Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Aug 1923, p. 8

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Summer Pajamas Summer Pajamas in plain and striped. "Regular $4.00 .... .... Sale Price $2.50 'Regular $5.00 ..........Sale Price $3.50 It will pay you to see our stock before buy- ing. Everything in Gents' wear. George VanHorne's 213 Princess Street. Phone 362w. Wrong Eyes | And Headaches This is a common combina- tion. Almost anything can go wrong with a . person whose eyes are below par. Headaches are only one of the symptoms. | People should always find out | what is causing their headaches --then remove the cause. IMPORTED LUSTRE CHINA Inexpensive and very at- tractive in Buff,- Blue and nati Green shades, with beautiful hgh, prev ol wil Show | Opalescent lining. We have : eyes. | an exquisite 21 piece Tea W.D.GRAHAM R.0. i Successor to Set at $25.00. Trays, Bon Bons, Olive Also Honey Jars, Spoon { Dishes, Mayonnaise Dishes and Whipped Cream Dishes," | and priced from $1.50 to {fl s=s0. Regisicred Optometrist | 140 Welltacton St. Opp. Post Office. Dr. Waugh 1 AS ens or Drs. Nash & Renton | DENTISTS 188 PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON OFFICE HOURS: 9 am. to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. GAS---X RAY. Phone 256, Timmins hockey star, goes to Cleveland. : Labor situation is serious on On- tario farms. _ Our Open Stock Patterns in French China Dinnerware are now complete. .. Would advise our many customers to make their selection of matchings as soon as possible, You will find many other lines of interest in our store, THE BANDITS WERE SEEN By Three Men And At Three | Different Occasions. SENT NOTE T0 NEWSPAPER > 'Bandit Told of Going to the | | Theatres And Made Threats Toronto, Aug. 1.--Information re- ceived by the police indicates that the Toronto bank robbers whose car was found In a barn tem miles north- east of Toronto, camped in the viria- ity of the barn from last Wednesday, the day following the robbery, until Monday moraing. About ode o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, LesMe Sanderson a team- ster, employed on the farm, saw three men coming away from the farm, where the car obtained by the gun- men were found, and driving nor.h In a big motor car. One of these men {was dark complexioned and very stout and heavy. | At 7.30 Friday morning Willlam | Bone saw two men running from the | back of the barn, and saw three | others going north through an oat | field towards a car which was waiting |in the distance. | Sunday morning about ten o'alock Jack Alton, another employee of the | (arm, and who lives about half a miie | south. near the old shoddy mill, came | acrues four men bathing naked in the river Don at an unfrequentad spot. One of these men was a stout, | dark-skinned nan; there was no sign | of clothing anywhere. Never suspecting bandits he order- | ed them away and did not see where they went. This afternoon a squad of city po- lice armed with rifles are searching the vicinity between the bara and the city. The Toronto Talegream Toprol wo to a letter received by the editor; days after thh robbery, purpost have been written by one of the des- peradoes. Little attention was paid to the letter them, but the paper re- ceived information indicating that it was genuine. The information came from a man who refused to give his name, but who consented to tell his story also to Inspector Guthrie, of Detective De- partment. Supposed Bandit Note. The letter, neatly pencilled on the back of a piece of glazed paper taken from a cigar box, was written--so it Is alleged, by the leader of the gang, and was mailed from Postal Station Terminal "A," Union Stattom on Thursday morning, by a men named Smith. who is said to have been fam- fliar with the movemerts of the ban- dit leader since his arrival in this city twelve months ago from Mont real. The Telegram's informant made it known that he hoped to be rewarded for the information he was able to give. The letter, written (and also ad- dressed) in lead penell, the 'words be- ing printed instead of written; to les- sen chances of detection, read as fol- lows: : "You might inform the that Includes doth 'harnes bully and dicks, that if one of them dooks like be wants 0 pinch TAKING THE TREATMENT. A Mountain Grove Lady at the Gen- eral Hospital. Mountain Grove, July 31, -- Rain | is needed badly. Mrs. Goorge Flyan, district director of the local W. I. attended a meeting of officers at Godfrey on Tuesday. