Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Aug 1923, p. 11

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Ll TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1928 ere i THE DAILY BRIT errr re ---- ISH WHIG POLICE AND A BURGLAR HAVE REVOLVER DUEL in Neck and Cap- | Culprit Shot de in a Montreal Grocery. Montreal, Aug. 21. -- After hold- jng thre: police officers and scvers! citizens at bay for hail an hour, while both sides biazed away ¥iiu revolvers and the besieged man beat | olf the atack of one constab.e will | a volley of beer bottles, Josepa La pierre, aged twenty-nine years, . was captured when ie was shot in the neck, in a grocu'y store eorly this morning. ; The melody of the hour chimes from ' the hells of a church nearoy was broken by tae crack of visicl shots snd the shouts of defiance cl the man, when a cons:adre foucd nim in the store while patrolling his b dat. This is the third time in 4 week that a police oflicor has either Killed ox wounded a suspected thicf resisting afrest. * JUNETOWN JOTTINGS. lots of People are Moving About Now, Junetown, Aug. 20.--Miss Grace McDonald, Quabbin, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. D. Bigford. Miss Or- ma Fortune spent a few days recent- ly with Lansdowne friends. Mrs. Frank Fortune spent a few days last week at Gien Ebbe and Kilkenny street. Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Fergus- on also Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Frank- lin and Everett Franklyn motored to Ottawa and spent a few days last week. ; Recent visitors at J. A. Herbison's are: Missess Ethel Heney and Annie Haws, Freq Radmore and Silas Mc- Gee, Ottawa; A. Scott and som, Harold, Toronto; Charles Norton and son, Howard, Lepauville, N.Y.; Nr. and (Mrs. John Fletcher and chiddiéh, Redwood, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mulvaugh, Canton, N.Y., motored herp, and spent a few days with his parents last week. ------Hgrotd-Winton -and--Geofge Hen: derson left on Monday for the har- veater's excursion west. Mrs. A. N. "Earl, and>children, Warburton. are spend weeks at Walter ~ Purvis! re they move to their tiome 'in, Brockville. Miss Kathleen « Earl left ot Saturday to attend Mod- * @l sehool in Kingston. Mfr. 'zna Mrs. Charles Glenn, Ivy Liga, spent Sunday at G. P. Scott's, / Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ferguson and 'children, who motored here two months ago to visit relativs, left on Monday morning by C. N R to reé- turn to their home in Swift Current, Sask. Misses Phyllis 'and Doris Tennant have returned from visiting Miss Helen Purvis, Lyn. Mpa. J. Wooding left yesterday for her home in Toronto. J b Several from here attended. the baseball mitch at Lansdowne "Sat- urday. Miss Velma Graham, Pur- vis street, spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. W. H. Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Trickey, Mallory- town, were visitors on Sunday at M. Hall's. The many friends and rela- tives of Mrs. Willlan Purvis were surprised and saddened to hear of her sudden death in Pasadena, Cal. on Saturday, Aug. 11th. Bush Fires Under Control. Tichborne, Aug. 18.--Rain 1s very mueh needed in this locality, The farmers are about through with their harvest and report a very Mght crop. Fire has been set several times by C. P. R. trains, but was got under control /betore very much damage was e. A number from here t in the Ladies" Ald 'meeting "which was held at L. A. Cameron's cottage on Eagle Lake, last Wednes- day afternoon. A most enjoyable time. was spent, & sumptuous sup- per spread under the glorious old hemlocks, by Mrs. L. A. Cameron and Mrs. John Gray. Some from here attended the Bedoun sale at Crow lake on Thursday. A number from here have gome west on the excursion, tors: Lola Dermott, the. gu Evelyn Stéele; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Steele, Toronto, at A. Kennedy's. Sr.; Mrs. John Steele, Sr., at M. Cronk"s, Parham; Mrs, Thompson, Sr, at 8. Rothwell's, Jewel Thomson at Burridge. Sherlock-Holmes Methods, A joke was played on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle by a French taxicab driver recently. The man had driv- en the world-famous creator of "Sherlock Holmes" from the station to the hotel, and when he received his farvet he said, "Merci, M. Conan Dole." : "Why, how do you know rama?" asked Sir Arthur, "Well, sir, I hag seen in the pap- ers that you were coming from the South of France to Paris. Your - general appearance told me that yuu were English; your Sy Jag