Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Aug 1923, p. 1

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= SCARS OF EALOUSY "'- MON, TUES., WED. ALICE BRADY in "THE LEOPARDESS" I LSI. --- Ue, he Daily British Whig(= KINGSTON, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1928. "DIVIED" UP TURN TABLES IN MONTREAL ON UNCLE SAM A Story Says the Bandits Britain Has Found Precedeat Went Back to Montreal. For Her Contention BARE OTES ARE ALLOTED 10 GOVERN SHPPIG LIW They Held a Gathering in An Regard to Liquor on Board Office Building---Suspicion Ships Calling at Ameri- Aroused. can Ports. Montreal, Aug. 2.--A Montreal of- London, Aug 2.--Great\ Britain fice building was the headquarters has®discovered what is said to be a of the gang of bandits who attack- precedent established by the Unitell YEAR 90; No. 180. LAST EDITION. ITTLE HOPE OVER RHUR 0 Said the British Leaders in Parliament: Thursday. ALY FAVORS BRIAN 'remier Hoped That Impar- tial Experts Might Find Way Out of Trouble. | London, Aug. £--Prime Minister in, joined with Lord Curzon, pn secretary, in informing HIGHWAY ROBBERS : ne s% oD THe pen HIGH RANK SEER FOR POSITION Out Heavy Punishment for Crimes. | Australia Proposes New Me- thod of Representation. CABINET STATUS ASKED P. C. Larkin is Mentioned As. Suitable--A Seat in the House Needed. Ottawa, Aug. 2.--The status ot Canadian representation in London is likely to be considered at the forthcoming Imperial conference. Induced QGirl to Steal; Gets 3 Years in Prison S-- Owen Sound, Aug. 2.--Threo years in penttentiary was the sen- 'tence meted out to William Wicks, alias Charles Batton, alias J. F. Wil- liagpsom, who pleaded guilty of the theft of $3,000, the propenty of Emil Schrieber, a Normanby township farmer. Ellen Schrieber, foster-daughter of Schrieber, who actually took the aoney after being led to believe that Wicks would marry her, and who was deserted at Arthur, Ont. after Wicks had secured the momey, was allowed out on suspended sentence of ome year. The ma eo lectured Wicks, more particularly for leadtugthe girl astray than for the theft of the 'money. Sohrieber will recover about $2,000 in all. While Wicks was in Niagara Falls he made two trips to Buffalo, N.Y., and on one of these trips he lost no less-than $400 in gambling. News off the Wires In Condensed Form Long skirt declared doomed by Paris fashion dictators. Canada and Britain were Uncle Sam's best customers in June. Mussolini appoints allan minis- ter of economics to help farmers. Joint committee on Church Un- ion meets on Sept. 27th at Toroato. At Philadelphia, a device to pre- vent railway collisions is aunounc- ed. Quadruplets were born to a Sand- wich, Ont., woman; children all heal- thy. Premier Ferguson has put a tem- porary han upon the granting of tim- ber limits. North Bay council refuses to pay $500 reward offered for capture of Leo Rogers. At San Francisco, President Har- ding's condition has improved aud he is out of danger. Montreal, Aug. 2. -- Sentences of seven, five and two years in thc penitentiary were the sequel to tho reign of terror which six young men, all around twenty years of age, caus- ed on the highways round Montreal, in Jure and eanly July of this year. Highway robberies with violence had been committed by the men at L'Assumption, Lanorale, Carterville, River des Prairies and Montreal Sort and Judge Amedee Monet made a scathing review of their cries before imposing sentence. He said it was only at the request ol their relatives that he had refrained irom imposing the lash as part of the sentences. The men who drew the sentences and their terms are. Louis Plppe Longpre, seven years; Jas. Villeneuve, seven years; Louis irliament, to-day, that the replies iy France and Belgium to the Bri- h reparation note seemed to out ne prospect of a settle- ent of the Ruhr situation in the jear future nor the opening of dis. 3 ons regarding reparations. Mr. Baldwin, making his eagerly EVERY MAN'S HAND IS AGAINST THEM ed the Toronto bank messengers, and it was in a small office in that bubiding that the immense haul of banknotes was divided. This is the discovery claimed to have been