12 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG || PRODUCE MARKETS || GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Toronto. Toronto, July 31. -- Manitoba Wheat--No. 1 northern, $1.143%. Manitoba Oats--No. 3 48%c, extra No. 1 feed, not quoted; No. 1 feed, 47c. American Corn--No. 2 yellow, $1.09, track, Toronto prompt ship- ment. Ontario Oats--No. 2 white, 45¢ to 48c according to freights out- side. Barley---Malting, 57¢ to 59%, ac- cording to freight outside. Manitoba Flour--First patent, $6.90, Toronto; second patent, $6.40, Toronto. Ontario Flour--380 p.c. a patent, | $4.50 to $5, in jute bags, Montreal, prompt shipment; Ontario flour, 90 p.c. patent, $4.45 to $4.95, In jute bags, Toronto, prompt ship- ment; Ontario flour, 90 p.c. pat- ent, $4.35 to $4.85, bulk board, prompt shipment. Millfeed -- Carlots, Montreal, freight, bags included; Bran, per ton, $25 to $28; shorts, | $27; middlings, $33; feed flour, bag, $2.05. Montreal. Montreal, July 31.---Oats--Cana- dian Western, No. 2, §7¢; No. 8, 55¢: extra No. 1 feed, 63%c; No. 2 local white, 52%e¢c. Flour-- Man. spring wheat patents, firsts $6.90; seconds, $6.40; strong bakers, $6.20; winter patents, choioe, $5.76 to $5.35. Rolled outs--Bag, 90 Ibe, $3.05 to $3.15. Bren--3$35 to $26. Shorts--$38 to $39. Mid- dlings--$33 to $34. ' | Winnipeg. Winnipeg, July 31.--Wheat--No. 1 northern $1.07%: No. 2 north- ern, $1.04%; No. 3 northern, 99%ec; No. 4, 86%¢c; No. 81%e: No. 6, 76%¢c; feed, 65%c; track, $1.00%. Oats--No. 2 C.W., 42%c;: No. 3 C.W,, 39%c: extra No. 1 feed, 39%ec; No. 1 feed, 37%ec; No. 2 feed, 36% c; rejected 343%c: track, 43. Barley--No. 3 C.W., 49%e¢; No. 4 C.W., 465%c: rejected and feed, 43%c¢; track, 49 4c. Flax--No. 1 N.W.C., $2.23; No. 2 C.W., $2.19; No. 3 C.W. and rejected, $1.93; track, $2.17%. Re--No. 2, C.W., 62. Chicago. Chicago, July 31.--Wheat--No. 2 red, 87%c to 99%c;: No. 2 hard, 97¢ to 98e. Corn--No. 2 mized, _90%e: No. 2 yellow, Ye Oats--No. 2 white, 44%c; No. 3 white, 1 %e 'Rye--No. 2 65¢c; barley, 62¢ to 69¢; timothy seed, $5.50 to $6: clover seed, $15 to $17. Pork--Nominal; lard, ribs, $8 to 38.75. to to 88 %e 89%e¢ ¥ 42%e 38%¢c to to $10.42; | Mianeapolis, July 31.--Bran-- Unchanged; $20.50 to $21. Wheat ~=No. 1 northern, $1.05% to $1.11%; Sept, $1.04%: Dec, $1.05%. Corn--No. 3 yellow, 82¢ to 83¢c. Oats--No. 3 white, 35% to 36% c. Flax--No. 1, $2.61% to $2.66%. LIVE STOCK MARKETS, Toronto. Toronto, July 31.--Choice heavy exporters $7.50 to $8; Choice butch- ors cattle $7.25 to $7.50; Good butchers $6.75 $7; Medium butch- ers $6 to $6.25; Common butoh- ers $5 to $5.50; Good to choice On- tario feeders $6 to $6.25; Stockers, good $4.75 to $5.25; Stockers, com- mon $3.50 to $4.50; Cholce cows, $5 to $5.50; Medium cows $4.25 to $4.50; Common cows/$3 to $3.50; Canners and ~ cutters $3 to $3; Chofce bulls $4.75 to $5.25; Good fair bulls $3.76 $4.25; Bologna bulls $3. to $3.50; Baby beeves $3.50 to $9.50; Spring lambs, choice $13.50 to $13.75; Spring lambs, CW. | : medium $11.50; Spring lambs, com- mon $9; Yearling lambs, choice $9: | Good to choice sheep $6.50; Heavy | $4.50; | | sheep and bucks $3.50 to | Choice calves $10 to $11; Medium to good calves $8 to $9; Common calves $5 to $7; Grasser calves | $2.50; Hogs, fed and watered $9 to { $9.10; do. fo.b. $8.50; xChoice mil- | chers and springers $70 to $85: | xMedium milchers and springers | $50 to $65; xCommon $35 to $45. ---- 'Buffalo. | { Buffalo, July 31.--Cattle shipp- { ing steers, $10 to $11.25: butth- | ers, $8 to $9: yearlings, $8.50 to { $10.50; heifers, $6 to $8.50; cows: ; $2.50 to $6.50; bulls, $3 to $6: stocker and feeders, $6 to $7.50; springers, market steady, 40c to | fresh cows and | very slow and | $1.10. | Calves--$4 to $14. Hogs--heavy, $7.70 to $8: mix- | light do., $8 to $8.50; pigs, $5.75 $4 to $5. Sgeep and Lambs--lambs $6 to $13.50; yearlings, $5 to $10.50: wethers, $7.50 to $8.50; ewes, $4 to $8; mixed sheep, $3 to $4. | | GENERAL TRADE. Montreal. Montreal, July 31.