2 BRITISH WHIG Give The lassified Section Your Attention And Let It Givi CEREAL PBR BeRessbenn FINED $100 AND OOSTS THREE-YEAR-OLD OHARGE Polloe Stated Herbert Olancy "Threw Away Supply of Liquor. itish Whig | ED ADVERTISING. Indexed, sfandardized and popular- iked according to THE BASIL L. SMITH SYSTEM Inc, Philadelphia, Pa. TREC I BUEN NERNEY to their to the of type All ads. are restricted { proper ciassification, and | Teguiar Dally Waig style CLASSIEIED RATES Daily rate per line or consecutive insertions: Herbert Clancy answered a three- year old charge in police court on Thtureday morning... He was accused of having 'liquor in a place other than his own private dwelling" and pleaded 'not guilty," but after the evidence of Constables Thomas Mul- | linger and Lesslie Armstrong = had | been taken, he was fined $100 and costs, or three months in jail. The | fine will be paid. Constable Mullinger told about Clancy having a couple of bottles of liquor in his possession. He said that as he was about to apprehend the accused he ran away and In. his flight he threw away two bottles of lquor. These two bottles were pro- duced in court. Constable Armstrong, who hap- pened to come along at the time Clancy was making hie escape, told the magistrate about the foot race Clancy was having. PE Sl dtd dd PRE PROT RIERA Sere at Minimum charge, 25 cents, | i Charge Cash| ve 4 3 3 4 ne Births, Engagements, $1.50; cash, $1.00. Card of Toanks and Memoriam Notices--Charged. $1.50; cash, $1.00 each insertion Advertising ordered for irregular insertions takes the one-time users tion rate; no aq. taken lor less tna basis of four 'lines. : Count six average words to the: iine. . Charged ads. will be received by telepnone and {I paid at The Mrice ish Whig Oftice within 6 days from the first day of insertion, casn rate will be allowed. Ads. ordered for more than one day and stopped before expiration wil only be charged for the number of times the ad. appeared and adjust ment made at the rate earned. Marriages, NRBEPIS Ep abr inst 1a ~ Keep To The Right! When a traveler comes to a crossroads he must choose one path or another. It is possible that he will select the right way and reach his proper destination, but there is an equal possi- bility of his choosing the wrong way--in which case he must retrace many weary steps before he can reach his goal. . ; You may travel through the A-B-C Classified Col- umns have an advantage over all other travellers, When you come to a buying crossroads--that is, when you arrive at several offers which interest you--you do hot need to retrace your steps if you find that the path of one ad does not lead to what you want. You may select. the right path by selecting all paths at one and the same time! Answer the A-B-C ads that Save your money to-day! - THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY ® interest you and can Rate per line for white space is the same as a line of type. 5 Special rate for yearly aavertising upon request. Publishers reserve the right to edit or reject ail classined auvertising | copy. Telvphone taker. teen hsurasaenrrarrare Salem Farmers Busy. Salem, July 31.--Farmers are busy finishing up their hay crop, which was very heavy. Owing to ack of tain grain will be light. Miss Hawley, of T. Eaton & Co.'s stafl, is spending her holidays at here. Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Mrs. Walter Wan k . and Mrs. Egerton Wanna- were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wannamaker on Saturday. M. Mitchelson has returned to 343, ask for a want ad, -- nu _ Announcement. | : | MATRIMONY --- Handsome lady * of] vieans, would marry, if suited. Write | Vielet Ray, pennison, Ohio. rit SKIN LEMISHES Halr, Warts* Birtamarks, Skin Soars, Pits, etc, removed permaneni- ly. Satis tory Glasses Mtted and, furnished ler others have failed | Goltre cured without operation. 35! i ; i : 3 : ; | PUBLIC STENUGRAPHY -- Verbatim | Reporting, Audiung, iness Service, 14 Market Street. | 8917. v 9 y= the oldest, the largest, the only sanitary na-Lennox and Addiugton. modern full Infornfalion, son Co., Culebroc AUCTIONE est dealin Street. " Busi ness Business Servic ©8. Business Ser "HEALTH WITHOUT DRU pany char Je GS" --Osteo- ceeds when arugs fail. Me- fapy ana dLieCiro-therapy. 14 Success in Kingston. Telephone 447 tor aj tment. Drs. Robert and Edna Asucrom, we King Street, near bari y rroutenac -------- 'The most Advertising. Bus-1| Pnone | DRILLING -- Sanitary water | well drillers in dipment in America. For write to F. J. Garri-| ppv k, unt. Call az Street. E FINISHING--Of all kinds. see W. Uriscqll, 33 John Phone 136F, | ---- bd -------------- on- ma Boel UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni- | ture; wourk guaranteed. Cail cr drop a | car J. Lavine, i116 Bagot >ireet. R--For courtesy a » Wo A. TWigg, Pnone 8i0J or 1.33w. vy years' experience. Dr. Eimer J. Lake, | . Nose, Throat, Skin, 283 treet. Phone Sviw. House 1135J amd Miss Alma Spencer, Smith- were recent visitors of Mr. and Halton Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. | . A. Fox and two daughters, North Chil, N.Y., who are on a motofitrip, | were guests of the former's Sister, | Mrs. C. C. Wannamaker. Miss Leila » South Lakeside, is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Harry Simonds. Eye, bag FE 10 0a AUTOMOBILE CRANK--Found, on Col- Ungwoua Street. Apply New Engiaud Baxery, Collingwooa Street. | Lost, com-| team, from | BASEBALL UNIFORM --- plete, owned by Atnletics alternoon ed if it is returned pronptly, otherwise Former Sailor Offers Evidence. a reward will be pald tor information | New Rochelle, N.Y., August 3.-- Charles Noxon, who has been men- tioned as a new attorney for Walt- | r 8. Ward, re-indicted for the mur- | er of Clarence Peters, ex-sallor, an- | nounced he had received an anony | KEY--FOUND, in Macdonald Park. mous letter signed "an ex-sailor™ | PY Whig Office. offering aid in obtaining informa. | tion about the private life of the slain man. : The man claimed he was acquaint- ed with Peters when he was in the navy. Noxon turned the letter over to Ward's lawyers. Escape, Get Lost, Caught. Sudbury, Ont., Aug. 2. Allan Greenfield and Leon Durant, To- : routo, serving two year terms in Bur- OVERLAND Passenger. Apply 216 wash for theft, escapdd from REur- ' AY 3e Of % Srcieton kev: voy CHEVROLET--$200; Ford, $125. Both Sol JMBta 319uN4 in the bus, how- | 'va godd' running condition. Apply ever, and were met by a search party, | Blue Garage Ltd. corner Bagot and | X J ts. a short distance from the farm later | _Queen Streets Used Cars police court here, they elected trial by a judge. For Quick Sale 2 Ford Tourings, 1918. | Ford Touring, 1922. will be prosecuted | ------------------------------------------------ BAKER'S RECEIPT BOOK ~Lost, &ble reward if returned to owner. KE, H. Harrison, 240 Division Street. | ae REEVE LEP RRR TERR RETIN 8g PEAY ETRE IR