THE DAILY bdiTisu WHI G.- MONDAY, AUG. 20, 1925 | LATEST LOCAL SPORTING GENERAL REVIEWS "NEWS TIMELY COMMENTS | » BE ain FORTUNE AN AD OF TRILE PLAY Line Drive Is Usually Neces-| sary To Make Move Possible. EL © Much fuss is made when a team | makes a triple play. Certainly it is a rare occurrenqge and a facer lo the | opposition, for with heavy scoring in sight three men are blotted oul in an eye wink. ' When a spectaclor sces a (riple killing, it will burn long in bis mem- cory. He Is very likely to talk about J) it for a weok. The Athletics made one against Detroit recently. Runners were on second and first and of course nobody out. Cobb was at 'bat. He lashed a terrific linor "down Lo Galloway, who made a clean L gatch and threw to Scheer, getling 'another Tiger, Scheer whipped the | ball to first before the other runner could return there and Detroit was out. That was a remarkable gachicve- ment, for wita nobody out, runncrs on bases and a man of Cobbs power at the bat, heavy scoring was pre-| saged. ; Yel when you analyze a tifiple play, it is almost an accident. In Lhe first piace, the opposing side must have nobody out. Nine out of cvery ten triple plays are on linc drives, which are comparatively : Tos cca easy to! handle, certainly not as diffcult to gather in as a ground ball. Suiuetimes a triple play is fae r gait of a very hard jumping catch on a liner, but nct always. As a rule, they travel straight to an op- posing !nfiebler and are known as "dusk soup." { When triple play is made on a | ground Lali, it Is pearly always a negative achievement, for some bad | base running om the part oi tae op- | position aas needed to make it pos- | sible | Therciore, often a triple | while spectacular and unusu.i. does | not require nearly the skill of a | double play on a ground bail. Then | the infielder must make a clean siop, | often a difficult. chance, and then get | the hull very rapidly and accurately to the other infielder. Toen the second player receiving the ball must make a long and hard throw to first base ahead of gs run- ner who is only a few steps away from the bag. Cobtrast this to the triple play. Both runners in motion at the piteh. a sofi catch and plenty of time to throw to the bases before they 'cap relum. In other words, it takes more skill in the majority of cases to make a double -play than a tripie play but there is no chance of players ever being hissed hy a crowd when they retire three opponents on one batted ball. ee 5 a play, TTI RRL BA NE 2 J * ELLEVILLE WON, In the second game of tha Eastern Group - playoff in the Central Ostario Bas:ball Lea- gue, Bu'leville won from Peter- Lloro ¢t Peterboro on Saturday by the scora of 7 to 3. Alter the 3 to 2 win of Feterbore in Belleville the result came as a great surprise to many. The third game will be on neutral ground but just where is not known as yet, It may eitnar be at Cob urg or Kingston. It was rumorac around the city yes- terday that President Dedman had asked Kingston to guarun- tee an attendance of 4,00" for the gauie. * ° > Jd + + > PLP ERINR ILRI ELOPSOOO QUIT PIP PLIPP*D PEEP PPP EPPE ROPERS od By gaining round after round o! applause the orator climbs the lad- der of fame. Don't think a man is fooling be- cause he thinks you are. THE FAS DEWAND NUCH FASTER BOOTS Speed Rather Than Endurance Exacted of Present Day Boxers. ------ Numerous theories have becn ad- vanced to show that the presence Crop of fighters are not as hardy and tough as the boxers of the old days. They fought longer fights ic tae age which thc ancients refer, to as the hallcyon period of the ring. They not only foughbt-longer but it is also argued that they gave and recelved mere physical punishment. Perhaps they did. Some of the old: fighters wen! through a gruel- (ing 'schooling before they took up pugilism. Fitzsimmons was a birck- emith and Jeffries was a boller-mak- er. Many of the old figaters had been hardened by toil before they entea¢d the ring. Labor is something which: many present-day boxers know nothing about. They start out as