Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Aug 1923, p. 5

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yr En MONDAY, AUG. 20, 1954, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG a at mio webroot = mn - [Frrosrs il CITY STORAGE £ | i ¥ Now has vacant two clean, dry, : private rooms. (Your own lock : and key.) | PHONE 526. | 209-805 QUEEN STREET, ! a PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning, Hepairing ang [| Player Piano Adjusting. Norman t Butcher, 27 Pine Street, }| PHONE 181%w, ------ | "To Let, Furnished Kensington Avénue--~Brick, detached, rooms, #nil conveniences, $70 per nth. Possession October 15th. Division Street--Fiut of three rooms, '$45 per month, fuclndes heat nbd elee- [ttle light. Possession Sept. lst, General insurance, Rounds bought and »old. | RH. Waddell DENTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnson and Wellingtun { - Phone 368 h ASK FOR BELL'S CUCUMBER CREAM (Chapped Hands, etc.) Use Use It Always All Ways. I 1 4 ay Vor Moving on SAFES, FREIGHT, FURNITURE, y PIANOS, CART. \TORAGE OF : EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Ce. fy 77: MKvenings 2331, 168 WELLINGTON STREET. v Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BRUOM L.D D.D.S. 0 "Brovk Viveets. Entrance, Wellington St, 1 Evening by appointment, PHONE 670. |. WATTS ) | People's Florist 177 Wellington Street. ] Fresh Flowers and Plants daily. Funeral designs, and wedding bomquets to order, Phone 1768. Residence, 1137. Sold by A W.R McRae & Co | GOLDEN LION BLOCK, > 2 WHEN COAL be clean. W clean gen e pay | work. DR. A.W. WINNETT MOSQUITOES AND FLIES THOMAS COPLEY Carpenter. Phone 987. ' See us for all kinds of Carpentry Estimates given on wew floors laid. Have your hardwood floors clean | ed with our new floor cleaning mae ~~ Cuticura Soap Complexions Are Health fouo Qntmere cop, og Se A reliable abl RR 0. 2, $3; No. 3, $5 per box. : d all Bp Fa phiete" EVERSHARP PENCILS REPAIRED We are equipped to make any repairs to above pencils. We carry a supply of parts, Prompt service. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street, Kingston, If you don't feel good, why not try some of our | FRUITS PEACHES, - APPLES; - PLUMS; ete. Get them while they last at The Star Fruit | &Candy Store 66 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 273. NO NEED TO SPEND RESTLESS, SLEDS LESS NIOWTE. IRRITATION QUICKLY RELIEVED AND REST ASSURED BY USING THE REMEDY THAT HAS HEL. ED THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS. q When "Welcome" is always on the mat for casual visitors in the summer time your house- hold is surely well man- aged. q Bat after all when you know just where to go to have extra laundry done in a hurry, or to buy some seasonable dainty, a new bit of porch furni- ture or the summer gar- ments you have put off purchasing, what's a visi- tor more or less? q Do visitors worry you or is friendly itality made simple by the help that a score of merchants offer you day in this newspaper q Advertising means more than a list of bargain sales. It gives helpful service to you to Jar family every day of life. If you do not read it you miss many com- forts and conveniences. -- {who celebrated birthday on Saturday. druggists, of stat | "KINGSTON axp VICINITY To Teach at Oshawa. Miss Edith Tuttle, B.A, MA, Tweed, has been engaged on the staff of the Oshawa high school. In Fine Oondition. Time appears to be dealing very gently with E. 'R. Huyck, Tweed, his seventy-third Located at Yarker. Dr. T. W. Warner has opened up a dentist office in the Oddfellow's Building, at Yarker. This relioves a long felt want in this vicinity. A Kingstonian Eligitie, Major J. Jeffrey, Hingston, did such excelient shooting at the D R.A. meet in Ottawa, that he is ancong th2 eligible for the Bisley team of 1934. Order Now. We are showing the finest range of Men's Suitings ever carried, and our prices are the lowest. Suits made to measure from $32.50 to $40.00.