: fHE DAILY BRITISH RE ---------------- a ~ This Section Gives Advance Notice Of Coming Opportunities For Profit | : : | NS = Em | Merchandise Real Estate For Sal ROW IN WHITBY: The Br itish Whig Help TE 5 Articles For Sale | Te Tair = KINGSTON, ONT. s 9' " » ING. n ad FURNITURE---Den sett, kitchen cadi-| 147 ACRES-- Buildings in good condi. : CLERK WON | CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. . | SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY -- Ofterea | FUR buffet and bookcases, hen eadt.| tions; $0 acres under cultivation, cons Indexed, standardised and popular~ * from now until Christmas to repre-| "goign PUEL o h o A . | . pply J. Th , 333 Prin-| venient to school and ch fact | {zed according to . Kee Oo e g t q sentatives handling our line of Per-| oss rots ToRone 1600, | Well watered. 'S miles on Kien | sonal greeting caras, to earn from ten | Apply C. O. Martin, Westbrooke, Ont. Two Factions in Town As| THE BASIL L SMITH SYSTEM to Afty dollars weskiy, either in Whole | GR GES ANT COTTAGES Portable he iadelphia, Pa y p re oads he must chéo: or spare time. This is a special op- . - . Inc, Philadelphia, When a traveler comes to a, crossroads se palleih i ples free. We pay| Of Permanent, steel tryss barns and | 155 ACRES--2 miles from Kingston of | . | impiem: buildiy tee water Bath Road; clay 1; new Renu ot atiod TO | ait stn are rourictes te, the one path or another. weekly, Write at nos for Important | {hia shineles. sidings. ote F. B Mer he" choad, CLAY loam soll: now Bar: es 3 proper classification, &n his sible thi the right way and nfor on. pt. D122, | Namee, 345 Alired Street. Agent M.S | ences. Fo ticulars apply te - gration, regular Dally Whig style of ype. It is possible that he will select g Fan Publishing Co, Toronto, Ont. & S. Co. Phone 2292w. thur Wartman, R. ALD. No. 5 Portes 5 reach his proper destination, but there is an equal posai- - mouth - ; -- CLASSIFIED RATES < . : ; YOUNG MAN---To help in bake shod, OR | MOWERS A few d-hand : 3 ihichy, ye ~ ity >.> Daily tate per line or conseéutive bility of his choosing the wrong way--in which case he cakes. Apply F. A. Atkins, cor. Prin-| Nee Truck Sates, Renfrew Cream Houses For Bale od the throes of sxe man Sve § criia \ fsertions: must retrace many weary steps before he can reach his cess and 'Ailred Streets. Seperators, Pum a Bx so lad: : that has arisen 'n mun a alrp, 5 = \ y rs . Frost & Wood Agency, 2 n- 5 " but it is wot rue, as reported "ho Misimuw charge, 19 seals. sel, travel throdgh the A-B-C Classified Col Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 83 trio Street, Kingston. | PiE00. aman hones and rick. centrdl, x; g . * n line. fou may trave. e A-B- - . 200; ) v ft ts now without civic officials. Jily rates per line ' ver all other travellers. AGENT--An intelligent Chrisian wo-| PIANO -- Heintzwoan & Co. Upright,| $500: must be sold at once. Nelson ¢ bo ¢ ¢ Guys umns have an advantage over all o man or man to introduce new plan of| good condition, full gcale, possessing| SL eels. brick, 7 rooms, all improve- : Some of the members of the cou 3 Sate wes en es When you come to a buying crossroads--that is, when Bible study for children. Every moth-| rull rich tone. Bargain, terms | Jaats Judo, We also have seve cll are after the scalp of the own | « JF = ions orin ion" charged. you arrive at several offers which interest you--you do er interes Endorsed by ministers. | arranged Apply C. W. Lindsay, | No ocmation