Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Aug 1923, p. 11

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4 Can. Cement Com .... .:.- § i Cuban Cane Sugar pfd .. .. EWToronto Rails .... A Page Of Reported by Johnston & Ward, a street. Members of the andrga! and Toronto Block Ex- J Montreal Aug. 14th, 2 pam, --= Ubi Power s..e 'Atlantic SUBAT, esses wo vo so Bell TolePIONG cvesss ov +o Brazil . Brompton .. British Empire Steel 1st ptd British Empire Steel 2nd pia i Canada Converters .. . 61% 15% 122 "la 39 64 15 88 S1% 02 6 29 «on 14 « 03 . 62% 68 ce sssatnyge se os # Can Cement pfd .. .... -. Can. Car pid Domy Steel pd .... --:- Dom. Textile .. Dom. Bridge . Detroit United .... ++ +-:- Gen. Electric .... "ans i Laurentide .. .... Montreal Fower Mackay PE a E Spanish River Com .. ... Spanish River pid .. .. C Smeiters ». . | Shawinigan | Steel of Canada .o «200» "ens STW Oly «+ =o auras . Wabasso .. «. « «oo b Wayagamack .... .... : New York. Am. 1oco i... +. Am, Can. .... .... ++:s Baldwin Loco .... « +s iB. and O. .... | Ghandior Moters "Cosden Oil .... .e California Pete .... .. C. P. R. .... s00ntn Crucible Steel | Cuban Cane Sugar pfd .. pon, Asphalt. F EG. elley Springteid mperial Ofl Marland oil .e Y.-C nD ew Haven . Yatific Oil an. American Pete Pau. American Pete Producers and Refineis seen il of California Oil of New Jeérscy -------- Toronto. E Britian Ametica Onl .. .. .. Mutual Oi .. .... .. 50 32 308 care ? Mincs. BOF via we IRN 12 45.60 16.80 1.13 41 3 52% LH 20 8% 10% .300 B 73 3.40 A 5 .e race sane "ea on oe . Lees se Bess sess as * speese we sess Behe rss shuy ee CE I Hargraves .... .. CE Shore vis vivsvia iss GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Chicago. asad wavs sues oo 108% -" 895; sam iss sean amen sass 103%: 645; 6 62% 41 35% Basen sins siman seen we 100% #hses wesnssa Sere sess wane { 44s asses ee oe Sees sess Se. ges See uma seed oe " ae anki aed 100% : 98% 9% 415 se sree WEL rie Cow wh a¥rIRA Ere GEE whem Soap veal save Seni ne ind SL IU SEE Se Ideas, The British Whig British ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Indexed, standdrdized and populars ized acoording to + THE BASIL 1. SMITH SYSTEM i Inc, Philadelphia, Pa. All ads, are restricted to their proper classification, and tg - the resular Daily Whig style of type. ve CLASSIFIED RATES Daily rate per line or consecutive insertions. ' 25 cents. Charge Cash sear ¥ 3 5 4 We, ¢harged, Minimum charge, Daily rates per line days rtion, Engagements, Marriages, 1.50; cash, $1.0 . dara' of Ry. and Memoriam Notices--Charged, $1.50; cash; $1.00 each insertion Advertising ordered for irregular insertions takes the one-time inser tion rate; no ad. taken for less thap basis of four' lines. Count six average, words to line. Charged ads. will be received by telephone and If paid at The Brit- ish Whig Office withiz 6 days from the first day of insertion, cash rate will be allowed. Ads. ordered for more than one day 'and stopped, before expiration will only be charged tor the number of times the ad. appeared and adjus'- ment made at the rate earned. Rate per line for white space ia the same as a line of type Special rate for yearly a vertising upon request. Publishers reserve the right to edit or feluct «11 classified advertising cop Teivphane 243, ask for 8 want ad. 2 Announcement 9 Moles, Cancers, the Personals Halr, Skin SKIN BLEMISHES Warts, Birthmarks, Scars, Pits, etc, ly Satisfactory Glasses furnished afler others have Goitre cured without operation. years experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin, 25¢ Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 1135J Lost and Found - 10 BROOCH-~Found. Owner may have same by phoning 681 and giving de- scription fitted and failed CRANK--Found, Che Owner rolet may have same at Whig Office. 38] = THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ---- Ee - -- everything they want. not have more of the thin Tily? Classified 'Section, The Family Next Door 3 Wherever you go. or wherever you live, there seams to be one of those lucky families next door who have Perhaps you have watched them roll away in their comfortable car on a Sunday afternoon while-you sat twirling your thumbs wondering why you, too, could Have you ever tried to find out the reason why the family next door roll through life so easily and so mer- Probably they always reach out and accept the good things that are offered them. A-B-C Classified Section regularly. Automobiles, homes, household goods and many other things are offered at economical prices in the 'A-B-C And you'll always find income-in- creasing opportunities there, too. Read the A-B-C Ads for profit and satisfaction! THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY that make life worth Hving. Mose likely they read the Automobiles Automobiles for Sale, 11 wl arse class eondi- CAR~=§ passenger, Powell's Repair 8hop. tion, a bargain. CHEVROLET--§200; Ford, $1265. Both in good running condition, Appl Blue Garage Ltd. cornemw, Bagot a Queen Streets. removed permanent-| FORD--Raadster, in first class running order. Newly overhauled. §150 cash. Apply Mr. MeKendry. Phone 1685. , Auto Trucks For Sale 12 worm drive. Apply a. Auto Accessories--Tires--Parts 13 FORD TRUCK--One ton, Will exchange for small car. $54 Brock Street. OILS--The best is the cheapest, {f you try our grade of oils, you will want more. Queen and Ontario Streets. COLLIE DOG--Yellow, lost or strayed, answering to name "Rover." white strip around neck and down face; some white on paws and end of tail Clipped this spring. Return to or no- tity William S. Humt, Cheesemaker, Mallorytown, Qnt. DOG TAG--Lost, No. 301. Finder please return, to 508 Albert Street. FANCY HAND BAG-- Lost, on Sunday might, on Sydenham Street, contain, ing steel beaded purse with $15 and two pair of Glasses. Finder kindly fetuln to Whig Office and recelve re. ward. HAND BAG---Lost, on Kingston Road, tapestry and velvet handbag, contain- ing bill fold with N.. = automobile Sxivers cense. & Riekaty ls ad Street, pet Now Yof York, N. KEY---Found, on Rideau Street, Owner may have same at Whig Office. KEY--Found, small. Owner may have same at WAIg Oftice. SHUR-ON GLASSES---Lost, on Market Bquare, Saturday morning, from wag- gon. Finder please return to Mrs. A. A. Masters, 36 Johnsen Street. Re- War WRIST WATCH--Lost, lady's, gold, in itialled A.8.G. Jinder please return to 294 Queen St. rd. WHITE FRENCH POODLE--Lost, an- I swers to name of "Prince." Strayed from & Chestnut Street. Finder please return Lo above address or phone 1780w. = To-Day's Blunder | Corrected : (See Illustration on Page 10.) Custom alone is not the eniy reason for the placing of dishes on the table, The salad should be placed on'the left, above the rorks and thé water tumbler on the right, at the tip of the knife, because it is easier to use the fork in eating the salad when the right h . crossed over tham it is when salad is on the right and the . Oe must be twisted to a cramped posi- tion to keep it from interfering another person. News. Aug. 9.