RS == FURS For the Fall and Winter .. COATS; CAPES and WRAPS | "Plain and trimmed with contrasting Furs < H 0 KERS If it comes from Mc- Erna upon the merchan- ~ in every wanted . Kay's you can di Pleasant Water Trips--Str. Brockville From Picton every Tuesday and Friday at 6.00 a.m. Standard Time. To Picton every Tuesday and Friday at 4.00 p.m, Standard Time. Passengers and freight carried. Among the Islands, down the Canadian Channel, one hour at L Alexandria Bay, back by the American Chammel. The only way to "mee all the Islands on both the Canadian and American sides. Every Saturday and Sunday at 2.00 p.m. Fast Time. Fare, round trip, 75¢c. i {BOAT LEAVES WHARF, FOOT 0F BROCK STRERT The J. K. Carroll Agency Phone 68. Res. 2240m----1188w. RO. ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS. OFFERS FOR SALE o~Solid brick house, with all conveniences; oem- trally located. Owner leaving city. Will sell now for IoF $4230, 50x45. with frame building on it, suitable i i, well located. This can be secur- od at a bargain. Near City Park, solid brick dwelling, hot water heating, electric lights; at a sacrifice price of $5250 EE RU-BER-0ID ~~ SPECIAL! WALL BOARD ye For All Purposes," Saw pure, SIPMENY «+ 820, Raspberry pure, (4s).....82¢ Strawberry and Apple (4s) 48c. Raspberry and Apple (4s) 48c. Marmalade (48) w...,...08¢ Table Syrup, 5 1b. pails . . .89c. Granuldted Sagar 10 Its. $1.06 Mathews pure Lard for particu- lar people, por Ib, ,....1%7c. VINEGAR AND SPICES a6 4 Sold by A full line mow ready. Finest White Wine and Cider Vinegar, ; Heintz Cider Malt sid White J Wine in bottles, i» : Mig. Co. STREET PHONE 16817. LAT THE DAILY BR BRITiSH WiiG THE EMERY PROPERTY 1S SOLD FOR $6,001 Clayton Board Buys 143 Foot Frontage For, _ Public Docking Space. Land, having a 143 foot froutage on the St. Lawrence river and locat ed on Riverside Drive in Claston, N.Y., directly across from. the opora house, has becn sold by heirs of the estate of the late Charles G. Emery to Frank B. Kittle, president of the board of trade. Mr. Kittle explained that the land '|'was purchased by the board of trade for the purpose of providing public docking space along the river front. Docks mow there are to be repaired at once. It is the ultimate plan, according to Mr. Kittic, to turn the property over to the village which will insure LC. HEMSLEY from R. J. ROGER - WATOHES and CLOCKS REPAIRED at shortest notice 149 Sydenham 8t. | We of Davie & Barrett 130 9 Wtral SL permanent protection of docking [a- cilities. The sale had to be made in Mr. Kittle's name because tue board of trade is mot inoprporated. The land is about seventy-five feol in dépth and runs from the Silver Moon Tea room to ive pump house. For one parcel $4,000 was paid, for another $2,000 and for the third $1,000. Those who trensferred the wrop- erty to the board of trade are Kith erine 8. Emery, Pasadena ,and James 0. Gist, Los Angelos, executors and trustees of the estate of F. W, Einery and Lucien Oudin, New York cil executor of, the estate of the late Charles G. Emery, wo for years spent his summers at' Calumet Is- land where one of the most beautiful homes on the river was buiit. Tae island and property is mow for sare. WOLFE ISLAND DAHLIAS BLOOMING IN FLORIDA An Interesting Letter From A Whig Reader at Avon Park, Florida. An item in the ig a few days ago, which had reference to the beau- tiful dahlias in bloom at the C.P.R. station lawn, attracted the attention of a Whig reader in the person of Kate Bruyiere. of Avon Park, Flori- da. In a letter to the Whig the Whig reader says: "Talking aboutadahlias, I wish you {could see our good Canadian dahlias which have been blooming constant- ly since March 14th. The taliest one measures six feet, four inches. It has nine branches, each ome has a number of flowers and buds of yel- low color. The 'bulbs came from Mrs. James Donnelly, Wolfe Island Ont., and were fn the ground all winter. '"Needless to say that I read the dear old Whig with great delMght each time it comes to a lonesome nadian in this strange land." added the writer. CLAIMED ME WAS ILL; AND WENT TO HOSPITAL IY "Tom" -David, of Picton, -At His Id Tricks in. Thomas David is in eur midst again. Thomas dalle from Picton, and has a great love for Kingston, but as Re is regarded as a "loose, idle person,' he has been before Ma- 'sistrate Farrell a dozen or more tim. &8 on a charge of vagrancy. Thomas claimed that he was sick when he arrived in Kingston the other day, and went to the General Hospital, but it appears that he had 20 sickness at all. It looks as if "Tom" was born tired and never got vested. He was given his walk- ing papers from the hospital, so he keeps clear of the police he will be doing well. ""Tom' has been sent 40 his home in Picton many times by tho police, but dike the story of the <at, ho always comes back. CHANGE IN STAFT. Ottawa W. O. Reports For Duty at R.M © /Q. M. Sergt. (W.0.) C. H. Me Quarrle, C.M.S.C., reported for duty at the Royal Military College today, and will take over the work of Sergt.