Inle, or ie nn Slefh 40g Ueasurer, A, W. Jackson, Dias ond Merviagon hot need to retrace your stepa if you find that the path SS ay Suamanied. on 1 Spas Limite Arey NH, B. Wilson, Realtor, Uptown ' nto. PIANO--Square. Must be gold. Cheap. | Tout ice, 316 Barrie Street. Phoae: ~ and have asked im to resign, As| iM: cash BIOS. nam of one-ad does not lead 'to-what you want. dina Bldg., Toro Apply Grimwood, 68 Upper Charles! & result the population is divided Notices--_harged, $1.50; cash, $100 | You may select the right path by selecting all paths ) ; . ENTS--Get in a profitable all year { "ng into Camps, one for the offielal | $40 Indertion. . for 'frreguiar at one and the same time! A i a rentanie oll year! Sirect. ROUSE Ten rooms to the" other for Mayor R. N. insertions takes the one-time insers Answer the A-B-C ads that interest you and can RE ya ute nade some of STOVES Lawrenson's Tor Good Cheer Sold away iow nea Pathe tollety 2 < : >" . uare c oves an eate v . 9 2 leading hi majority Ii the Pon Fait ho ag, taken for less thay save your money to-day! Red Tag ar and Pianta No Rar Economy Ready Mixed Paints and Var: ~30, British Whig. La in e clerk's resigna- . the : tal neege Complete equipment a nishes. 357 Princess Street. Phone SE Ee _coulicl] seeking t gna Count six average words to THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS . instructions free. L Write Dominion| 339w.. opposite Oranxe Hail. ht witva hms. B. ang GC, elects ton, 4 Chat ived b ' iv : nv Nurseries, Montrea Sr ' - s ae The council has called for applfs Hiiusd ads wii 1% at The Brite ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE WOOD---Mixed, $3.35 quarter cord; new Sota Sony hae aheds, fruit gardens eations for the posiuon, but Mr. ish Whig Office within 6 days from ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY : SALES AGENT--Reliable, for unrepre- | and second hand lumber, matched lum- Streets. ; na 4 3 1 the first day of Insertion, cash rate > sented districts. Good pay, free equip-| ber, cedar posts; soft slabs, $2.50 quar-| Flaghuon has Fetused oi : as accum.| ul'be alowed fe th eo da fruit ana OTRAmORtAL creas fh Canada ORR ee RR BRICK HOUSE -- Nearly new, seven claring that if, the Yorke San ecu ang neOPYed Delors SXDITRUON wily | Sell for & Nursery, not for a jobber.| Division. Phone i30iw. [oR kitchentite, gas, furnace, elee= as rged, A u > ber of = ou wi:l be su a rite: Belham " . e ve ~ ulated charged, he hasnot enough only be charged for the number x 1 b ocesstul. Wri Belh ~OKR T dan. Ya ro te pain oe Swan - assistance, ang should be suppiled | .iimes the aa. appeared and adjust- Rufsery Coy XYoreats. VN RaD CORE--New yard at 10. icaving tiv." Aprie 57 BAIS gc ONneE with a competent - bookkeeper mént made at the rate earned. : > Wellington, corner Ordnance, dry, : wires The clerk's adherents heid 3 > Kale per line for white space is Cg Teachers Wanted 38a. fixed Soliwond usd Joi and de-} HOUSE--One of the Beat built houses! @ clerk's a enis ne PUP L the same as a line of type, i V' 3 80, A= ord, easure. | r i lic meeting for the purpose of ask-| Upeciai rate for yearly advertising Automobiles | __ Business Service TEACHER--Qualified. for 8 8 No. 1. Hara Coal Coke from city gus works. vente Ear Jhruit and an " por u . ee ? RE --= n; a h . on A > ers, pi . x lug the whole council to resign, but | Jhoi feaicat eto sau Automobiles for Sale, 1 Chiropractic Zac. | Slassuen commence Sept. a" Abply $1.00. Load Catmkerd