a", nn THE DAILY BRITIsH WHIG FURROW A new Indian story by MAUD DIVER Author of "Captain Desmond, Vv.C» For sale now at R. Uglow & Co. Efficiency from eye strain is a tremendous IMPORTED LUSTRE CHINA Inexpensive and very als tractive in Buff, Blue and Green shades, with beautiful Opalescent lining. We have an exquisite 21 plece Tea Set at $25.00. Also Honey Jars, Spoon Trays, Bon Bons, Olive Dishes, Mayonnaise Dishes and Whipped Cream Dishes, RM.C. GRADUATE WAS FOUND DEAD iN HOME Friend Discovered His Body When Calling to Invite Him to Dinner. ~-- Montreal Gazette. Under 4tragic circumstances the death occurred late Saturday after™ noon of R. A. 8. Adair, eldest on of Robert Adair, president of the Hartt & Adair Coal Company Limited, Montreal, a graduate of the Royal Military College, who .had seen ser- vice In Europe and India during the great 'war. Mr. Adeir was found in the bedroom of his home, 966 Comte street, with a revolver wound in the right side of his head. : The discovery was made by C. E. F. Dumaresq, vice-president of The Hartt & Adair Coal Company, Limit- ed, who, during the absence of his family for the summer, had been 1 ing with Mr. Adair, whose wife and young son are in Halifax. Sunday morning Mr. Dumaresq suggested to Mr. Adair that they go to Beaconsfield for a game of goll. Mr. Adair stated-that he did not feel like playing, so Mr. Dumaresq de- parted with A. H. Elder and spent the afternoon away. On their re: turn to the city they called on Mr. Adair, with the intention of taking 'him out to dinner. Their calls to Mr. Adair not being answerad, Mr. Dumaresq went upstsirs to investi- gate, and found Mr. Adair lying on the floor of his bedroom. A doctor was. called, and he Aronounced life exiinot, While a maid was in the house, it was stated that eho had not heard any report. Mr. Adair, it was re- ported, was in good health and was not apparently worrying about any- thing. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adair, who were at the Ausable Chasm Chub, were notified by telegraph and arrived home late last night. Mr. Adair was born in Montreal, and priced from $1.50 tw $2.50. W Kinnear & d'Esterre DENTIST f 100 watiipn 81. Phone 256. ------] Jewelers PRINCESS ST. KINGSTON AS ------I IAIN IPN ct, 9 . Dr. Martel's Female Pills Have helped thousands last half cen- tury, Delayed and Painful Menstrua- tion, Nervousness, ness, Back- ache, ete. Sealed TIN BOX, $2.00, Droesists or alrect By Fal Knickers boeker Remedy Co, 71 Front Street, Toronto. 'moflntaing Ee ---------------- COALPORT CHINA The original INDIAN TREE pat- tern, Doric shape, is made by Coalport. We have a complete stock of this, and prices are low, quality considered. Many other patterns in Coalport, Minton, Royal Wessaster, Doulton, > gro--wel worth seeing, * "COME IN AND LOOK AROUND" twenty-nine years ago, and was edu- cated here and entered the Royal Military College, and on graduating joined an (Imperial regiment. With the rank of captain he saw active ser- vice in Burope and India, and, after the war, was invalided home from India in 1918. Since his return to Montreal he had heen associated with his father in business, being a direc- tor of the coal company. Besides his wife and young soh, Mr. Adeir is survived by his parents and one brother, lan Adair. N-- Grateful to Contributors, Rev. Father McKiernan, pastor of the Sacred Heart church, Wolfe Ts- land, is very grateful to the follow- ing contributors of is recent pie- nie: Hon. William Harty, Frank Burke, Soward's Coal Company, An- 8lin; Bros., Charles Donoghue, Me- Kelvey & Birch, Kingston Milling Co, ! ane Drydock Co., Elliott Bros., W. 