Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Aug 1923, p. 11

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG WOLFE ISLAND BARN |) STRUCK BY LIGHTNING The Hay Destroyed -- Mrs. | Sydney Ley Was Stunned By the Bolt. ~ AMUSEMENTS What the Press Agents Say About Coming Attractions : "REFUGE," STORY OF STRANGE AND THRILLING ADVENTURES " A riot of thrills and fast action, together with the beauty and per- sonality of the star, make Kather- ine MacDonald's new First National picture, "Refuge," at the Allen Theatre Thursday, Friday and Sat- urday well worth seeing. The star player never looked more attractive, nor wore more beautiful gowns, while 2 new and vibrant note in her acting is making her many followers more enthusiastic than ever. ; The story is something new for the '"'American Beauty'---a fast ad- venture tale lald in Moravia, an European kingdom to which three soldiers, weary with months of ighting in the trenches, go in search of peace. They meet a huge touring car, driving like mad on the road. In the car is the beautiful Countess Nedia, who responds to their re- quest for a "lift." In the tonneau is the body of a man! It is here a se- ries of strange and thrilling adven- tures begin. Hugh Thompson, as the husband, gives a fine perform- ance, while Eric Mayne, as the coun. tess' uncle, is his own distinguish- ed self. To Arthur Edmund Carewe goes much éredit for his repressed ana convincing portrayal of a difficult part. : Gordon Russell, Gunnis Davis and Victor Potel, as the hastily recruit- od army of the lady in distress, are both chivalrous and amusing, while Grace Morse interprets the role of the faithful maid cleverely. Buster Keaton in "The Ballponatic" is the assurance of an abundance of laughs. Katherine MacDonald 'REFUGE ad = RU, | Suspense, Surprises, Thrills and. Homance crowded into an even- . ing of delightful entertainment that carries you away to a land of adventure. BUSTER KEATON in "'Balloonatics"' - WOLFE ISLAND A bara and horse stable on Wolfe | Island were badly gutted by fire, as a result of being struck by lightaing, about 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday William Reynor is the owner of the property, dnd Sydney Ley is theilen- ant. The barn was filled with the! season's crop of hay, and it was de- | stroyed. Luckily all the stock, cam. sisting of twelve head, were saved. The farm machinery was also saved. The hay made a big blaze and the fire was burning till 4 o'clock on Wednesday morning. The crop of oats bad not yet becn put inio the barn, so this too was saved. Water Was secured from a well on the farm to fight the fire, but this wert dry after two. hours' pumping. Mrs! Ley was engaged in milking in the barn, when the bolt of lighi- ning struck the buidings and she was badly stunned, but escaped serlsus injury. Mr. Raynor carried some insur- ance on the buildings but Mr. Ley had no insurance on the stock. - Fashions Charming styles from our leading fashion centres, in exclusive models of Crepe de Chene, Georgette and Canton Crepe for After- noon or Street Gown. N hy Bot) ¢ POOL) | 8 J us cae ny Copies of models from Paris and New York's re- productions of 'embroidery and color schemes used only by the leading design- ers. rs A . STOCK MARKETS (Reported by Johnston & Ward, §6 Princess street. Members of the Montreal and Toronto 'Stock Ex- changes). The bright Color. ed Beading adds wonderfully to the appearance of these Frocks, Georgette Frocks RR ¥ fo with divided new ef- MILEY fects in pleated, ) \\ tucking and ribbon Montreal. Aug. 15th, 2 p.m. ~---- Abitibi Power 6 Asbestos 50 Atlantic SUBST ve aves so oo 16 | Bell Telephone «evs oo. oo 121% Brazil .. c.oqee sess 44% Brompton .. ee 40 "British Empire Steel Com .. 6% { British Empire Steel 1st ptd 64 British Empire Steal 2nd pfd 18 | Canada Converters Pv 8ile Can. Cement Com ,. 82 Can. Cement pfd 101% Can. Carpfd .... «.. 76 Can. Steamer pid 47 Cuban Can Sugar pd .. 25 Dom Steel ptd 74 Dom Textile « «.-. 64 GARON Dom Bridge ..»:. 