--Butter-- Creamery, solids, 34¢ per Ib., prints 35¢ per Ib.; cookipg butter, 29¢ per Ib.; oleomargarine, 21c per Ib. al, 36¢; extras, 32: firsts, 27c; seconds, 24c. Ham--Large size, 25c; small size 28¢; cooked, 42 to 48¢ per 1b. Bacon--Windsor boneless, per Ib.; breakfast, 29¢ per Ib. Dressed Poultry--Milkfed chick- ens, 35¢ to 38¢ per Ib; broilers, 35¢ to 45¢; selected chickens, 30c to 34e; to 35c; green ducks, 30¢ to 38c Ib. 40¢ per toir stock, $15.50. Maple ,Syrup--Choice, $2.25 to $250; dark, $2: $1.75 to $1.85; choice "per 1b. Flour--Firgt patents, $6.90 per bbl; and $1.15 per 90 1b. bags de- livered; second' patents, $6.40: strong bakers, $6.20; winter wheat, choice in jute bags, $5.40; broken lots, in cotton bags, $6.15. Millfed bran and shorts in box car lots, $26.25; shorts, $29.25 per ton. . Potatoes--Ex-track 90-1b. 'bulk, N. B. Green Mts., $1.30 to $1.35; American No. 1 f.0.b. Mont- real, $8 to $6.25 per barrel. Ameri- can No. 2, $4 to $4.25 per barrel. Hay--Baled, per ton, in car lots, new crop No. 2 timothy, $13 to $14+ No. 3 timothy, $9 to $10; delivered to Montreal. Imp. gal, small tins, sugar, 25¢ in Kingston Markets Tuesday, July 31st. There has been very little demang for blueberries at 35c. a quart, the prohibitive price being accounted for by the exceptional poor crop. Black currants are quoted at 26c. a box; red currants at 15c. and Columbia raspberries at 30c, In the vege- table division, celery retailed at 10c a bunch and green corn, while rath- er scarce as yet, could be had for 60c a doz, Bananas, dos. Blueberries, qt. . Cherries, 6 qt. basket Cherries, 11 qt, basket, ..... «$1.25 Currants, black, box, .........25 Currants, red, box ... Raspberries, Columbia, Oranges, doz .. Lemons, 408. «evoooeeesneen..30 Dried fruits -- Pruaes, Cal, Ib. .... , evap. 1b. .. Pears, Cal, gos .. .. .. . | Dressed Hogs--Fresh killed, abat- | Plums, Cal., doz. ...... .+.35 to 35 | Raspberries, red, box, ....30 to 32 | Garden Produce. | Celery, bunch Corn, green, doz. . {Cucumbers, local, each . | Lettuec, head Lettuce, leaf, {Onion, greem, bunch, Onions, Spanish, 1b.. Peas, ' garden, qt. | Peas, shell, qt. vives 30 | Potatoes, new, PE. ccivaneeven.80 Fresh vegetables-- | Beans, butter, qt. ........ | Carrots, bunch .. Li | Cabbage, each, .. { Tomatoes, 1b. .:. Beets, bunch .,. 10 .sse10 ..10 .15 Unclassified Sugar, granulated, 1b. ........11% { Sugar, yellow, Ib, evi ldf {Sugar, 16108, IB. vvennssneens. 2B sea- | ed, $8.10 to $8.20; yorkers, $8.25; | Flour, standard, cwt..$4.00 to $4.25 Rolled oats, Ib delivered | to $6; roughs, $5.25 to $6; stags, | Honey, 5-1b. pail | Honey, comb, Lard, Ib. | Oleomargarine, b.. [Maple Sugar, 1b: ..... | iCod, Ib, ... j Prieta, Ib. ... ... ... ...3%¢% 35 | Finnan haddie, Ib. ... ... 15 to 18 (Haddock, fresh, Ib. .eee.... .13% | Halibut fresh, 1b. ......~32 to 34 { Kippers, Pall o. we wees oe .20 to 35 {PErCh, I coav stom os'se + +133 Pike, IB. i... asec wves soe' 18 {Salmon, 1b. ww .voe vw we we. .35 20 40 {Fresh: | Trout, Salmon, Id White fish, .. Dairy Produce | Butter, creamery, 1b, Butter, dairy, 1b. {Cheese, new, 1b. .... 37 to 40 «235 turkey, 38¢c to 42c; ducks, 25c | Cheese, old, Ib, «o......... 36-48 | ees, fresh, 0%. vv iv vr oo ae 30 Meats ana Poudry Beet: > Steak, porterhouse, 1b. ....32 to 35 Steak, round, 1b. ... ... 20 to 2% Boilingcuts, 1b ( Stewing cuts, Beef, western, cwt, Beef, local, Ib, ..... vaned Veal, Tb. vcs ensevas seed to 12 Pork: Loin roasts, 1b. Shoulder roasts .. 18 to 22 Hog, live weight, cwt, 9 Chops, Ib. ......0c.... 35 to 30¢ Hogs, dressed, cwt. ......13 to 15 Bacon, breakfast, 30 to 33 Ham, smoked, . 