SRA SLE REROP RE FE IPT Id hr asus { \p-| PURSE--Found, containing a sum money. Owner may have sane Applying to henry kvaus, Westbrook, Oat. ee SUM OF MONEY--Found, in Whig Of- fice on Friday. Owner may have same by proving property at office. é sede Au tnmnitis A _ Automobiles Automobiles for Sale, ni == bu es of work; F. Jarrell, 201 x Dressmaking--Mullinery | HEMSTITUCHING--Picot edgin ing; Card, 368 Barrie Screed their bench at Cricket Field Saturday] from ies 3 SSSR No questions will be ask- leading to its recuvery and the taker FIRE--ARIN | Fi suit. . | INSURANCE- DICK Cook Res.: | INSURANCE--Only the most | OUR HEALTH--ARd Adgcid '| the sick man's friend. protected ered. Ww ASHES---Cleaned out of yards, ciean job dune. STORAGE SP. and dry. Nelson street. STORAGE- &iry rooms and spaces; your ow an s first class work ana wo! Call or phone A Street. | SIGN PAINTING--J. 28 ARCHITECTS --Power, Merchants Bank Chamb Brock and B= penter and! UPHOLSTHRING--And general repair-| all class-| Ing. Leave oraers at or dre a card James; to r. W. Haroiua ,1u4 Clergy Street. | Pnone | SHOE REPAIRING--AlIl hand work. --==| Rubber ueeis a speciaity; efficient ser- 214 vice. aacu hamanski, corner Mont- | Teal ana queen Streets. ilder. ,» pleat . 5 Bl ts UPHOLSTERING -- Covered buttons | made same aay as ordered. Upauisier- ing at reasvnabie prices. Ek. J. Geud- | riage, I44 Luiversiiy Avenue. Fone | 243K Wurk guaranteed. Mra. EB 1a Dbiocks| Princess Street. | insurance 23 | | obile afd Casualty Insur-| . M. Crumley, 4.v rar] Street. 1982M | Employment ; Help Waated--Femalo COOK GENERAL -- Experienced, by Seplember Apply Mrs. F. H. Mac- aee, 143 King Street, West. { ne 88, i S - | alauager. Phoaes: Ve. reliable cuied Strange & ed in i860. Omuce: 95 uppusile ost Ultice. | DINING ROOM GIRL--Apply Belmont Dining Rooms. ee ee ---------- | CA nce stieel, ep nt policy is| GIRLS--Ex iodr salary is Livery Known aiscase cove For rates consult or plone KE. Couper Street. perienced, to sew. Apply Livingston & Bro. | Tapy REPRESENTATIVES -- Have al Pp 14 opportunity to earn from | ten to thiry dollars Weekly irom how until Carisumas with our special; line of personal Sreeting cards. Tne! demand will be greater than in the past. Weekly pay. Wnole or spare me. Sampies ree. Write tor rull! information. Dept. D122, The Cariton! Publishing Company, T ronto, On -------- ep Help Wasted -->Maie 3s clean, dry, : e 4 n lock HOME-WORK--Goocd wages. We neea Frost's City Storage, 299-| you 10 make socks Op tae fast, casily- Phone 326. Res Siyw,] learned Auto Kaittef; experience un-| = necessary, distance linmateria.; poal-! tively no canvassing; yarn supplied; Rarticuiars, Jc. stamp Dept. | Auto-hAunitier Co, Toronto. tiliams, 2 Moving, Lrucking, Storage 25 celiars and A. au Russeil Streei. Pnone 2255. ACE--For furniture, clean | Apply E. E. Wathem, 143 rhone 1391J .or 618. r furniture, da Key. Queen St ng, Decorating 26 | Pe | i--Papering, Decorating | TEACHER--Protestant, holding second © Neo 32 = Employment Teachers Wanted 35a. | G8 | EARRIE STREET--Solia brick, central, | $3200; small house, all improvements, Wanted---To Buy R--Qualified, for 8 8. Kin n, small school. Sala Duties to commence Sept. 4t stating qualifications to Han Toll, sec «treas., R. K. No. 2 Car estant, for ¥ $30 per! com Sept. | .