" WEDNESDAY, AUG. 15, 1923 "THE DAILY BRIIISH wt WHIG Farms For Sale | 200 ACRES--100 under cultivation, 13 |. miles from Kingston; frame house, "condition; 3 large barns, newly shingled with or without impleménts--would exchange for city property. ' ACRES--$ miles from Kin © 3115 acres under cultivation--&0 acres . good bush; good, stone house, large rl and drive shed; well watered, yunning stream; well adapted for mar- o ket rdening; 1 mile from church, school and factory. 126 ACRES--100 acres god soll; bal- ance good pasture; rame house; barns: never-failing spring. 12 miles rom city. ' bon-- | - 85 ACRES--Garden and truck farm; ' | double brick house; all conveniences; close to city. 55 ACRES -- 25 acres good garden and; frame house; barn and cow house; close to factory, school and church; 12 miles from Kingston; on y terms or exchange. Crop on easy terms for quick sale. Bateman's ov Real Estate 136 Wellington St. 'Whenever you feel doubtful about a WEDDING GIFT You are safe ir choosing CUT We offer many articles of distinction to select from and all of them possess the brilliancy that can only be ob- tained in the genuine BELGIAN blanks. <By MincieRay Chapter 112--Pegasus, the Winged Horse, Perseus, a famous Greek Therv, was said to" have cut off the head fof Medusa, the Gorgon whose face {turned people to Btone, The blood of Medusa fell into the sea and mixed with the foam. From the mixture sprank Pegasus. Who was Pegasus? A winged horse which soared high in the air, as fancy pleased or driv- er directed. Soon after his birtnm, Pegasus flew to Mount Olympus and Zeus used him to carry his thunder- bolts. At that time a fearful monster which breathed, lived in the land of Lycia. it was called "The Chim- era," and was supposed to be made up of three parts--lon, goat and dragon. Artists sometimes picturea it with two heads. 2 The king of Lycia was much an- noyed. One day a Greek hero nam- ed Bellerophon came to the palace and gave a letter to the king. The hero did not know that the letter contained a request for his own death. The king did not like to put a guest to death, so he sent Beller- ophon to fight the Chimera. Things might have gone badly "| with the hero if the goddess of Ath- 'ena had not come to his ald. Pept HALTS ENFORCEMENT OF BLUE-SKY LAW Proclamation of Measure Passed by Late Adminis=- tration Seems Unlikely. ------ Toronto, Aug. 15.--Proclamation of the blue sky law, designed to pro- tect investors in new securily issues, is apparently to be withheld by the Ferguson government, according to well-informed opinion, expressed at BUCKWHEAT AND BOILER. AND ALL KINDS OF SMALL COAL, SAY! WE HAVE SOME NEW FASHIONED RANGE COAL, GRATE COAL, RICE COAL, TOO; BUT, YES WE HAVE NO STOVE COAL, WE HAVE NO STOVE COAL TO-DAY. SOWARDS COAL CO Yes! We Have No Stove Coal (With apologies to Frank Silva and Irving Cohn) Also to the Anthracite Operators. YES, WE HAVE NO STOVE COAL, WE HAVE NO STOVE COAL TO-DAY, WE'VE BIRDSEYE AND BARLEY, Queen's Park. Passed toward the end of the last session with the pro~ viso that it would not be proclaimed until September 1st, the fate of the blue sky law was practically depend- ent upon the outcome of the clection. During the passage of the measure several of the present Conservative members, including some present cabinet ministers, were opposed to the bill, and it is understood that their opposition has resulted in the recent decision of the government. Under the terms of the act a Com- missioner of Securities was to be ap- Make Your Wife Happy BUY HER A McCLARY ELEC. TRIC RANGE WITH THE PRO- TECTED ELEMENT It will save you a big difference in your cooking expense and will give HER a nice, clean range to work with. NO ODOR! NO SMOKE! Electric Water Heaters, Fans, Irons «and Toasters in stock. patterns 'of 1 room length of each EP Wall pointed who would have the power to forbide the issuing of any secur- ities which he considered fraudulent. In discussing the act before the House during the last session Prem- fer Ferguson remarked that 'it was impossible to protect fools against their own folly." FACH TO USE PATENTS. Of the Other for Radio Purposes-- Important Agreemcnt. Montreal, Aug. 15.