'Nidktle, W. F. Gourdier, Hanley- | | Ticket Office, J. B. Bunt, D. G. Laid- law, N. O'Connor, Walsh Coal Yard, Macnee and Minnes Keyes Under- taker. emmon and Son, Abernethy Shoe Store, E. P. Jenkins, Rees Bros., T. Berrigan, W. P. Feters, James Richardson and Sons, S. J. Martin, J. 8Butherland, Graves Bros., James Redden and Company, Simmons Bros,, Mahood Diug Store, Standard Publishing Company, McFarland and Wood, Dally British Whig, Freeman Mclatosh Store, D. Millan, Driscoll Store, §. Rougaton, Preyost, Wartell, Woolworth Store, Jackson and Meat- iviep, Campbell Bros., J. 8. McGall, C. Livingston, Parkbdll, W. W. Lin ton, J. ohasion, J. Swafleld, Bibby's dad, Crolhers' Wholesale, Sith Bros., J. F. Forrest, Lion Clothing 'House, Treadgold, Stevenson and Hunter, McLoan's, McLeod, E. J. Metoalt, I. F. MeBroom, Craig's Wholesale, Austin Drug Store, Best Drug Store. I ----_ Filled Up To Late Dates. . The Thousand Island House and Crossman Iiotel, large enough to take ivare of sbveral hundreds of guests, are Glled up to rather late dates this summer, 4 Sandals. 30 } Sani] we : {ana tamily, GANANOQUE Aug. 14.-- Assistance was asked of the towp fire brigade yesterday af- ternoon in connection with quite a serious bush fire on Onion" Island just off Sugar. The fire was smould- ering from Sunday evening, bul gained euch proportions by Monday afternoon that the above action was taken with the result that it was overcome in a short time. The close proximity to the A. C. A, camp at Sugar Island caused some excitement in that quarter. sichan McDonald, Kingston, visiting friends in town. "Clifford Rhodes, New York, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. James Beatty, Garden street, return- ed home yesterday. is Mrs. Michael Higelas, Brockville, for a few days. Miss Laura Bates, Montreal, vigiting her parents here. Mis¥ <tladys Lennon, Kingston, 1s the guest of Miss Anna Kelly. Miss Katie Henderson, Albany, N.Y., Is visiting friends in own. Mre. Lahey and Edward McCar- ney, Montreal, who have béen the guests of Neil McCarney at the Pro- vineial for the past ten days, return- ed home to-day. Dr. Royal Lee and Fred Hickey, New York City, are spending a few days on the river. Dr. Lee has re- cently acquired a very fine motor launch. Miss Ethel' Henderson and* Mrs. Taylor, Toronto, who have been the guests of Mre. Robett Henderson for the past few weeks, returned home Sunday. Miss Audrey Warwick is friends {n Kingston. Miss May Barry, Kingston, visite ed friends here at the week-end. The Dixie Five orchestra played for a dance at the American Canoe Association Camp at Sugar Island last evening. Miss Thelma Marshall, Kingston, who has been the guest of Miss Doris Hawke for the past week has returned home. Mrs. John Gibson and her sister, Mrs. Scott, spent the week-end with friends in Kingston. Miss Ethel Bradley, R.N., ing a few days with Mrs. F. Thomason at Lancaster Island. Much interett was shown in the first golf flight in the men's ap- proach and putting. competition for the Mullin cup, whith took place on the 12th instant. L. 8. Barr is lead- ing with a low score of 8 for three balls, which were sunk from 365, 65 and 100 yards. Edward Taylor and J. A. Bulloch are cloge seconds with a seore of 9 each, while 8. C. Taylor is third with 10. The second and fin- al flight will take Plate on he 19th instant. Dr. J. T. Rogers fae ofterea two prizes for a mixed two-ball four- some. This promises to be the most popular match of the season, and there is much activity among thé gentlemen mémbers in arranging for their lady partneps. This Interesting match will take place on the 22nd August. John Lashay, Pontia, Michigan, joined his family here' on Saturday, and will spend the next few weeks on the river, Mrs. A. C. Hudspeth and éhild- ren have returned from a holiday with friends up the Saguenay, visit- ing Tadousec and other points. Alex Latimer returned to New York on Sunday after a vacation with friends bere. Mrs. Latimer and son will remain on for a few days longor. Olifford Kidd returned to To- ronto on Bunday, after a few weéks' visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Kidd, King street east. Jack Cenner, Toronto, motared down and spent the week-end the guest of Mr, 3nd Mrs. Robert Hend- erson. Lyndhurst played a game with a Gananoque team here at the base- ball diamond on Saturday afternoon visiting is spend B. ~ | winning by & score of 11-6. Miss Marcella Phillips spent to- day with friends in Brockville, COAT Surprise. - A pleasant t was spent the 7th. inst. at K. N, Storm's cot friends gathered as a complete sur- Sriends. umiduted oa & somplste sur birthday. Those present were F. Grant