S0c. W. C. Bru-| 387 Johnson Street. oth 11 classified advertising stat Wallfications to Hanlon Car- on. 0! - nothing came of it. _Atihis meeting eo ye ail 2 RD 'SEDAN---Used only one month.! MARCELIS--Wm., A., D.C, Ph. C,, cor- i A R. R. No. 2, Harrow- -- HOUSE--8olid brick, stone foundati members of the councll were warm-| FRI. 0. LL want aa. [FO TIT ner Princess and Barrie Streets. ind| smith, Ont. Wanted--To Buy 66 | draw: an, Wr criticized and affairs two =yages Ph Cheap for cash. Phone 1990-J Root, Barre Bt. tannery Ringed Sw hE aToom, with fireplace, din} . . hv an chen on ground flooy, = - Ont. Consultation free. Telephone --Q OLD GOLD--Sllver, or False Teeth, for| b p old were dragged forth .as evidence Announcement SVERLAND---§ passenger. Apply 216] $32J. Hours» toll am. 1to § p.m. on™] sd, Pratestan a 17600. cash or exchange. G. Lyons, bath. peg hy reid ena on, of thelr incompetence. The meeting War. treet. UCY--Dra. G. F. and Jennie A. G Formal trained. Duties to commence| 344 Princess street. Kingston. third floor; all bedrooms have clothes broke up in wild confision. Personals ° hl Slalisty ADA Registered gtember rd. Abply stating qual bo bt ng a. 3 divisions ' Spec catiol Geo! derson, - . n 3 What the outcome will be can- VROLET--4$200; Ford $125. Both| Hurse 333 Hagot Street. Phone M43W.| Treas: R. R. 1, Wolfe 10tand " = | ROW-BOAT-- Wanted to rent or buy.| Ti cold Water, alee: Bec UAL has 3 SKIN BLEMISHES -- Halr, Moles | CHE --4 ; : A Bae ./ in, coadition. Apply! Hours: 9-12 am, 1 to 5, and & to 7.30 Apply Box Y-1, Whig Office. tubs; oak fi not be prediefed at present. Tneiw Warts, Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, in good Xunning corner Bagot and| p.m. Sunday and other hours by ap- y bd pt rag is some talk of burying the hatchet PA ne, as ne Queen Streets. pointment. Consultation free. TEACHER--Prot holding a r and wall plugs; built in floors but the affair seems to have gone Sin after others have failed aa or third class certificate, for 8. 8. No. Rooms For Rent boards in kitchen; side entrance: hot s Dental 88d. | 3, Hinchinbrooke. Salary $800; very|---- So oile 8G water heating; 3 sto a for that.. The council will| Goitre cured without operation. 3 EE Te rey garage with tog far for that. o ears' experience. Dr. Eimer J. Lake, convenient location. Apply, stating Rooms With Board @7| Work shop above; exgsilent location meet next Monday night to take | LN Hr Pe oe. oat. | Skin, 358! OIl--The best Is the cheapest; If you| SPARKS & SPARKS -- Den 168 | qualifications, etc. to L. A. Cameron, down town. Information as to terms final action In the matter, and some | Bagot Street. Fhond 301w. House 1138J | try our grade of oils you will want| Nuliinglon sireel, corner of Mrock.| Tichborne, Ont. BOARD AND ROOMS--First class, by| "Id location can be: had at office. CEERI | day or week. All conveniences. Rea- more. Queen and Ontario Streets. exgitement is anticipated. . ome RR M. B. TRUMPOUR lost and Found 19 Wanted--Automobules #7 | KNAPD--LIv. A. E, Deauist. Office: 358 | TEACHER--Qualified, for 8. 