boxers at an early age and do nolaing «lsc Harry Wills seems to be the only boxer today who worked at a regu- lar job. He works on the docks. The old-timers pcint out that the present scheme of bandaging thc hands is a bad thing for boxers. Con- stant punching makes the hands ex- pand, and this is impossible with the tight bandages. There are more broken among present-day boxers than among the old-timers. "The old- timers used (to harden the skin on their hands by soaking them in brine. i To Tefute the claims of the old timers, it is pointed out that boxing has advanced in every way. It is more intensive than it used to be, and the game has more speed than ever before. There is little occasion now for long-drawn-out fights. The modern fan will noi tolerate a stall- ing match and dislikes continual clinching. The tendency of modern trairing is to fit the boxer for speed rather than for endurance. Legalizing the game; with-decision bouts; has-dohe away with the limited-round bouts through which the boxers used tn dance their way harmlessly. hands Too Much Pay. "Too much payroll" 1s assigned as the chief cause for the premature demise of the Cotton States league. SILVERWARE AND CHINAWARE TO RENT WH. J. 'ARNIEL Earl sad Alfred Streets Phone 8320. A 'HAM RNIEL & BROOK F.C. HAMBROOK 115 Brock Street Phone 1025w. (CATERERS) NO DINNER TOO LARGE--NO LUNCHEON TOO SMALL. . 4 q ~ FRONTENAC | TAXI SERVICE Auctioneer Auctioneer! SERVICE AND SATISFACTION We .condwet sales in Kingston an) Frontenac County. E. W. Jackson& Son "THEM DAYS IS GONE FOREVER" You not only read it, you sing it." Try it on your piano. Watch nightly for this big comic hit. 108 Clergy Street. Phone 2073) "OLINK THIS ON YOUR ' OLEAVER." ;|-will be played---at the cricket field or the Fair Grounds, but the execu- | teur Association playoff and they are 'who can take a turn at any timc and * | FROM THE OUTSIDE--LOOKING IN. | {he summer and think the local winn say of Belleville. The return game showed up well. be played at the Labor Day celebrati with the third team. rangements for some time. Montreal and Watertown competing. complicated craft. stone is going everywhere in Canada, thing to do is to wail and see. ~a ROCKWOOD BOWLERS WIN. In a Tournament at Deseronto by 117 to 111, On Friday last three rinks from Rockwood bowling club paid a visit to Deseronto and were entertained right royally by the members of ihe Deseronto club. A very pleasant outing was favored by ideal weather. Following are the players and re- sults: wv Afternoon. Deseronto. W. Sutherland M. Rathbun H. Rathbun I. Allum, Skip 19 Rev. Creegan R. Geddes W. Nisbet G. Campbell, Skip 17 W. J. Brown W. J. M¢Micking J. Argue J. Burns, Skip 17 Rockwobd. H. Weir A, Mclver S. Kay R. S. Graham, Skip 21 Dr: E Ryan N. Tutton Ryan C. Hodgins, Skip 16 Drumm Tunbridge Sears Jenkins, Skip 13 Evening. i J. Argue A. G. Bogart W. Sutherland I. Allum,. Skip 11 L. H. McCullough J. Brown R. Thomson G. Campbeil, Skip 19 W. Nisbet H. M. Rathbun J. Burns James Fairburn, Skip 28 c. c. J. 5 B. oc Drumm . Tunbridge Sears Jenkins, Sip 29 Weir Mclver Kay . 8. Graham, Skip 16 Dr. &. Ryan N. Tutton Dr. Charles Ryan C. C. Hodgins, Skip 16 117 Perm Opes 111 S-------- KINGSTON INTERMEDIATES - ENTER FIRST ROUND| Under Direction of League Ex-| ecutive City Winners Meet Picton this Afternoon. ¥ | ------ This afterncon at Ficton the King- ston intermediates enler the first round of the Ontario Baseball Ama- guing up against a strong team at the start. The Picton crowd bas to its credit two intermediate cham- pionships and was runner-up on an- otber occasion and it will be a good team that eliminates the Prince Ed- ward County nine. During the city league seascn the team which went under the name of A. Davis & Son showed more real baseball than any other team. There were times when they slumped bad- ly~--but when working well they were undoubtedly the best team in the league, and they proved it by winning out in no uncertain man- ner. In Karl Quinn, Lawless and Hew. Smith they have three pitchers if the batlers