been clearly last cut a of the South of France. I put these indi- together, saw your on your luggage!" : -------------------------- my | TEN DOLLAR BILL---Lost, dropped in h KINGSTON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Indexed, standardized and popular- ized according to THE BASIL iL. SMITH SYSTEM Inc, Philadelphia, Pa. All ads. are restricted to thelr proper classification, and to the regular Dally Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES Daily rate per line or consecutive insertions: Minimum charge, 25 cents. Daily rates per line. Charge Ciish charged, y oe -- e Deaths-- On Marriages, Births, Engagtments, 1.50; cash, $1.00, ard of aan and Memoriam Notices--harged, $1.50; cash, §1.00 each nsertion. . Advertising ordered for irregular ipsertions takes the one-time inser tion rate; no ad. taken for less than basis of four lines. 5 Count six gverage words to the line. j Charged ads. will be received by telephone and if paid at The Brit- ish hig Office within 6 days from the first day of insertion, cash rate will be allowed. . Ads. ordered for more than one day and stopped before expiration will only be charged for the number of times the ad. appeared and adjue'- nent made at the rate earned. Rate per line for white space is the same as a line of type. Special rate for yearly advertising upon request, r Publishers reserve the right to edit or reject all classified advertising copy. Telephone 243, ask for a want ad. taker. Announcement = Personals 9 e---------------------------------- SKIN BLEMISHES ----- Halr, Moles, Warts, Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, Scars, Pits, etc, removed permanent- ly. Satisfactory Glasses fitted and | furnished after others have failed | Goitre cured without operation. 38} years' experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, | Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin, 35% Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 1136J | re | Lost and Found 10 AUTO RADIATOR CAP--Found. Own-| er may have same at Canadian Na-| tional Freight Office. | ---- -- ! HUB CAP--Lost, near Portsmouth, on} Monday last, for wheel of Cadillac car. | Please phone 513 or return to Whig] Office. 3 ' | MARKER--Found, for car, on York | Road. Owner may have same at the Whig Office. MATRIX BROOCH--Lost, a: turquoise set with gold band. Finder ple leave at this office. Reward. * PAIR OF GLASSES--Found. Apply Mr. Tidman, 491 Barrie Street PARCEL AND BASKET --Lost, parcel, wrapped in newspaper containing children's clothing, basket containing corn, on Saturday afternoon, between Kingston and Military Camp ground, Barriefield. Finder please return to Whig Office. "URSE Lost, child's black mesh purse with small sum of money some- where between Mahood's drug store and post office, on Princess or Wiel- Mngton streets. inder please return to Whig Office. BPECTACLES--Picked up in the 85 land market, on Saturday. Apply 12 Union Street. SMALL BAR.PIN--Found, on Bagot Street. Owner may have same by give ing description at Whig Office. vicinity of Market Square this morn- ing. Please return to Whig Office. to he one of those lueky everything they want. family next door roll th rily? ' Automobiles, homes, hi things'¥%re offered at ec Classifigd A . AVA cteasing Read} The Family Next Door Wherever you go. or wherever you live, there seems families next door who have Perhaps you have watched them roll away 'in their comfortable car on a Sunday afternoon while you sat twirling your thumbs wondering why you, too, could not have more of the things that make life worth living. Have you ever tried to find qut the reason why the Tou h lifg so easily and so mer- a ENE 3 Probably they always ré things that are offered them. A-B-C Classified Sectiontgégularly. "Fou nities there, too. *A-B-C Ads for profit and satisfaction! 5 THE" A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT IN OPPORTUNITY x : | ly © out and accept the good {Mose likely they read the : hold goods and many other cal prices in the A-B-C always find" income-in- ne Business Services: Business Services Offered is Busiriess Service Repairing 29 WELL DRILLING -- Sanitary water FURNITURE FINISHING--Of all kinds. wells, the oldest, the largest, the only sanitary well drillers in Frontenac ana Lennox and Addington. The most modern equipment in America. full information, write to ¥. J. Garri- son Co., Colebrook, Ont. A AUCTIONEER--For courtesy and hon- est dealing, W. A. Twigs, 374 King Street. Phone 820J or 1i3bw, Dressmaking--Millinery HEMSTITCHING--Picot edging, pleat- ing; work guaranteed. Mrs. E. Card, 366 Barrie Street. 