Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Aug 1923, p. 3

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THE DAILY B RITI SH _WHIG ASK L. T. Best Druggist Whenever you feel doubtful about a WEDDING GIFT You are safe in choosing CUT GLASS We offer many articles of distinction to select from and all of them possess the brilliancy that can only be ob- tained in the genuine BELGIAN blanks. Farms For Sale 200 ACRES--100 under cultivation, 12 miles from Kingston; frame house, good condition; 2 large barns, newly shingled --=with or without implements--would exchange for city property. 190 ACRES--$ miles from Kingston-- acres under cultivation--&60 acres bush; good, stone house, large and drive shed; well watered, running stream; well adapted for mar- ket gardening; 1 mile from church, school and factory. 125 ACRES 100 acres Food soll; bal- ance good pasture; rame house; 2 barns; never-fajling spring. 12 miles from city. ; 65 ACRES--Garden and truck farm; double brick house; all conveniences; close to eity. 66 ACRES -- 25 acres good garden land; frame house; barn and cow house; close to factory, school and church; 12 miles from Kingston; on easy terms or exchange. Crqp on easy for quick sale. Bateman's Real Estate JER 136 Wellington St. rE JEWELERS Yes! We Have No Stove Coal (With apologies to Frank Silva and Irving Cohn) Also to the Anthracite Operators, 8, WE HAVE NO STOVE COAL, E HAVE NO STOVE COAL TO-DAY, E'VE BIRDSEYE AND BARLEY, UCKWHEAT AND BOILER. AND ALL KINDS OF SMALL COAL, SAY! WE HAVE SOME NEW FASHIONED RANGE COAL, GRATE COAL, RICE COAL, TOO; BUT, YES WE HAVE NO STOVE COAL, WE HAVE NO STOVE COAL TO-DAY. SOWARDS COAL CO | Make Your | Wite Happy BUY HER A McCLARY ELEC. TRIC RANGE WITH THE PRO- TECTED ELEMENT It will save you a big difference in your cooking expense and will give HER a nice, clean range to work with. __, + NO ODOR! NO SMOKE! . Electric Water Heaters, Fans, Irons and Toasters in stock. Chapter 113--A Stolen Wife Leads to War. Some of the most noted Greek stories. tell about a war against 'a city called Troy. This city, was across the sea from Greece. i : Paris, son of the king of Troy, once stole a Greek queen from the city of Sparta. He was alded by a goddess. The Greeks became very angry. They decided to make war on Troy. ; More than a thousand ships (says the ancient tale) were in the Greek fleet which sailed to attack Troy. Winds and storms blew them from Ajax defending his sh | |AN ALARMING VIEW OF BRITISH INDUSTRY Criticism Made by Parliamen- _tarians of Policy Pursued by Baldwin. London, Aug. 16.--An alanming view of the industrial situation in Great Britain in the coming winter is taken by the industrial group of parliamentarians, headed by Sir Al- lan Smith, Conservative member of the House of Commons fér Croydon, and Chairman of the Managing Com- mittee of the Engineering Employ- ers' Federation. Sir Allan Smith criticizes Premier Baldwin in connection with the un- satisfactory state of tae industry of the country, and he sounds a pessi- mistic note with regard to the mat- ter. "Firms upon whose financial reputation and business qualities one would have placed the greatest re- lance," ht says, "are steadily gowng into liquidation. The financial strain this year has almost reached the breaking point. "What is lacking is foresight and imagination. If some definite fecl- ing of security is not created in the next four weeks, or, at the latest, hy the end of September, no recovery is possible before next Marca at the earliest. If the fourth winter of un- | employment comes, the State will then carry anywhere up to 500,000 industrial pensioners, as the State has to carry war pensioners." Sir Alian Smith cites expenditurcs which are required for Nigeria and other colonies, not with a viow to getting immediate results, but re- sults to be looked for some years ahead. He criticizes the esports credits scheme, and especially criti- cizes the government's atiitude to- ward Russia. FOREST COMMISSION. To Determine tho Question of Pulp "Export Embargo. 3 . Ottawa, Aug. 16.--Tne personnel of the commission which will inquire into the forest resources of Canada with a view to determining the need or otherwise of an embargo upon the exportation of pulpwood is as follows: Joseph Picard, manufactu:- er, Quebec city, chairman; Apollos Bamber Kerr, barrister, Toronto, Robert W. McLelland, barrister, Federicton, N.R.; Joseph G. Suther- land, lumberman, Clyde River, N.S., and William Anstle, contractor, Van- conver, B.C. The commissioners are instructed to inquire intc and report upon.the forest resources of Canada. Ernest Herbert Finlayson, acting director of forestry in the department commission as secretary. commission, will recoive $35 a day for every day during which the board is engaged in the work, whiic the other commissioners will get $25 a day. An expense allowance of $15 a day is permitted of ths commission in addition to actual ex- porse of transportation. their course. They landed at many | islands and fought strange peopies. It was nine years before they | reached Troy. When they were land- | ing, Trojan soldiers rushed to the shore to oppose them. The Greeks were fortunate {n hav- ing four great heroes in their midst, They mere Agamemnon, Achilles, Ajax and Odysseus. Against these, the Trojans bad only ome noted hero, Hector. Our picture shows Ajax fighting against the attacking Trojans. The Greeks drove their enemies back within the walls of Troy. ib against the Trojans. GREAT BRITAIN'S OFFEIL. To Help the Allies Out of Financial Difficulties. 