8. No. &. hind Bear Broo Street. University 237 AUTOMOBILE CRANK~Found, on Col- Bagot Street. es. Princéss Street. Phone 633w. Open Hinchiabivoke, potestant, Pution to . R # ¢ i py @ n rd. lary $1,000 pe od 8 t Apply New England CARS--If you have a late model used| evenings by appointment. Commence September 3 ROOMS--Warm, good bdard, reason- » ng was Colling woud Breet . car for sale send lowest price and state Pe anu. Geo. A. Smith, secretary, | "gple rates: close to the down-town| Fhones 704 or 1542F. model to Box U-27, Whig Office. Legal 2We. arham, Ont. business section. Mrs. Todd, 114 John- | BAKER'S RECEIPT BOOK--Lost. sult. | meee | . son stre | "able reward if returned to owner. E. Business Services. [ CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers | TEACHER Vale SN nd class, z SEE--Bateman's- Rea: Estate ad - | H. Harrison, 240 Division Street. : sili ho and Solicitors, 7% Clarence Street, Island. Duties: talumence Sept. 3rd. | Kooms Without Board G8 | vertisement, page 3; column i | Business Services Offered 18] Kington, A B- Cunningham, KCl SLA sion appr iene ooh. hid. GLASSES--Found, in Sattraqul Come. Cyru M. Smith. patrick, Stella, Ont. BE oN: arse Jurnisnay, all con- tery. Owner may have same a | bu 5 § NGGRAPHY -- Verbat!m - -- Ee : . = veniences, near ueen's University S. W, v V, Office. | FR opursing, Augiting. er Bua: | DAY AND REVELLE--Barristers and TEACHER--Qualified, for 8. 8. No. 7,| Apply 313 University Avenue. Phone| Real Estite UN a SON. ki ineas Bervice, 14 Market Street. Phon| Solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, King- | TEACHER salary Gf $800 per annum. | 36IW. Johnson and Division Ste. & GOLD MESH BAG--Los!. in downtown 481] ston. A. E. Day, Adrian I Revelie.| pitie! to contmenice Sept. 4th. Apply Phone 539W. See advt. Page 2. section. Finder please return to 68 . Money to loan. Phone 205. stating qualifications' and experience ROOMS--And space for tents at Robin- | i Be Karl Street and receive reward. WELL DRILLING -- Sanitary water| corm to James E. Hamilton, sec.-treas, R.| Son's Point. Apply C. W. Newville, 149] -- he oldest, the largest, the only | SHEA--Ambrose, B.A, Barrister and M. D. No. 2, Yarker, Ont * 7! Collingwood Street. | GOLD WATCH FOB CHARM--Lost, in-| ella. the oldest. the largest, the only | "ogiioiior™ Law Oitice, corner of King | M: Di No. 2, Lot a | ftailed C.K.A., between >. Mary's Ca- san AY and Addington. The most| 0d Brock, over Royal Bank. Money TEACHER--Ppotestant only, for 8S. S " Real Estate For Rent { thedral and corner Division and Prin-| poo oo equipment in America. For| © loan. Fhone 1989. No. 5 and 6. Barrie and Kennebec, | ----------r Em ig ) WwW K Coss streets. keward offered If re-} DOUCER SRIBINER A BN Gu i= =======--==| holding limited third class. Salary | A its and lat 71 . Kent Macnee turned to 311 Brock Street. son Co.. Colebrook, Ont. Usteopathy 8g. $800 per annum. Duties to com partmen 3 Bank of Commerce Bullding, Brock - - pt. 3rd. -Apply, stating experience, and King Str h , "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS"--Osteo-| to Claude Parks, R. R. No. 1, Arden. | APARTMENT --Comfortable, § roomed, General Insurance JoL2F Yom, KEY FOUND, in Macdonald Park. Ap-|-\ yoTIONEER-For courtesy and hone pathy succeeds when drugs fail. Me- lighted and heated. facing Victoria Writing: Lo ply Whig Office, est dealing. W. A. Twigg. 374 Kiug| chano-therapy and klectru-therapy. 14| TEACHER Protestant, for S. 5. No. 3. po Sina tgrsaion September 1st. Ap-| | dent, Blokness Blase Gi urglary . Street. Phone $10J or 1i85w. ar ee tn Kingstoa. Telephone | Bedford. Salary 3300. Duties to com-| DIY Kin ton. Ont. 173 Clarence] | tc 'Representing only retlabie oul PURSE--Found, containing a sum of oH Jor Appointment. brs. Robert and | mence Sept. 4th. Apply, stating quall- ' gston, Ont. panies. 