28 Spring lamb: Carcase, Ib. Fronts, 1b, Mutton, chops, Id. ........ Mutton, carcase, Poultry: Fowl, 1b. 20 23 20 to 25 seasssnses walf sesresses 20 to 25 sseracesy 30 Hay, Straw ana Grains Barley hus. BPA, GOB. cv os os vs 70 . 28 to 29 sess nasan | Buckwheat, bus, Corn, feed, car lots, $1.08 Corn, feed, bus. ....$1.10 to $1.15 $29 to $30 7 to $8 $1.06 to J1.1¢ Straw baled, ton, Wheat, local, bus. :. . SPLENDID ViSITING. Fine Tout Taken In Lakes Of The North. Northbrooke, July 30. --- Casries Clarke has men working on his tele- phone 'ine steadily and' will soon have ii in running order again. W, Cassada had a raising for his ncw barn which is nearing + complelica. Mr. ard Mrs. Latimer, Toronto, are visiting at M. Forbear's. Huckle- berries are very scarce owing to the eontinued dry weather. Many farmers complain of beinz short of watcr for their stock to drink. Miss Velva Thompson is spend- ing a few weeks with her grand:noti- | er, Mrs. George Pyke, Kingston. Mfks Hattie Curtis, Toronto, is visiting her THE COMING CHAMPION WENN es our! BN 2 nT N= Sa / \ . 2 ¥ ~ ' a, MAKE IT "A KNOCKOUT _ ME! = 60 |eita, have returned to their home in +10; 5 be the standard of the || "Maritime ,Express'---Montreal-Hal- Mrs. ! |sister, Mrs. Henry Lloyd. i {Murphy and Mr. York are buy.ng cat- | tie in this district. William Bota, i. |ias purchased a new car. Fiehing is flde in the lakes and trout up Lo fifteen pounds are being caught. William Kehoe purchased {a car from Rasliotte, Twéed. Good | results are being obtained on tie {local radios and fine programmes {leard from Chicago, Pittsburz and: | Senenectady. { Mrs. MacDonM and daughter, Al- Embro after a few wees wih her sister, Mrs. A. E. Fleicher. Mrs. Flora Thompson has resumed house- keeping again after pending the sum- mer with friends at Verona. Judge Mary Bartheione, Chicago, ! i' visiting Mrs. FP. L. Fox, at the Ore | | Chimney mines. Ernest Resenpiot | {purchased a new car in Tweed last | | Week. Mrs. H. Woodcock is visiting | her daughter, Mrs. Hamilton, Oshawa | | ALL STEEL EQUPMENT 10 BE USED IN HUTERE Be the Standard of the Cana- dian National Passenger Trains. All steel equipment will, in future, Canadian | National Railway's heavy main lide | passenger trains. There has been {some all steel baggage cars and coaches on oertain trains in the past, but with the delivery of the thirty allsteel baggage cars and forty allsteel first class coaches, ordered this year, assignment has been made to have hereafter a un- form allwteel train on the prin- cipal runs, To maintain the all-steel standard, a large number of cars is required. Some trains like the 'Continental Limited" for example, are made up of eighteen coaches.Others are from fourteen to sixteen, \ | The new coaches and 'baggage cars |are being distributed over the three regions of the System, Atlantic, Cen- | tral and Western and will be in ser- vice on the "Ocean Limited" and ifax; "International Limited'--Mon- treal-Chicago; "Continental Limited" --Montreal-Vancouver; ""The Na- tional"-{Toronto-Winnipeg and oth- er main line trains, thus offering the best service to all parts of the country. The forty-one first class coaches embody in their construction all the {latest devices for comfort and se- curity. Their total length, over |sllls, is seventy-three feet, six inches, [their width over all at eaves,ten feet, {one and seven eighth's inches and [their height from track to roof | | fourteen feet, two inches, Their | equipment also includes the best brake, lighting and heating systems. This 1923 equipment of the 'Can- jadian National Railways represents {the. finest and mdst up-to-date type of rollilng stock known to the rail- way world. One of its main feat- ures is the fact that all cars are standafized both as to height and color so that when a train is seen rushing over the road, or standing at the station, it is a completely uniform train, made up of the most { modern equipment, and offering every possible convenience to the passéngers. E Mrs. N. Lingham, Belleville, Dead. Belleville, Aug. 1.