Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Aug 1923, p. 7

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THURSDAY, AUG. 16, 1928. | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG er a -- Se pena | CARTER {GOLDEN WEDDING EVENT | Ip GARTER DID NOT APPEAR HONORED AT HOLLEFORD PUBLICATION DAY, AUG. 17th = ° |l|But Was Fined $200 and Costs : For Having Liquor at for Country Club. : ' ---- y "John Carter, John Carter," called - : out Frovincial Constabie Roy Clark, ' in a stentorian voice, at a session of the court presided over by Justices : of the Peace Aliinson and Cannon, By on Wednesday afternoon. . Bat John Carter did not appear to answer to Lhe charge lodged against : GENE STRAT TON PORTER him, that of "keeping liquor for sake n . or barter, without a license." Evid- Author of Freckles, Laddies--whose ence was taken in the case, and the accused was fined $200 and costs,: novels and nature books have been so WIC Toe SOR ot Bl hd Si % , A Revelle appeared on his behalf popular at:-- and following the hearing of the s case 'a warrant was issued for Carter's arrest. The charge against Carter was laid ow following evidence given before ® ® Judge Lavell, on Wednesday after- noon, when Carter was charged with Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Jobn D. Medcof, ; i tin % rs you many o Stealing L015 ftom Arthur Swale Aug. 4th, 1923, Rev. Jr., Toronto; Willlam T. Medeof, sill conkinnes aiul © ore Yort many spe ley. Judge Lavell dismissed this| On Saturday, Aug. 4th, 1923, Rev. Jr., Toronto; William T. Medcof, M. rtunities to save mone . charge, after hearing the evidence.|and Mrs. J. D. Medcof celebrated Ber alt; Sod James D. Medcot, B. po Ye -- i .))| Carter and Smalley admitted taking | their golden wadding anniversary, | A Kemptville, | liquor to the Country Club, in Barrie- One feature of this occasion was * ' ' Loss of EE Coagiey Clu In Basrie wih SU thei dossene = fhnires the request of tho family (nat th BARGAINS in all Men's, Women's, flicien f M D as steward, and drinking the liquor | 32d grande a "1 Sroom tell the experiences ol flty Boys' Girls' Shoes E CY I PORTE there, A similar i Was Rus, ohild, at the home of A J. Redmond, | years of wedded life and ho replied ys and Is Sh . Holleford, a son-in-law, where -flags very effectively. A one hundred dol- from eye strain | edged against Smalley. The latter and flowers were freely shown. lar i Id was then ented. Mrs. . LUSTRE was called as a Witness in the case i oy Eo Nas we WPS n Trunks, Bags, Suit Cases. YES, there is a tremendous John D. Medcof and Eliza J. Rowe Townsend the youngest "daughler, amount of it. It is found | Bain ura, but 98 helug calisd were married at Carlisle, Ont., Aug. | furnished the music and also sang. pris he Rn CHI! VA the prosecution, he refused to give | 4th. 1873, by Rev. T. Boyd, attended | "Mate O' Mine." Kodaks wero seq - - ovid unless he had the protec by Rev. and Mrs. Ré-Paul. Nine cadl- | freely. An enjoyable time was spent. ance dren were born of this union, two This vencrable couple bave ai- to these . rt. i 8 supplying glasses heir phy- [I Inexpensive and very it Hou ot ihe Sou Toe er, ob- | 27° deceased, one Annie, aged eight! ways been church supporters, their ' Patients tacrense their of- |i tractive in Buff, Blue an - Rew ctl Carter, years, and one in infancy. = Those [Christian experiences run deeply has- | érne y S oe tore Green shades, with beautiful Jected to the court giving such pro- living are Mrs. James Redmond, ing been ground out by times of Hoth i ! Opalescent lining. We have jection and asked that his objection Kingston; Mrs. Frank Trousdale, | joy and. sorrow. Now, as their ves while service. We are doing an exquisite 21 piece Tea . noted. beter conténded that the | 18rtington; Mrs. Alfred 'Redmond, | are drawing toward evening sheir | that every business day Set at $25.00. re" TF. . Webster is the a i Holleford; Mrs. (Rev.) T. S. Town- | visions pierce