautauqua would be used. Last! year the club had given $460 to tae | Barnarde Home for boys and had Spent nearly §1.000 om shoes and stockings for the school children of | Kingston. who would otherwise been | unable to attend school. : The Metropolitan Orchestra. cy posed of five exceediugiy clever girks, | §ave a most delighiful programme. | Music for every one was there. An | Forbes, who also plays the in the Orchestra, "The Drum Somg™ | from "Mdle. Nodiste" was word | big drum | i charming, the alnger's olear enuncia- tion making her sweet soprano £ven | more aitractive. The dear old favor- i ite "The Blug Danube Waltz," | (Strauss), was raptureously encored ! Aliss Groff, a young violinist, a slim | figure in a white frock, plays divinely | both as the leader of the orchestra | and as a soloist. Her Kreisier num- | ber "Leibes Frend" was a delight; | execution and spirit making a de- lighttul combination. The Roberts | Sisters played the ziliphome and | orought sweetness from the strings | with their soft hammers. Miss Fran- ces Beaman was the accompanist and pianist and her Greig mumber was much enjoyed. The sunsiading | number of the afternoon was | "Home Sweet Home" played as it} would be by the musicians of var-| ileus countries and the audience! heard the familiar alr with cast-| enets In Spain, with gongs in China, | with variations in Italy and inter- spereed with grace notes ab it would be In Scotland. . -- A Wonderful Performance John B. Ratto, known as the great- est impersonator of the day, gave a wonderful performance. 13 the fore- part of his programme he kept the audienee in of laughier with his amusifig stories and recitations, and following this, he was ably as- sisted in his impersonations of sowe Round efter round of applause from | the andience testified to the appre-| fi! | it fo | | | | be i ff i £f § : | ] I i i i g | | i i : | | : i § ¥ ! i q . | 800d things provided by the manage- chestra. "The Anvil Chorus" was Played with spirit, as Verdi stooc before the audience and the Tanu hauser martial music as Richer Wagner, the great German, was con- ducting. Rossiat, t i i on a Kingston staga The vast aadicnce was delighted With the first night of the Chautaa Qua, and many expressions of appre- ciation of the public spirit of the Ro- tary Club in bringing, at their own risk, such a splendid Sroup of artists to Kingston, were heard. ToNight's Programme. Toaight the Glen Wells Company will entertain, and a special featare of the programme will be an address by Judge George D. Alden on "Tae Needs of the Hour." Into this lec- Alien has put the resalt study, observaiion and ex- tensive travel. Possessed of a rare 8ilt of humor, Judge Alden will tell of present-day conditions, aad Ris ad- dress is With great interest. Boston, is an eminent Jurist and pab- | ligist. ' i The refreshment booth of the Chautauqua is under the charge of of years of the Wives of the Rotarians, and is | being wall patronized. During the programme night there was an when ice cream was served. The audicnces on Tucsday were de- lighted with the Programme and aii on Tuesday i a he - | the arrangements made | on Saturday for Mrs. S.evenson and | ylure of Ragiund a the wishes and the ye Ade Sebeis ween, Mrs. Joba Gordon McKenzie, who X §8 Bf Mise Katharine ' Was a great success in every way. TO-MORROW'S hOROSCOPE BY GENEVIEVE KEMBLE THURSDAY, AUGUST 2. | An unusually active and eventful being looked forward to | Judge Aden, of | intermission, first day of the Chautauqua Sale of Fine Shoes | Seldom do the ladies of Kingston have an opportuni grade Shoes were $6.50 and $7.00 Ladies' Grey Trimmed With Fawn Suede back, lo and good Rubber Soles 4 beautiful line of Silk Hose in all shades ' ty like this to buy fine, high- at the prices at this Sale, Buy your Fall needs now! l Table of C Oxfords, Black or Brown-- 0es and weit soles. These Suede Oxfords-- . Black. $6.00, for.,.. Big Girls' Patent | Strap-- W covered heel. These are oli TIRTLALAARNAARI LISS L000 ree ser oat SErecarem White Canvas Shoes at ....... rinse SB 19 White Canvas Sport Oxfords-- Torre n ame ew nom SREB ena nome 0. 080, LOCKETT'S day may be forecast from this day's | sidereal operations. There may be all | manner of stirring events with pos- sible sudden ch toward large and bold projects. The | spirits may be particularly advea- | turous and enterprising and disposed | 10 conquer certain stubborn set- backs and obstacles. Those in the | employment of others are under ex- cellent prospects, but aR should be- | ware deceit and false friends. } Srension should not be carried too | ar. Those whose birthday it is are likely to have a very active and eventful year with efforts directed 0 new and bold projects. They | should be on guard against deceit and should not be foathardy in en- terprise. Those in the employment of others should push for advance- meat it undeniably deserving. A child born on this day will be omer- Setie, reésoureeful, and disposed to carve its way to fortume despite many obstacles and difficulties, The Editor Hears That the Chatauqua went off with a swing on the day that made everyone preseat determined to see the as much as possible the meat of this excellent company, --- That the press women throughout Canada are preparing to attend the Triennial Meeting: of "the Canadian Woman's Press Club, which wil? ne held In Vancouver, B.C, from Sep- tember 24th to 26th, 3 -- anges and new moves | ARNIEL & BROOK West Hamilton Yay um, line of relief work to its credit it keeps on hand supplies of bedding and clothing in case of need In the houses of new comers; arranged a field day for the children ean the 24th and plan to buy a moving pie ture machine for their new ascheol. It holds a calice ball on the 14th of February. Upper Hamilton provided for a Bw family in the meighborhooe when the father was out of werk aad supplied clothing for the new baby. Held a dental ciiple 107 eo aghobl, also a baby clinic and with the other institutes in South Wear worth gave generously to the buy- ing of sewing machines for the we- mea of Northern Omntario, whe were getting established in new homes after the fire. It also had a beok shower to start a Mbrary for a new school In Northern Ontario after the fire bad destroyed the old school and Mbrary. Oskwood, In West Victoria, hae F.C RAMBROOK 115 Broek Street sponaibllity of looking after the clothing of a family of six mother- less children, Not Suitable for America, The convenient eingle eotem re. celver and tranamitier type of tele- phone instrument used in has been found unsuitable for yse in the United States on account of Glstance communication, frequent a this country, according to the Ams eriead Telephone Company. i TT -- Blessed fs he who has found hig work, let him ask no other blessed, Ey -- : GALLAGHER'S xvice 960 SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT aad nowned, lines ag the the acoustic rim. ideo . THR ' Heintzman & Co. STYLE O. MINIATURE UPRIGHT GRAND PIANO You should net fall to examine this swndertul Plane. It's tone is perfect and of a quality for which the Grand is re- In fact, this Plano is built on the same ordinary Gread. complete with EASY TERXS ARRANGED.