A SRR TR AIREY 4 Fp ' Drs. Nash & Renton, Suits Special in Blue Blue Indigo Serge Suits, double or . single breast. *35.00 George VanHorne's 213 Princess Street. Phone 362w. Loss of Efficiency from eye strain YES, there is a tremendous amount of it. It is found [ji everywhere~in offices, fac. | tories, schools and stores. It the, Opafuetris, eas by § supplying glasses hese 'Hi patients increase their phy- sical welfare and their ef. ficlency surely the Optome- trist is remdering a' worth- while service. We are doing |i that every business day ig |} WD. GRAHAM, RO. | IMPORTED LUSTRE CHINA Inexpensive and very al- tractive in Buff, Blue and Green shades, with beautiful Opalescent lining. We have an exquisite 21 piece Tea Set at $25.00. Also Honey Jars, Spoon Trays, Bom Bons, Olive Dishes, Mayonnaise Dishes and Whipped Cream Dishes. \ and priced from $1.50 tu $2.50. ; Registered Optometrist 140 Wellington St Opp. Post Offi Kinnear & d'Esterre Jewelers PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON DENTIST 106 Welltagton St. Phone 256, ~~ Testing for Knocks. To determine whether a knock really exists, the engine can be run idle at various speeds, or the car can be driven over a smooth isolated road. The isolation provides quiet surroundings, while the smooth pavement excludes all knocks and rattles of the chassis parts. DENTISTS Peace begins where ambition ends, CHINA The original INDIAN. TREE pat- tern, Doric shape, is made by Coalport. We have a complete stock of this, and prices are low, quality considered, Many other patterns in Coalpor*, Minton, Royal Worcester, Doulton, etc.--well worth séeing. "COME IN AND LOOK AROUND" ROBERTSON'S Limited 1 out-door Sport THE VOICE OF THE PULPIT' A Rea! United Church of Can= ada Congregation at | Chalmers Church. I -- i In an address op church union | given on Sunday morning to th, con- gregaiions of Chalmers Presbyterian and Sydenham ' street Methodist churches, which are holding united services during the sumnier, rofl: A. J. Jounson, Vicloria college, To- sing probably ihe most remarkable assemblage in Canada His audience included really three churches, as the First Congregational church of Kingston was gQouw permancntdy united -with Chalmers Presbyterian church. Seo that it was a sample congregation of the coming United Church of Canada to which he.wag preaching. y ---- At St. Andrew's Charch. "Wark, thought and prayer" was the keynote of a very inspiring ser- mon given in 8t. Andrew's chuioi on Sundey morning by Rev. J. Y. Mae¢- iKinnon, of Halifax, N.8., before a large congregation. A knowledge of the Bible, which should be the guide of every man an® woman in their daily life, was indispcnsable in this breathless age, and was indeed 2 con- solation to many, he sald. There was perhaps too much excitement in the world today and a calm outlook on the future would be of great assist- ance In bringing back the allairs of nations to normal. * At Cooke's Church. Rev. C. E. Kidd, Gananoque, was the preacher at both services * in Cooke's Presbyterian church on Suan- day and gave the congregation two very interesting discourses. Mrs. Mackinuon, wife of Rev. Mr. Maokiu- aon, Halifax, presided at the organ at both services. Mrs. Treneer ren- dered a solo at the morning service aud Miss Diack saug in the even- ing. FIREMEN GIVEN CALL TO SERIOUS BUSH FIRE Which Broke Out on Property --of Jack Green; Ba Road. y A serious bush fire broke out early Saturday afternoon, on the property of Jack Green, Bath Road, and on an order from Mayor An- grove, the Kingston fire department went to the scene and assisted the people of the distriet in extinguish- ing the blage. The call to the fire de- partment was received at 12.56 p.m., and Capt. Cockade and four men left with a motor truck and chem- fcals. The fire made its way through several of the fields before being 'checked. B At 11.55 a.m. Sunday, the firemen 'were given a call to the home of Joseph H. Minifie, 281 Montreal street, where stove pipes caused trouble, but very little damage was done. ---------------- REGATTA AT PORTLAND. Brought Together a Very Crowd Last Monday. Portland. Aug. 9.