Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Aug 1923, p. 2

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= fAE DAILY BRITISH WHIG from Ne not seg her husband or Carter drink- MCKAY, | y Ye " SN er Judge Lavell said hc could not FURS EVIDENCE INSUFFICIENT find a conviction on the evidence . : § lL and dismissed the charge, whereupon, Ae Sidvencs Mr. Rigney withdrew tic .charge of But Mrs. Smalley and John | theft against Mrs, Smalley. The liquor charges against Carter ee -- Carter Now Fac « 00M === r e 0.T.A and Smalley were laid after the hear- = ; Violation Charge. ing of the charges of theft. Stating that there was not suffi- SYDENHAM HIGH SCHOOL. For the Fall and Winter . cient eyidence to form a conviction, J Judge Lavell on Tuesday afternoon | The Normal Entrance snd Junior Ma- ATS CAP diswnissed the charge of theft pre- culation Reeults. $ CO 9 ES * ferred against John Carter, by Ar- The following students have coms , : thur Smalley, and following this | pleted their mormal entrance exami- 4 : and WRAPS Crown Attorney T. J. Rigney with- | nations: G. Barclay, M. Barrett, G. drew the charge of theft preferred | Blacklock, J. Campsall, K. Campsall, [JI o : against Mrs. Smalley. It was a.leg- |W. Deyo, M. Frceman, R. Hagerman, ] Plain and trimmed with contrasting Furs ed that the theft was committed of |J, O'Reilly. £. Patterson. Bb. Raw. 3 : : g 3 ! 4 GUARANTEED 4,000 MILES. July 23rd, the date on which Mrs. mond, H. Wagar, V. Young, M. Wal- C H OK E R S Smalley eloped to Windsor. Ont, |[ker, . . . with Carter. The rumaway couple The following have compleled \ in every Wanted pelt i it comes from Mec- were roundod up at Windsor by ¥ro- | their junior maticulation Pr = 4S Kay's you can depend upon the merchan- [| vincial Constable Roy Clark H, Hagerman, J. R. Foxton, J. 55 i ay sy ep p n brought back to Kingston, O'Reilly, H. Stafford, C. Walier, A, ; Tire e. : Following the hearing of the Knapp. Deal . charge against Carter, the caso 100k | Tne following have pissed in the another sensational turn when Smal- | subjects indicated after their names: ley aad Carter were charged with |g, Armstrong, c,1,b,a,p.ch; L. Assel-| breaches of the O. T. A. In their |stine, c,l,al,p,: B. Babcock, ¢,1,b,a,al, evidence, bbth Smalley and Carter p.ch,; A. Barrett, c,),b,aal,p,ch; G. told about securing dfquor and tok- | Barclay, culgle; 1. Blaka, ¢; V. ing it over to the country ciub in Blake,c; G. Campbell, 1; H. Camap- Larriefield, where Smalley is engag- | pell, al,p; G. Collins, al.g; G. Deline. ed @s a steward. These charges will [¢ 1p: J. Emmons, clb,a.p; A. Free- be heard by Justice of tho Peace |man, 1,alch,p: H. Guess pb i y. ; ° . Allinson. Irvine, ba: B: Johnston, c,i,b.ap; 3 AN * Carter was charged With 31eaUng | Keon, Li alg pas Hi. Loommen Fat : easing y eren $10.15 from Smalley and he entered |y; 1, Leonard, ¢,l,ba; I. Manson, ¢ . : » a plea of "not guilty," and was de-|1baalp.ch; O. McEven, 1b.aalg, "<p, Pleasant Water Trips-Str. Brockville ~~ [||v=ct > 4 nova I ete, Jes " . Smalley, on being walled by Mr | Naughton, p; I. OReilly, ¢; B. or. |B ts ot Rigney, stated that he was employ- | ger, 1,ba.al,ch: N. Reynolds ess + From Picton every Tuesday and Friday at 6.00 a.m. Standard rrie- Time. To Picton every Tuesday and Friday at.4.00 p.m. Standard od by the Counury Sieh 18 Barn p.ch; H. Shangran, 1b.2,al3.p,ch; P ore aud' } . field, as steward. He and his wife 'Rovert Sohults, g.fa; G. Smith, Iie: Time. Passenge reight carried. bad quarters at the club, and on July ff, ro; J. Walsworth, ¢Lch; C. Wil. Among the Islands, down the Canadian Channel, one hour at 23rd, when the alleged theft took loon 1 hap: F, Woodruft, elbp; E. : Alexandria Bay, back by the American Channel. The only way to place, Carter Wasa guest at histhome. | waitam, ¢,b,aal,p.ech; G. Blacklock, vo O h . . Food - aun see all the Islands on both the Canadian and American sides. Every Mrs Smalley. Wee onfaged at She la,fa,fc; J.