3 dna Asacroft, Jos ing reet, near! fications to William A. Steele, Tich- FLAT--Unfurnished, for small family; money. Owner may Bave same by CARPENTERING -- Carpenter and| Lari borne, Ont SpPIYIng to Henry hvans, Westbrook, Cp Eat . | Emm : : All conveniences. Apply Dr. Nash, 133 | ont. o¥ y builder. Estimates given on ali class Al wonvenlens MERCHANDISE ant, tor 8 & No. 15, Elginburg. Sal- FLAT--Foup rooms, for light house- a work; hardwood flooring. James Repair: 29 | TEACHER -- Normal trained, Protes- - of otk 271 Bagot Street. Phone ns ' i 3 . ; . y ~ y $1,000. Duties to commence Sep- ; SUM OF MONEY--Found, at Laidlaw's.| 59% | FURNITURE FINISHING--Of all kinds.| ary $i. o.| keeping; gas, light. water; trom Au- TS. Owner may have same at Laidiaw's. Dressuinking--dillinery 3M street: Phone 306K. 0 28 J0Ra | A ry Elgin oy, (alien Stover, | GLCP Also one large room and FURNITURE m August 17tn. Apply Of All Descriptions at Reason« SUM OF MONEY--Found, in Whig Of- < Repriring TEACHER--Normal trained, Protestant | 3% Queen Street. able Prices GEOROE D. PERRY fice un Friday. Owner -may have| NEMSTITCHING--Picot ing. Rleat. 20 | "(temale), for S8 No. 11, Pittsburg STOVES : edg Busipess Places For Rent 73 Well repaired. at a rgiht price a BUSINESS 3SMVICR For the past twelve ye > Ad ing: work teed. Mrs. the Canadian Nationa) Tel fe. | me by proving property at office. | OF: J6 Bhirig Beet. 14% DlockS| 1,pHOLSTERING--New or used furnl- Salary hove men rea Slo Dorn at nits host lr. Perry Na8! 31 BILL--Lost. on Sunday, op Str.| from Princvss me | ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop a| joyoevilte, RR.) ont. LODGE ROOMS--Rooms on King street : A long Brockville or Brock or Sydenham < card. W. J. Gavine, 316 Bagot Street. --formerly occupied by the 1.0.0.F ? ot en ean or tele R Susiness, Streets. Finder please return to 172 Insurance » UPHOLSTERING--And I rere Situations, Wanted--Male 37 | Apply to Cunningham & Smith. . ur S wd JShrrle Sereet. FIRE--Automoblle and Casualty Insur-| ing. Leave orders at ra a card pe Hn For Re ay PHONE 705 AT QUEEN'S SUMMER SCHOOL. nee, Ba Tumley, 420 Earl Street.| to F. W. Harold ,104 Clergy Street. FIRST ALAS BUTCHER Wants to 10 ouses Ren: 3 on asa hy pt . one 1% , wages % SHOE REPAIRING--AIl ha work.| reasonable. Apply by mail to § Bajus - 5 r Sole » lo-Day 8 Blunder INSURANCE--Fire, Life, Accident and| Rubber heels a Speciaiiy: p- ser-| Cottage, Wellington Street, city. US| Hou SE--AIl conveniences; Immediate The Teams aro cted For the | ( orrected | Sickness, in reliable cumpanics. J. B.| vice. Adolf Kaminski, corner Mont- = ¥ n. . Phode 393m. ------ Tenni ; Finals. Cooke, District Manager. Phones:| real and Street y y =| Res: ¥42w.. Office: 303w. rea Wuten Bureets. Financial HOUSE--At once, Qugen's Summer School Students new, seven room : (See Illustration ou Page 14.) UPHOLSTERING -- Covered buttons MN with large lot and barn on North Al- be entertained at the R. M. INSURANCE--Only the most reliable|U > A oney to Loan 40! trea. ly J. D. Bo Eastvi ary lo R Since milk and 4 butter -absord 'companies represented. Strange made same day as ordered. Upholster- Park. Le A 1102 R4. ve, nw a & 3 > - Dux frioay ts Laem. i cdors very quickly from other foods, Strange. established in 1360. Office: 35] 1,0 QF JSRRALE Prion, Ee): Youd yr incorporated 1861. "Py ident rence Street, opposite Post Office. 3 x t . esident, a& Q " 111 be "pl they should not be placed in the|_"l8TeRce Street, opposite Past af 3043F. W. F. Nickle. K.C.; vice-president, A.