made by private detectives here, but made, alas, after the birds have flown, Cheese sold at 18 3-32¢ per pound at St. Pascal, Que. At Woodstock 18 1-2 was offered but refused. DiI--Forest Congressman Bacharack, Republi- can, New Jersey, advocates govcrn- ruent seizure and operation of mincs in the event of a strike, States herself, which it is claimed here supports the contention that British ships should be permittea to enter United States ports with Ii. quor under seal. Sir William Davison asked Ron- ald McNeil, Under-Secretary of For- eign Affairs, "whethergjh connec Dagenals, five ycars; Victor Grouix, five years; Jos. Deschenes, two years. A sixtn man, Odiuas Giroux was re- manded for sentence to Sept. 11th. All the accused pleaded guilty. LITTLE SLAVE RAIDING Australia proposes to branch out and instead of having a high commis. sioner, become represented by a tull- fledged cabinet minister. Such a course has long been mooted here, the nearest approach to it being | during the war when Sir Eqward | Kemp was overseas as minister of The Steel Workers. Censured Everybody in Connection With the Strike. Sydney, N.S., Aug. 2.--The Syd- ney steel strike is over. At a mass The robbers, they say, retirned to Montreal, two days after the hold- : up, the leader, the fat man, carry- Setter t ree .H ing a black suitcase in which it is|® ® now considered was. the entire hau | ¥ LITTLE WHITE CASKET * of bank notes. The leader and one * HAD LIVELY CONTENTS + of the gang, a man with a dark mus- [® hi tion with the refusal of the gov- IN BRITISH TERRITORY |miitia. ernment of the United States to al- | F ' - ; | ull cabinet status has recently Jo Hau Hy) Jemaln uuier seul i Lord Curzon In Lords Says It | been advocated strongly by Sir sl n Un § y \ ' the ote of that government has Has Been Effectively ne. gp] > we Checked. sup- ited statement, sald that in fts reply to Germany's last note, British Government had ex- d the opinion that, while noth- should be done which would be pnelstent with the stipulations been called to a despatch forward- POTIrS Tn The procont or ay the Versallles treaty, advantage ld be derived if impartial ex- rts, co-operating with the Repara- Commission, should examine any's capacity to pay. The re- jly also pointed out, Mr. Baldwin paid, that the economic value of h a step must largely depend up- factors not mentioned in the Berman memorandum, such as es- jabilizing mark and balancing the mdget, and that no guarantee could effective unless provision was for some form of interna- lfonal control over the German fin- incial administration. "The reply ended," continued the p minister, "by advising the German government that, if it de- pired a resumption of the inquiry, ko withdraw, without further. delay, fhe ordinances and decrees which nized and fomented a policy of ive resistance and to unequivo- meeting of steel workers, at the Un- fon headquarters, last night, about sixty-five per cent. of those present voted to end the strike and return tache, evidently his chief ant, arrived first, they reached lieuten- According to the story told here the office outlding to work. tion accordingly. 'The union executive will notify the British Empire Steel Corpora- In their resolu- tion, which formally ends the strike, the steel workers complain every man's hand is against them, and they censure the people, courts, police, newspapers and the federal and provincial governments. The steel .company stated to-day that early in the forenoon, and rode up the elevator. Later in the after- noon, the remaining four members of the gang afrived. They walked up the stairs to the office on the sec- ond floor. There the gang remain- ed lock up. Earlier in the after- noon preparations for the arrivaa of the balance of the party wore made by the second in command running out to purehase -a bottle of gan, on the merning of June 27th, that 2.505 men were working at the plant, out of approximately 3,500 who were there when the strike be- for a twenty pur cent. wage increase. GIVEN A RARE TREAT. Scotch whiskey from the liquor commission store, near Land. Queeec at Suspicion was first directed to- wards the gang by an employee of » the office building, which is in the heart of the financial district. 