| OLD GOLD--silver, or False 0 \844 Princess street, on i Harrow- | : | ROW-BOAT Wanted to rent or buy. Apply $800; must be sold at once. Nelsom Streets, brick, 7 rooms, all improves ments, $4000. We also have; several Bungalows for sale on ea. terme. No information given over telephone W pong 3 one Teeth, for | G. W. Lyons] Kingston. ash or exchange Flison, Realtor, U2 Box Y-1, Whig Office { "5 Office, 316 Barrie Street. Booms With Loard 07 | HOUSE--3 rooms. B apd Co Light, wired for stove. 'Cellar, verans " ce PAY to Mrs. A. Foster, Mclean, | Or third class certificate, tor 3. 3. No. BOARD AND ROOMS--First class, vy | dan, large stabdle, sheds. fruit sires ? day or week. All conveniences. Rea-| $ 1918. Apply corner Elm and Alp Sonabie rates. Apply 333 University -- carly new, sevem Avenue, near Brock treet. 8, Hinchinoreoke.- SAlary vee; very ient location. Apply, stating ations, etc, to L. A. Cameron, ROONS--W Streets. | BRICK HOUSE we " ¢ -| Toums, Kitchenette, gas, fur: AM Fo08 bord, reasun.] tricity, three picce Sath, lar dah. Snap for quick sale, Owaer leaving etty. Apply 117 Pine Street. ER--Qualified, for 8. 8. No. 5.| 10rooke, Frotestant. Luties to Rooms Winout board 68 Commelice Sepiember ra. Salary $1,000 Per annum. Geo. A. Smith, secretary, rarham, Ont, ----tet-------- Qualified or second class, t), Tor 8 8. No. 23, Amherst BEDROOMS--Large, furnished, all con- Apply 313 Univer 85 able rates: close to the down-town | business section. Mrs. Todd. 114 Joan- | HOUSE--One of the best built in the city. Large lot. Fruit nd JPiovements personally, y i Apply Queen's University ! 331 Johnson Street. Sly Avenue. Phone! | SEE--Bateman's large Real veniences, near -- Estate ade ties commence Sept. 3rd. 4 to kdwara Kil- ' 2alified, for 8 8 No. 1, Yarker, at a salary of 3au9 per annum. Collingw aa vertisement, jage 3, column 1. ~And space (or tents at Robin- | t Apply C. W, Nevilie, 149 Street. 01 ---- | SUMNER COTTAGE --Reasona ble. Ape ev | Ply Box Z-1, Whig Office. | Kooms For Mousekeoping Duties to commence Sept. 4th. Apply, § ualincations and experience : ton, sec.-treas, R. Yarker, Ont. Ek a FRONT ROOMS -- F housekeeping, pn gas Princess S . i urnished, for light the bafnr i E. W. MULLIN & SON. Real Estate ang Insurance Brokers, Jonnson and Division Sts, for. © TEACHER--Protes 3 and §, & hmited annum v for 8. 8.1 ana "Kennebed, class Salary Julies 10 commence i Slaung experience, tant only Barf.e "4 er one S39W See advi. Page 2 Real Estate For Ren ~ a Aparunents and rlats - K. No. 1, Arden. ormal trained, Protestant for 38 No. 11, Pittsourg. Coiiience Sept. 4wn, 1933. (female), byties to APARTMENT --Comfortable, lighted and heated, facing Park. Ply King & Smythe, Street, ningstom, Unt. § roomed, | Victoria | on Septemuee 1st. Ap-| 1-73 Ularence | W. Kent Macnee Bank of Commerce Building, and St Sarai Shere, ior Sa Possessi Sa.ary i, Apply rred Wiisun, \ 1, )i ont. Situauons "Wanted--Male 37 | FIRST CLASS BUTCHER--Wants to, lo. | Cate permanentiy in Kingston, wages réasonavie. aAppiy oy mail to 6 Bajus ilington Street, cit FLAT --Four rooms, | Keeping; gas, gust Kitchenette trom August 17th. 38 Queen Street. Apply s----.ho Writing: --Autom .: Pitaer.. , ng: a 0 for "light house "dent, Sickness, Plate "Rurgiary lights water; trom Aus vic. Representing enly reliable com= Also one large roumi and panies. HANDISE ee. Apply a ---- duson. | iE ROOMS--Rooms on King street . nerly occupied by the LO.0.F.