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. D. McDonald who was called to Westbrooke to attend the funeral of her brother, who ras- sed away very suddenly in the west. Mrs. R. Hawley has returned fiom Kingston General Hospital where she "has been taking the "Insulin" treat- ment for diabetes and is much im- proved in health. . Miss Myrtle Snider, Toronto, and Miss Ira Brown, Chicago, are spend- Ing a few days under the parental roof. A shower was held in the hall for the newly-weds, Mr. and Mos. Frederick Thompson. A number of handsome and useful Presents werc received, testifying to the popularity of the young couple. F. Cronk received the sad news that his mother, who lives in Michi- Ban, was seriously ill. He left at once for her bedside. Mr. ang Mrs. Frank Frice and children have re- turned from. Brookville after sperd- ing a few days at J. Price's. J. Price accompanied them home. Mr. end Mrs. C. Fraser, Elginburg, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. A. Cowdy, were visitors at 'W. Cowdy's and R. Cox's on Sunday. Little Dor- is Barr is seriously il. Tae many friends of A. McDonald, who has been having surgical treatment at the Hotel Dieu are glad to know he is improving. Miss Gertrude Frice has returred | Rome from visiting friends 'at Selby. Dr. Johaston was called to Saarbot Lake for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Bauder and family, spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. C. Wood. W. Hm, C.' Pp. R. operator, bere is holidaying and Mr. Wood is relieving during his absence. ---------------- REGATTA AT CHARLESTON, The Visitors ai the Charming Reso't Are . Charleston, July 30. -- Miss Kath- eryn Halliday 1s spending 4 long bo- Hddy with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.' W. Halliday. Miss Norma Young is engaged to teach at Chantry. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Ross and litue son, Donald, Toroato, are Spending a few days with Mrs. «Ross' Parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Halliday. Mrs. Laffan aml son, Frank, Rochester, N. Yu and Miss Marjory Slack, Brockville, Were isitors here last week at Mrs, Charles Slark's. B. Williamson and sister, Miss lie, have taken on the farm Nel- Slack attended the social at Throop town, on W, ening. 'The annual re~ gatta takes place on Wednesday at- ternoon, August 1st, with motion pic- tures in the ovenming. } A number fram here are gotag to Kingsion ths week for the Chautau- qua concerts. Nr. ang Nrs. PF. A. Johnson, Athens, have been spendirg a few days at Camp Lookout, Mrs. D. L. Johanson, Athens, has een spending a tow days at Point Syicia N. D. McVeigh hes cleared bis house at Athens aud is now occupying his cottage, The Ang.tcan choir of Athacs re- cently enjoyed a pleasant day at Mr. and Mrs. George Giffora's camp, F Stevens and son, Montreal, ha~e Lean with Mr. and Mrs. Ww. B.' Coanerty at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs Ar. thur Slack, Miss * Sack, and "| ives and friends, and make this 1924 . | been spending her vacation with wer | Turned Out At Napanee And Ably Assisted The Fire Brigade. Napanee, Aug. 1.--The Scouts, under the Scout boy | last Sunday | afternoon, at the fire, which occair- | red in the long grass just morth of | the G.T.R. station. The boys, with | switches, went bravely to work and beat out the fire very successfully. The fire brigade also did good work. Miss Cora Charters, of West Un- fon Iowa, is visiting her mother, | Mrs. William Charters, Silisville. | The death occurred on Tuesday of | Mrs. Frank VanSlyek, in her eighty- fourth year. Deceased, whose maid- en name was Adeline Smith, was a | daughter of the late Charles Smith, | of Morven. J. F. Smut, South Nap- | » and the Misses Smut, Nap- | anee, are brother and sisters and | one brother lives in British Colum. | bia. The funeral will ake place on | Wednesday afternoon to the fam. | ily plot at Morven. Mrs. W. J. Shannon has returned | from a three months' visit with her | daughter, in Calgary, Alta. Mrs. | {Annie Lapum and her daughter, | | Miss Edith, of Scranton, Pa., are! | visiting her brother, 0. N. Rock- | | well, Dundas street. Mr. and Mrs. | | E. L. Bedore and family are on a | motor trip to Niagara Falls, But- { falo and Cleveland. Mrs. U. J. Flach | | ard Miss Marjorie, Pembroke, were in town on Monday on their way to | Glen Island. Miss Christobel Taylor | | is visiting her aunt, Vanalstine, Toronto. Taylor, Woodstock, som, Melvin Taylor, Miss Madge Mrs. James Is visiting her Napanee, GANANOQUE | Aug. 1.--Mrs, G. H. Gardiner pas- sed away at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs, John Thompson, Victoria avenue, on Tuesday night. Mrs. Gardiner, who is a very old lags, has been confined to her bed for a very long time. Besides her gaugh- ter, Mrs, Thompson, two sons sur- vive, Norman and Fred. The latter resides in Brampton, Michigan. The funeral will take place this afternoon from the residence of John Thomp- son, Rev, Dr. Lennon, Kingston, | will conduct the funeral service, Miss Theresa Brennan, who has parents hére, returnedwto her duties at the Hotel Dieu today. Miss Genevieve Kane, Kingston, is spending a few days with her cousins, Mary and Elizabeth Wing, at their summer cottage. Mrs. L. Fick, Chicago, and Mrs. A, Morency, Montreal, are the guests of Mr, L. P. Shortall. Mrs, Coustance Delancy and her guest, Mrs, Smith, Philace:pata, were In Prescott with friends* over BOY SCOUTS BRAVELY FOUGHT GRASS FIRE the week-end, Mrs. Alex See, Pasadena, Cala, nia, is the guest of her sister, Airs. | Robert McArthur, | Miss Nell Nalon, who has been | visiting at her home here for the | Past several weeks, has returned to Rochester, Clifford Kidg, Toronto, is home on a visit to his parents, Mr, ana Mrs, William Kidd. | Miss Gladys Cunningham, King- ston, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. ¥red Hurlburt, at their Summer bungalow on the river trot. Tuesday evening, was | | od the addresses of ¥, E. Wright, | PhD. and Dr. Mace proved very Two of Gananoque's old boys also gave short but inter- esting addresses, Dr, Roddick Byers, Montreal, and Arthur Rogers, Pres- tom, both of whom ase here enjoymg a short holiday on the river, Rev. Mr. Spencer mgved the vote of thenks to the speakers, which was seconded by Dr, Dyde' At this) meeting it was decided by an unan-| imous vote, to have an Re-union next summer, and with this timely notice it is hoped that every- one will Ddegin to talk about this in their letters to thelr reiat- Old Boy's Re-union as huge a suc- Old Boys' scarce in this vieinit Starts Thursday COME AND SAVE MONEY ! NOTHING BUT UP-TO-DATE STYLES Men's Shoes, Ladies' Shoes and Shoes for Children. ALL AT BIG REDYCTIONS ! Abernethy's Shoe Store BUSINESS GROWS DAILY IN REID) BIG aT oT Soe y. AUGUST FURNITURE SALE Why is This Offer So Far in the Lead ? Because you make your 'Selection from the ample range. Many of these high class ably lower figures than the a "JAMES REID Phone 147 for Service. TIRE SALE '1 Non-skid, guaranteed ithe guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs, | L. Boyle. Miss Josephing Boyle, Toronto, is spending a few weeks vacation at her home here, ---- Notes From Tichborne, 1.00 first quality Tires Tichborne, July 28.--The farmers @ the hay and! Raspberries are are busy working in report a goog crop. dry weather, There are a number of tourists on the lakes around here. The friends of Mrs. A. Kennedy, Sr., are glad to have ber back from the hospital, The ladles aid intend holding a bazaar and Concert in the y owing to the] & most magnificent and * £0ods of quality are being sold at consider 3 manufacturers' prices to-day. cess as that of 1919. Miss Helen Pelow, who has been visiting in Prescott, returned home Orange hall on August' ist. Miss A. Nicholson, Portsmouth, is at Wil- liam Allison's, Master Ford Swerbrick has left © spend a few days with his uncle r Toronto. Melville La Pointe spent the week-end at Christie Lake: Mrs. Wm. Swerbrick is at David Goodfellow's, Parham, Mrs, Peter Richle and daughter, Minnie, Tren- ton, are at D. J. Howe's. Mrs. Joan Kennedy, Sr., at Mrs. Wm. Steel's, Mrs. Brown at Wm. Robinson's; Stewart MacEwen at John La Pointe's, -------------- Canadian's Wife Sian. London, Aug. 1.--The dismem- bered trunk of Mabel Jennings munds was found in the back room of a lodging house she kept in Lam- beth. Frederick Jesse Gardener has been charged with her murder, pain, Error in act or judgment is the source of endless sighs.--Young. SUCCESS-- POWER Doing Things Today One of the most valuable habits of thinking and living =» man can have is that of refus- ing to put things off until to- morrow or next week--or next year. ] ~ If vigorous, whole-hearted | | "action does not follow inspira- : tion, the vision of the opening | opportunity dies. The more we deny these calls to activity, the weaker and more fnfre- quent they become. The trouble with to-morrow is that it's such a good time to put things off till the day after. The pathos of the man who h postpones is In his Inevitable failure. . To-morrow is a fair mirage the desert of falling" hopes. Don't be fooled! Wingsor, Ont, the mar- riage to take place the latter part of August. Miss Annie Maitland, |"a puph George [nurse of the Methodist Episcopal Hospital, Brooklyn, N.Y_, is home on & visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Nitchell-Cummins Wedding. - A pretty wedding took place July 21st, at the Church of St. Mary Magz- dalene, Picton, when Mrs. J. Cum- mins became tae bride of W. C. Mit- chell, Thurlow. Rev. P. Mayse, Georgetown, officiated. The bride looked becoming in white Swiss voiic with hat of while satin. R. Sayers and the bride's sister, Mrs. R. Sayers, were chief witnesses. After the cere- mony the bridal party motored to the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Sayers where a delightful luncheon was serv- ed. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell loft ghort- ly afterwards by motor for their | home in Thurlow, later leavizz for a | trip to Buffalo and Niagara. i visiting their mother, Delr, Garden street, Frank Maitland, Oshawa, is vis- iting his parents, Mr. and MfS George Maitland. wear, This creation R adel distinetivencss i to. the most carefully chosen sporting attire, and is the ideal shoe all out-door Sport Brown Calf King Tut Sandal ........... $5.00 "Patent Grecian Sandal einciony ore... $3.75 Allan M. Reid be fil hh ili il i 0 i ; i i : i ! jo | ; ; i | ; | f i | | hai | Officials refuse to allow even wf rill's mother to visit him in jail al (Copyright, 1912. by Basti L. London. Ei

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