1 * Media, Pa., Aug. 2.--A pure + white hearse containing a load # of grain alcohol, valued at + $3,000, wus--weized by state & troopers here. The liquor had & been secreted in the compart- 4 ment ordinarily reserved . for & the coffin. SamuelWelnstook, # of Baltimore, driver of. the @ funeral vehicle, was held in @ $1,500 bail. -- ® . CPPPP PPL PP SSP HP -- > + LJ * + * + +» +» +> * * * * GASOLINE PRODUCTION. Association Will Not Take Action to Curtail Supply. Kansas Cily, Aug. 2.--The West- ern Petroleum Refiners' Association at a meeting here refused to take any action on the proposed curtailment of gasoline production. A resolution ed by the United States government some years ago to the Spanish gov- ernment, which while admitting the legal right of every nation to pre- scribe the conditions under which foreign vessels should be admitted to their ports, laid It down that these conditions must not conflict with well known and long-establish- ed usages regulating commercial in- tercourse between civilized nations, which could not be violated with- out giving just cause of complaint to nations whose interest would be affected by their violation." Si*™Willlam said this despatch Is quoted in international law and the undersecretary replied that it cer- tainly seemed to afford a precedent which might be followed, adding that the advisability of calling the attention of the United States gov- sernment to the matter was receiv- 9 London, Aug. 2.--Lord Curzon, replying in the House of Lords to Earl Beauchamp with re- ference to alieged Abyssinian slav- ery, declared, that there was no cvidence to support the assertion that there was a good deal of slave raiding in British territory. It had been eflecti-ely checked, he said. So far as Great Britain was con- cerned in the matter, Lord Curzon fald, the Government would give all the Infor:naiion in its possession to the League of Nations. It would get A report of the preseal sitvation in Abyssinia in order that the League of Nations would be able to deai fairly in the matter. FORD CANNOT SAY It is not clear that any member of the ministry is particularly emdit- ious to go to London with full cad- inet rank, but, if it be decided to | change the status of the | Bossip suggests the possibility of | Hon. P. C. Larkin, high commission- {er going nto the cabinet and con- { tinuing to carry on in London as a Canadian minister, For a cabinet minister a seat in parliament is an essential qualifica- tion, and Mr, Larkin has no such accommodation. However, the sen- 'worth. never took his seat and is said to have no particular desire to do so. Under the circumstances, hold in the upper house !f it should be decleded to enlarge : his scope abroad by bringing him into cabinet, + . ate iz available, Sir Allan Ayles- Mr. Larkin could readily find a foot- the ing consideration. Members also interested them- selves in the disposition of the liquor seized, whether it was de- stroyed or is being held until the matter fs settled. : "I have not mysel," 'replied the ander-secretary, "taken sufficient interest in the fate of the li§unor to ascertain." This evoked cheers and laughter. was adopled in which they endorsed statements made in a speech by kK. W. H. Marland, president of the Mar: and Refining Company, but declin- ed to approve p The ChiNren "at "Chautauqua 'Well | Entertained. On Thursday morning the childref: who are atiending the Chautauqua, were givéu'a rare treat by Miss Mil- RIFE 'Who 'are so vertistile, that as Jack and Betty a small boy or girl. cr as en Indian maiden, a butterfly, or as "Wendy, in Peter Fan, they carried the audience with then so, that at cne exciting moment a sma.l voice was heard to say, "I want to £0 home." But she didn't really, she enjoyed the thrill as did her eld- ers. Miss Miller, (Jack), was as at- tractive as a butterfly who stoic the fairy wand and danced . beautifuiiy, as she was as-a small boy who wished his clothes grew on nis back to save the trouble of taking them off when be .went in swimming. Mies Ader- ton was a sweet golden-haired Wen- dy, who told of her adventures with Peter Pan. The song at the conclusion of the "Magic Hour," was "We Want To Come To Your Town, To Do It All Over Again." and the children wari- ed it too. INLAND STAMPS ON CHEQUES. Does Not Come Into Effect Until October 1st. Ottawa, Aug. 2.