64 Detroit United .. 667% New Leather Pushers Round 5 Gen Electric . ... in0 RTT" At rerrrry Terre wee er Tr) | LAUTENUIAD .0 sv ive sv svese 983% . Illinois .... 51% Empire Foresters Montreal Power .. ... ... 113 MACKAY iss eves or soo» JEN { National Brewcries Com .. 48% | Ogilvie 270 | Penmans ... 142 | Price Bros .. 43 | Quebec Rails .. 18% | Spanish River Com 89 | Spanigh River pfd .. «... +. 98% | Smelters .... esse vs 2644 {Shawinigan .... «eco oees 116% | St. Maurice Paper s..... «« 114% | Steel of Canada 68% | Twin City .... .. 705 : Wabasso .. 72 i Wayagamack .. sesses 13 63 tse wejuved caps Sse ae wens trimmings. Sleeves also are interesting, ee» ee os v. IM PRINCESS STREET LEEATRICE JOY, NITA NALDI, LEWIS STONE and PAULINE vs ws BEAUTY, TYPES ARE \ WELL CONTRASTED For contrast in feminine pulchri- tude and temperament, few motion pictures recently produced can, by any stretch of the imagination, equal George Melford's latest Para- mount picture, 'You Can't Fool Your Wife," which comes to the Strand theatre tomorrow and in which the three principal feminine roles are played by Leatrice Joy, Nita Naldl and Pauline Garon. M!ss Joy, as Edith McBride, is the trusting wife, charming and ingenu- ous, yet intuitive to the last degree. Her particular type of beauty, with her soft.brown eyes and dark brown, hair, gives just the necessary sym- pathy to the role of the modern wife, troubled and tormented by a million- alre husband who has reached the so-called dangerous age. Miss Naldi is the siren de luxe in the picture--a polished beauty, wife of an eminent surgeon, who seeks social conquests to further her hus- band's practice. Her raven black hair and alluring eyes produce the ae. B ASE BAL SCORES International league. Syracuse 10; Reading 8. Rochester 7; Baltimore 2. Toronto 2; Jersey City o. Buffalo 3; Newark 2 (first). Newark 5, Buffalo 2 (second.) SPORTING NEWS OBJECTS TO HUSKIE. " seve wa se save ee ve se 'es Old Friend Lou Marsh Spills Some More Wisdom. J The Toronto Star of Tuesday has an 4mposing article by Lou Marsh questioning the selection of the Hus- kie II, of the Crescent Yacht Club, Watertown N.Y. as the L.Y.R.A. re- presentative in the Y.R.U. series the first week in September. Although the whole article is carefully guard- ed in that respect; it is plain to see that Lou is shocked, pained and sur- prised because a Toronto boat was not seleotetl. He mentions the case of Lillian E. and Nayada in the George cup trials and thereby re- minds yachismen that they aclually have mistakes in Toronto on ocoa- sion. The Huskie II won the George Cup series falrly and squarely and bas as much claim to the post for which she has been chosen as any other boat. " EX-MAYOR T. I. CHURCH, M.P. Of Toronto, who, according to persist- ent rumor, will seek mayoralty. honors in Toronto again. He oé¢cupied that post for a longer period than any other mayor in the city's history, having been elected every year from 1915 to 1921 Inclusive. ECONOMIC WAR BETWEEN BRITA AND FRANCE Is Now Suggested As the Re- sult of British Repara=- tions Policy. Valse weiss National League. New York 3; Brooklyn 2. Philadelphia 16; Pittsburg 10. Chicago 6; Boslpn 1 (first). Chicago 5; Boston 4 (second): American e. Detroit 7, Philadelphia 2. -------------- "e os ve = | -- ee] clean ce save seed ou CHARGE DISMISSED { DATES OF FALL FAIRS, i AGAINST DR. GEDDES 'Not Proven That He Assault Is this the right way to hairbrushes. The answer will be found among Paris, Aug. 15.