Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Aug 1923, p. 12

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG MONDAY, AUG. 13, 1988. We Have Been Making Clothing to-Measure Since 1847 We make the sort of Suits that make the man. The reputation we have established for expert tailoring insures a satisfied and well- dressed customer. 5 Choice selection of exclusive patterns in Suitings, Blue and Grey Worsteds, etc. Let us tailor you once and your our cus- Suits to-Measure 45 up LIVINGSTON'S 75-79 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" Phone and Mail Orders Given Careful Attention o ger Market--Service 458-459. Business Office 865. A iO. cu 17067. iD BEEF 0c. 2c. 1b fly Ib. ec (vad Bam ee s.0is 6 ain 124c. OUR FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Accident to Cars of A. Masoud and W. Trenhaile at Kingston Mills. Early Sunday evening an un- usual accident occurred at King- ston Mills, when - an automobile [driven by A. Masoud, a well-known Princess street merchant, backed ov- er a ten foot bank ipto the river, to be followed about two minutes later by another car, owned by W. Trenhaile, Kingston, who had stop- ped by the roadside to rend- er asistance. The second car took the big plunge when it was knocked off the road by a passing resident of the county. According to information obtain- ed, both cars were badly damaged, but none of the occupants were in- jured or even bruised in any manner as a result of the double-accident. A local garage was communicated with and both 'cars were pulled out of the river with some difficulty, and brought into the city. The original mishap took place just a few yards west of the bridge at the locks, when Mr. Masoud was attempting to turn his car around in the centre of the road. In backing up, the driver became confused in some manner, and sud- denly shot backwards over the high bank into the water, which is about nine feet deep at that point. Mr. Masoud managed tg climb out of tke car and he was brought to shore m a boat. LOCAL NEWS. * Brief Items of Interest Picked Up by the Whig Re- porters. Timothy James, Memphis, Tenne- see, is visiting old Kingston friends. The Belleville and Campbeilford district had heavy rainfall on Sun- day. - Yr. Swaine, piano "uner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west 'Phone 564w. The Salvation Army had a very popular outdoor service in the City Park on Sunday afternoon. Special sale of Simmon's beds, springs and mattresses, all this week at Jamec Reid's. Everything was stazed on Sunday, heavy clouds, tuynder and wind, but po rainfall, There Was general disap- pointment. There was no session of the police court on Monday morning. King- ston was on her good behavior over the weck-end. Kingston almost had a shower of rain Sunday afternoon, but the show- or shifted to other quarters. A few drops of water fell. A street car conductor who was charged with assault on a youug man was fined $2 and costs. A counter charge will be heard Tuesday. I'rof. W. J. MacClement, Queen's Unfiversity, is a member of the Exe- cutive committee of the Ontario Workers' Educational Association. A memorial window to -thc late Charles Burdett Forsythe, M.D., wa; unieiled in the Reformed church of Alcxandria Bay, N. Y., Sunday af- ternoon. Atl the ,O.R.A. meet at Long Branch, C. S. M. Middleton, King- ston, wen $4 with Mercer Militia ag- gregate and £4 in the Lieutenant- Governor's match. See our window display of Sim- won's beds, springs and mattrosses, on sale all this week at James Reid's. 2 Ag e The steamer Jeska is unloading coal at Soward's, arriving from Os- wego on Monday morning. The steamer Dalrymple passed down on Sunday morning from Port Colborne to Montreal. The steamer City of Hamilton ar- ning and cleared with package fur Toronto and Hamilton. The stcamer City of Ottawa ar- rived from Toronto on Sunday af- ternoon and cleared with freight for Montreal. The steamer Hamillon passed up light on Monday morning trom Mon- treal to the head of the lakes. - The stcamer Concretia cleared for Duck's Islands ou Sunday. The sleamor Buenavista is berc from Rideau river ports, awaiting at the Grove Inn, mor Mapleboro arrived oa rived from Montreal on Sunday mor- |' TWO AUTOMOBILES DROP (SAIL BOAT IS BLOWN OVER BANK INTO RIVER OUT INTO THE LANE Occupants Refuse Aid of Steamer--Life Crew Now Searching for Them. -- Toronto Aug. 13.