| 35 WEST ST.-- Furnished, from Sept. loubles, Queen's, wi played at (yum, compartment of the refrigera-| OUR HEALTH And Acoidant policy. is B. Juuningham. Money lssued on city | "1st; garage. Apply to Dr. J. C. Connell ; 118 p.m. to-day. The teams are. tor with' foods such ae oh . the sick man's friend. Your salary is Employment and farm properties; municipal and . Miss S PB or Such as 010088, vege-| ,,uiected. Every known discase cove |= Bath, county debentures; mortgages pur- by small Motor Boats is a most * : cott and . . Maclean ! N . chased; investment bonds for sale; de- | § JENKIN STREET--4 rooms and bath bl ki f e tables, or smoked meats, If there| ered. For rates cansult or phone E. Help Wanted--Female 8 delightful i Miss Sint dW.J B : Fi Soup: okits received and interest allowed.| room. complete, hardwood floors, elec- ig pastime. Why not in- . pson and W. J. Brown. |i; only one food compartment, the| W!iMams, 3 Couper Street. Eo COOK ORE arr |. BO TE PI i By a, | Er Pie handwasd Inquire 93 in The results of the semi-finals in butter and mild sheuld be closely | frre Trucking, Scr 25 | COOK GENERAL -- Experien bY | Street. Kingston. " Ragian Road, or phone 2039w. vest in a disappearing Propeller, the men's singles played Tuesday covered, or placed in the compart-| > 2 De "hans. strest Wal He Mae Live Stock 88 BEVERLY ST.--8rick, 7 rooms, all Nur Bory tor Water evening are as follows: sovered. or pl | ASHES--Cleaned out of cellars and improvements. & | ord uxe model? Both » placed in the compar | yards, clean Job dune. A. MacGregor, » ents, good Saiden and hen | uniop defeated W. J. Brown, | ment with the ice. | 24 Russell Stree:. Phone 3235. - DINING Joou GIRL--Apply Belmont Poultry and Supplies 4° Ronse: Box X_31 Whis a Mae. quipped with starter, dash and seore 6- 3 Ee a ate - - Mining Rooms. very complete. Apply-- 'B: Sexton defeated D. E. Mae SIURAGE SPACE--For furniture, clean LEGHORNS -- Pen Rose Comb White| 487 ALFRED ST.--§ rooms, electric . A ply E. E. Wathem, 143 . . sore 8:3, 4.8, 1-5 Niagara Falls, NY. Aug 1 | olen brent" Prone Siaid ar fig Cf | Legkorne ave yuan Rane sna ware: 'Honk eeed iantng "Hie Chur DAVIS DRY DOCK Co . 2 NY A vo-- .S--Experienced, to sew. . SA ---- Governor Donahey, Ohio and Ward- | STORAGE--For furniture. clean, dry,| Livingston & fre, ppIY {ianiing hens. "Stanley Richardson, oe FON Ing, If required Ap . * ) Ys airy rooms and spaces; your own lock > - : o Feet. East End of Wellington M rever. en Preston Thomas, Ohio state] and key. Frost's Cit Storage, 399+ Summer Fiaces tor Reot demonstration in | penitentiary, crossed the border in-| 305 Queen St. Phone Lae. Rea sis. HOUSEMAID--Apply Mrs. Howard Folk Merchandise hh 80! | for demonstration and prices. yesterday Dr. Forbes | : : BUNGALOW---Rurnished. at once; - Sry ann en | a aad Cu Seinen Sov | nts Pabrig Decoraing 3854 By GE Re ly , r Pply J. D. trasties as servants. The party ex-| 'drat class work sme work cron -- | DY REPRESENTATIVES Have a] A Thorough Cancadtomobile Tents. | Boyd. Eastview Park. Phohe 1103 R 1 x pected to make an extensive" fuat-| Call or phone A. Anderson, 155 Bagot| SPiendid opportunity tv earn from ue Tarpaulins. F.. . RE REAR TIS | ary MORE. you read them "Ben Street. Phone 196 . ten to thiriy dollars weekly from 46.' | CLASSIFIED ads gets right down te! more they you; : + & Scotchman, ing trip through the province of On. he now until Caristmas with our special Cooke. 