THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG the agency of convict labor. That its support remains unshaken is a'so : shown by the planting of over 12,- OUR $24.50 000,000 coniferous firs no later than | last year.--H.S. SUIT SALE WEDNESDAY, AUG. 18, 1028 rr ---------------------- i JULIAN CALENDAR DISCARDED. Only the so-called Reform church of Russia, recently set up, is left 'ad- hering to tue Julian calendar as to should bring them down below the luxury line. The prices changed may make them come to be regarded as a luxury. BIBBY'S A REAL $2450 SUIT SALE A ecclesiastical dates. The congress of the Orthodox churches in session at Constantinople has just adopted the Nothing *s said in connection with the announcement of higher prices about the quality of the pictures to Also of Vermont, I is true that President Arthur, | like Mr. Coolidge, was a native of | Vermont, but, unlike him, left New | England in early manhood, becom ing a leading Republican pstiticlan | {of New York State, 'It was as "Ar-| Gregorfan or civil calendar, and on Oct. 1st thirteen days will be added, making the date Oct. 14th. Greece had been the last country to depart from the anomaly of maintainicg a system generally abandoned else- where in the Orient. Though the agitation for' the change hes persisted for centuries, this sluggishness only contrasts in degree with that evinced just after be shown. The public must take what is offered' and be expected to demand more of the same kind, for the producers have established standards of their own from which there is no appeal. The one way of '| telling whether thelr 'judgment is The Power of Dollars If there is any difference between handing a man $5.50 and thur of New Ycric™ that he was nom. | selling him one of our nobby $30.00 Summer Suits, that are cheap at $30.00 for $24.50, we fail to see it. That's what we're doing here. It's the Power of Dollars! It's our Mid-Summer Clearance 2 Sale and every buyer receives'a benefit. S| inated" in 1880 for the vice-presid | gacd, from their own viewpoint, is|ency, and als Yankee aocemt must | public patronage, and public patrou-| have becn much attenuated after a | age and higher prices must be doubt- | residence of 30 years in New York.-- | ful factors until the test has been "oaio Star. { made, Semi-Weekl G PUBLIS. LIMITED by G Pope Gregory: XIII. proclaimed hie correction of the Julian calendar, ef- fective Oct.. 16th, 1582. The Juhan calendar made an erroneous assump- tion. It admitted it by intercalating Leap Year, but still the error accu- d| mulated until by 1582 4t amounted to ten complete days. No tie pope deducted these ten days, making 243] Oct. 5th, 1682, to be Oct. 15th; and $1.00 50 ENTATIVES: 33 St. Joha St,, Moatreal .+.100 King . st (8 Toronto, » Letters to the Editor are published only over the actual mame of the that this displacement might not re- our, t was further ordained that every hundredth year (1800, 1500, 2000, et:.) should not be osunted as a Leap Year, except every four hun- dredth year after 2000. In tals way the difference between the alvil and the natural year will not amount to a day in 500 years. Continental Eur- ope adopted the change promptly, but in England it was not until Sept. 2nd, 1752, that that date was made Sememieriat ot ---------- A PRESIDENTIAL CREED. The day oefore he was elected gov- ernor of Massachusetts, the now pre- sident, Coolidge, made a short state- ment, published widely at tive time. It is given herewith as indicating something of the character of the man and as contributing to the pub- lic knowledge of his conception of | the attitude of a public official. It follows: "My conception of public duty is to face each problem as thouga my entire record in life'were to be judg- ed by the way in which 1 handled it; | to keep always in touch wita the | folks back home; to be firm in my own honesty of opinion; but to re-! honest difference of opinion. . Is the Potato a Good Food? Many dietitians speak of the pota- to as a& poor food, whilst praise it highly, Now what about it? Well, 'it depends ' - [the manner in which it is cooked. cognize ew: other man's rigat to an 5 ry sg Take the ordinary method at the 2 By James W, Barton, M.D, others entirely upon ARE YOU GETTING YOUR SHARE? PALM BEACH SUITS splendidly made, for $12.50 SUITS regular $27.50 value for $20.00 Genteel shades of Grey -- YOUNG MEN'S Sport models, three pieces-- " MEN'S AND SALE OF NOBBY STRAW. HATS Regular $2.50 to $4.00. Your choice for $1.00 Each MEN'S OUTING SHIRTS Sizes 14 to 16%. Cream or White--a beauty for $1.00 MEN'S FINE LISLE HOSE Sand, Blue, Brown, Grey and Black--a regular 50c. value. » 3 Pairs for $1.00 eet sts MEN'S FINE HOSE Double soles, heels and toes. Fancy Silk Clox -- a regular 76¢c. value, 2 Pairs for $1.00 SPECIAL BARGAINS IN OUR BOYS' DEPART- MENT YOUNG MEN'S SUITS Good quality fabrics, good style and workmanship. 