beyond space and time, court could give Smalley prgtec- | cena, Frankville; John D. Mudicof,! to the things bevond. the year, I tion asked for but Mr. Revelie con- W. D. GRAHAM, RO. If Also-Hansy Jara, Spoon tended that this protection could| Successor to i Trays, Bon Bons, Olive only be given in a criminal case. pool In the public interest in order Il Dishes, Mayonnaise Dishes However, the court granted the|that the art might progress unham- From Whig Fyles and Whipped Cream Dishes, witness protection, and he gave cvid-| Pered by delay and litigation. : and priced from $1.50 to ence. He stated that on July 23rd,| The Canadian agreement just sn-|{ OF TEN AND EE WENTY- YEARS $2.50. I Carter had iquor and took it over to | Rounced is for the life of all existing | the Country Club is Barriefield, and} Patents and also covers future pat- that he and the witness drank some | ents or applications for patents. August 16th, 1913, of the liquor at the club house. Wit-| The companies entered into the| pw laborers killed at C.P.R. con- ness sald the club was owned by a|@greement in the broadest spirit, It| struction camp near Parham when . y number of members, who contribut-{ Was impossible to estimate tie value | railway car overturns into ditch. Kinnear & d'Esterre ed to its upkeep. He had been hired [Of each individual .comtribution as| Th, local Y.M.C.A. inaugurates. by the club as a steward, and Carter | this would have involved litigailon "Canadian Standard Efticiency Jewelers was a guest at his quarters. to determine the validity and scope | Tests" for the younger members. To Mr. Reveille, witness admitted | of the patents held by each Parly.| The young ladies of Queen street that he was with Carter when the | Ror was it possible to foretell which | yathodfst church choir go on latter got prescriptions from two |Party might produce the most Valu- | «girike, refusing to wear gowns local doctors, and secured the liquor | able discoveries or inventions in the during the hot weather. from local/drug stores. future. While each party owns valu-| New ruil dress uniform for the Mr, and Mrs. J. P. Tett, Newboro, Following the evidence of Smalley | able patents, each party also has the R.C.H.A. officers and men received. YOU PAY FOR the court found Carter "guiity' and | benefit of the research work carried' -- ' continue very ill. Mrs. Baker, Win- i ; ] nipeg, and dn Tett, Uutlook, came [imposed a fine of $200 and costs, or | On by the respective allied companies August 16th, 1003. -- six months in jail. in United States and England The| Rev. M. Maogillivray formaily . All Simmans products, ¥ in response to a hurry call to assist in caring for them. Carter was taken in charge on |B&reat®Research Departments of The opens the new Knox Presbyterian Mrs. Esther McAskin and five | Tuesday affernoon and allowed out | Telephone Co., The General Electric | church on Montreal street. z the famous Ostermoor; DENTISTS children have left Prescott for De-| on $100 bail and the court gave an (Co. The Westinghouse Company and | large roll of oil-cloth, welghing a} id troit, where they will in future re-| order for the bail money to be for- | Manconi Company may. be expected | one hundred pounds falls through a and Banner Springs. J 193 PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON _| side, Mrs. Askin having recently pur- | feited. to produce many an aad sky-light in Laddlaw's store, a young HOURS: 9 a.m. to 6 pan. | chased & house in that city Smalley was arraigned on a charge | reaching mer lady clerk barely escaping serious in- Evenings by appointment. "A prudent traveller n dizpar- | similar to that made against Carter | Will, by reason of this agreement, be | jury. ' > 5 GAS--X RAY. [1 ages his own country. and entered a plea "not guilty." 