4 ---- ~y g B.C. FIR CEILING Just unloaded a carload of No. | Clear Fir, V Jomts for ceilings, Wainscoting, etc, Excellent stock. Also have on hand a full assortment of Spruce, V Joints, Siding and Flooring. For prompt service, telephone 1042. ALLAN LUMBER (0. ~ VICTORIA STREET. | _ 'Phone 1042. BUY ADVERTISED GOODS The Sure Way To A Square Deal MOTHER! Fletcher's Castoria is a harmless Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, prepared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of {Constipation Wind Colic bo Flatulency, To Sweeten Stomach Diarrhea Regulate Bowels {ids in the assimilation of Food, promoting Cheerfulness, Rest, and Natural Sleep without Opiates Zon Fi fo avold imitations, always look for the signature bf Proved directions on each package, Physicians everywhere recommend ® ADelicate Operation on a costly piéce of machinery or| steel, by means of our oxy-acetylene process of welding, often results in the saving of the machine. You know what this means. By paying us a fraction of the cost of new parts, you can restore your machinery to its original usefulness and value, Bishop Machine Shop KING AND QUEEN STREETS a "AUGUST , Way Bagless, Woven Wire, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG QUEEN'S SIMMER SCHOOL Plays a Leading Part in the Further Education of Teachers. -------- Queen's Summer School Assocla- tion 'handbook contains the follow- ing: In this work of elpvating stand- ards, and of further education of teachers already employed, Queen's University summer school has come to play a leading part. It is a spec- {al university session carried on dur- ing the summer vacation. Te it this year 423 progressive teachers and ambitious students, drawn from every province of Canada, have come to fit themgfives for greater service to their fellowmen. Queen's summer gchoal offers unique opportunities for . teachers and others to improve their acades mic standing during vacations, and without interference with their reg- ular salaried occupations. By means of extra-mural and summer school work only, one may complete the LA. or B.Com. courses. Summer school students do the same work and pass the same examinations as do the intra-mural students. Attend~ ance at the summer school is recog- nized as equivalent to intra-mural attendance, without which no degreée course can be completed. Its courses are so organized that they lend themselves to continuous or intermittent work, as your cir- cumstances permit. Under the Queen's system one can specialize in a chosen field of study just as if one were an intra-mural student. Its situation in a granite and lime- stone district, bounded by'lake, riv- er 'and 'canal, affords for field work in the sciences opportunities that are unsunpassed. The city of Kingston, founded in the romantic days of Frontenac and La Salle, has a wealth of most inter esting historical associations. The low average summer tempera- tur® makes Kingston the ideal sum- mer school city. ---- The Queen's Spirit. Somewhere in your district there fs a Queen's student. When you ask about his summers spent at Queen's, you will note the light in his eye, | and the enthusiasm in his voice and manner, as he tells you all about the pleasure of his work. He has found in the summer school an op portunity to keep abreast of "the times in all that is new in education- al circles. He has associated intirh- ately with others intent on finding something to make life bigger and better. He has had the pleasure of personal contact with acknowledged leaders in the various. branches of science and letters, and has felt the glorious gense of achievement in ate taining to a higher plane of useful- ness, He will tell you of the pleasure of his work and his play at Queen's. New ideas, new scenes, new people, new associations, new pleasures-- all this Is recreation. For example, this is how one en- | BACK ACHED _ ~*~ TERRIBLY Found Relief by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound | -- y thustastic Summer School student puts it: "You'll be surprised when You join us next summer! Perhaps you have pictured summer school stu. dents as prematarciy-aged peda- gogues, who spend the golden hours discussing Browning and Bergson, Edison and Einsteig. When you get here you will see a jolly crowd fill- ing the [lecture rooms or thronging the tennis courts; you'll forget. that you are a teacher, and remember that you are a human being. "At once youll feel at home. There