Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Aug 1923, p. 5

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THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1923. i / THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG FROST'S Y STORAGE low has vacant two clean, dry, vate rooms. (Your own lock | FE i PHONE 528. 200-305 QUEEN STREET. 3 mt ae "PIANO TUNING I Piano Tuning, Repairing ang 4 r Plano Adjusting. Norman Butcher, 27 Pine Street. PHONE 181bw, a Te REAL ESTATE. GENERAL INSURANCE. RELIABLE COMPANIES ONLY GUARANTEE BONDS, DRY BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. ' R. H. Waddell Phones 336-896. 8¢ Breck St. DR. A.W.WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON, x Sorner of Johnsom and Wellington , Phone 363 i. a ie gston Transfer Co. 'mene 377. Even 2331. 153 WELLINGTON STREET. Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S,, D.D.S. f: Wellington and Brock Streets, | Eustrance, 150 Wellington Sg, Evening by appointment. PHONE oT». WATTS F ple's k wrist 177 Wellington Street. y| Saved by the timely use of Dr. Fowl- _= SUFFERED WITH SUMMER COMPLAINT A fact mothers must face is that Summer complaint with the prostra- tion, often verging on collapse, which sometimes accompanies tls disease, makes it one of the most serious and { dangerous to contend with during the | | hot months. | Thousands of 4nfants die annually | whose lives could have no doubt been er's Extract of Wild Strawtarry, and it has been the experience of thou- sands of mothers during the past 78 { years this valuable preparation has | been on the market, that it is the | safest and most effective remedy for use in all cases of looseness of the bowels. Mrs. S. Lafontaine, Great Desert, Ont., writes: -- "My baby, when a year old, was suffering with summer com- plaint. Two doctors attended him, but nothing would stop the vomiting and diarrhoea. A friend told me to try Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry and after the second dose the baby was better and I can say it saved my baby's life. I wouldn't be without a bottle of 'Dr, Fowler's' in the house for un- told gold." Price 50c. a bottle; put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, nt. ~---- WHY? 1=Everything found in a modern Drug Store. Complete Soda Fountain recently installed and now operating. 2--Convenienct corner. Location: "Where Princess and Division Cross." 8--Careful, prompt, service -- al- ways! 4--Enquiry and delivery? Phone 2018 any time. PRINCESS PHARMACY DEPENDABLE DRUGS AT POPULAR PRICES L. C. HEMSLEY from R. J. ROGER WATOHES and CLOCKS REPAIRED at shortest notice 149 Sydenham St. Prompt attention given tall Chas. Bedore & Son 274 NELSON STREET and Cannel Coal. t Mixed Wood cut in i stove lengths, BOOTH & Ian Yard So tan gor Coben & Co. . A Photograph of a big league player in each package. 120 in the series. Make a collectiol of your favorite team. : Buy your Big League Choco- late Bars from rooms, 3 piece bathroom, electric light and gas, hot air heating, good cellar. $3500--Brick house, § rooms, 4 bed- rooms, 3 piece bathroom, electric light, hot water heating, good cellar, barn and garden. $3300--Brick, 7 room house, 4 bed- nooms, 3 plece bathroom, electrio Nght and gas, hot air heating. kitchenette, with all modern conveniences. Veran- dah and garden. $4500--Frame, 9 room house, § bed- rooms, 3 p. B, Electric light and gas, hot air heating, cellar, verandah and stab 'E.L. MAR - ese sue "Phone 229. 