--Caught in the heavy off shore wind somewners along the city's shores last night, a small sail boat of the sloop type | with five male passengers aboard was blown about ten miles into the lake 'and sighted by the steamer Cayuga homeward bound. The steamer immediately went to the émaller vessel's aid, but the passeng- ers, one of whom had a bandaged head, declined to come aboard if it was necessary to abandon ther crar asking that word be sent to the lo- cal life saving crew to come and tow them 'in. Wireless messages were immediately broadcasted, with the result that a speed boat, fully manned, put off in search of the disabled sail boat. After three hours vain search in the dark the rescue boat put back, shipped a new crew under Acting Superintendent Hilliard Lang and again went out in quest of the drifters. They are still out, WV ITH THE BOY SCOUTS. The Lads Are Having A Big Time in Camp. The boy scouts of No. 1 troop con- tinue to enjoy the camp life started a woek ago. On Friday night, over a big camp fire, the boys had pup, candy and peanuts. Saturday's camp fire was the scene of a marshmallow roast, while out on the water, a mo- tor boat with girl guides, 'who are camping on a neighboring point, ho- vered around. The girl guides sang a number of fine songs. Sunday was a quiet day in-camp. At 11 o'clock a short service was held and an address on "Scout Ideals" was given by Capt. Laro, who remained at the camp over Sunday. Several snapshots of the troop and the camp were taken. Some. who are trying for their stalking profi- ciency badge have a few pictures of squirrels, chipmunks, ete. Badge work in every quarter is going ahead with much interest, camp life and surroundings adding greatly to help the boys. The boys had a few visitors on Sunday. The threaten- ing weather kept many people away from the camp. Dance: Brophy's Point. Tuesday evening. Point Pavilion. Harmony Six orchestra. Motor boat foot of Brock street 8 p.m. DAILY MEMORANDUM British mail will close at the Kin gon pont oft londay, Juss 13th, PRINTING AND OFFICE SUPPLIES HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR MARKET SQUARE BORN. METCALFE -- In Kipgston, Sunday August 12th, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs. Alwin H. Metcalfe, 308 Albert St. a son (James Herbert). ; DIED. CORRIGAN--In Kingston, at the Hotel Dieu Hospital, ors August 12th, 1923, Annie Lovett, widow of the late William Corrigan. Funerdl (private) from the ' family residence, 47 Earl Street, on Wed- nesday morning at 8.456 to St. Mary's Cathedral, where a solemn requiem mass will be sung at 9 o'- Stock for the happy repose of her ul. Friends and acquaintances respectfully Juvited to attend the Mass. N. Y., Cleve- Mo a: 111, Watertown, N Ill, papers land, Ohto, Tererio, please copy. HEALEY--In Kingston, at the Hotel Dieu Hospital, on Monday, August 13th, 1923, Thomas Healey, of His Majesty's customs. Funeral (private) from his late" resi- nce, 57 Arch Btreet, on Wednes- requiem mass will be sung at 10.30 o'clock for the happy repose ot his soul. Friends and acquatn : nds an juaintances res ecttul invited to mend the Tass, By Montreal, Rochester, N.Y., nd Winni- Peg papers please Oop; KE! Y---In a op on ag 12th, 3; at his iate residen 36 Keeley, Funeral (private) will Resday ternoon at 3. Ce Bre was MoVETY-SIn Kin A 13th, 1923, tor suery ume aged 30 "he Maidaos Funeral Srom £ her son- n-law, H. Ward 95 Froat iopae Street, at 1.30 iy) om a Y -- In Kin ston, August xh L033, gry Reels, aged 75 Funorar win take reaiden e-- are indeed worth considering. DID YOU MENTION SILKS or WoOLLENS!? IF you have, we would like very much to show you some things fashion calls for in attractive materials and the up-to-date woman will know these. The prices just now Empire Lining Satin Finest quality, two season, guaranteed Satin.' Comes in.Rose, Black, White, Dove, Sand, Steel Grey, Silver Grey. 36 inches wide. price 2.00 yd. Ivory Hiraski Silk Suitable for separate Skirts, Dress- es and Underwear. Very serviceable. 36 inches wide. Price $2.00 yd. IvoryCrepe de Chene For pleated Skirts. Good quality, and is 38 to 40 inches wide. Prices $2.50 and $2.75 yd. faction. Black Messaline Silk Quite in vogue for dresses. This is a fine quality and will give great satis- Width 36 inches. . Special $1.50 yd. COLORED SHANTUNG SILK has many uses and is indeed attractive. Comes 38 inches wide. Colors: White, Orchid, Pink, Henna, Navy, Rose, Tangerine, Paddy and Amethyst. Price $1.49 yard All Wool Serge Fashionable for and Children's wear. Dyotuet quality and very suitable width (52 inches). Colors: Navy and Black. Price $1.00 yard with which to dovelop Suits and Dresses. = Satisfactory in way. 56 inches wide. Cothes in many desired » shades such as: -- BROWN GOLD PADDY SAND COREY D ROTAL : HENNA pi'20 ek v * COURTESY T SATISFACTION

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