| FURNITU, Of All Lescriptions at able Prices STOVES Investment President, KC, Vice-president, A. Money issued on city perties; municipal and mortgages pur- t benas ror sale; de- id Interest atiowed. manager, 37 Clarence ¥, incorporated 13561. Nickle, bs H."Cunningaam and 1arm county cuased, in pusits HOUS possession. HOUS once, With large lot and barn fred. Park. to Cunningham &. Smith. | Well repaired. at a rgine price. J. Turk's Houses For Ren: 7 PHONE 706. ~All conveniences; Phone 392m. new | | immediate | | At seven rooms, | on North Al- Apply J. D. Boyd, Eastview Favue 1102 Rd. Live 'Stock ---- aah ute plics 48 | Poultry and Supplies -- Pen Rose "Comb White | » Ove yearling hens and unre-| 13 8. C. White Leghorn | fens. Staaley Richardson, | cm man---- temt------ AWNINGS -- Tents, "Automobile Tents, Felervorough Canoes, Life Saving Lusaions, rlags. Tarpaulins. PF. . Cooke, 219 bagol Street. Phone 436. meees---------------- BAGUAGE--Suit Cases, Club Bags in room, 85 BEVERLY improvemends, house. Apply Box X-31, Whig Office | 487 ALFRED light, | month. | gvod yard, st PY H FL. N 104 BAGOT STREET brick house, near King & Smythe, 7 Kingston, Ont. i | | JENKIN STREET--§ rooms and bath) (ompicte, hardwood floors, elec | lish, fiew ly decorated Inquire $3! ¥ or paone 3ISw. ST.--Brick, T rooms, all! §. ud garden and hen Ir block from car line. ! ARTICLES FOR SALE Life - Boats, Rowing Skiffs, Small Knock-about Boats, Gas- oline Engines, Evinrude Stern Motors, all Pumping Units. Also 4, to get machin- €ry repaired and oxy-acetylene One ST.--3 stabling. Stanley rooms, electric; $18.00 per direet, ¥ roows, abling if required. Ap- orman, $9 Palrick st i good 67 -- _Comforta City Park Rie Apply 3 Clarence Siieet, er Places tor Kent 80 | i fabric and soild leather; Trunks, ail Slaes; Siea r Trunks. Save §% on bag Ee. A. Shapiro, 45 Princess St. B BARGAINS -- In Furniture, etc One Small Upright Piano $45; two Singer Lrop-head jewing Machines $12 and $13 edca: ome oak roll Top Desk §i2; one I-burner Peffection Oil Stove $5.00. Lesses Antique Shep, 507 Princess St. | roomed house; aiso house, Boyd, Eastview ark UNGALOW--Furnished, at once; a 4-/ a 5 and 7 rcomed ist Apply J. LL: welding and._cArbon burning. DAVIS DRY DOCK" Co. Foot of Wellington Street for August Phone 1043w. B RRICK--Hard and soft, any quantity. Apply E. E. Waltaem, corner Birch and Collingwood Streets. Phone 618 or 1381) CIGARS-- When you want a fresh sup- f the b id you like, Telephone We will quote prices and ly deliver' to your address. rK guaranteed. | Anderson, 155 Bagot Phone 1%6s. ESE MAKE MONEY AT HOME--$15 to $60 Paid weekly for your spare time writ- | Ing Show cards {or us. No canv assing We instruct and SUPPLY you with work. | West-Angus show Card Service, Colborne mid. Toronto. -- | SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY -- "Ofered| from now until Larnistmas to repre- | Senialives handling our line of per- Sonal greeting caras, to earn from ten| to fIty dollars weekuy, either in whole Or spare ume. ihis js a special op-| portunity. Samples free. We pay! S. Robinson, rear Ot Street. . Architects = a 28b. | n and Drever, corner of | So ers, Wellington Chiropractic Caught In The Act. According to Charles Kingston, | Chev. Touring, 1921. | Ford Coupe, 1921. who has made a study of famous legal figures, that famous judge, Sir Heliry Hawkins, loved fresh air ex- These cars rea may be purch ment plan. cept when jccupied in his official VAN LUVEN BROS. duties, whei®, he would often sit for 34 PRINCESS STREET dy for sale and ased on easy pay- over his shoulder, and spent a coup- MARCELIS--Wm., A, D.C, Ph. C ner Princess and Barrie Stree tleor, Ont. | 832). LUCY--Drs. G. F. and Jennie A., Chiro- practic Re, Nurse, 23% Bagot dtreet. Hours: 3-12 am. 1 to 5, p.m pointment. Consult Weekly. Write at once tor imporiant inlormation. Dept. 1-122, the Carlton | Ind! Publishing Co, Toronto, Ont. { Kingston, } Telephone | YOUN MAN--To help in bake shop, on | 1to 6 pm. cakes. Apply F. A. Atkins, cor. Prin.