--Suggestions of economic war between France end Great Britain are met with frequent- Almonte ....eesv000.0.Sept. 18-20 Arden ...ie.sneraenres.... Opt. 3 ed W. Leadley at Verona on August 6th: Pefore County Magistrale Alliu- son on Wednesday morning, Dr. W. J. Geddes, Verona, was charged with assaulting W. Leadley. The evidence {showed that Dr. Geddes bad been sired effect when she sets out to an- nex a man to her long list of victims. Miss Garon, chic, blonde, diminu- tive, is the flapper of bighteen, but possessing a sophistication thar would be a credit to a woman ot fifty. She bobs in and out of the plc- ture on a breeze of spontaneity that is a delightful contrast to the action ly in current conversations with lead- ing French business men engaged in trade with Great BrMain, and now arg creeping into the press. Large importers of woollens from Great Britain expressed the view yeater- day that business between the two countries would necessarily deciine on account of the exiraordinary rise Summer School Baseball. Playing the spectacular game which has characterized their work all season, school soft ball nine on Tuesday ev- ening defeated the, fast intra-mural team by te score of 16 to 15. the Queen's summer The Arnprior .... em ee me .e Sept. 24-27 Belleville ......cc....Sept. 25-27 Bowmaaville .... w....8ept. 18-19 Brockville ..e.eeveea.. Aug. 21-24 Centreville ......ee.. Sept. 14-15 Cornwall seoceeevvsansis.. Sept. 5-8 Delta o... cine... Bept. 10-12 Demorsetville ............ Sept. 28 Frankville .......... Sept. 27-28 today's want ads. ® BEPARATE BCHOOLS GRANT. Hon, Mr. Nickle Denies That Stated Case is To Be Submitted. Toronto, Aug. 156.--In reference to a story in an evening paper that the "Government was going to smb mit a case to the courts regarding play was strenuous throughout but the more experienced team won out. The teams lined up as follows -- Intra-Mural -- MecNelll, Mundell, Cherry, Shaw, Campbell, Moore, Wood, Douglas, Delaaty. Summer school -- Crowe, McVit- tie, Steele, Hinchley, Boye¢e, Cannon, Watson, Staoks, Malidell. friendly with Mss. Leadley, and this was resented by her husband. Sofie | me ago, Mr. Leadley notified Dr. | Geddes that he wishod him to kecp , away from his promises and his wife. | On Aug. 6th, Mr. Leadley on szeing the doctor in front of his store, talk- ing to his wife, called to him to g> on and leave his wife alone. Dr. Geddes came on down tho street and some trouble took place between him and Mr. Leadley, the latter's companion, G. W. Lakins, walking on. Just what occurred was diffi- cult to say, Mr. Leadley claiming he had been struck by Dr. Gecdes in the face, and the latter claimed that he had merely shook his finger in Leadley's face. Seyoral witnesses were called, bat none saw any blow struck, although they sald that Dr. Geddes hed assumed a threatening attitude. On the evidence submitted, 'Magistrate Allinson dismissed the case. The witncsses for the plaintiff were --G. W. Lakin, Lila Tallen, E. Tallon, Lewis Vanest and Kitson Amey. ' Dr. Geddes, who had no wit- nesscs, was defended by A. B. Cua- Bigham. Charles Wabster prosecu- ted.' IRYOIARY . us canssvesns iss Cet, Kemptville ......e... Sept. 20-21 KINGSTON ....ve.. SEPT. 13-23 Lanark .....oeveeee.... Sept. 14 Lansdowne ..........Sept. 13-14 Lomdardy ............ Sept. 13-14 Maberly '....... «Sept. 25-26 Madoe ...eeueaiennvae. Oct. 2-3 Marmaro ............ Sept. 24-25 McDonald's Corners ......Sept. 2s Merrickville Sept, 18-19 Morrisburg ............ Aug. 1-3 Napanee ........s... Sept. 11-13 Odessa ...covvevess... Sept. 27-28 Oshawa .... Sept, 10-12 Ottawa (Central Canada) ..Sept.7-17 Parham Sept. 11-13 Porth, ouesesinsesnss.. Sept. 5-7 Pleton .....{........ Sept. 18-21 Stella .....obseueives.. Sept. 2b Renfrew ....V....... Sept. 18-21 Toronto (Canadian National) seve sseense Aug. 25- Sept.8 Tweed ..0ct. 4-5 Wolte Island cress. Sept. 25-28 : Why Nat More Appropriate Si of the other two characters in the story. 