Founded 1847 IY ® au Tailoring Is Our a 2 * Speciality ~The designing, the cutting and sew- ing is done by expert and skilled hands. - The men we dress are "the best reser men in this vicinity. WE'D LIKE TO TAILOR "YOU, SIR? Scotch and English Tweeds and Worsteds. : Blue Botany Worsteds, fast dye. Grey Worsteds, Salts best make. Quits to-Measure 45 up » LIVINGSTON'S . .75-79 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" ERSON'S I ouality Larger Market--Service Retail Market Phones 458-450. Business Office 865. Wholesale Department 1767. CHERRIES -- & Red Sour Montmorencys for first of the waek only. English Morello will be on all week. TOMATOES -- - ; ,jare in good supply; the price is low and the stock good. We also offer daily fancy smooth Tomatoes, grown on stakes; these are generally prepared for slicing, « PEACHES-- Alexander and Greensboro are whiteflesh varieties. These while not freestone are delicious served with cream or partaken of from the hand. PLUMS Abundance are .a Red Japanese and there is a yellow variety, both excellent for general home use. New Ber- ries are practically done, - Plums make a fair substitute. . PEARS Gifford are attractive for size, flavor and color. - LAWTON BERRIES-- Large, Jusctas, sweet Berry (Black), with cream or MEATS 1,000 Ibs. selected cuts of Prime Beef For Stews, Boll Dinners, in handy cuts, 2 to 6 Ibs. This special Selection, will be on sale centre display table. - - MRS. MARY HUTCHISON'S "WILL 70 BE CONTESTED A Writ Has Just Been Issued By the Sister of The , Deceased. 'Cunningham and Smith, acting for! A. J. Swanson, solicitor, Oshawa, on Tuesday issued a writ to set aside the will of the late Mary M. Hutcht« son. The Plaintiff in the case is Chris- tina Stvart, a sister of the deceas- ed, living in Buffalo, N.Y. The will of the late Mary M. Hutchison, widow of David Hutchi- son, for many years a well-kngwn grain dealer in Kingston, was pro- bated a few weeks ago. The estate amounted to $26,478 of which $22,- 978 was personal and $3,500 realty. The executors and trustees are BE. Blake Thompson and Dr, William Gibson and after paying substantial bequests, the residue Is divided equally. between St. Mary's-of-the- Lake Crphange and the House of Provide.ce, Kingston. The bequests are as follows: To the Cathallie Archbishop of Kingston, $5,000 in trust for Re- glopolis College, Kingston. To Rev. Father A. J. Hanley, $200 for his personal use and $300 for the repose of my soul and the souls of my mother, my sister and two brothers deceased." Hotel Dien Hospital, Kingston, $5,000 for furnishing one floor or more of the nurses' home on condi- tion that sald floor be named after me. The building now being erect- ed {s not the nurses' home herein fn- dicated. Rev. Gertrude Leahy, Hotel Dieu, Polson, Montana, $500. Mrs. J. N. Morton, Crysler, Ont., $1,000. My nurse, Miss Mary McLelland, $300 Miss Beatrice Upton, $100. Miss Eilene Robinson, $100. Mrs. Margaret Stuart, Buffalp, N.Y., my sister, $300, and her three daughters, Ida, Bertha and Tina, $10 Oeach. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, 341 Flow- er City Park, Roghester, N.Y., $300. Mrs. Honora j McDonald, Ellis street, Kingstan, $300. ' Alfred Betts, Concession street, Kingston, $50 George Walker, Colborne Btreet, Kingston, $50. . Mrs. Honora McDonald and her husband, William McDonald, al! lumber in the barn and other con- tents at 624 Princess street. To sisters of the Hotel Dieu, Kingston, all the contents of my residence, Including furs, clothes and personal effects, except my hus. band's fur coat. Mr. Willis, accountant of the Bank of "Montreal, $500. Mrs. Willlam Gill, St. {nes, Ont., $500. Jessie Hutchison, my husband's sister, and Barbara Hutchison, each $500. Afchbishop Spratt, my husband's fur coat. Mr. Carey, Hotel Dieu, $200. After directing the burial of her body in Vietoria Lawn Cemeter-- St. Catharines, and the erection o: a monument to cost $200, the resi- due of the estate is to be divided equally betwetn St. Marty's of-the- Lake Orphange and the House of) Providence, Kingston. MOTORISTS TERRORIZED BY GUNMEN ON ROADS Valuables Are Demanded-- Shots Fired When Some" Travellers Refuse. Cathar- Toronto, Aug. 14, ---- According to ths Toromto Telegram, citizens travd elling over the highways of the Pro- » vince, particularly on the Niagara Peninsula, and the Brantford and Hamilton road, are being terrorized by a number of hold-ups and bur- glaries which have occurred during the last two or three weeks. Many stories are told by motorists and other of masked men confront- ing them on the lonMier sectionz of roads and demanding that they stop and deliver their valuables. In some cases shots have been fired alter mo- tors that ignored the demand. Provincial and county authorities have been asked to exercise special vigilance in regard to these modern Dick Turpins, whose methods, it is Said, prove most of them Lo be ama- teurs at the game. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ___ HOT WEATHER IS BLAMED FOR ASSAULT CASES A Woman Falled to Appear to Answer To A . Charge. Is the hot weather to blame for so many assault cases coming before the police court? The Weathér Man is blamed for many things and perhaps he is re. sponsible for the ussault cases too. A womam was summoned to ap- pear in the police court on Tuesday morning, to answer to & charge of assaulting a little girl, but when the case was called she did not appear and the case Was enlarged. Now, the accused will have a second charge to answer to, that 'of dis. obeying a summons. i On Saturday a street car condmet- or was finéd $2 for assaulting a young man. There was a counter dropped, THINK EUROPE FACES STILL ANOTHER WAR Two Leading Americans Pes- simistic As To Outlook After A Tour. New York, Aug. 14. -- A picture of Europe face to face with an- other devastating war was brought home today by Senator Reed Smoot of Utah, who went abroad at the request of the laté President Harding to stu- dy conditions in Germany as they at- fect the reparations problem. Equally doleful was the impres- sion brought back by Representative J. B. Aswell of Louisiana, who also has been on a tour of Europe. Both agreed that conditions abroad boded ill for America, particularly for the farmer, fof whose surplus crops, they said, Europe was not In a position to pay. Europe will be able 40 get along without American Joodstufs in large quantities, they added, be- cause crops abroad, in contrast to almost everything else, were good. ---- S-- Cheer Up! Cheer Up!" It Rained In Kingston It rained in Kingston on Tuesday afternoon. Yes sir, it rained. Just mark down the date, August 14th And it was the third little shower since the end of June. Up till press time the Weather Man had not put over a very heavy shower, but if it once gets well started, we may g a good down pour. Here's hoping that the rain will be worth while. The Toronto Star, of Monday, on its sporting page, prints excellent pictures of H.K. Jill, S. T. Hill, pro- fessor D. Jemmett, and Dr. B. N, Hopkins of the Kingston Yacht Club, whb 'took part in dinghy races at Toronto of aie # Elias Norton Humphrey, Beile- ville, and Miss Verile Bennett, Tren- ton, were quietly married in Tren- ton on the 9th inst. E. G. Garloch, Watertown, N.Y. was killed in auto accident, near Cape Vincent, N.Y., on Saturday. Ie was eighteehi ycars of age. * PRINTING AND OFFICE SUPPLIES HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR MARKET SQUARE ' BORN. VOSPER--In Kingston, on August - 13th, 1923, to Ur. and Mrs. La 1 Vosper, a son (George Wilkinson). Pa DIED. CORRIGAN--In Kingston, at the Hotel Dieu Hospital, on August 13th, 1333, Annie Lovett, widow of the lay William Corrigan. Funer (private) on. the family residence, 47 Earl Street, on Wed- nesday morning at 8.45 tp St Mary's Cathedral, where & 'solemn requiem mass will be sung at § o'- : slock for the happy repose of her Friends and acquaintances respectfully invited to attend the Mass. otors. HEALEY] n Kingston, a the Hotel " Dieu Hospray on Ronda) August 13th, 1923, Thomas Healey, of His ty's customs. P Wiivate) his Jats resi- dence, § Wednes- Sh aoe At oo 0 oi lock to St. + Mary's Cathed ak whe solemn reguiem mass wi De sung at 10.30 yok for the happy repose ol his otors. Friends and - tances res invited Boge oes respestruly Montreal, Rochester, NT. and Winai- Peg papers please 0op, HAY -- In Kin on n 1 1923 £3nn Hn ar, aor Brogk Stres so age Funeral will take place from his ence at 1 o'clock, Eureday. to lo cemetery. flowers. invided to alien. KEELEY Kingsvon, gust 1923. at ey his iste Sane un Unton 'strent W Wi Wiliigm © 3 Keloy, Br his 76th year. torive an nin Toth year * GT Comair #4 30 to Cuttin & omit fi : - "ne AUESDAY, AUG. 14, 1023. ° charge of assault, but this has been | WHY? DO PEOPLE COME TO US FOR THEIR LINENS? Because our stock is up-to-the-minute and our Linens are from the best makers. You who have not seen this display, we invite you to come and look it over. time will be well spent and you will have a chance to test our motto."\ SERVICE. SPECIAL- 2x2 yds. A splendid value. SATISFACTION. os Tablecloths Made from good quality Bleached Linen. Size Poecisl Price 3 0 3. Your quality. 2x2 yd. CLOTH Napkins to match $13.00 up. Brown's products. LINEN CLOTHS Fine quality--24x2} yd. size. Price $5.00. . LINEN NAPKINS Broken stock permits a good price on the pure Linen Napkins. Size 22 inches. Per dozen $4.50 LINEN SETS CLOTH AND NAPKINS Guaranteed pure Linen and are indeed splendid 2x2} yd. CLOTH Napkins to match $13.50 up. NOTE.--Many of these lines are famous John : a UNION HUCK TOWELS 20% linen. Size 19 x 38. A real value. Each 40c. LINEN HUCK TOWELS Good quality, hemmed linen towel. Each 50c. LINEN HUCK TOWELS Splendid quality, pure linen tbwel,. Hem. stitched. Each 59c. n 20c up ai Linen Roller Towelling Pure Linen--17 inches wide. Price per yard e Pillow Slips Another one of our good values. Three sizes. 40 in., 45¢c. 42 in. and 44 in., 50c. EMBROIDERED PILLOW SLIPS Make an excellent gift. ' Quality 'is good and are beautifully finished. Core Price per pair, $2.00 Ny | SHEETING CANADIAN AND ENGLISH Good firiish and quality are here. Ask to see them. CANADIAN 7-4--45c., 50c, yd. de Thea) eT : 9.4 8-4--50c., 60c¢., Linen finish ol grasses 31.00 5c. yd. Phones 754-755,