32 Suits to choose from. Regular $25.00 and . $28.60 values. Your choice at $18.00 ON MAIN FLOOR. You can save 20% to 30% any old time you care to shop at Bibby's. SEE OUR SPECIAL $1.45 SHIRTS A regular $2.50 value. home or hotel. The potatoes are peeled, placed in cold water for minutes or perhaps hours and then | boiled for about twenty minutes. The water in which they are boil- ed Is then drained off, and the' po- tato is ready for consumption. It is the potato prepared in this way 'that is a poor food. one of the best job Canada. Jo ae Sept. 14th. But this adoption of the Gregormn calendar by the Eastern Orthodox churches relates to fixed feasts and they do not conform in cast and west. As to Easter, that long vexed gues- tion in date, the Constantinople con- "The duties of governor of the commonwealth are not Intricate cr burdensome if a man looks upon their discharge as a' public function and not as a personal prerogative. "It chosen to be governor, I shall try to conduct the duties of the cifice Attached is rinsing SALE OF MEN'S FINE HOSE Men's plain shades, Lisle thread. 4 Pairs for $1.00 The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the ABO Audit Bureau of Circulations A woman's ambition ts to look as gress did not change this movable feast in accordance with the Gregor- fan calendar. It recommended that 850 as to merit" the sincere indorsd- ment of man of fair minds and all Why? Well, there are mineral salts that parties. I can promise nothing more, I would not deem myself worthy cf your support éf I promised anythirg less." The new president's statement is a courageous and outspoken ome. It is the utterance of a statesman rather | than that of a politician. Herein lies the hope of the future, ---------- ion 3 WHERE KISSING 1S A CRIME: The Spanish are sticklers for pro-| away this water, doesn't it? | priety, if one may judge from a dis-| Many people utilize the water in Patch from Madrid which tells that a | Which vegetables have been cooked . it and pour- visitor in teking leave of his wife at | bY making a sauce of sive communities are looked upon the door of a hotel kissed her. The ing same over the vegetables, generally as gilt-edged investments. | aot was done under thie eyes of a a the' Case of 3 baked polat - Sidewalks must be t. Muni policeman, and the osculatory hus-|gand the "roughage" of the pealing Home is a place where you have | ¢iPal buildings must up. Sewers, | pang speedily found himself in the jtself is helpful in digestion and learned to adjust yourself to the [To%dWays, parks and Municipal Dlay-| glutches of the law. He was inforsas constipation. queerness of the mattress. grounds to keep cltizens Physically | aq ghat he had committed.a senious| In the training of athletes, the po- fit are as necessary and as vital as offence against the laws of the Span. tato baked with the skin on rors |, the purchase of food is to the indi-|igh capital and that ignorance of the |® regular daily article of food. You vidual. law provided no excuse. see it is rich in these mineral salts There are, however, a few in every | 17 4 might be presumed that the)" MCB Reutralise the acids mo Ra community who attempt to belittle offense lay in the fact that he kissed blood and 0! og, r as it does, every tissue the whose each improvement as it comes up for his wife, the dispatch corrects any Body, 'ft can bo Teacly seen whe Public approval. They lament the |. assumption by saying further |this means to the body as a whole. oost, overlooking the. retums tn 1n-| yy; it 45 an equal offense to kiss any {And so if you were to consult the creased business for the merchants, woman while in the streets of the| menu