319 Bagot Street. Phone 43¢. | C1 and make business come oh Is th y Seip You: the more t Sbpeared to be nearing his ond, and | iurig, Other members of the party thal Personal greeting cards. The| BAGGAGE -Sult Cases, Club Bags In| FIENt Ub to your expectations. Meaning, of Course, the olassiiod Le the mdftse told the doctor that he Includd six of Governor booed. vind sian PAINTING. S. Robinson, rear| demand will be 5 fabric and solid leather STTuRK : kept asking to be allowed to have Bagu les free. W y Sizes; Steamer Trunks Save 3% on sons and a son of Warden Thomas. ree. rite for full| paggage. A. Shapiro, 46 Princess St. information. Dept. D122, The Carlton he taspiges. 8814 the doc Architects 28h, | Publ & Company, Toronto, Ont. BARGAINS -- In Furniture, ete. One tor, "let the poor fellow have what 1 2 : ihe wants." On.making his rounds | Immisration department inspeet- | Si rarer Drop-hesa 'Sewing Machines $13 Sud x ore at ports of entry are asked to "Merchants Bank Chante jt] WAITRESSES--Apply Randolph Hotel! 313 sath: one oar ron pe Desk 313; the next day the doctor was agreeably Brock and Wellington ra, corner of one 3-burner Pertection Dil Stove 38.00. - surprised to see Sandy. sitti watch for two convicts reported to bed smoking a pipe. 3 gp ip be endeavoring to enter Canada sid 175 Help Wasted --Male 33 | Lewees Atigue Pp, 507 Princess St. a " from the United States. It was said YOUR 'PRIBENDS. and friends of . ~ "You see," commented the dootor, your friends, have profited by reading BRICK-Jlald hd Soft, shy quantity. arou two convicts: with life terms had N AT HOM a nd smiltagly to. the | I classified ads--and so have friends of | 'paid weekly for you: arire SAS 0 $60 SE hoiting ovy ihe. Sorner Hiren "what a little kindness has | entered Canada In a party wccomp- | °F friends' friends. ing sh t N vassi duns. anying governor Denahey Ohlo, now | Y°Ur friends' frien we instruct and supply ou with wor ad Tes, " replied the nurse, "he's | holidaying in Ontario. ue EVERY Individual has soinething est-Angus Show rvice, 17} Cl When you want & fresh sup- S if . . ; Flos Satiing fn sugar golug on Iu | he dost wan: and dante somethine fa oieorac Sd: Torabio BLE WE Sse ee eng | JAIMIES OWI o., Limite 1; A all Might, but twalse other men in the prices and Foot of Johnson Street ¥ wan are dead" = New York. Fine granulated went to he doesn't have. The classified ads eerfully deliver to your address. i ------ i es $7.90 per cwt.: other goods rang- straighten out difficulties NE JASONS A 2 ood tans Eliere 3 ite F. H. McGuigan, Toronto, has|ed up to $8.10. This is a drop of CLASSIFIED Opportunities is an.| Of Wages ~Clark- been appointed by the minister of [$2 from the high of last year. 'other name for classified advertising. | Se: reas Ti O8L OE. Varette, ASSIFIED ADS! Read them and labor to represent the Toronto | -------- B = Commission in its BRINGING UP FATHER it > 3 3 147 > HH ka dispute over wages and working | conditions with its electrical ana other : ; YES -MY ' ive Alliance of Am- . : "y _ Semator Hiram we, run tor the U. S. presi- dency. Senator Underwood! Ala. bama, may be a Democratic candl- J Nene ae followers of Ea 2 > wAlady, ' = de Valera are spreading thelr extensively here in fav. Irish Republic and colloct- funds. s 4 Blaquiere, aged Sigg, #8, a fishery guardian on river, was shot dead by e are ton millions of - the world araving pensions, he result of the war. aol t Harding has passed the his illness and is grows