can once solve Croit's delivery the rest should not be hard. It has not yet been definitely an- nounced as to where the return gumé tve likely come to a deecisicn during the week There saouid be a Arrangements have been completed for the two exhibition games to in the past couple of years has provided some very fine sport trained many yachtsmen to go on with the handling of large and more | The usual run of rugby yarns long ago started the To-day the Kingston intermediates go to Picton for their first play- off game. Kingston teams played exhibition games against Pigton during ers should have a good chance. Two regular Central Ontario League umpires are to officiate, Colling and Ram- is here mext Friday. } The win of Belleville in Peterboro came as a surprise to many people! after Peterboro's original victory in the Grand Trunk likely that the wily "Jake" Solomon will let the playoff come to Kingston as he has never won a game on this ground and his town, It is not team has never 1 Al on by the city league teams. draw will be taken for the first two teams to play, the winners to play off Vice-President Moran has been busy on the ar-, H} Saturday afternoon's breeze was ideal for the dinghy races under the auspices of the Kingston Yacht Club with the visiting crews from Toronto, The revival of dinghy sailing with-| and also rounds. Bat- | Conacher has been there and back,' Harding is in Ottawa and Hamilton at the same time and other stars are also being shifted as the whim of the story-teller shifts. The only safe | three. more--and sometimes nine-- for the umpire. | In most cases at least up to 1,865, | the umpire often was one of the dis tinguished men of the cy. The clubs view with each other in try- ing to secure the most prominent | personage. | The olds;time umpires always were | accorded the utmost 'courtesy by the players. { They were given easy chairs, plac- ed near the home plate, provided with fans on hot days, and their ab- solute comfort was uppermost in the minds of the players. i After each game in the early six- ty's sandwiches, beer, cakes and other refreshments were served by the home tedm. ; i The umpires always received the choicest bits of foods and the largest glass of beer--in case he cared for such beverages. If he didn't he need- ed but to express his desires in the thirst quenching line before the game started---and he got it. ! Conacher made quite a hit at Have- Jock when playing against the Ox- ford-Cambridge players, who were astounded at his canny manner in B.C. Just unloaded a carload of No. | Clear Fir, V Joints for ceilings, Wainscoting, etc. Excellent stock. Also have on hand a full assortment of Spruce, V Joints, Siding For prompt service, and Flooring. telephone 1042. ALLAN LUMBER CO. VICTORIA STREET. Big Fish Stories are coming in every day. Are you using the right kind of Fishing want to catch. We have-- 88 PRINCESS ST. We have the right kind for the fish you You can't catch Fish without Tackle. "RODS, REELS, LINES, SINKERS, FLOATS, SPINNERS, PLUGS. Everything in Tackle. Treadgold Spor 'Phone 1042, Tackle? ing Goods Co PHONE 529. P---- JIN -- goal-getting. He has been spending a few days down near tho Treat Bridge. In tive one and a half mile ezhi- bition race at the Montreal Amateur ~~ Athletic Association grounds, W. Antliffe broke the Canadian record for the distance, which was 7 min. 30 mec, by reaching the tape in 7 min. 19 1-5 sec. nme, "Fill your pipe with. ORINOCO HARVESTERS WANTED $15." TO WINNIPEG Plus half a cent a mile beyond to all points in M; ton, Tannis, Calgary, Macleod and East. SPECIAL LOW FARES RETURNING - GOING D A oh anitob, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Edmon- A 3 22nd From Toronto, Parry Sound and East in also from Stations West of St. And- rews East, and*Lachute in Quebec. : \ \ i Travel the National Way to SPECIAL TRAINS TO TAKE CARE OF THE TRAVEL Los ------ Lunch Counter Cars--Food and Refreshments at reasonsble prices--Special Cars for Women and Colonist Cars of Latest Design. y point in Western Canada. > Ea se