--An explanation of the changes in the stamp taxes, | effective to-day, was eo this morung by 'the post office depart- ment. The requirement that inland revenue stamps must be us on cheques, it is pointed out, not come into effect until Octo 1st. The special war revenu act has provided explicity that ¥ postage stamps may be used in the payment of stamp duties under the act, but after the first of October this per- mission ceases to exist. ly disavow acts of violemee. and tage which, in some cases, had panied it. fhe reply expressed the belief , on the part 'of +» Ger- would involve a reconsideras "the doe 4 of con of their occupation and the return to normal features pdustrial life in Ruhn Marquis Curzon, foreign sere , informed the House of Lords, , that Italy had not sent a tten reply to the recent British a tions note but had, never- [heless, expressed herself as approv- Hig in general Great Britain's views and proposals. Lord Curzon said that the French Belgian replies to the British appeared to hold out no pros- of an early settlement of the tion in the Ruhr nor the com- sencement of discussion on repara- The British draft reply te | Gi any was not mentioned in the 'communications from Paris 'and 1s, the foreign secretary add- WHAT HE WoutD Do NEW EDUCATIONAL POLICY; | Insists, However, That "To- day" He Is Not Candidate for Ye TNew York, Aug. 3 --Henry Ford in an interview appearing in Col ber's this week, declares he is not a candidate for the presidency to- day, but that he can't say what he will do tomorrow. new official will have the task of "Now, if I wanted to play poli-| co-ordinating so that thers shall be tics, I would say exactly what | uniformity of standgrds of the am going to say, anyway," the man-| Various types of education that have ufacturer was quoted as asserumng. | developed within the province. Dr. "But I am not playing politics. || Merchant is at present supervisor am not a candidate for anything. | in the education depsrtment. I can't imagine myself today accep:- Hn. Mr. Ferguson accompanied ing any nomination, the announcement with the state "Of course, I can't eay, and no in-| ment that he intended for a come telligent man cay say, what I may | siderable perfod at least to adminis do tomorrow. There might be ater the department of education war, or some crisis of the sort in| along with the duties of the Pre= which legalism and conmstitutional-| miership. . ism and all that wouldn't figure, His policy will involve school con« and the nation wanted some perso. | solidation, change of basis of rural who could do things and go them | school grants, and improvement of quickly. What I would go then I| the organization of the University of can't say. But there isn't any| Toronto. such situation now, So far as the revision of the baste I haven't a political mind, and| of grants to rural! schools is cone Appoint Dr. W. F. Merchant Supers intendent of Education. ment of Dr. W. F. Merchant as erintendent of a.nowly ep + partment of Education is annou by Premier Ferguson as his f! move in the direction of inaugurit- ing a new educational policy. The a remedy for existing conditions, ooipx. [ The resolutioh follows: "Resolved, that the Western Petroleum Refiners' Association does hereby endorse and approve Mr. Marland's statements as to past and existing conditions in the mid-continental field, and the causes thereof; with express reservation, however. that no action is hereby taken by the association as to any remedy proposed by Mr. Marland in his statement," bs \ THE YACHT RACES. yy -- Carried Out by the Lake Yacht Rac- Association. ing Belleville, Aug. 2.--The yacht Lillian E., won from Nayada at the L.Y.R.A. regatta for class R boats. The first races for the power boats--the "bang and go back" af- fairs were keenly contested. There was action every minute. The results were: 1.