tables of University teams you Increased employment and increas- city, with or without her consent. |would seé the baked potato holding od pay for the Workers and general | yy, ,, there 1s no discrimination as to | 32 honored place. prosperity all around. women. However, the culprit w I know that many people are Thore is but one known way to, off with : 35! fond of potatoes. The fat in which keep taxes low, declares a contem- @ reprimand that prob-| yo. ore fried enriches them, but porary, and that is to stop all tm-| "OU. impressed on his consciousness they are hardly the foor for other ' the gravity of the érime. Peovaments. Quit bujiging uid So far as the information goes, the Tats, Gut paving, ap edeWulk) .ypition applies to bissns on. the are absolutely essential to you: health. The earth is full of salts, and the potato like other foods ab- sorb them into its cells, into itself during its growth in the grouws, When you take the pealing off and boil the potato, these salts to a considerable extent are exiracwes by the water in the same manner as you would boil a soup bone to ex- | tract its nutritive qualities. | It does seem so unwise to thruw Well as she thinks she looks. some scientific calculation be made so that a fixed feast might be dated to be celebrated simultaneously everywhere. It #s a curious reflec- ton to indulge that thus the schis- matic church of the East should cling to a Roman calendar long after the -last of the Caesats, a church centred in their old me should have discarded it four cen- turies ago. 2 ) The normal child, however, turns B I BB Y out al right in spite of all the par- ents can_do. nnb------ Too many persons are on tie way, but have no definite idea of where they want to go. SU -------------------- | Civilization would be a finc thing | if the job of making it lei us any leisure to enjoy it. There will be wars while "illlus- trious" applies more particularly to those who died fighting. A Refreshing Bath We have all the aids to' a restful, refreshing bath. SPONGES New, large, natural ones, and beautiful soft, Rubber Sponges that are easily kept fresh. and clean. BATH SALTS AND SOAPS Including the dainty Lavem. der products of Yardley an Vinolia. 3 BATH BRUSHES and SPRAYS Long handled Brushes or the - stiff Hand Brush and Sprays that take the place of the Shower Bath, as low as . $1.75, Or. Chown's Drug Store 186 Princess Street. Phone 843 IMPROVEMENTS AND COSTS. Improvement costs in all progres- Canada Joesn't approve European ' advocacy of "plural wives." All Ca- . nadian wives are singular. You may call a truthful man a liar and get away with il, but it is dangerous to call a Har a liar. There are few matters in the world '80 urgent that they can't wail uatil the train gets past the crossing. : Every time an ol bachelor picks 1. up a baby, says the Country Gentle man, he bends it in a new place. than the very strong stomach. So the potato is an excellent food if it is properly cooked. Hotel Frontenas Correct this sentence: "Yes, he Is our only child," boasted tie mother, "and he is absolutely unspoiled." A man 1s old when he can yawn 'and go to bed and leave the hero in i the middle of a bad fix on Pages 184. 5 ------ Some men never oulgrow the childish idea that things would be and sewer construction, discomiinue building school and bridge struc- tures, leave off getting a better pro tection against fire, or any of the numerous things. pecessary to round out the making of a better commun- ity and municipality--stop these things and there will be no increuse in tax payments from time to time. But if that be dome, neither will streets. Whether 4t extends further is not stated. It possibly also had to 'be done in the sight of a policeman. If the young Spanish lovers are dis- creet they may seek a park, hike some do in this western dominion, vide our dity park, for instance. At any rate they would be cautious enough to glance around to see who Winnipeg Free Press. When 'You start to plan it. you start to take it. ed? Some poor devil who could never afford to take one. TWO WEEKS WITH PAY. When does a vacation begin? When does a vacation end? When By whom were vacations invent- naught. A ROYAL ROMANOE SHATTERED. © Lady Louise Montbatten, a cousin of King George, it was recently announced, was betrothed to Crown Prince Gustave, of Sweden, whose first wife was Princess Margaret of Con- It is now announced that the engagement is broken. Lady Louise's love for an English artist has made her re- nounce a throne. Prince" Gustave's distinctly pro-British | water. One-half block from re Fre Every'room has running hot and ] Stations and Steamboat Landings. toe. A HUGHES, " might be looking. We never would | Where is the lovely scenery?. In 'have suspected that the Spaniards the lMttle free booklet published by were afflicted with "blue" laws Tifey | the Chamber of Commerce. 