2 London, Aug. 16.--Figures show the magnitude of the gift which Great Britain offers not only to France, but all' the allied dohtors. Great Britain owes America £710, 000,000 ($3,244,700,000). The al- | lies owe Great Britain £1,200,000,- 000 ($5,484,000,000) of which | France owes just half. If the Ger-| man, capacity to pay is assessed at £2.500,000,000 under the twenty- three per cent. arrangement, Great Britain will get £575,000,000, leav- ing it to the Allies to find for Great Britain only £136,000,000, which | means that Great Britain makes a | present to the Allies of nearly £1,-| 000,000,000, ($4,670,000,000), which she is quite entitled to collect. Jf Germany's capacity to pay is fix- ed higher or lower, of course, the' amounts claimed by Great Britain from the Allies vary accordingly. An Unfriendly Act. Panis, Aug. 16.--If Prime Minister Baldwin decided to call an interna- tional conference to fix Germany's «capacity to pay, that sotion will be taken by the Frenofi, 1t'is forecast, as of the Interior, is attached to the Mr. Picard, as chairman of the : an unfriendly act which will end the vondial relations that have existed for early twenty years. France will 'then simply recall the fact that, after all, give is the principal creditor of | Germany and that care must be taken that her rights as such are not in- fringed upon. DIED NATURALLY. pron | PROBS +--Friday, fine and moderately warm. - - 7=a @ Friday - Saturday - Monday _ Agreat Three Day Clearance Sale of Summer wearables -- prices have been forced down practically to the give-away point at - this.sensational clear-away event. See our window displays--all sales Cash and Carry. SUMMER DRESSES Reg $14.75 to $29.75 Sale Price ... .$6.95 18 only, hand - made Voile, fine Organdy and French Ratine Dresses. SILK DRESSES AND SUITS Reg $25.00 to $67.50 Sale Price . .. $9.95 11 only, Silk Trico- lette, Alltyme Crepe, Roshanara Crepe Suits and Dresses to clear. NEW YORK HATS Reg. $10 to $25 There Was No Evidence at All of | Any Foul Play. Arnprior, Aug. 16.--The mystery with which rumor surrounded the death of Alex. J. McDougall, Ren- frew tailor, whose body was found Sale Price . . . . $4.98 24 only, Tenee and Cupid Trimmed Hats on the roadside about a mile from Arnprior on August 7th subsided | when Dr. J. BE. Murphy gave hist evidence at the inquest ow Tues-.| day. He stated that after perform-! ing an autopsy he was satistied that! J there was no evidence on the body | to indicate that death was caused by other than natural means. The doctor explained that the apparent wounds seen by the jury novelties. CHILDREN'S HATS Reg. $1.75 to $4.50 each. Sale Price . ... 69c. when they examined the body dis- appeared entirely when the face was washed and were only the re- sult of blood which had issued from the mouth mixing with sand' ana dirt. os i Dr. Murphy gave-it as'his expert. opinion that death was caused by a rupture of a large blood vessel in the brain and stated that the body showed that McDougall fered from hardened arteries. ---------- ONTARIO APPLE "CROP. Heavy in Western, Ontario, Light in Eastern lontario, Ottawa, Aug. 16.---The report of bad suf-|§ 24 only, Straws and Sailors -- all good 3 shapes and shades. WOOL SLIP-ONS Reg. $2.75 to $4.50 each 75 in light and dark shades, in plain and - combination color ef- fects. --the season's latest Sale Price . ... . 98¢c. GINGHAM DRESSES Reg. $4.25 to $7.75 Sale Price . .. $2.98 39 only, Anderson Gingham Dresses, in a good assortment of colors and patterns. TRICOTINE CLOTH DRESSES Reg. $25.00 Sale Price "us $8.95 2 only, Navy Blue Tricotine Cloth Dresses. FLANNEL DRESSES Sale Price . .. .$6.95 3 only, Billy 'Burke Flannel Dresses -- ial values from $12.95 to $14.50. L STRAW HATS Reg. $3.50 to $10.00 each Sale Price .... 98¢c. 50 only, Tailored Straw Hats -- plain and a few novelty Flop effects -- all good colors. SEPARATE © SKIRTS Reg. $7.50 to $22.50 Sale Price ... $3.98 40 only, Navy Serge, Tricotine, Golfex and Silk Skirts, in 'plain and novelty effects. . CORDURO Reg. 85c to $1 yard. duroy EVENING DRESSES Reg. $35.00 Sale Price ... $6.95 2 only, Black Taffeta Evening Frocks, both size 16. CHILDREN'S TUB DRESSES Reg. 60c. Sale Price . . ...25¢. 50 Pink 'and Copen;' If Blue. Chambray | Dresses; sizes 5 and 6 years only. INFANTS' COATS Reg. $1.50 to $2.00. Sale Price .... 6 24 only, Infants' White Pique Coats. MARABOUT CAPES Reg. $10 to $27.50 Sale Price . . . $3.98 30 only, Caperines in White, Black and § Natural -- all smart, new shapes at' the + lowest price we have ever quoted. FLOOR OILCLOTH, Sale Price 45c¢. sq. yd % 0 yards only, in "lengths from | to 2§ yds. -- one and two yards wide--to clear. |} Reg. 25¢. to 40c. yd. | Sale Price... 10c.

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