----Gidley, Ford boat owned by Lieut. McOwen and sailed by Major Eric Keeler. 2.--Indgo. 3.--Mug. Two boats ware disqualified for time allowance, namely Ukacalula and Let's Go. WILL FULFII: OBLIGATIONS. RELEASE, THEN RE-ARREST. Dail Will Pass Bi'l if Elected to ea- gue Memb-rship. Geneva, Aug. 2.--Micbael 'Mac- white, Irish Free State represeniative at League of Nations headquarters, has notified the league that the Dail Eireann undoubtedly will pass the bill by which thc Free State pledges herself to fulfil all her obligations in the league, if she is elected to mem- bership. The Free State also is pre- paring documents setting forth her position and responsibilities in the This Is Proposed Plan of the Free State. London, Aug. 2. -- Dubiin des patches to some of the moming newspapers assert that the Irish Free State will relcase all prisoners, in accordance with yesterday's ruling of the court of appeals, and then will re-arrest them under the new Fublic Safely Act, which the Dail Eireanr passed last evening. This measare i A A " {| NUN KILLED BY TRAIN. -- Sister St. Henri Fell Under Wheels in SWAM ACROSS LAKE ERIE. - ------ provides that the government may continue to hold' prisoners charged world as an independent state, Mr Macwhite added. The first series of dinghy races saw Bert Sword, captain of the B. I don't see any sense in my at- tempting. any - political leadership." cerned, Premier Ferguson has as yet formulated no finished poligy. Getting Of. Quebec, Aug. 3.--Sister St. Henrl. | It Took Him Twenty-Four Hours Fif- s The annual dues of Ireland, as a (Q.Y.E. a winner with his Little He Intends, however, that the stan- of the Community of the Bon Pasteur of this city, was accidentally killed Tuesday night when she was run over by the Quebec Central train, from which she had just descended at Morisette, a few miles from St. Pros- per, in Dorchester county. The sister had left Quebec in com- pany with two other nuns, who were teen Minutes. Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 2. ---- Carbie A. Walker, Tentral Y. M. C. A, swim- fer, land 2g at Lorain at 5:39 o'clock this morning, just twenty-four hours and fifteen minutes alter he started hic swim scross Lake Erie, from Fe- we Passage lighthouse, Ontarlo, fc- cording te a telephone message re- with active oppgsition to the Free State. x Saloon Men Warned Out. New Haven, Conn., Aug. 2.-- Every saloonkeeper in New Haven received a police notice to dismant- le his bar and stop selling liquor. It ¥ thought there are nearly 200 member of the league would probaaly be about $50,000. No Rain For 69 Days; Starvation Imminent : -- "Quebec, Aug. 2 -- For sixty-nine days the. parishes of Sturbian, St. Phoebe. Miss MacLean, salling Fally was second. Lenore, salled by Roy Stafford, was third, and Norma, sailed by Mrs. Caldwell, was fourth. THEATRE AMATGAMATION. Same Management for Toronto and M'MASTER TO EXPLAIN HIS COURSE ON BUDGET Member for Brome to Open Speaking Tour in His Riding. oe dard of the school shall not be the sole qualifying feature but that the attendance as it shall also be & | factor. CROSS FLOOR OF HOUSE, Two National Liberals Join Consens vative Ranks. on the way to the St. Prosper Con- |ceived Ly the News today saloons in the city. The action here Agnes, St. Fidele and and St. Hil N.Y. Houses. Ottawa, Aug. 2.--Andrew R. M » . - Xo vl -- A c- | vent. ler two companions stepped safely trom the train at Morisette, 'but as Sister St. Henri descended the rain started to move, and she was itated under the wheels. cries attracted employees of road, who rushed to her assist- ance, but before she could be reached Postpone Enforcing Prohibition. Constantincple, Aug. 2. --- The ap- plication of a law prohibiting cen- s similar to that taken in Hartford and Waterbury, where saloons are arion have been without a drop of rain and the sitpation is without being closed as fast as the bars and fixtures can be removed. The same action is being taken in the towns sumption of liquor in Constantinople which was fixed for August 1st, has been postponed for the third time, 'or another month. The censorship on letters and papers has been abo!