| Cess and Aifred Streets. Barrie Si. entrance. Consultation free. Hours ¥ to 12 am, mmm | RE ------ re ------------ Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 35 i AGENTS--Get in a profitable all year; commission business of Your own. Every property vwaer tered Phone $43w. and § to 7.30 hours by ap- ton free. Be ta aar------ Specialists and Sunday and otaner le of hours rabbit shooting. As he was returning with a couple of rab. bits suspended from his gun, two 'working men who had made the ac- quaintance of the judge In his court caught sight of hima. Treasfixed by the sight of the gun and the rab. bits, they remained petrified, until one exclaimed, in the hearing of Sir Henry: "Gorblime! The old 'ub's been poachin'" -------------- A New Resin Found. A new resin suitable for use in the manufacture of the finest varnishes is yeported to have been discovered . In the tropical zone of Mexico in a tree called "'cuapinole." ------ Stars That Are Not Stars. Shooting stars are not in any sense & dozen hours in a stuffy little court packed to the doors and insist upon Sas mai min "Auto Accessories--Tires-- Parcs 15 TIRES--See the new puncture proof every window being kept tightly shut. Once at Nottingham, when he was nearly eighty, he kept the court sitting in these conditions until 11 at night. The next morning he left tire, made by the Tiger Tire Co. Guar- roof, at the Maxotire Shop. Queen and Ontario Streets. Wanted--Automobiles f you have a late model used his Jodgings at 5 with his famous 'dog "Jack" at his heels, and a gun car for sale id lowest price sen: OW model to Box U-37, Rand nate 1 231 Killed Last Month. New York, Aug. 23.--The National Highway Protective society reported that 231 persons had been killed in the state last month in automobile accidents. Nineteen of'\he deaths oc- curred at railroad crossings. Fat- alities during' the same month last year totalled 209. to and. SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dent 15% Well ot Brott? one KNAPP--Dr. A. BE, Dentist. Pr evenings by appuinutment. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- ingston. A. Cyril M. Smith. DAY. AND REVELLE---Barrister, and solicitors, kin ston. Money to loan. Phone 205. SHEA---Am! Solicitor. and CL.SSIF1ED profit! our nine hundred varieties of hardy Dental ed Tag Trees and Plants. No capi- tal neeqed. Complete equipment and instructions free, Write Dominion Nurseries, Montreal. i AGENT Re. sented districts. G ngton street, corner 346. liable, for unrepre- Office: 258 Oud pay, free equip- Street. Phone 652w. Open ir & Nursery, not for a Jobber. 