--The i..uwrs have finished baying, and have start- ed culling their grain, which is a Lam ge poor crop with many. The regaita, hedd here on Monday, was decidedly a great: success, as || there must have been over five hun- dred care from the surroundiag country. There was some handsome prizes donated, and given to the winners of the many races. The weather continues very dry here. We had a little shower on Wednesday morning, the first since the begluning of June. Many tourists from different parts spent the weok-cnd here on account of the regatta boing beld on Mone day, the holiday. rid Mre. i. C. Joyat motored m Brockvilis on Saturday last, visiting the Misses Donevan. Mr. Joyns returned home on Monday. Mrs. Joynt will remain here fur a couple of weeks with her sisters. . ° Mr. Peters, whose wife died a pouple of weeks ago, held a sale of his household furnishings and pro- perty on Wednesday, Aug. 8th, and everything sold at the highest price. His property realised $1,650. Wait- more Holmstead was the purchaser. Mr. Howe is putting a tin foof on bis dwelling, which i a great !m- provement Lo his property. Miss Eva Crawford, Toroato, is spending her vacation with ber sunt, Mrs. William Mrs. Hooker and little son, Robert, Bave returmed to Brookville after spending a couple of weoks the ronto, remarked that he was addres- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG TT. | i | this relaxation of sports and music | arranged for their pleasure at such | up into, "Mgures." A danging plat. ' form was also much used, and the IN HONOR OF BRULEE The first monument erected to the. memory of Etienne Brule, the discov! erer of Lake Superior and the first ex- plorer who penetrated the lake regions | with a view to trade. The memorial was erected during Discovery Week at! Sault Ste. Marle. | i £ d | ' 1 PRODUCE MARKETS. i el 1 Napanee Retail Napanee, Aug. 11th! 1Gladoli, cut flowers, doz. Green apples, pk .e Lettuce, leaf, 3 bunches, .. .. Green Onions, bunch. . Onions domestic, pk,. .. .. Cucumbers, . Tomatoes, 1b. .. .e 15 New Potatoes, pk. ...... \ (60-¥0 | Raspberries, red, qt. ........ 30-35 | Raspberries, black, qt. .30 | Raspberries, Columbia, qt, ....25 | Wax beans, quart '.... .. ....190| Butter, dairy, 1b. . as s+: 25] Butter, ereamery, lb, 35-38 | Cheese, new, Ib, 23 Cheese, old, 1b. . +. .. .. 0 Eggs, fresh, ,K dozen, 5 lard ,Ib. ...... 0] Oleomargarine, 1b. . 23 Shorts, ewt,.... 1.60 Straw, baled, ewt.. .. .. .. 50 | Straw, loose, ton .. .. $6.00-37.00 | Wheat. local, bus $1.50 Rram. tan .... + 02.001 Buckwheat, bus .. +e.. .. ..$1.00 | Corn, feed cwt. .... reascrs 8g. as) Corn, car lots, cwt..,. 1.85 Hay, baled, cwt.... . 73/| Hay, loose, ton.... - 10.00 | Oats, western, bus. Oats, local, bus, Young pigs, pair Beef: Steak, porterhouge 1b.. Steak, round, 1b Boiling cuts, 1b . Stewing cuts, 1b.... Beef, western, cwt.. ..... .. ! Beef, hinds, cwt. il Beef, local, 1b .. Veal, Ib. ... .... Pork: Loin roasts, 1b ....... Shoulder, roasts, 1b. ...........20 Hogs, live weight; cowt.......$8.76 CROopa, 10..:. .. .. yu oo .20:28 Hogs, dressed, cwt. cee 13-16 Bacon, breakfast, 1b. wees 30-60 Roast Pork, sliced, Ib. ........60 Ham, cooked, 1b. ..........50-65 Ham; smoked, Ib. .. ......30-38 Picnic' Ham, 1b. .as o,0e ov +20-28 Hinds, 1b. ,. +»18-20 Sausage meat ans Lamb: | Carcass, yearlings, 1b. | Carcass, spring, 1b. . Hinds, yearling, 1b. .. Hinds, yearling, Ib.. ., +s... Quarter, spring, Ib Lamb chops ..,. . Mutton chops, 1b... Mutton, carcass, 1b. Poultry: Broilers, 1b. .... Fowl, ID.... : «iis 40 vive 2B Chickens, 1b.... .. J ... .25-30 Chickens, dressed, each, ..70-$1.2¢ Hides, ete.: D¥econ Skins each, .... .. ....75 Horse hides., .... ,.$2.50-83.00 Hides, 1b.... .... +s +s }.....06 Sheep skins, fresh .... .....40-76 Veal skins, Ib. Wo we as +4210 Wool, washed, 1b.... ,. ....25-27 Wool, unwashed, Ib.. ., .. ..20-21 et. 60 | 30-50 | 19] .05 | es 30 . pas . | | va | sesne.. 20 | Sesser "eee sa ee 7 70 | senasens. 35-871 ..28] 20 | sesvesaasnan are. + eaanssead0-45 «ee wm 2.20.35 cosees oe me 14 "0 ween ese seme 38 WESTPORT. Did you ever go camping at Westport, When the season was just at its best, With your cooking utensils and ham- mock ~ And a tent to go into nd ress? The scene is so crowded with beauty, No matter which way you go roam- ing. ; There never was anyt like it For lovers to walk in Sloaming. . | The lakes with their beautiful wate: I'll tell you there's none to compare; For boating, or fishing or swimming, Find their equal, if any one dare. Just look at the beautiful mouatain, Its trees, its wild flowers and grasses; No wonder a traveller gazes In rapture as onward he passes. bed But this. pen can't, half picture th gs of the Fi Tl TE the mon 's a t month of June, That you can't ! throughout the | weekly concerts given on Thursday Ri : I Aug. 13.