~-Mprs. Tolls and Eugene Graham are visiting friends in To- ronto and Beamsville. Frances and Florence Tolls, Sunnyside, are at N. Graham's this week. Mrs. H. Kiell, Joyceville, spent fhe week-oid with her mother, Mrs. Reid. Miss Phylis Darling, Latimer, is visiting Mrs. W. Ologg. Ross Clogg is under the care of Dr. -Mabee, Kingston, suffering trom appendicitis. : ~ Business Services Offered is PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY -- Verbatim Reporting, Auditing, Advertising, Bus- iness Service, 14 Market Street. Phone 891J. WELL DRILLING -- Sanitary water wells, thé oldest, the largest, the only sanitary well drillers in Frontenac ana Lennox and Addington. . The most modern equipment in America. For full information, write to ¥. J. Garri- son Co. Colebrook, Ont. AUCTIONEER--For courtesy and hon- est. dealing, W. A. Twigg, 374 King Street. Phone 820J or 1785w. and class- ames 'hone GARE ENTERING -- Carpenter der. Estimates given on all Ls of work; hardwood flooring, ¥. Jurrell,' 271 Bagot Street. 506. Dressmaking<-Millinery HEMSTI "HING--Picot edging. ing; wor guaranteed. Card, 366 Barrie Street. from Princess Stree Insurance 23 FIRE--Automobile and Casualty Insur- ance. E. M. Crumley, 420 Ear] Street. Phone 1783M. INBURANCE--Fire, Life, Accident and in reliable companies. J. B. cooke, District Manager. Phones: jes.! 843w., Office: 508w. JC Cul. the most Telianie Jepresented Stran, & Serarg este shed in 1860. Of Re: 9% Clarence Street, opposite Post Office, INSURANCE--OQur Sickness and Accl« dent _palicy is what you need. Fire and automobile insurance. Phage or cali KE. Williams, 2 Couper Stree 21 5: Rleat-| 1 ry ® Dicks and regor, Moving, Trucking, Storage ABHES-Clefined out of cellar yards, clean job done. A. Mac! 24 Russell Street. Phone 2255. STORAGE SPACE Io furniture; alean and dry. py. E. Jrathelly 143 Nelson Ye roy hone Roy or 618. STORAGE--Fér furniture, - clean, dry, airy rooms and spaces; your own loc and key. Frost's ony. Storage, 299- 3056 Queen St. Phone 526. Res. §80w. Painting, Papering, Decorating 26 G--Papert Decorat oI oe OiE pt Call or phene A. Andersen, 186 Street. hone 196 kes eed. © ot rd 8. Robinson, rear ar 28b. pg Rp eres rHheag Be Wellington: Gasoline today is selling at 15.4 cents in Chicago, 16 1-2 cents in Omaba, 15.9 cents in Kansas City, cents in Dallas, Texas, and from to and Lisgar Mounstephen, aged 21, were drowned at Winekis, Ont., on Mon: day. © Business Service Chiropractic L8c¢. MARCELIS--Wm., A, D.C, Ph. C,, cor- ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 2nd floor, Barrie Bt. entrance. ngston, Ont, Consultation free. 'elephone 822J. Hours ¥ to 12am, 1to 6 p.m. LUCY--Drs. G. F..and Jennie A., Chiro- ractic Specialiéts and Registered urse, 239 Bagot Street. Phone 943w. Hours: 9-12 a.m. 1 to 6, and 6 to 7.30 p.m. Sunday and other hours by ap- Dratment. Consultation free. Dental 28d. SPARKS & BPARKS -- Dentists, 189 Wellington street, corner of Broo Phone KNAPP-Dr. A. E, Dentist. Office: 258 Princess Street. Phone 652w. Open evenings by appointment. Legal 28e. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH ---- Barristers and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunningham, K.C.; Cyril M. Smith. DAY AND REVELLE--Barristerg and solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, ing- ston. . Day, Adrian IL Revelle. Mone¥ to loan. Phone 208. BHEA---Ambrose, Ba. Barrister and Selicitor. Law Office, corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money to loan. Phone 1999. ' Osteopathy 28g. "HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS"--Osteo- v © pathy succeeds when drugs fail. Meo- chano-therapy and Klectro-therapy. 