1100w, $3900--Brick house, 7 rooms, ¢ bed- | the St. KINGSTON anp VICINITY Returns fof the Mouth. The customs reveaue returns and excise duties at the port of King- ston for the month of July amounted to $45,271.06. Social And Dance. Lawn social and dance at Hcm- lock Park, Glenburnie, Friday, A\u- gust 5rd. Dancing 8.230 to 1.:3¢. standard time. ------ Appointed/ Caretaker. At a meeting of the Separate school board, held in their rocms, on Friday evening, William 'Coilius, was appoint\l caretaker of St. Joan's Scaool. Did Not Belong to R.M.C. The Whig was informed that the auto truck that figured in an acci- dent at the enirance to Tete du Pont barracks, did not belong to the R. M. C. as stated in the Whig's report. Work on Roadways. After considerable delay tie Board of Works department is now engaged in surfacing with asphalt Earl, Gore and Union streets, between King and Wellington street. Splendid work is being dene on tue construction. Has Quite Recovered. The friends of Mrs. Frauk Star, Milford, are pleased to know that she is able to be home after going through a critical operation for ap- pendicitis in Prince Edward County Hospital. SP ------ Shirt Sale. We made another special purchase of Boys' and Men's colored shirts--- collars delached. Sizes from 13% to 163%. Regular prices of these ehirts were $2.50 and $3.50, Sale price, $1.75 each. ' Prevost, Brock street. - Appointed to School. Charles Warren, who has been en- gaged for several years in Fergus in the automobile repair business aud acetylene welding and who is an cx: pert mechanician, has received a per- manent government position as in- structor to boys in mechanics. Formxsly of Picton. In Toronto, at the home of ker son-in-law, Harry McCreary, 46 Thornhill ave., Baby Point, Mus. Eleanor Pengelly, wife of the late James Pengeily and daughter of the late Captain Huga Gawe, Picton, was stricken with paralysis and passed away. -- Black Bass Fishing Good. James T. Suthcriend, who is camp- ed at Stella, is having good luck Zst- ing black bass in the vicinity. The fish are affording great sport and al- most dally Mr. Sutherland and his friands succeed in landing some fine Specimens after a game fight. "Jiu" knows the ways of fish and all the tricks of the skilled anglers. OR -------------------- A Bright Pupil, Lawrence Howe, aged son " Rev. © Master thirteen, year, winniag the which is awarded the highest marks ta the county of Campbell niedal, the pupil making in rural schools Dundas. ------ Buricd At Newburgh, Williaa Dunlop, Newburgh, dled in the Kingston Hospital and hig body was sent home for burial. Mr. Dunlop wes unmarried: and lived nearly all his life in the viciaity of Newburgh, a good worker and an expert farmer, he demand among the r. He was the lact of a_family of ten children. ---------- Prescott Swimming Club, The girls of Prescott have come to. gether and formed a swimming club calling themselves The Prescott Girls Swimming Club. Miss Evelyn Easter Was elected caplain; Miss Jean Wal- lace, first mate; Miss Ellen Patter son, second mate; Miss Elsie Whit- ney, first purser; Miss Dolores Frick- er, second purser. ---- No Holiday Mail Dclivery. There will be no delivery of mall in Kingston on Monday next, elvie holiday. Mail will stay in the 'post office from Saturday noon untii Tuesday morning. There _wiil be two coliections of mail from the street boxes, one in the morning and even- ing. The general Trotting Season. Brouse Hutton, Smith's Fails, : Trainer Ketchum and his trotters Del off Ege " k Annie Edna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McMaster, Perth, to Van V. N. Barles, New Haven, Conn. Arc After a New School. * The Alexandria Bay, N.Y. Board of Education is proposing a new school to meet necessities. A plot of land has been secured at an option of $16,000. There are thirteen acres im it. It is also the intention of the board to secure a plot of stound large enough for a ball grounds, track gymnasium, tennic courts, and other necessary adjuncts of modcrn schoqls. The matter will be present- ed to the tax payers for vote early in August. The new school house, if bufit, will accommodate 600 - pupils, and js muoh needed there, It is sald. The Late Robert R. Hartin, Robert R. Hartin, second son of tic late Henry D. Hartin, and Margaret Reid, died etithe age of eighty, at the old homestead,' "Basswood Hill," Centreville, where the family have re- sided since 1812. His illness of nearly iwo years' duration, was en- dured with the greatest patience. Of a family of