is a friendly spirit at Queen's that has more "kick" in it than there i in any patent medicine, There is an "earnestness here, in work and play, that just carries you along. That is the secret of the Summer School success--hard work and hard play. Abandon pessimism, all ye that enter here! You will see optimism, raised to the nth power-- it's infectious. "Graduates of the summer school have the habit of returning for post. graduate work, and incidentally for the excursions, plenics, dances, and the feeling of fellowship that pre- vails. They can't keep away. All of them 'advertise tha, benefits of a Queen's course; some arrive with high-powered motor cars, and others with happy brides. They stroll over the campus, beaming tolerantly at the new-comers, and murmuring the well-known lines: 'How doth the busy pedagogue Improve .each summer hour? Queen's gives his eager brain a jog, And boosts his earning power." ™ 'What can you get from- this sum- mer school? A degree and a bigger will esteem them of little account comparéd with the interchangs of fdeas, the contact with keen minds, the realization of increased effic- ijency that will be yours. m---- Recreation at Summer School. Many prospective students of tha: Summer School postpone their en- rolment because they believe that atten@ance at this institution is ac- companied by a continual round of study, with no relaxation. They are soon disabused of this idea, for no summer resort offers the many atv- tractive facilities for holidaying as does Kingston. Preparations are made by com- mittees at the opening of the ses- sion for social and athletic activities, and no matter what form of sport the studept desires, his wishes are satistied. No effort is spared to give all students a really good time, and to make every student look forward to another holiday spent in this one of Canada's beauty spots. In summer recreation Queen's stands alone--unrivalled. All forms of outdoor exercises are offered, in- cluding baseball, tennis, golf, bowl- ing, swimming, hiking, picnicing, boating and fishing. The-aim of the athletic commitfee is not to provide a select team for the majority to watch, but to devise means whereby everyone takes part {n the fun. Queen's hes always been a pro- gressive University, striving to serve its constituency more and more, but always retaining its aca- demic and educational traditions. It is a centre that radiates culture, and the sugymer school and extra-mural instruffion were organized wholly to transmit that culture to people who cannot otherwise attend a Un'ver- sity. . ---------------- FOREST FIRES RE RAGING AT NORTHBROOK Purchasing Property On 'Which J. Vogan Will Erect a Saw Mill. | Northbrook, Aug 13.-~Forest fires are raging OGegween here and Kaladar, also around Cloyne, but ws are fortunate in not beig in danger at present. Fire that might have proved serious, only for the timely help of the Ore Chimney staff, was extinguished near us after consider- able danger had been done to fences and pasture frelds. Mrs. Sophia Shier and' family, J. 8. Lioyd this week. The Standard camp meetings under Rev. Messis. Edmunds and Cooper are being well . Mise Renaud salary--those of course--but you |" "TUESDAY, AUG the train, on the 8 : boat, on hotel porch or mountain top, in canoe or car, you can always "get home' with your It is always ready with wings for your thoughts. With its even flow, smoothness, and perfection of balance and fit, it is an incentive to write. It is the ideal tompanion for vacations and holiday jaunts. It is the wise gift of anyone who is left at home, to anyone who is going away. $2.50, $4, $5 and up Selection and Service at bes dealers everywhere L. E. Waterman Company 179 St. James Street, Montreal : -- IRON IN | I The electric iro is the emancipator of the housewife. The heated labor) 'ould you iron in comfort at slight expense? BRING into your home all of the electri- cal happiness - that should be your por- tion. We can tell you how much it will cost you if you ask us and figure out the price of the fixtures for you. It may not cost nearly as much as you think, P.S. GRAHAM ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SER I SW SANT 193 A426 PRINCESS ST Newburgh, are the guests of Mrs. |. Shaves= them! months--130 laboratory experiments-- ' Shaving Cream. 'Millions of mea made sure you'll be as pleased as they event, only we can lose by the test. test. We are been, In any, Toronto ! 0 SHAVES FREE }