14 years' success in Kingston. Telephone 447 for appointment. Drs. bert and jd Ha Ashcroft, 204 King Street, near Bar 2 FURNITURE NG---Of a11 Winds. Call 1scol call and, see pe I 23 John ire work uarantees or used ture; wor Sulranteed. Call or dro, J. Gavine, 216 Bagot Str t UPHOLSTERING--AnNd general repair- Ing. Leave orders at or drop a card . W. Harold ,104 Clergy Street. BHOE PAIRING--All hand work. Rubber~heels a speciality; efficient ser- vice. Adolf Kaminski, corner Mont- real and Queen Streets. SHOEMAKER -- Jame, opens his shop, 253 ursday, August 9th. T. BISS, formerly of 246 nireal Street, is in charge. Workmanship guaranteed. UPHOLSTERING -- Covered buttons made same day as ordered. pholster at reasonable Jiices. BE. J. Good- ngs, 244 University Avepue. Phone Modney, re- ing street, on = Employment Help Wanted--Female 82 'Cook GENERAL ~-- Exporienced, by September 1st. ply Mrs. FH. Mac- nee, 143 King sand West. HOME WO! 8. We need you to e Soohm OF he Pass Sans - faatnsd'Au to, hitter, a iDarience ne ral; posi- EE VE HIRS: Soe APRS LADIES--Wan to handle our f Sncronsl & cards wets ow ins i Sd ow Wee. oki. Whole or roe. Waskiy De 1t pax BO Debt moti on Publishing EM RA HOM 5 to 340 ng phd cards for re eh Ty i ln " We Instruct'and supply you with wor ~Ang Car ine 17 Fae Bil, MAID Hor shup, {hes oiler ho three stati hers last em i ng oF (er ( Employment Rooms For Rent Not Schemes---A Department Of F acts, Not Theories | Real Estate For Sale. tinlp Wasted--Maie 33 DRIVER--For grocery. Apply by let- ter, stating last place of employment and wages expected. Box 0-13, Whig ice. GOOD AUTO MECHANIC--To take In. terest in established repair shop, or will sell out; small capital required. SPlndid, location. Apply Box N-11, 1g Office. 2 "MAN--For colléction department. Out- side wurk. References required. Ap- ply Mr. Gordon, Manager, C. W. Lidnd~ say, Ltd. REPRESENTATIVES -- Wanted from now until Christmas handlin cial personal greeting car ing trom ten to fifty dollars. weekly, either whole or spare time. Weekly pay. Samples free. Dept. D122, Carl. ton Publishing Co., Toronto, Ont. to take etre of p SALESMEN--We pay weekly and offer 'steady employment selling our com- plete and exclusive lines of whole- root fresh-dug-to-order trees and plants. Best stock and service. We teach and equip you free. A money- making opportunity. Luke Brothers, Montreal. TINSMITH--One who ig used to hot air furnace work; steady position the year round; state, salar expected and date you can start wor J. 8B. Moir & Son, Arnprior, Ont. Rooms With Board a7 BOARD AND ROOMS--First class. by day or week. All conveniences. Red sonable rates. SehRpir 1 333 University Avenue, near Bi ROOMS--Warm, good board, re&son- able rates: closes to the down-town business section. Mrs. Todd, 114 John- son street. ROOMS -- Furnished, large bedroom, » oomfortably furnished, suitable for two. Also table board. Apply Brock Street. Phone $3m. R With Board BEDROOM---One, Jarse, front, "and ait ting room, on bathruom nat; good los tral; where no otner room- JH "tor & gentleman. Box Whig Office. cality; cent ers ure Kk B-4, ROOM---Furnished, in nice part of city, ce ally located, every convenience. Suitable for one or two gentlemen. For further particulars apply 36 King Street, city. ROOMS---Ang space ior tents at Robin- son's Point. Apply C. W. Neville, 149 Collingwood Street. Wanted--Rooms or Board - 738 BOARD AND ROOM--By young gentle- an, for 1st of October; preferable without other roomers. Apply Box M110, Whig Office. Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 385 SALES AGENT--Reliable, for unrepre- senied districts. Good pay, free equip- 'ment. We are the largest growers of fruit and ornamental trees in Canada, Sell for a Nursery, not-for a jobbér. You wiil be successful. Write: Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto. Real Estate For Rent Apartments and Flats 74 APARTMENT--Four rooms; all con- venlences; hot water heating. Pos- session September 1st. Apply White's Insurance Agency. Teachers Wanted TEACHER---Qualified, for 8. 