- and scores are now sald to be with- out saloons. precedent. Cattle are being remov- to other sections of the country as the brooks and wells have been dried up. Boxer Murdered in Friendly Bout. New York, Aug. 2. --Announce- ment was made in New York that the Royal Alexandra and the Frincess Theatre of Toronto would in future be under the same management. At a meeting, attended by repre- sentatives of the controlling intor- terests of both theatres, arrange- ments were completed for the amal- Master, Liberal member for Brome, who crossed the floor of the house during the budget deBate at the re- cent session of parliament, will open a speaking tour of his riding at Knowlton on Thursday, Aug. 22nd. Mr. McMaster will lay before his constituents the reasons governing London, Aug. Z.--The latest polis tical sensation in the House of Com~ mons is the crossing of the floor (0 the Oonservative side of the House, elected last November for East Lef« cester as a National Liberal, and a similar move by G. H. Roberts, Na= tional Liberal momber for Norwich formerly a Labor mer ar and at one gy 2 5 by Captain Arthur Fvans, who was eA Vv » the train had passed over her body. his course of action in parlament, and will ask for their approval. There has been a good deal of speculation as to the political fu- ture of the member for Brome, and his speech at Knowlton is expected to throw a good deal of light upon it, w Leaves $5,000,000 for Home for Indigent Actors New York, Aug 3.--Percy G. WH- liams, theatre owner, who died on July 21st mede provision in his will, it is announced, whereby the bulk of his estate, reported be approximately $5,000,000, wiil eventually be devoted to the estab- lishment of a Percy Williams' Home for aged and indigent actors .and actresses. Mexico City, Aug. 2.--Harry hiv- ett, an oil man, was shot and killed by an unknown Mexican after a friendly boxing exhibition. During the bout Kivett landed a heavy punch Bishop Tenders Resignation. London, Aug. .2-- Dr. Edward Stuart Talbot, Bishop of Winchester, has resigned his bishopric. It i= stated that his resignation is due to his uncertain health. He is 80 years of age. Dr. Talbot has bewn Bishop of Winchester since 1911. He was Bishop of Rochester from 1895 to 1905 and Bishop o* South- wark from 1905 to 1911, =e was published a number of books on re- ligious subjects 4 . ------ Judge Snider Heads Board. Ottawa, Aug. 2. -- Judge Colin G. Snider, former 'county judge of Wentworth, has been appointed chairman of the board of inquiry in the dispute between the Toronto Hy- dro-Electric Commission and its eicc- trical and other employees. Russia's Christmas Now Dec. SSth. Moscow, Aug. 2. --- The ecomineil of commissioners to-day fixed upon . ten churmrh holidays, to be obee:ved accord to the new style calendar. Thus year wil be the first tha Ru vill ceiebrate Christmas sic Jltaned. ished. gamation of the two concerns. B. C. time Food Controller. 'Whitney, Toronto, was owner of tae Quebee, Aug. 2.--Provinclal byes ! Yections 'in the counties of Brome, Jdchmond and Abitibi, the latter die vision to be vacated by the resizna« tion of Hon. J. E. Perrault, who wild only retain the constituency of baska, are scheduled to take place the 11th of September, On Nature and--Bald Heads A woman can do | \ Is to take the matter | Into her own hands And MAKE herself beautiful, ' A woman's crowning glory, i They say, is her HAIR; So she looks after it And it grows mote And more BEAUTIFUL; But men still trust to Nature L And--go bald. THEREFORE 1! ssy, Trust not That fickle ladv, _ ~ WOMEN! Do not trust NATURE, She's a fickle jade. Have you ever noticed-- For the FIRST twenty years - Of a woman's life | Nature gives ber everything, Toronto, Aug. ment was made that the Ontario gov- ernment has purchased {rom the Uni- Milk Prices Increased. = Boston, Aug. 2.--The New BE land Milk Producers Association | nounced an increase of a hall cent & quart in the price of milk for Augurt to Boston dealers. The new price be eight and a half cents. i i} the C. N. R. tracks here, *'opped front of a passing freight train an was practically cut in two. ! :

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