-- Prevost, Brock Street. The Reeve is Improving. Reeve S. B. Rollins, Tweed, who has been confined to his home tor some fime with a sore leg. is improv- ing and hopes to be able to attand to business again soon. Regarded as aoFeai. On the farm of D. W. Redney at Centre, Ameliasburg township, seven loads of alsike clover were threshed in three hours, a feat whica would have been very creditable for half a day's work. The clover yielded twenty-five bushels. Cheese Board Sales, Napanee, 795 at 20 1-16e. Picton, 780 at 20 3-16c. Iroquois, 787 at 20 5-8c. Listowel, 2,656 offered, bid, no sales. Perth, 1,026 at 20 1-4c. Victoriaville, Que., 1,200 at 19 3-de. 13 5-8¢ sel ------------ Sewing Society Organized. A sewing society has been organ- ized 'by Mrs. James H. Hammond, the wife of Commodore Hammond, which meets every Monday morn- ing at the Thousand Is'ands Yacht Club. Théy séw for the hospitals fn Pittsburgh, New York, Newark and Chicago. Hp ial, Found Dead On Roadside. William HB. Lewis, aged nineteen, years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jumes Lewis, Pembioke township, was found dead on the side of the road less than a quarter of a mile from the farm of his employer, Foster Fraser. The coroner thought death was due to some form of heart trou- ble. The Trouble Ended. The Teachers Federation and Arn- prior Board of Education have set- tled their differences. The federa- tion has accepted the resolution of the board regretting the episode in connection with the dismissal of the principal and agreeing that in the future dismissals immediate notice be given the party concerned. Dr. Rogers President, Dr. J. T. Rogers, Hamilton, has been. chosen president of the syndi- cate being organized here to erect the new $200,000 summer hotel at McNiuch's Point, and James H. S8amp- son, Ganagoque, secretary-treasurcr. 'The provincial board of directors will be completed in a few days and a government charter secured. Pel Pointer Sold. Brouse Hutton, Smith's Falls, shipped Del Pointer to the St. Law- rence circuit at Jollette, Que., and was successful in selling the mare for $1,800. She was entered in the Thousand Dollar stakes ian the ocir- cuit' She was sold to a party in Quebec who has been wanting to buy her for some time. Had a Narrow Escape. George Varty, a young son of Hiram Varty, Bogatt, narrowly es- caped death when he was attacked by a vicious bull which he was put- The applicants for the posiiion, and som couaei! £m + and dance. city on a briet visit and staying with his sisters, from New York, wo are summering at Wolfe Island. Mr. Ricard has worked in Toronto and New York but is now with the Syra- cuse, N.Y., Journal. He says King- ston looks good to him. Pay Taxes in Two "Instalments. At a special meeting of the Perth council a by-law was passed for the 'taking of the assessment of Perth again this year to be completed by Sept. 30th to enable the council for 1924 to make provision for the pay- ment and collection of taxes in two equal instalments instead of one payment as at present. The council next year, it is expected, will pass a by-law regulating the payment of the taxes and covering all other de- tails in connection with the same. Held Sports Days. "Sports Day," held last Wednes- day under the au:pices of the Athens Amateur Athletic Association, was a great success. The events were held at the race track and included a bas.- ball tournament, fickl sports, concert The entertainment in the evening was given under the aus- pices of the Women's Institute and was much enjoyed. A tef-plece or- chestra provided music for daucing. The Athens brass hand gave a splen- did programme of music, Engagements Announced. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Billings, Brockville, announce the engage- ment of their eldest daughter, Vida L., to Donald D. Whiting, Carthage, N.Y., marriage to take place 'the latter part of August. Mrs. Charles Shivas, Charing Cross, announces the engagement of her daughter, Edith Mary Murray, to Austin Gordon 'Tribute, Toronto, son of the late F. W. Tribute and Mrs. Tribute, Athens, Ont., the marriage to take place quietly to. ward the end of August. Died Suddenly At Madoc. There passed away suddenly at Madoc, Alexander Glover, a famm- er, in his eighty-first year. Deceas- ed was born in Thurlow in 1842 and at the age of seven years went to live In Madoc. He is survived by his widow, Tour sons and three daugh- ters. Sons are Philip, Sidney, Rev. John E., Campbeliford, George and William. at home; daughters Mrs. E. Reynolds, Strathroy, Ont, Mrs. George Moorman, Foxboro, and Mrs. 4 Provincial Following the ceremony breakfast Love, Madoc. Deceased was a Meth- ist. Kingstonian at Convention. | H. Pollie, Kingston, in Attendance | at the convention in Hamilton of the | Federation of Ontario Fire Fighters, was named to the ways and means committee. The next convention will be held in Peter- boro. A resolution was adopted re- | garding the Workmen's Compensa- tion Act. It was resolved that in al municipalities where no pension fund for fire-fighters is in force officers and members of the fire depart- ments who are injured in the course | of duty should benefit under the terms of the act. Aylesworth-Kennedy Wedding. The marriage of Miss Cecily Ann Kennedy of 555 Averill avenue, Ro- chester, N.Y., to McGillivray Ayles- worth, was splemnized at Blesscd Sacrament Church by Rev. Thomas F. Connors, on Thursday, Aug. 16th. was served to the near relatives at Hotel Rochester, and later Mr. and Mrs. Aylesworth left for a trip up the Hudson and through Lakes George and Champlain. They will be at home after September 10th at Homewood Court, Toronto. Mr. Aylesworth is the son of Mr. aud Mrs. George Anson Aylesworth, New- burgh. Mrs. Aylesworth was foimer- iy of Newburgh, and is a daughler of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kennedy. Canadian Pacific. 180 Wellington street, report the following arrivals of their steam- ships: Empress of Britain, from Ham- burg and Southampton, dus Quebec, Aug. 22nd. Montlaurier, from Quebec, arrived Liverpool, Aug. 17th, Montcalm, from Liverpool, arriv- ed Quebec, Aug. 17th, . Melita, from Montreal, due Cher- bourg and Southampton, Aug. 24rd and Auntwerpt, Aug. 24th. Marloch, from Glasgow and Del fast, due Quebec, Aug. 23rd. Empress of Australia, from Van- couver, arrived Ilong Kong, Aug. 15th. Empress of Asia, fiom Vahcouver, due Yokohama, Aug:-20th and Hong Kong, Aug. 27th, Empress of Russia, from Hong Kong and Yokohama, due Vancou- ver, Aug.27(h. hin ei » Wrigley's But itis of a fire chief. There were eighteen Sealed for You is made of - pure chicle and other ingredients of highest quality obtainable. no use fo when properly laid, have a very long life. Certain manufacturers claim that they will last for fifty years, under favorable con- ditions. : # S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay dnd Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. | The Brish Whig Publishing Co. Lid. ~ has a Department specially equipped to execute all classes of OB PRINTING First-class service and fair prices. i, 306-8-10 KING STREET, KINGSTON, Ont. NOTICE GOURDIER'S have removed to 86 PRINCESS STREET, next to Bibby's, Limited, while alterations are being made to Brock Street store. GOURDIER'S 78-80 Brock Street PHONE "243. | TWEDDELL'S For the Bést Values in Young Men's Suits $20.00, $25.00, $28.00, $32.00, $35.00. . SEE OUR SPORT MODEL SUITS : At $25.00 TWEDDELL'S Clothing House Just received two cases of fine Scotch All Wool Blankets from Scotland. These Blankets are made of the finest grade of wool, thor- oughly scoured and shrunk, and are all whipped separately. Made in 4 sizes. If you are considering buying Blankets it will pay you to see these.

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