8. No. 5, Hinchinbrooke, Protestant. Duties to commence-September 3rd, Salary $1,000 per annum. Geo. A. Smith, secretary, Parham, Ont. 85a TEACHER Protestant, holding a sec- ond class certificate for 8. 5. No. 5, Walfe Island. Salary $900. Dutles to commence Sept. 4th. Apply Horne, Wolfe Island, Ont. TEACHER--For 8. 8. No, 11, Normal trained, Protestant, holding 2nd class permanent certificate. Salary $1000 per annum. Duties to commence Sept. 4rd. Apply Zara Reynolds, Sec.- Treas, Bell Rock, Ont, Portland, Financial Money to Loan FRONTENAC™-Loan &nd Investment Society, incorporated 1861. President, W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice-president, A. B. Cunningham. ney issued on city and. farm properties; municipal and county debentures; mortgages pur- chased; investmen{ bonds for sale; de- posits received and interest allowed. R. C Cartwright, manager, 37 Clarence Street, Kingston. __ Merchandise Articles for Sale. 81 AWNINGS -- Tents, Automobile Tents, Potervorauith Canoés, Life Savin Cushions, Flags, Tarpaulins. F. Cooke, 219 Bagot Street. Phone 436. BICYCLES--Cleveland and Perfect. Al- 80 a few Ladies' and Qirls' Wheels. Baby carriages repaired and re-tired. Muller's Bicycle Works, 371-373 King Street. Phone 1961w or 1216). BRICK--Hard and Jott any qbhntity, Apply E. E. Walthem, corner Birch ly Ing oud ori Phone 618 or | BOOTS Army. new and used; Men's fine boots, black and tan; leggings, the very best; riding breeches, ete. A. Shapiro, 46 Princess Street. ' COCKSHUTT PLOUGHS--Are ths best. Try a Kid Kengaroo. For sale by Frost & Wood Agency, He Ontario st. Kingston. FURNITURE--Den sett, net, kitchen cabi- uifet ad bookcases, stovesand deaks . Apply J. Thos paon, 433 Prin. cess street, Phone 160 GARAGES AND COTTAGES--Portable Or permatent, Stéel truss barns and implement bufings, steel pater tanks, shingles, sidings, ete. §. B. Namee, 345 Alfred Street. Agent MS & 8. Co, Phone 2202w. PIANO == Heintsiaan Co.; U rig ht, | good condition, Bare shail 9 fat rich tone. dln. past arranged. a Limited. ng terms Lindsay STOVES--Lawrenson's for Geod Cheer Square Quebec Stoves and Heaters, Xconomy Re Mixed Paints and Var« nishes. 387 Princess Sitest. Phone 339w., opposite Orange Hall SPINET DESKS 20% reduction on BE W inet Desks. Lesses' Ane Hale Shop, 507 Princess Street. Phone 04s w. APARTMENT--Comfortable, 5 roomed, lighted and heated, facing Victoria Park. Possession September 1st.. Ap- ply King & Smythe, 71-73 Clare Street, Kingston, Ont. Business Places For Rent 75 LODGE ROOMS---Rooms on King street formerly occupled by the LO.O.F. Apply to Cunningham & Smith. BTORE--Corner Prontenac and Prine cess, September 1st; right in the busy section of the city. Apply Cullen's, Alfred and Princesy Street. Houses For Rent kd DWELLING--Ov%er 53 Princess Street. Apply L. W. Murphy on premises, HOUSE--At once, new, seven rooms, With large lot and barn on North Al- fred. Apply J. D. Boyd, Eastview Park. Phone 1102 R4. HOUSE----Brick, detdched, hot . 'water furnace, hardwood floots, 3-plece bath, good cellar, barn, garage, reasonable rent; two blocks trom street .car line. Phone 1804J. ARL STREET---Newly painted and fans electric lighting, electric plu 8 upstairs and down for heating, ind and fans. Gas for cooking. Sunshine hot air furnace. Garage, 3- piece toilet, good cellar. Apply to J. Gilbert, 194 Barrie Street. Pine 264 After 6 p.m., phone 773w. 104 BAGOT .STREET Comfortable brick house, near City Park. Apply King & Smythe, 71-73 Clarence Street, Kingston, Ont. 150 PINE STREET---New, 7 rooms; 3- plece bath, moderate rent. Enquire on premises, or 164, Pine Street. 487 ALFRED ST.--§ room lectric light, 00d _ stabiiag. $15.00 o month. 