THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG MONDAY, AUG. 13, 1938. ---- 3 FROST'S CITY STORAGE FIBRE BOARD Ten test solid Fibre Board, is a stiff, solid Wall Board. ; Very suitable for panelling stores, dwell- ing houses, offices, public buildings, etc. Can also be used on outside walls with Stucco. Ask for catalogue. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Factory Phone 1415 CUT TO CLEAR! $449 KINGSTON ap VICINITY placed through the committee, ad- | dress T. C. Lapp, Ottawa, Seoretary, | Eastern District, Ontario Provincial | Council, Dominion Yeterans Alli- ance. {tring results. The evening of his Nite finds him, with all his keen men- tal powers unabated, living iu the old\manse at 400 Sherbourne street, whery be has resided mow for wore than y-seven years. Dr. Milligan was a schoolteacher on Wolfe Island, and graduated at Queen's University in 1862. The Ferry Inn. The name of the hotel at iiideau Ferry has been changed. It will { hereafter be called the "Ferry Inn." Now has vacant two clean, dry, | private rooms. (Your own lock i and key.) : The simplest way to end a corn is Blue-jay. Stops the pain in- stantly. Then the corn loosens and comes out. Made in clear liquid and in thin plasters. The action is the same. At your druggist J PHONE 526. 290-305 QUEEN STREET. | eree-- PIANO TUNING k Plano Tuuing, Repairing ana 'Player Piano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street, PHONE 1819%w, To Have Electric Line. ! There is talk of the construction of -an electric railway connecting { Havelock and Campbellford with the | railways along the lake shore. Western Canada in Need of 50,000 Harvesters. | Western Canada is in need of 50,- | 000 Harvesters to help in the grain | fields. Canadian Natfonal Railways | is taking special arrangements to handle the large volume of travel expected by operating special | trains through to Winnipeg with. | out change. In addition, colonist | cars will alsb be operated on some | of the regular trains and same will run-~through to Winnipeg. The go- ing dates are August 13th and 22nd. The special rains will carry cow onist cars of the latest design and | lunch counter cars serving food ana meals at reasonable prices. Special Courses for Farm Youth. Kingston has been selocted as oae of the centres where agricultural in- struction will be given froni Nov. 47th to March 2nd, under direction of the Ontario midister of agricul- | ture. The boys will de instructed in the principies of farming and give: foundational data' upon which tlcy can continue to develop progressive agricultural methods. The girls, for their part, are also included in tha plan and, by parallel courses, they will be schooled to meet tue prob- lems of home life. which arise In| colonist cars will also be provided rural districts. No fees are charged | for women and families. { hie Students who take the insiruc. " The fare from any station jn the | * x tion, and, as government bulletins | Province of Quebec, or Ontario, | Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cia, Prosealt furnish the principal texts studied, | will be $15 to Winnipeg plus one announce the Sigagetliont a T | there are practically no expenses for | half cent per mile beyond to points Whi daughter, en Beatrict Me | nooks. Sons and daughters of farm- | in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Al- R. Harlow Place, son of Mr. and Mrs. ers between the ages of sixteen and | 4 i Cal W. W. Place, Algonquin, tiie mar- 3 j berta, Edmonton, Tannls, sary, | fiage to take place quictiy in Aug- thirty-five are eligible. The classes | MacLeod and East. For the return | commence at nine o'clock in the | journey one half cent per mile to ust. morning, and are dismissed at four | Winnipeg plus $20 to original staxt< o'clock in the afternoon. ing joint in the East. Transferred to Bell's Corners. | Rev. H. A. E. Clarke. Maberly, | has been appointed by the Bishop of Ottawa to the Angliean parish at Bell's Corners and takes up his new work Sepiember 1st. Office Phone 66. Cuticura Soap IS IDEAL For the Hands See org bey erst oN oy ag Add | medicine. eid of strengt! a 0. on SESE "~~ "REAL ESTATE. GENERAL INSURANCE. RELIABLE COMPANIES ONLY REPRESENTED, GUARANTEE BONDS. | VICTORY BONDS BOUGHT AND ! ! SOLD. R. H. Waddell _ Phomes 324-596. 58 Breck St DR. A.W. WINNETT : DENTAL SURGEON, ; f Johnson and Wellingtun sores 0 " Phone 368 Shirt Sale, We made another special purchase of Boys' and Men's colored shirts-- collars attached. Sizes from 13% to 1615. Regular paices of these shirts were $2.50 to $3.50. Sale *lprice $1.75 each. Prevost, Brock street: the prices of several good lines of Low Shoes. Men's Goodyear Welt, Black and Brown Calf Oxfords, fo clear at --- : : - JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231]. 70 Brock Street 5 Engagement Announced. THE COOK MEDICINE CO, Toronto, (Formary Windess,), Cheese Sales. A Streets Napanee, 945 at 19 3-3c. Iroquois, 995 at 18 3-4c. Applications for Position. For tickets and further particul- ars apply to any agent of the Cana- (= dian National Railways or to J. P.