--Announce- ment was made yesterday of an agreement recently entered into by the Canadian General Electric Com- pany, The Northern Electric Com- pany, The Marconi Wireless Tele- graph Company, The Chnadian West- inghouse, The Bell Teléphone Com- pany of Canada and The Internation- al Western Electric Company, cover- ing the use by all of them, for radio purp , of the respective patents of each concern. Under the terms of the agreement, each of the com- panies agrees to the use of iis pat- ents by the others within the natural field of such other company. The Marcon! Company will have the use of all the patents for wireless tele- graphy purposes, The Bcll Telephone' Company for the purpose of publie telephone communication' and the Manufacturing Companies includiag the Marconi Company for the pur- poses of manufacturing and sale. Thc flatter companies will continue in ac- tive competition with each other, as heretofore. This is somewhat simi- lar to an arrangement made in Unit- ed States at the suggestion of the United States Federal government to promote the development of the art in the interest of the general public. DEATH WAS ACCIDENTAL. "Get the horse Pegasus," she said, handing him a golden bridle. Finding the winged steed drink- ing at the well, and putting on the bridle, he rode to the attack and slew the fire-breathing monster without great trouble. Later the king of Lycla let Beller- ophon marry one of his daughters. All went well for a while, but he tried to ride Pegasus to heaven and fell off the horse's back. The fall brought injury to body and ming, and the hero's later life was full of sadness. Here is Bellerophon slaying the Chimera. The hero is riding Peg- asus. t WAS HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL. ---- Elgin Chicken Social Was a Fine Event---Good Returns, Elgin, Aug. 9.--The chicken social held by St. Paul's Anglican church, on Wednesday evening, was most successful. The weather was ddeal and a large crowd gathered at Kii- deinnsey Park to 'enjoy the good things. provided by the members of St. Paul's church. The tables were arranged under the trees and the bright dresses of the young girls, who served the supper, added = charming picture to the gay scene. The Newboro brass band furnished music for the occasion and a number of dialogues and readings were well put on by local talent. The refresh- ment booth erected on the grounds was well patronized drawing a large crowd throughout the evening. Rev. Mr. Harringlon acted as chairman in his usual genial manner, and he thanked all who helped to make the affair a success tn every way the pro- ceeds amounted to $287. HAVE GONE TO THE WEST. To Help in the Harvesting of the Grain. Plevna, Aug. 13.--~The potato and grain crops are almost ruined on ac- count of the dry weather. @. Ostler purchased a new car from James Derue. Mr. and Mrs. George Daw- son, Ottawa, are at their coltage on Brule Lake. A number of the young men from Plevna have gone to the west to help with the Harvest. Mrs Joseph Ohlman, the Misscs Etta, Hazel, Bernie and Octavia, The Mountain, are visiting at Joseph Brouse's. . Misses Doretta and Eleanor Gore visiting at Mrs. C. Dunham's Ompah. The barn raising bee at Frank Gore's, The Mountain, was well aticnded. The young people spent the evening in dancing and all had a good time. Mrs. Doxsee's mother, Mrs. Thomp- son, Slate Falls, was buried last Sunday, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Doxsec have the sympathy of the whole com- munity in their sad loss, FIVE WERE IMMERSED, At a Service by the Free Methodist . of Verona. Verona, Aug. 13. -- ly meeting was held in the Free Meth- odist church on Sunday; alse a baptismal. service in the afternoon 'and five members were immersed. The officiating clergymen were Rev. E. Snider and Rev. H,.J. Crowder. E. L. Amey has started a store In Y. Macumber's; building. number of young people are camping at Long Lake. Mr, Preston, Tor- onto, is relieving 8. 8. Campbell a the C.P.R. station, . : Mr, and Mrs, Jenson, Watertown, N.Y., at A. Truesdale's; Miss Grace Walroth, St. Thomas, at J. E. 'Waly roth's; Mrs. Leon Jenninge, Mara- thon, N.Y., at Joseph Wilkin's; Mr. and Mrs. Minorgan, Arden at Mrs. Grant's; * PROBS: --Thursday, fine and moderately warm. * 7== a A 4 WATCH THIS SPACE TOMORROW Our bargain basement re-opens Friday with the most sensational values ever offered in Kingston! Details of sale in to-morrow's papers. | Now is the opportune time to plan for Fall, and for those who do their own sewing we wish to advise them of the arrival of the new McCall Patterns. All the new style-conceits in Autumn wearables are on dis- play in our Pattern Books. There are smartly styled patterns for Children, Misses and ° Women that can be fashioned in any. fabric you may wish to.se- lect. Is the easiest and most economical pattern to use, fan it shows you even though you have never made a dress.before, just how to cut out and put a dress together. : This new pattern--not perforated--but printed in English, is so simple that even a child could useit. , The New McCall Pattern It practically teaches you Dressmaking while you make your own clothes. ' e : McCALL PATTERNS ARE PRICED FROM 15c. to 45c. TEACH. = "THE NEW McCALL MAGAZINE" at 10c. and "The McCall uarterly"' priced at at our Pattern Dept. Sse. have just arrived, and are on