thirteen, three sisters sur- .xive, namely, Miss Elizabeth, - Miss Marinda and Mrs. 8. L. McKim, who were in constant attendance at his bedside. The funeral service was conducted at his late residence by Kev. Mr. Leigh. a -- Twprovcments at Penitentiary. Changes are being made to imgrove facilities for handling the clothing, €lc, worn by (he inmates at the pen- itentisry: The cianging room, locat- ed in the old binder twine factory, Wm ttt, Namee Saries, son of Mr. and Mis. { and baths installed. | is being removed to the south wing | where alterations have been made All jsmates | bathe ence n week, but those working in gargs, engaged on heavy and dir ty work, can bathe three times a week. New cement floors have been laid and the walls whitened, making the building absolutely sanitary. The agcomynodation will be ample. Will Enjoy Himself To Fall, Wellington Boulter and his daugh- | ter, Mrs. Kerr F. Alberison, Detroit, are spending a few weeks in Picion. |. Master Frank Crawford Boulter, eld- | est son of Dr. J. H. Boulter, ssmc with them." It is a year since Mr. Boulter last visited Picton aad his friends are pleased to note iat he returns more vigorous than he was when he left. These visits to his native country are bright spot? in Mr. Boulter's life and his héalth this summer wili enable him to enjoy his visit with old friends to the full. A -------- Latimer Church Social. A lawn social was held at Lsti- mgr Metnodist church, on Wedacsday evening, and the splendid sum of $109 realized. A musical programme ind a drill by the young pecpic was much enjoyed. Rev. R. Caivert Pree sided and eloquent addresses wer? given by Rev. Mr. Blacklock ard Rev. | Mr. Adair. A baseball fume was played in the cvening by teams irom Inverary and Glenburnie. The lat- ter team won alter a closely contests ed game. The social was in charge of the La- dies' Ald, under Mrs. George Leali- erland. president. The people came from all over the neighborhond and the event was ona of real enjormenr, Buy There's time in the package Time to do the many things ordinarily put off on wash-day. For Rinso does not keep you standing over the wash-tub, rubbing until your back aches and your hands are red and sore. Rinso, an entirely different kind of soap, soaks clothes clean. Rubbing and boiling are unnecessary. The big soapy Rinso suds gently loosen the most ground-in dirt without weakening a single thread. a package today. On sale at all good grocers and department stores. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED LUMBER Large stocks of rough Pine, Hemlock and Spruce in pile. A varied assortment of Soft and Hard Woods, native and imported, in shed. Order by phone, wire or mail. we! The British WhigPublishing Co. Ltd, | has a Department specially' equipped to execute all classes of First-class service and fair Prices. 3068-10 KING STREET, KINGSTON, Ont, PHONE 243 GOURDIER"S have removed to 86 PRINCESS STREET, next to Bibby's, Limited, while alterations are being made to Brock Street store, GOURDIER'S 78-80 Brock Street TORONTO R306 We Do Electrical Welding For the Best Values in Young Men's Suits $20.00, $25.00, $28.00, $32.00, $35.00. SEE OUR SPORT MODEL SUITS At $25.00 TWEDDELL'S Clothing House work that stands the test of time and of hard usage. We can render you a most efficient job at a moderate charge and in a minimum amount ot | time. Let us prove to you what won- | ders expert electrical welding can ac- complish. Bishop Machine Shop KING AND QUEEN STREETS _ MATCHES Remember to ask for Eddy' when youorder u | 0 For The Hot Weather Cool Underwear FOR WOMEN-- ie Vests, Bloomers and Combinations in Cotton, Lisle and Silk, from 25¢. a garment. FOR MEN--' Shirts, Drawers and Combinations, from 69c¢. a garment up, : FOR BOYS-- 5 Shirts, Drawers and Combinations from 50c. a garment up, FOR GIRLS--' Vests, Bloomers and Combinations - from 25¢. a garment up. : 'W. N. Linton & Co. § Phooe 191. The Waldron Store. | .

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