67 Stanley Ntreet, '§ Eo ood yard, stabling if required. Ap. ply H. F. Norman, 69 Patrick Street. Summer Places ror Rent 80 BUNGALOW-Furnished, at once; a 4- Foomed House; also , al § and o doonidd ouse, for August Boyd, Eastview Park. na 1103 R 4 anted--/To Heat 81 HOUSE--- To rent or purchase, for Beptember 1st; in vicinity of Queen's University, moderately priced house Nin S}, Madera hire OT ih a ro y Mrs. ndsa 19: Tain E., North Bay, Oi % - Real Estate For Sale. Farms_and Land For Sale 83 141 ACRES-- Bulldings in good condi~ tions; 80 acres under cultivation; con- venient to school and cheese factory. Well Watefad, 8 miles from Kingston. Apply C. O, Martin, Westbrooke, Ont. 185- ACRES--3 miles from Kingston on Bath Road; clay loam soil; new barn; silo, 'stone house. All modern conveni- ences. For Jartjedlars 3.50 to Ar. Shur NY artman; R. Portes Houses For Sale mout UKBELELES-- Perfectly balanced--first class instruments. Just the 11 thing for camp. From $3.00 up. WOOD---Mixed, $80 qu quarter sod; new Bot, Sean pant sof sig ge s WATS si pared ans, SLE oh cession stree or iy Phone 2302w. a: i dear Wl AND COKE--New yard at wa RO eae iar Ordnance, Daned cord, § measu fives, 4. + -- | Ha ton . rom tim city gas wor ys Load dvd kers Soe. WwW. C fasn Pho Wanted--To Buy 00 ESK---Flat top, swivel ad Whie Ofcs. chairs. "opty Box 3%, OLD GOLD--8ilver, or False Testh, for rca prey Cn 1a THERE'S MONEY in it for you -- the, section, E. W. MULLIN & SON, A and Insurance Brokers, and Division Sts. See advt, Page 2. HOUSE--One of the best built huses in the eity. ' Large lot. Fruit and all SF Sobmon & Apply personally, at Johnson Street. Houses For: Sale Suid brick, barh and hen' house §3.008 uble centrally | t 3 ns nouse and bar n a an uvble lou n m Pr cess. Rents fon Jor de month Brick how iEK fo 500 Ns nave'hovees V EE parts ta and we will arran t to --. purchaser. Fe terms M. B. TRUMPOUR 237 Bigot Street. Phones 104 br 18427. ES _~ £. $3200.00 Barrie Street, solid brick. $4300.00 -- Universality Avenue, . sold brick, all improvements. $4500.00 -- Collingwood street, all {me provements, harawood floors, hot wa- er Sing solid $7600.00 -- University, Avenue, a 6 00 -- Clergy, "Street w $ 500. oe J oh why 4 Johnson Street, soli rooms, all improvements. a'briek, M Several others in all localities. Real Estate and 1 316 Barrie Street © nbirance 1098. SEE---Bateman's large Real ta. . vert! T a hs ' HOUSE--$ rooms, B. aad C.. electr light, wired 9 stove, Cellar, Neate dah, large stable, sheds, frujt garden. 3 Jota. Apply eorner Elm and Alfred 8. ROOMS FOR RENT IF YOU WANT A FUR) ROOM THY RNISHED "THE ECHQ" 187 MRS. Be STREET le . FITZC Phone 203m; ne . ' GIBBON --_ HOWPELS Lakeview House Corner Queen and Ontario Sts. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. First-cli a and meals, .. Good yards and stables. Special rates to Marine Men. P. M. DRISCOLL, Proprietor, > rn W. Kent Macnee Bank of Commerce Bu! and Ring Stresia P Phune Weithn g imod ase dent, Sickness, P| vte, Representing only re! FURNITURE Of All Leseriptions at . »able Prices Reason STOVES Well repaired. at a rgint prica J= Turks PHONE 708. ARTICLES FOR SALE Life Boats, Rowing Skiffs) small Knock-about Boats, Gas- oline Engines, Kvinrude Stern Motops, Spal) Pumping Units. Alsb the place to get machin- ery repaired and oxy-acetylene welding and carbon burning. DAVIS DRY DOCK C0, Fool of Wellington Street What We Have 'Been Doing-- Since April 1st we have taken -orders for Anthracite coal them as quickly as possible. ory Ae Dung Noe To Do-- : e care of all orders received throughout and filled What We Ex Ne expect. 10 James Swift & Co, Limited: | Foot of Johnson Str eet

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