'With three such types there is lit- tle wonder that Lewis Stone, Paul McAllister and John Daly Murphy, who play the three principal charac- ters opposite, should be hopelessly entangled In a domestic drama. the separate school grant, Hon, W. F. Nickle, attornéy general, . sta yesterday afternoon that he had made no such statement, and th matter had not yet been consid ed by the Government, a in the pound sterling, and that no organized movement was required to bring that result about, as it was the inevitable outcome of what is de- clared dere to be a London campaign for the depreciation of the franc. The Matin in a double Meader to- day asks Prime Minister Baldwin If he Is not aware that his policy to- ward France is tending to bring about movement in which the watch- word will be, "No business with Eng- land, mo purchases in England." Likely To Have a Change, At Watertown, N.Y., the Tim reports Dr. Bruce Taylor as saying Ontario which bas just come tho oughly under the control of th Conservative party, seems. likely 4 'have a referendum on the question with the probable result that in thal province also the government supervise the sale of spirituous bev erages. : ; Successful Music Pupils. The following pupils of Miss Lau- ra German, Moscow, ;Were success- I in thé Toronto Conservatory of examinations: bit ha. ntermediate, Doris Asselgline. infor: Madeline Wagar; (Arst class Ye Blementary: Kathryne (first class honors). Intro- : Mona Thompson (first Glass With the Golfers. On Wednesday aftérnoon tlie four players tied for the sixteenth place in the championship play-off at the Cataraqul Golf and Country Club will enter the elimination trials for the vacancy. The process of decid: ing the candidate will depend upon the showing of the four players from hole to hole, with the possibility that the winner may be declared at the third hole, The Picton visitors armve in the city on Thursday and preparations are being made for a good tourna- ment in the afternoon. The ladies' rcompetitions are expected to be es- pecially keen and everyone is look- ing forward to # splendid day. The iclub championship round will be continued at the latter. end of the weck, and it is expected that the trials will be completed in plenty of time for the finals early in Septem- rp ber. ; Funeral of Thomas Healey. The funeral of the late Thomas Healey took place Wednesday morn- dng from his late residence, Arch street, to St. Mary's Cathedral J ------ where a solemn requiem mass was| RAIN EXTINGUISHES sung for the repose of his soul by Rev. Father Clancy, there being a MANY SERIOUS FIRES very large number of relatives andi yyyhin a Fifty-mile Radius of piesent, including officials of the Customs department. Arter] Peterboro--Lumber Com panies Suffered. * the chanting of the solemn libera, ithe cortege proceeded to St. Mary's ; cemetery where the remains were| p, ; 4 pi] interred in the family plot by the side ra. Aug. 18 a neh of his deceased wife. The pall-bear- | aptectual in many ser- ers were W. O'Donnell, Edwin Ada, (ious fires within a fifty-mile radtus ot this city. The flames had crept quite close to the settlements in Edgar Hiscock, James Maocdonnell and Jeremish Melville, Among the many cases and caused considerable!' anxiety. Summer cottagers were al- floral tributes were wreaths from 80 threatened. The property of lum- companies srecsnasa Ses ssunnnans George Stewart, youthful brothel of Miss Anita Stewart, famous artist, was probably fatally bea up by a movie director at New Yo Another movie scandal is prom _ Baskets of peaches, Carnoveky's. "ares sssnnrnne nlock Park, Glenburnie, Friday. 17th. Dancing 8.30 to 12.306 Martin John Kenny, Port Arthur barrister, has been appointed semior Judge of the district court of the the customs offices. (ben sustalined comsider- able damage. In the Apsley district, forty-five miles north of here, the residents, under the direction of fire rangers had been fighting bush fires for @ week. 2 IN MARINE CIRCLES | A i. mismo, The steamer A. E. McKiastry ar {rived 'from Montreal light and Western Canada in Need of 50,000 'Western Canada is in need of 50, 000 Harvesters to help in the grain fields. Cdnadian National Dowling Games. 2H - Bowling in the regular rink games | at Queen's was interrupted last eve ening for a while on account of the dain. The rinks which did play fin- ished as follows -- i N. Munsie defeated W. M. Camp- bell, 11--9. C. Crozier defeated R. 8. Graham, 12--9. 3 v. Dr. R. C. Cart happy mean 'is between too contentment and too great ambition.

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