'have never been puritanic. However, Where is the wonderful fishing? those addicted to kissing their wives Inthe lille tres booklet prepared careful } by the railroad. f Summarized, they follow: : kL 30 Yl. 0.3 idle 18] Where ts the glorious Siimals? In 1. Widespread disrespect far pro- the little & okklet jssped by the | , ov vichts and law. steamship company. ol 2. Envy, resentment and Litter- What is a private bath?Ome| 0 0 partly by ostontation of which not hors than twenty Persons { 1, wealthy, and also by widespread are suppos ¢ belief that opportunities for wealth How can you tell poison ivy from unequally allottad. the hermles kind? Give it time; it a Many rer are too ciose to it poisons you, it's poison. the starvation Mne. Who enjoy (1) a pienie lunch iu "yp ooo one the woods, and who *njoys (2) these |". 5 ¢) olessness of employees In not who participate In it? (1) Ants. (2) Fy, oqtigating tne past records of naw of obo. ons employees; in not auditing the ac- 4 counts of their bpsiness with suffi counter in the country? Stray and |... frequency and thoroughnoss, and In not keeping their office funds Do they give milk? Not to any- |; oionemy constructed modern safes body from the city. and vaults. How long is w mosquito? one to sixsting inches. What is its purpose? To adver- tise the victim. ~~ EL ----------_---- DISPON EEE k and child in United States $30 per year. last year the bill for emlez- | zlement and burglary amousted to £2.095,000,000, ie ; all right if they could do as they Please. 'When bis coat and collar become sympathies made him somewhat unpopular with his pro-Ger- man fellow citizens. The picture was taken after the be- trothal, on-a Swedish warship. 8 'there he an increase in property values; and whem there is no in- crease in property values, that means there is no growth. Men and 'money are attached to cities that are growing. Few indi- viduals casting about for a new place to live will chvose a city that siready is built. The chances for reward of investment in a city that 4s building are too great to stop in a city where a transfer of property rights in a dwelling may become a chief interest and excitement. The more we bufld the more It costs, and the man who looks tie situation squarely in the face and complains is either mistaken in his facts or unreasonable in his attitude. DRINKS LEMON SQUASH ORANGE SQUASH LIME JUICE CORDIAL GINGER ALE SYRUP Jas. REDDEN & Co, Importers of Fine Groceries po 6. Doctrines of anarchy and Bo'- shevism and misrepresentation ot book knowledge. ; 7.4 ire for luxury beyond the earning capacities. There is nothing in any of these seven reasons that is new; all theec conditions are oM, and most of them are likely to stay with us as long as human nature is what it is. ECZEMA B=: [Ems SHE RE RAO | alloy IES LLULIAR ~ Yogantly the driver can toot the in the case of small -PRESS COMMENT Illusory Wheat Surpias. There is no surplus of whea! ex- cept in tho minds of the theoretical faddisis. Waeat is nourishing food. Millions of starving human beings die every year belause enough food is not available for 'bam. Tho farm- ers' problem and that of these starv- ing millions 1s to put this so called theoretical surplus to work. That is not a task for government but an opportunity for businuss.--New York Commercia.. Ze PICTURE PRICES UP. " 11 it is a fact that a number of mo- fom 'The two ssential conditions gov- erning Sunday games are, first that they shouid aot ilake it a wotking day for other pevp'e; and sezandly, that they should not be aliowed to interrupt or sc: church goss. Subject to that we arc satizfied that a general extemslya everywhera of healthy games on Sunday afternoon woul be. a Ee