| Perth," 1,024 at 19 to 19"1-8c. Picton, '816 at 19 13-16c. Chicoutimi, Que., 800 at 18 1-2¢, Danville, Que., 1,670 at 18 1-2¢c. Belleville, 1,524 at 20 1-4c Concerning. ihe appointment of the soldiers' advisors to assist appli- cants in bandling pension an? treat: ment cases before members of the Federal Appcal Board, one appoint- ment is being made covering the Eastern Ontario district aad the nominations for Lhis appointment are now beng received by the east- ern district committee of the Oniario council, Dominion Veterans' Alliance Recommendations to the minister o? the Department of Soldiers' Civil Ké- establishment for the appointment | will be made at a meeting of the committee in Ottawa, on August 16th. Those who are qualified are advised of the opportunity of mak- ing application prier fo that date. Applications for tae position will be considersd by the minister only when Hanley, C. P, and T. A. C. N, Rys. | Phone 99 or 1433. ° i RU 4 * y - Large Egge. Three large eggs produced by Robert Cordick's White Leghorns k ASK FOR BELI'S CUCUMBER CREAM (Ubapped Hands, etc.) Use Use It Always All Ways. Fixing the Varade Grounds. The parade square, in Tete du Pont barracks, is being made over with macadamn paving at the present time, and a large gang of men is at work on the job. The squarc has not been renewed in recent years and was considered in very bad sbape. are on exhibition in the Perth Cour- ier window. Their ombined weight Is 11 1-4 ounces and the largest is over 8 imches in circumference bev being made to Brock Street store. pean SALT [| est sors Makes Life Worth Living GOURDIER S 78-80 Brock Street DELLS SILVERWARE AND CHINAWARE TO RENT °° E - 3 \ ' 3 4 For the Best Values in Young Men's $20.00, $25.00, $28.00, $32.00, $35.00, SEE OUR SPORT MODEL SUITS | At $25.00 TWEDDELL'S Clothing House New Knitted SCARFS In All Wool, Silk and Silk and Wool. orn d FOE CRNITURE, SAFES . FREIGHT, FU . | PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF Es EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. GOURDIER'S have removed to 86, PRINCESS STREET, next to Bibby's, Limited, while alterations are Visiting in Ottawa. Dr. F. P. Carr-Harris, who has spent many years in the district of Honan, China, as a medical mission- ary, is a visitor in Ottawa for a few days, and is staying at the Univér- sity Club. Before going to.Chipa Dr. Carr-Harris was a resident ot King- Ee TIRE® Wait for Him. $ . SALE 1 1.00 Wilbert Edgewood, sentenced -at Non-skid, guaranteed first quality Tires Belleville to serve two years at Ports- The Central Garage Limited Phone ' Dental Surgeon DR. J, OC. W. BROOM LDS, D.D.S. Wellington and Brock Streets. Eat 1590 Wellington St. CHOICE SEASONABLE FRUITS When having a Piegie or a Beat Trip, see us for your Fruit. Peaches, Pears, Plums, anas, Oranges, ete. Choice Home-made and ported Candies. | The Star Fruit | & Candy Store P PHONE 273. od the prison. Miss Mabel Cook, Edgowood"s sweetheart bade him a tearful farewell, and told one of the officers that she would wait twenty. five years for him. mouth penitentiary for obtaining money by false prelences, has reach- 600. » Brock and Montreal Streets. NEVER CLOSE. WE Passed Away at Cape Vincent, N.Y. F. R. Gardner, Cape Vincent, N.Y, \ fifty-five years, died on Aug. 8th, after a year's illness. He was for a time with the Cleveland Seed company and was in their Picton of- fice. In 1919 he went into the Jef ferson county Nationel bank. In 1920 he had to quit because of ili health. His widow, his father and one brother survive, "all living at | Cape Vincent. He was a prominent Mason. WM. J. ARNIEL Earl a Alfred treets Phone 820, F .C. HAMBROOK 118 Broek Street Phone 1928w. ARNIEL & HAMBROOK (CATERERS) Lived Many Years in Perth, NO DINNER TOO LARCE--NO LUNCHEON TOO SMALL. After conducting his harness busi 7 ness as usual last Friday, John A. Ferrier, Perth, was suddenly seized with illness that night and death : } ) followed early on Saturday, the news . of whieh coed o erent shioex. Toclll. QE} | C e Cream late John A. ¥errier was boru in Perth on Dec. 17th, 1850, of Scotlish Please Your Customers by Selling Them parents who in the early days had founded a harness and saddlery busi-|}i Our Pasteurized and Homogenized Ice Cream. ness in Perth in which he was an ap-| Ji prentice. In his earlier days he ro-|[ ' Always keep in stock some of these flavors: Orange, Chocolate, Strawberry or Maple Walnut, sided in the United States. WE SHIP EVERYWHERE. | MASOUD'S Major-Gon. . Neilson, WHOLESALE MANUFACTURER o q Isn'tit fine that youcan shop so easily on hot sum- mer days. Vanilla, . 9 When you see goods and service guaranteed by daily advertising in this news paper you are as safe in going to féech them. § Modern Stores have two rules: "Answer the tele phone promptly" and "Have your pencil ready." 3 Why net shop comfort: iu Shop com fil i i E From 5. fot ais it minmmnmien $1 S0UE . SWEATER COATS in all wool, ilk and wool 'and wool. c EE ® Fifteen minutes ° with pe ins gl Me Jecure ofthe shor: to he BY er tam Si | or Oxfords with high, Yow or sport lil always at-your elbow, an, Jove oom | PR ry . Jacquettes, Tuxedos and Pullovers, all 2 5 g BES ii