and family, H. Guess and fa- mily, C. Rutledge and wife, and C. Glenvale; B. Purdy and wife, Mgrvale; Rev. W. Cram and \wilfe, Ottawa; 8. Gandier, Newburgh; CANADIAN EXHIBITS | ATTRACTING ATTENTION In Citles and Tow Towns of France --A. D. McConnell View- ed Them. A. D. MoConnell, Nelson street, Nome from France, says the Canadi- an Exhibits, being shown in tae cities and towns there are atiracling great attention. The crowds to see the displays-are very large. The exhibits mounted on large lorries are mo- tored from one place to another. They are formed up as a hollow square where exhibited, oue side Jif- ted do make a covering. The goods are displayed attractively. The farm Mrs. John Phillips-is-the guest of is | implements are greatly admired, and Canada will reap much business as | a result of their display. The Min- {eral Exhibit is rare and eanlighten- ing. The Northwest is set forth in -all its attractiveness. Pamphlets are circulated. The receplions given the Cana- dians-In the towns Visited are hearts and spontancous. The stall is eur- feited with attention; while at Ar- mentiereg Mr. McConnell was mated up by the mayor and invited to the varied entertainments given the Ca- nadians which culminated with a splendid banquet at night. Col. Bar- row and Senator Beapbien made cap- | tivating addresses. This form of ad- vertising Canada is Sure-to bring about splendid results in trade and probable emigration. Mr, MéConmell was surprised at the way reconstruction had gone ahead since he deft France desviate and disrupted. The. French have certainly boon aggressive in re- establishing themselves. The grain crop this year is enormous aad 'will do much to bring about wider pros- perity. Flour has been rather short during the past year and rye has been mixed with wheat. Much bran was retained to help owt conditions. The French, Mr. McConnell says, are very hopciul of bringing the Ger- mans to time through the occupa- tion of the Ruhr. Tac Germans are regarded as tricky financiers. Tiey keep their money in foreign bonds #0 that it cannot be ched The French will hang on uni they get Some substantial amount of repara- tions. Mr. and Mrs. MoConnell had good voyages across the Atlantic although the last few days of the homeward trip was decidedly stormy. Going over their vessel went to St. Jouns, Newfoundland, to pick up shipwreck. ed passengers from the SS. Malvern. The unexpected trip to Newfound- land was extremely interesting. -------------- To Make Harber Safe. H. H. Horsey has succeeded in gotting the department to dredge the bar at the mouth of the inlet at Point 'Traverse in ordef to make navigation safe for boats entering that harbor. A large tonnage of fish is shipped from this point and at times it is impossible for a {ug to get in for a cargo. When the dredging is com- vleted shipping will be greatly facild- tated. Last year Mr. Horsey suc- ceeded in getling permission for the fishermen to land on the lighthouse property. * a be sa -- Died Suddenly, John Countryman, father of Mrs. Charles Clark, Tweed, died suddenly Charles Thompson, Queensboro, on Thursday. odd suffer. noth her day | § ing 2 "Homaraioide, ind will relieve you at once and afford lasting benefit. 60c a box; all Teronto. "Sample box free A mauris. at the home of his daughter, Mrs. tion required. Dr of or manson, Bates & Co. AUGUST | SHOE § still continues and offers you many op- portunities to save money. -~ BARGAINS in all Men's, Women's, Boys' and Girls' Shoes. Trunks, Bags, Suit Cases. Abernethy's Shoe Store COME IN-LET US SHOW YOU HOW TO GET THE MATTRESS QUALITY YOU PAY FOR All Simmons products, the famous Ostermoor, and Banner Springs. See them demonstrated all this week. JAMES REID Phone 147 for Kingston's Largest Home Furnishers "MAKE YOUR WORK EASY Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your home. We have everything you may need to bring comfort -- Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc, Halliday Electric Co. PHONE 04. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS 818. You can't bé too careful in ehoos- ing your enemies. Write it on your heart that day is the best day In ------ i lh 1