--Mrs. Fannie Lingham, widow of the late ex- Mayor Nelson Lingham, of this city, {dled on Sunday night, aged eighty- five years. She was born In Englang in 1838 and when a child came to Canada, For over three-quarters of a century Mrs. Lingham resided in Belleville. She was a lifelong mem- ber of the Methodist church, Two sons and three daughters survive, Camu Nanos! Raters Harvest Help Excursions August 13th and 22nd to Winnipeg--$15.00 Plus 3% cent per mile beyond. Returning 3; cent per mile to Win- | nipeg, plus $30.00. Extra accommodation from King- | ston, conmecting at Toreato, with| through special trains to Winaipeg. | Meals and lunches served at rea-| sonable prices, in restaurant cars. } Specidl cars for wemén. Convertible (berth) colonist cars of latest design. TE ryts and full information from J. Pr. NLEY, C. P. and T. A. Canadian National Ont. 8 8 da aan 1} 1} A Wonderful 2-DayVacation Cruise For Kingston People BAY OF QUINTE--TORONTO 1000 ISLANDS--ALEXRANDRIA BAY ONLY $18 Return Fare, including berth and meéals while on board ship. Those who have taken this cruise say that it's the finest short trip they have ever enjoyed. either Wednesday, Friday or Sunday you take the 8. 8. "Cape Trinity" at 2.45 pm. (Daylight Saving Time) from Kincsion. You cruise through the beautiful Bay of Quinte, stopping. at Belleville. Then you journey om to Toronto, where a seven hour stop-over is allowed. Leaving Toronto you sail direct to those enchanted 1,000 Islands -- nature's beauty land. Next you come to Alexandria Bay, where a stop-over is made allowing you to view this famous resort. Then you jourmey on to Prescott. The return journey from Prescott'is made via the Canadian channel. You reach Kingston just two days after your trip's commencement. If you take Sunday boat from an extra day stop-over in Toronto is made. ' For further information get in touch with: . P. HANLEY, Local Agent for the CANADA STEAMSHIP LINES, LIMITED $15." TO WINNIPEG Plus half a cent a mile beyond to all points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Edmon- | ton, Tannis, Calgary, Macleod and East. SPECIAL LOW FARES RETURNING GOING DATES SPECIAL TRAINS TO TAKE CARE OF THE TRAVEL HARVESTERS WANTED August 13th and 22nd-From Toronto, Parry Sound and East in Ontario, also from Stations West of St. And- rews East, and Lachute in Quebec. & » Through Trains with Lunch Counter Cars--Food and Refreshments at reasonable prices--Special Cars for Women and Colonist Cars of Latest Design. Travel the National Way to any point in Western Canada. 1 ANADIAN | Harvesters, | -- Wanted! Tickets Good Going From Stations in Ontario, Smith's Falls to and Toronto on lake Ontario Shore Line and Havelock-Peterboro $15°06% Spine bien Tele fi nd inching Eni, gg August 13 and August 22 August 15 and August 24 Special Trains ial trai ill leave Toronto at 10.00 a.m. each date, followed by oust Shocial rain oa sous) train will leave at 10.30 p.m. each date, Special cars will be reserved for exclusive use of ladies, children and their escorts, LUNCH COUNTER CARS---Foods and refreshments at reasonable prices. Particulars from any Canadian Pacific Ticket Agent. , W. FULTON, District Passenger Agent. _Travel CANADIAN PACIFIC bridge. for cancer and WDrosy. AdministéP- ; 'The nncients also beleved it to be | ed Internally, they counteracted remarkable Mttle fish known as [possessed of medicinal virtues under Beard and mantle do not make Lhe 2