1% blocks from Princess Street. Insurance 23 FIRE--Automobile and Casualty Insur- ance. kK. M. Crumley, 420 Ear] Street. Phone 178ZM. NSURANCE--Fire, Life, Accident and Sickness, in reliable companies. J. B. Jooke, District Manager. Phones: es. 342w., Office: 503w. INSURANCE--Only the most reliable companies represented Strange & Strange, established in 1860. Office: 95 Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. 1 INSURANCE--Our Health and Accident policy™will project your salary. Fire insuramce at fow rates. Phone -E. Wildams, 2 Couper Street. Moving, Trucking, Storage 25 ASHES--Cleaned out of cellars and yards, clean job done. A. MacGregor, 24 Russell Street. Phone 2255. STORAGE SPACE--For furniture, clean and dry. Apply E. E. Wathem, 143 Nelson street. Phone 1391J .or 618. STORAGE----For furniture, ~cléean, dry, airy rooms and spaces; your own lock and key. Frost's C Storage, 299- 8056 Queen St. Phon 26. Res. 98sw. 21 | | | { | | A.| SHOEMAKER | { | | | | | | | { Call and see W. Driscoll, street. Phone 296F. 23 John For| UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni- ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop a card. W. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot Street. UPHOLSTERING--AnNd general repair- ing. leave orders at or drop a card to I. W. Harold ,104 Clergy Street. SHOE REPAIRING--Al hand work. Rubber heels a specialty; efficient ser- vice. Adolf Kaminski, corner Mont- real and Queen Streets. H - James Modney, 253 King Street, T. Biss formerly of 246 Montreal Street, in charge. All kinds of work. Rubber Heels put on while you wait. Workmanship guaranteed. UPHOLSTERING -- Covered buttons made same day as ordered. Upholster- ing at reasonable prices. EK. J.~Good- ridge, 244 University Avenue. ' Phone 2043F. __Employment _ Help Wanted--Female 32 COOK GENERAL -- Experienced, by September 1st. Apply Mrs. 'PF. H. Mac- nee, 143 King Street, West. COOK--And housemaid, immediately. 'Apply dere, 141 King Street. experienced Chateau Belvi- HOMEWORK--Good wages. Wes need YOu 10 make socks on the fast, easily- tearned Auto Knitter, Experience un- aecessary. Distance immaterial; posi- tively no canvassing. Yarn supplied. Particulars jc. stamp. Dept. 78C, Auto Knitter Co., Toronte. LADIES--Wanted to handle our line of personal greeting cards between now and Christmas. You can earn from ten to forty dollars weekly. Whole or spare time. Samples. free. Weekly pay. Dept. D.122, Carlton Publishing Co., Toronto, Ont. = Painting, Papering, Decorating 26 PAINTING--Papering, Decorating first class work and work guaranteed. Call or phone A. Anderson, 155 Bagot Street. Phone 1966. SIGN PAINTING--J. S. Robinson, rear 276 Bagot street. Automobiles Automobiles for Sale, 11 FORD TOURING--Late model. Must sell. Self starter, én excellent condi- tion. Phone 227121. MoLAUGHLIN---85, recently overhauled and in first clasg running order. Ap- ply Blue Garage Ltd. corner Bagot and Queen Street. Auto Accessories--Tires--DParts 18 TIRES--Your pleasure in motoring de- pends on your tires. Royal Oaks lead them all. Corner Queen and Ontario Streets. Architects ARCHITECTS Power, Son and Drever, Merchants Bank Chambers,"corner of Brock and Wellington Chiropractic MARCELIS--Wm,, A, D.C, Ph.C., cor- ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 32nd floor, Barrie St. entrance. Kingston, Ont. Consultation free. Telephone $22J. Hours ¥ to 12 am, 1 to ¢ p.m. 28c. 28D. | MAKE MONEY AT HOME--$15 to $60 paid weekly for our spare time writ- ing show cards for us. No canvassing. We instruct and supply you with TD. West-Angus Show Card Service, 17 Colborne Bld. Toronto. PUPIL NURSES---Diploma, 3 years, uni- form, board, room, laundry and cash allowance provided. Chicago Hospi- tal, 811 E. 49th, Chicago. WOMAN---Middle-aged ,to take care of an elderly lady and assist with housework; three in family. Reply, stating where last employed and {A ary EXpacted: Apply Box L-10, Whig ce, Help Wanted--Male 33 MAN--Young, to act as city traveller, to call at retall stores; experience not necessary. Apply in handwritiag to Box X-21, Whig Office. LUCY--Drs. G. F. and Jennie A., Chiro- ractic Specialists and Registered urse, 239 Bagot Street. Phone 943w. Hours: 9-12 am, 1 to 5, and 6 to 7.30 p.m. Sunday a#nd other hours by ap- pointment. Consultation free. A. 0. H. CONVENTION. Convenes in Ottawa --- C. J. Fey Is Presiding. Ottawa, Aug. 21, -- Seventeenth biennual convention of the Ontariv