--The basket picnic held Saturday, under the auspices of the Steel Company of Canada at Mc- Ninch's Point was a success far be- yond the anticipations of those most enthusiastic at its inception. Many motor boats and cars were kept busy morning ferrying those who: were anxious to enjoy | GANANOQUE a delightful spot. The weather was quite ideal, and the numerous games } most heartily entered, into. The baseball match 'between the lower and upper works was a "splendid" example of fun, and the score ran music given by St. Lawrence * pr- chestra® added to the general emjoy- ment. John Fairlie came up from Mont. feal to spend the week-end with his family here. The Gananoque Citizens band played an inspiring classical con- cert at the town park last evening. This was in addition to the regular evenings, which are becoming more and more popular through the cap- able direction of the conductor, Prof. O. A. Meredith. George McKandy, who has been holidaying in town for the past two weeks returned to his duties in Toronto yesterday. Ted. Chariton and Wilfred Lever- ette, Brockville, were in town Sun. day. Miss Teresa Brennan and Kath. leen O'Brien, Kingston Hotel Dieu staff, were in town at the week- end. Miss Loretta O'Connor, Toronto, {s vitieing Mr. and Mrs. T. D. O'- Connor at their summer home at the Country, Club. Miss Gisslingham, Watertown, is in town and Is the gugst of Mr, and Mrs. James Soles for" a cole of weeks. : . Jack Willis lent yesterday for To- ronto. Leo Doherty is returning to New York to-day, after having been the guest of Mrs. Bain Shiels at "Idy- Iwyld" the past ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fenton, and family, Toronto, are with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fenton, Church street. Mrs. B. Pearce, Seattle, is also with her parents. ~ Stewart Lee, Oshawa, was in town fer the week-end, Miss Anna Hesthe and Miss F. BE. Gallagher left last evening for New York, after a ghort holiday among the Thousand Islands. Miss Mayne Brennan Kingston at the week-end, A Sophie, Victor Yeomang and M Cavanaugh returned to Rochester, N.Y., on Saturday. They were ac- companied by J. Sophie, who will spend some time in Rochester, was in Among those who. motored to Kingston at the week-end were Miss Mabel Carpenter, Mrs. William War. ing, Mrs. William Wing, Miss Doris Parkhouse, Hyacinth Sophie, Mrs. E, C. Sheets and John O'Rorke. Clarence Skinner is spending a few days in Toronto. Miss Rita Luc, nurse-in<training at Philadelphia Homeopathic hospt- tal, is in town with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Lucy for a short holiday. ' . Ambrose Morgan, Oshawa, spent the week-¢nd with his parents here. Mr. Brock of Stanley, Brock Ltd., Winnipeg, was in town for/a short visit with friends, enroute - from Montreal to Cobourg, where his fam- ily are summering. Ba, The local branches of the Daugh- ters of the Empire and G.W.V.A, are joining forces next week in/an ef- fort to raise funds in -comhection with their various activities. A sere fes of four outdoor dances are to be held in the park, the first one taking place on the civic holiday, (Wed. nesday) and will .be continued throughout the week. Tamworth Tidings. Tamworth, Aug. 9.- Rev. Mr. Clark and family left on Monday last " z Tn A HH ] . 1 | N AUGUST 'SHOE SALE | v still continues and offers you many op- portunities to save money. ! BARGAINS in all Men's, Women's, Boys' and Girls' Shoes. ~ Trunks, Bags, Suit Cases. Abernethy' Shoe Store COME IN-LET US SHOW YOU _ HOW TO GET THE MATTRESS QUALITY YOU PAY FQR All Simmons products, the famous Ostermoor, and Banner Springs. Ta or T +. See them demonstrated all this week. JAMES REID Phone 147 for Kingston's Largest Home Furnishers * DINE OUT DURING THE HOT WEATHER HAVE YOUR MEALS AT OUR CAFE DURING THE SUM- MER -- GOOD THINGS SERVED AS YOU LIKE THEM = "DAINTY CAFE his brother here last week. Mr. Fletcher is in Kingston on a business trip. Good fishing is reported from Beaver Lake. Mr. and Mma. Fleten- of Dymond are visiting friends in Toronto. Moet gE for their summer cotlage near Min. den. Fire broke out in a grain field at Hayser Corners recently and cone siderable damage was dono before the arrival of neighbors to exiin- guish the blaze. Sparks from a pass- ing train are believed to have caus ed the fire. Miss Files, one of our former school teachers, now of Sud- bury, motored with her parents to Toronto on Saturday. Frank Tfum- per and family, Port Hope, visited ------------ On Aug. 1st. Forest Gifia, son of Mr, and Mrs. S. Giffin, : and Ada Stevens, youngest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Stevens Lyn, Ont., were united in marriage. To WINNIPEG Plus % cent yer lls Sertud_ n nd Including ding "Eamon tom, points in Alberts, to and Calgary und August 13 and. August 22