- Campsall, Ic,fa,le; Wil- ur showing of Winter Coats-is better Saturday and Sunday at 2.00 p.m. Fast , ig ylas a S00%. Tiey Lo +. | 188m Deyo, fa. ay : 4 \ y p Time. Fare, round trip, 78¢. [ll \ oo July 20th or 21st. On July a row rs. < 1 vomposition rR gi : : thanever, . BOAT LEAVES WHARF, FOOT OF BROCK STREET Fir Catter vhnplained © Be " British 'ITistory, a Armcient History, B f l ness that he was fll, a ness And | a1 Algebra, g@ Geometry, p ics, eauti o on Hao, utiful garments that are not to be seen Carter secured a taxi and came ov- |. chemistr . 2 : Y, la Latin authors, lc . 3 er do the cily. They secured 8ome | yan compisition, fo French compo. In every cross roads store, and marked at liquor on prescriptions secured from | g4ion | jyerature. : 1 : ; prices that will appeal to "Ladies Who Care," BUY ADVERTISED GOODS | | cousie ot local physicians. Carte ann 1 0 | * | SUMMER SCHOOL CLOSES : We have the Coat you will want to wear, Advertising Lowers The Prices Found His Wife Missing. ' Witness stated that after drinking 3 some of the liguor he became dizzy Queen's University Leads : and went to bed. He awoke about | Canada in @iving Complete ; Summer Course of Study. : up O 3 3 o'clodk in the morning, and found his wife and Carter missing. On mak- : The J K. Carroll en ing an examlivation of the cash BOX.| The increasingly popular summer ey 4 : . o in which he kept the funds of the |gsshool term at Queen's Univ y ; Phones Res. 2240m. club, he found that he had been rob- | cjosey Wednesday afternoon. The I * 0 5 j A ® 56 BROCK STREET. és, i ad ~-- REAL ESTATE AND INSUR , bed of $10.15. He said the box 12d | students are busy clearing up ail th ANCE BROKERS. cho £ up . contained $26. There was a GUE | exercises and work so they may get Three Down Town Bu ® for $5 and the remainder Was in| pack t, 1 5 o their homes for a f H- JOHNSON STREET---Solid brick, hot water heating, ys. light. cash. 2 { days before they Ske lig a in fact a JMoaern Sonveniences; Meo large: two Stored brick Continuing his evidence, witgess ties in their respective schools. y " outbuilding entrance ane, e for: stated that he waiteli for a couple [Queen's summer echool has grown WE SE THE CELEBRATE LL D GRANNY'S OWN WOOL or e. EARL workshop Jurgia Satu vory o tor dons of days to.see if he could find trace | wonderfully in the past few years tor's office and residence; Jpoperty oF stabi sf of his wite, and when she failed 10 {both in numbers and advantages. : an 3 pect; i large appear, he first ruported Bis Jou £0 | This year the registration has reach- | Bl Another good one---only been buflt the club and afterwards n OD: | od 423, of which thirty- > RIA 3 ARTERI the modern z tow stable Roy Clark. Later om, wits tars, in religion, and Wave ute ais | PICTOR L Qu \ | Y FOR F ALL. went to Detroit and Windsor, represent every province in Canada. || : found his wife at the latter place. | sven some students from the United | Bl He also located On ta Wings, States. : ; / and both Carter and wito de-| op A opulari | \ ( -- nied having taken the money. Car-f Ie ar arity > See a Sum= s ter admitted to the witness that he | e to the fact that it Cc CENT Cc the cash box with a | Cers a: splendid summer, vacation 0 , had ted a te Be WeBl | EWA and training for a degree combined. | [Bl 3 wa ; s {The beautiful surround 3 * Meat St SALE Carte said ho had ost he cash | 16 beeniial surroundings ot re | THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE ea ore Thursday, Friday, Satarday [|] oor co on ho Was usted Mrs. Smal- | and sott-ball grounds, the golf clui | ERR AO : Opp. Y.M.O.A. Phone 1268J. gy 0 pac : and