'As | utilized to progress the art in Can-| Tho residents - of the district are See them demonstrated all this week. § { af 5 there was no evidence offered against | ada. highly indignant over the outrages : him, the charge was dismissed. Car-| The agreement also provides for a being done by grave-robbers. | , ter laid the complaint against Smal- | trafic arrangement between The Bell Heavy rainstorms in the district | AMES ley. It was stated that Carter was| Telephone Co. and The Marconi Co. | destroy hundreds of dollars worth of In the clty on Wednantay moraing. | for mutual nterchange of part wie hay Phone 147 for Kingstox's Largest Home Furnishers EE -------------------------- . IA AA X combination, a telephone subscriber COALPORT ||| oor | rama me| | meson cs ----" ontreal, A ~--"In my nine- a rus TRY ae nearer land siaion of the ar toon reurn atsca. 1 nove" moe Il MAKE YOUR WORK EASY brought across the Atlantic such a ' Pooling of Patents by Electric- condi Co. and then by wireless tc a . . . passenger on an Atlantic liner, lake | fine-looking set of men of cvery trade Have the Hot int Electr 1C Goods 1 3 al, Wireless and Tele= boat or even a moving train. Im pro-|and profession as on the present Po n your oy i phone' Companies. Sees of time subscribers here may | trip." Was the comment of Purser (ll home. We have everything you may need ta | also be able to speak to telephone [ O' Hagan of the S8. Doric, on the ° I T H | The Vacuum Tube is one of the | subscribers in England or on the con- | 900 passengers taking advantage of bring comfort -- rons, 1oasters, eaters, etc, scientific triumphs of the present |tinent. Technical difficulties must | the special harvesters rate who sail- : © MH aay be overcome and the Trans-Oceanic|ed on the vessel that has just docked : © 0 1} ™ Tiene tubes are used 15 Gonociicit | Witphame: Dusincse mit: a ers Dare, These men, fnchuded doctors, Halliday Electric Co. fon | [ll] With power machinery to control and | Upon a commercial basis but the de- | ministers and pro Ba" en, as The original INDIAN TREE. pat- [i ff ect the cioirkc current. br ampie. | sion at those companies. 1 past | wet as mumisenn or omen ents (ll rion os. CORNER KING AND PRINCRNS 815, : gi i |ll| fication they make telephono conver-| their interests should basten ad-| Arriving at Halifax and Montreal ---- ees tern, Doric shape, is made by Coalport. il [ll| sations possible over long distances | vances in the art in regard to every this "week there will be over 4,000 of : | and they are a fundamental part in | Purpose for which this wonderful | the same type of men coming for the We have a complete stock of this, and | Blo anctr 0 rc nail part in) RUDIS_OF_Shieh this » western harvest. prices are low, quality considered, | ; : a -- RK | pl 5 Bos i | . ! of ~Quebee, Aug. 16.--Lord and Lady | | 13 ' 4 na | Many other patterns in Coalport, [ PropbucE markeTs. Byus, of Vimy, will spend the month | | > Not a Game of Chance ! . : s of September in the province of Que- J ; .. Minton, Royal Worcester, Doulton, - : Toronto, Beg. 16. -- Bteors. $7.5 | 2%: The party will occupy Spencer. : aay . j Canadian Westinghouse oronto, Aug. 16. -- + ¥7:7" | wood, the home of the lieutenant- . ete.--well worth seeing, : : : : to $7.70. 3 . governor of the province's residence, Patile, Se 0 trom Oct. 1st to Oct. 13th. "COME IN AND LOOK AROUND" [ffl X=, a atc were] pen . Steamer Brockville will run a Turkeys, 2c to 26c. special excursion to Picton, Mon- Daity produce, Wholesale lo re-| 400 August 20th. Leave Ferry tail: dock 10 a.m., (fast time) two hours Eggs: : In Picton. Fare. round trip. Adults, Firsts, 30c to 31c. one dollar; children Soc. Extras, 85¢ to 36c. es. Cations, 3c to 380. very and Ta Tewhors Laks Kingston Battery Service W. MILNE, PROPRIETOR. * Eggs, delivered Toronto; tenanted besides mumerous tenis on "ALL MAKES OF STORAGE BATTERIES, STARTING MO< 'TORS, GENERATORS AND MAGNETOS REPAIRED = OUR PRICE FOR.CHARGING BATTERIES .......... 75c oe *Y : : : ogi" Noacere Lusterize Bl Ean va Ee | Tome Jhandl representative, Toin »

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