-Major (W.0.) W. Boss, who leaves at the end of the current month on transfer to headquarters at Ottawa. ' Bergeant-Major Boss was detailed as clerk to the commandant, when General Macdonel was appointed to the Royal Military College in 1519, and as it fs the intention of the J 8; LOCAL NEWS. LL NEWS. Brief items of Int Interest Picked Up by the Whig Re- porters. v William Morgan, Bellevlile, is seriously ill at a Kingston hospital, Mr. Swaine, plano taner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west 'Phone 564w. Wm. Drury has stove, fut and pea coal. Order promptly. Phone 443. The Rotary Club has decided to run another moonlight to Clayton Friday, Agg. 17th. In the Division Court Tuesday morning before Judge Lavell, of twenty-seven contested cases there were four adjustments. Sixteen judgment summonses sompleted tie" list. Francy Gravenstein tae and hsoedless grape fruit from California at Carnovsky's. Prof. C. W. Topping, M.A., form- er governor of the Frontenac county jail, is in the city from New York. He Is golng to Tacoma, Wash, as professor of sociology in a Metho- dist Episcopal College. Prof. Topp. ing is in excellent health: Rev, Joha Puttenham, = past grand chaplain of the Grand Orange Lodge of Dritish America, 12 to reach the annual sermon next Sun- day, Aug. 19th, at 7:30 p.m. to the Orangemen of the Kingstom district in the Elgi#burg church. ROOSTERS MUST CROW BUT CITIZENS COMPLAIN As They Do Not Like to Be Disturbed Early in Morning. Some person is always picking on the poor old rooster because he crows early in the morfing. If he would just keep back all his crow ing until say noon, or afternoon, there are many people who have no objection to roosters crowing early in the morning, for they are good sleepers, there are a number of cltle zens who cannot sleep so 1ong as the roosters are holding forth, and :it these citizens had their way they would have a by-law passed pro- hibiting the roosters to crow. But the roosters must crow earty in the morning and all the kicking in the world will not st:p them: so there you ara. BOY BURGLARS REMANDED FOR ANOTHER WEEK The Police Mave Threo Youngsters lmplicated In Recent Robberies. ---------- . The Kingston police now ' have "| three lads rounded up in'connection with the burglarizing of several local shops. It will be recalled that a week ago, two youngsters were taken into custedy, who pleaded guilty to: hav- ing a hand in the robberies. Money. and stolen articles were recovered by the police and it was learned that a third lad had taken part in the thefts. The police got on the tracks of this lad and he was takea in charge. ~ On Tuesday morning, the three boy burglars appeared before Acting Magistrate Ald. R. E. Kent, in the Juvenile Court, and were remanded for a week. « SA gs After an illness covering many months there passed away at Bone nie View Island, near Ivy Lea, on Aug. 11th, a well known and high. ly respected resident of Mallory- town for the past sixty years in the person 'of Agnes Blackwood Clink, wife of Robert W. Tennant, post: master. Mr, and Mrs. F. Miller, Belleville, entertained friends in honor of their thirtieth wedding annive The guests tendered choice gifts. "THE HAT STORE" Straws $1.50 Panamas $1.50 Out Must Go All Summer Hats there would be no trouble, but wile || NON-SKID ! GUARANTEED 4;000v MILES. FORD TIRES 30x3%, 8.75 Pleasingly Different 'and Popular Priced Our showing 6f Winter Coats is better than eyer. Beautiful garments that are not to be seen in every cross roads store, and marked at prices that will appeal to 'Ladies Who Care." We have the Coat you will want to wear. $15.00 up to $125.00 ¢ WE SELL THE CELEBRATED GRANNY'S OWN WOOL ' PICTORIAL QUARTERLY FOR FALL, Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE The Late John Hay. At the ripe old age of eight, John Hay, one of thé best- known men in' the afistrict and es- pecially in Kingston and Pittsburg eighty- townships, passed away Tuesday morning at the residence of his sister-in-law, }rs. Alexander ° Hay, 391 Brock street. Mr. Hay had been in poor health for about two months. Born in Inverness, Scotiaad, he came to this country in the sixties with his parents, when he was twenty4wo years of age. He was & mason by trade, but followed up farming for many years. Abous thirty yeary ago he retired from ae- tive life and he has been well-known about the city. Deceased was a mem- ber of Chalmers - Presbyterian church, Surviving are two James, in California, and Charles, in Winnipeg, and one sister, Mrs. Rich ahd West, Port Eigia. Mr, Hay has always lived in this vichity since his parents brought the family to Canada and he and his brothels were the builders of St. t ___ The steamer Toronto arrived this morning from the west and cleared Prescott, returning this vening brothers, | | REAL ESTATE ART STREET--Detached brick dwelling, ¢ $4,600: wre' 316 waco bath, as, eloctrle e lights, hot nents ish aarievet tela Bungalow, five $3.2 rooms, three plece bath, electric lights, furnaces wollen $4,800 = EERE Ra Bor i in, Rents collected, Money to Loan. EW. MULLIN & SON Phone S80w. Real Botate and Insurance 8 Smart New Styles in ms styles SRR ns wide Tan anes A! hated {8 me Nh Se a elgnt Are dome very nice ones for grow ine oe * ah t this low price. nai if sizes 2% to 7 in each of the following styles, Cult One Strap snd Buckie, flat heel, Tir Onit Twe pe, ut da. f Reels. ther Oxfords, Sport heels. , ¢ Leather Twé heel. k $2.95 at wded'in tule be ot y most this Fall Every pair Black Calf One Strap und Buokie, fiat hoot Black Kid Leather Black Kid THIS WEEK, PAIR $2.96 i 5 » 4