2We. You will be successful Write: Pelham . Nursery Co.. Toronto. Barristers| =m 79 Clarence Street, Teachers Wanted 35a B. Cunningham, KC. Legal Solicitors, TEACHER For 8 8 No. 3, Clarendon, holding a limited third class certificate. Duties to commence Sept: 3rd, 1923 gains 69 raarence Street, Apply to Mrs. Charles ith, 13, Ardoch, A. E ¥, Adrian IL Revelle $750. Box Secretary- rer. brose, B.A. Barrister and Law Office, corner of King Brock, over Koyal Bank. Money Phone 1999. ADS! Read them aud TEACHER--Qualified, 8S 14, Wo Island. Normal trained. Duties to commence Actions to. George" Hemiaung auaii- en. - Xreas, R. R 1, Wolte Islana. > Protestant, or 8S. loan. RNITURE--L BOAT--Disappearing Propeller Boat, Waterford de Luxe model Apply 131 Princess Street or phone §32w RIAGE---- White, In first ¢ APpiy Mrs. Charles Kirby, | Street, én seit. kitchen cabi- net' buifet and bookcases, stovesand desks . Apply J Thompson, 333 Prin- Cess street, paone 1800W. FU GARAGES AND COTTAGES--Portable or permanent, steel truss barns and hupiement buildings, Steel tanks, shingles, sidings, ete. ». B. Mc- Namee, 345 Altred Street. Agent M.S & 8S. Co. Phone 3293w, MOWERS --A few good second-hand neeas some of PIANO -- Heintzmisan & Co., Renfrew Truck Scaies, Renfrew Cream Seperators, Pumps, Extension Lad- ders . Frost & Wood Agency, 236 On- tagio Street, Kingston. Upright, good condition, full rich tone. arranged. Apply full scale, Bargain. CGC Ww chair; good locality. ApPPly to M. G:| & e. C 147 ACRES-- Buildin tions; 80 acres under Well watered. Apply C. 0 ------ 135 ACRES--3 miles Ba Silo, 'stone house ences. thr ar HOUSE third floor; closets; fine fruit, coal and fu and cold water, tubs; stairs; floor and wall boards in Water heating: work shop above; excellent down town and locati ARBER BUSINESS--First class: one! arbot Lak rms and Land For Sale 'oxy S| | = gs In good econdl-| cultivation; oon. | d cheese factory. | § miles from K Martin, Westbroo Fa IF YOU WANT A FURNISHED OOM TRY "THE ECHO" IST BROCK STREET MRS, DJ FR Phone 2081m. -- venient to school an from Kingston on! Mm 80il; new barn;/ All modern conveni- | T particulars apply to "Ar. tman, R. M. D. No. 1, Porte. | th Road; clay loa Fo rawing Corner Queen and Ontario Sta UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. First-class rooms and meals Good yards and stables Special rutes to Marine Men, P. M. DRISCOLL, Propriscor. isions for! Rage. cellar has hot! also gas, onary | down Georgia floor; | Pie on second Plugs: built In cupe| kitchen; side entrance; hot 2 storey Barage with location | Information as to terms | 9n can be had at office, MB TRUMPOUR 237 Bagot Street. Phones 704 or 15425 Peau smo me EVERY individual has somet) he doesn't want and wants somet {he @oesn't have. The classified 5 straighten out difficulties Limited | PIANO--Square Must be sold. Cheap. Apply Grimwood, 66 Upper Charles Street. IT 1s m Stylish to. read the classified columne. other nam becoming more and more! Sastry Orhiriaties Is an. vertising. WOOD AND COKE---New yard at 3% Ordna; WOOD--Mixed, $3.35 quarter cord; new and second hand lumber, matched lum- ber, cedar posts; soft slabs, $2.50 quar- ler cord; miged slabs, $3.35. « B. Talbot. Yard: Concession Streét, near Division. Phone 3303w. Wellington, corner ry mixed cordwood, sawed. split and ge. livered. $2.50; 1-8 cord, fuil measure. Hard Coal Coke from Sy sas works, a9 ton up to ember ' Cinde: i Load Raker Ww. CG Bro on. Phone 2440w. ' COAL James Swift & Co., Limited ; Foot of Johnson Street stars, but metecric particles, the u- sity of which is caused by the friction in their passage throughout "~ atmosphere. BY CEORGE MMANUS ------------ Dr. W. A. Maclean, St. Giles' chureh, Winnipeg, a native of Eliza- bethtown, has just completed the eighteenth year of his ministry in Knowledge humbles the grea: man, astonishes the common man, and puffs wp the little man. YES: SEND HIM ye!