numerous other out-door diver- | Pa : " | CLASSIC CLENSER sions offer 'all that a student can * ~ EEN T . Regular price 10c. tin, Evidence of Constable. desire. The list of subjects offered 'An Enjoyable Dance. Tomorrow's Specials Provincial Constable Roy Clark | Was as follows; English, French, Spa- | An enjoyable dance was held at ; - Thursday, Friday and Satur || 4050 he had been notified of the theft | 1ish, Latin, Greek, history, econo- | Brophy's Point Tuesday night which : Picnic Hams ............20c, day while they last we are going by Smalley on July 26th. He told mics, mathematics, history, philoso- | was attended by a large crowd. - - RENTING CReamery Butter . .......85c. to put 600 tins on sald. You ||| of going to Windsor and finding Mrs. Bh, geology, physics, chemistry, and | Many Kingston people went down in BAGOT STREET} 2 buy ome tin, 10c., and for the [f| Smalley there with Carter. Carier ology. motor bots. The Harmony Six or- plece bath, el ox oe, 7 roofiis each, three The remarkable thing about the chestra provided excellent music. The $912.00 por rule ight, very central. Rentals Catsug (large) ..... ue: . 220 extra 1c. we give you another admitied having had the cash box in ARIE op ae tin. Makes everything bright his hands, but declared that he had Ses is that they have | motor boat which brought the or- He | been made possible entirely torough |vchestra back to Kingston had sonie GARRETT STREET--brick dwelling, 7 rooms, three plece bath, electric lights, 8as, good yard. : Aha eas ssiins une BO and clean. Cleans Bath Tubs. not taken any of the money. L "Beef Hearts ........ .... 6c. Bathroom fixtures, Marble, Tile, [| 5aid he bad tied the box up with a the'ena EY of he staan themwselv- | minor troubles with the steering gear : Woodwork, Floors, Crock shoe string. ha Of courses for| but such things are nothing im the QUEBEC STREET. Fogs, ory Hugh Carter, a brother of the ac- | the summer school of 1924 will. also [dives of members of an orchestra. piece bath. electric bed piame dwdling, three The Harmony Six have béen wrecked eating, good wares and Pans and cused, who recently came out to this be so determined. The much dis- cussed and desired third term may [on the ice, stranded in the couatry, . Money to Loan. Fire I i Hamburg +. ...... 8 Ibs. 25c, Suytitng You want. to clean or ||| Country trom Liverpool, swgre. that | used : A SPRING LAMB , niiny arly and get as | He was in Windsor and Shal- Ineroagny force mext yoar, offering | caught in storms and even "held up" . Any weight cut as you like. ley say that he did not believe Car- factentett_advantines to teachers, | before this. ' E. Ww. MULLIN N ter stole the money. : ueen's as the only uni- i & SO ¥ versity in Canada where a hard work-| Miss Audrey Judge, B.A., Pres Phone 58OW, and surance Brokers. ; 9 John Carter, the accused, gave evi- en S dence. He said that he arrived at' ne teacher may secure a complete | dott, has been engaged as teacher io Smalley's quarters in Barriefield on trainflg in the summer months. of French at the Prescott high school July 20th, and hiad with him $0. He told about coming over to the . | city on July 38rd, with Smalley, and ) securing Hguor and drinking at : Smalley's quagters in Barrieficld. He - : said that after drinking the liquor ' BUY NOW-IT WILL PAY YOU Scores of people, both in and out of King- taking advantage of this unusual Summer Sale of Furs. 2 at '4.95 Our entire stock of : i de Furs is of ll 120 Ss it we -- a Sur er Sad Ghat Tock Will continue for a few days longer, [Jb ows money HI \ eS. oF fered ot spe f -- 1 a i and. -- 2 \ & i d ey discoun's Jorane | Tots, medium Toes--*"all sizes in each style." Big discounts on all w Hats, vite you to con in of our stock. If a

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