provincial order of Ancient Hiberni- ans, which is to occupy two days, op- emed this raorning in the Hibernian hall here with nearly one hundred delegates. The convention is representative of three Cttawa lodges, five from To- ronto, {wo from Hamilton and one Pach from St. Thomas and Kingston. The convention is being presided ov- er by C. J. Fey, provincial president ci the order, who delivered thc ad- dress of welcome. After lying unconscious for sev- eral days, three-year-old Donald McLeod, adopted son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. McEwen, Prescott, died at the Hepburn hospital of sleeping sickness. ' Fire at Renfrew did $3,000 dam- ages to the premises of G. feed merchant. : Elis, |. Dental asd. REPRESENTATIVES -- Wanted from now until Christinas handling our spe- cial personal greeting cards. Barn- ing- from ten to fifty dollars weekly, either whole or spare time. Weekly pay. Samples free. Dept. D122, Carl- wen Publishing Co. Toronto, Ont. J FRONTENAC--Loan and | i a __Employment | Situations Wanted--Female 36 | { PRACTICAL NURSE Desires mater- | nity or other cases. Good references | given. Apply Box V-20, Whig Office. | Financial Money to Loam { { 0 Investment Society, incorpora 1861, President, W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice-president, A. B. Cunningham. Money issued on city and farm properties; municipal and county debentures; mortgages pur- chased; Investment bonds tor sale; de- posits received and interest allowed. RC. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clarence Street, Kingston. __ Merchandise. Articles for Sale. 51 | | AWNINGS -- Tents, Automoonile Tents, | Peterborough Canoes, Life Saving Cushions, Flags, Tarpaulins. F. W. | Cooke, 219 Bagot Street. Phone 436. | BICYCLES--Cleveland and Perfect. Al- | | so a few Ladies' and Girls' Wheels. Baby carriages repaired and re-tired.| Muller's Bicycle Works, 371-373 King Street Phong-ga6lw or 1216). BRICK--Hard Wid" $oft, any quantity. Apply E. E. Walthem, corner Birth and Collingwood Streeis. Pnone 618 or 1391) BOOTS--Army, new and used; Men's fine boots, black and tan; leggings, the very best; riding breeches, etc. Shapiro, 48 Princess Street. COCKSHUTT PLOUGHS--Are the best Try a Kid Kangaroo. For sale by Frost & Wood Agency, 236 Ontario St, Kingston, \ CARI'ENTER'S TOOLS -- A quantity, masun's tools, a choice broad axe with handle, and quantity of other goods too numerous to mention. Enquire at Carl- ton Hotel. FURNITURE--Den sett, kitchen cabi- net, burfet and bookcases, stovesand desks . Apply J. Thompson, 333 Prin- cess street, phone 1800 W. GARAGES AND COTTAGES--Portable or permanent, steel truss barns and implement buildings, steel water tanks, shingles, sidings, etc. F. B. Mc- Namee, 345 Alfred Street. Agent M.S & 8S. Co. Phone 2292w, YORGAN--Thomas, walnut, in good con- dition, $15. C. W. Lindsay, Limited. QUEBEC COOKER -- Only used § months; Dresser, Baby Carriage, white wood and round wicker; Baby Go-Cart, wicker; all in good condition. Apply 162% Bagot Street. MOTOR BOAT--21 ft long, 5% ft. bean. Mahogany, 2 cylinder St. Lawrence- Brockville engine. Al condition. Cheap. Phone 1150m. H CORTAGE Rooms For Rent. Rooms For, Househocping 60 FURNISHED ROOM for light housekeep th, hot water furnac ences. Apply 26) King n flcor, with 28¢ Queen ROOMS--Two, on all improvements. Street. te rer ee epee TTR __ Reai Estate For Rent Apartments and Flats all con- 8 APARTMENT--Four rooms; atis poly veniences; hot water session September 1st. Insurance Agency. A FLAT FOR' RENT 1 Mack street, large rooms and bath, two fireplaces, beautifully décufated, heated, in an exclusive location overlooking Vie- torfk Park. Phone 83%w. E. W. Mul- lin & Son, corner Johnson and Division Streets, Business Places For Heat 78 LODGE ROOMS Rooms on King street --formerly occupied by the [.0.0.F. Apply to Cunningham & Smith, Houses tor Rent 77 our rooms. Apply 47 Ri- deau Str ar FURNISHED HO 3 Near University, 7 rooms, hot water Rent reasonable. Phone 1581m. heated. HOUSE--Brick, 7 rooms, furnished: Possession September 1st; garage. Ap- ly 106 Victoria Street, near Earl St. HOUSES--Several to rent from $15.00 to| -- $27.00 per month; Cherry Street; two apartments on Sixth Street, all im- provements; seven roomed house on Bixth Street, all improvements and furnace; one seven roomed house on Charles Street. Apply H. ¥F. Norman, 89 Patrick Street. HOUSE--At once, new, seven rooms, with large lot and barn on North Ai- fred. Apply J. D. Boyd, Eastview Park. Phone 1102 R4. 5 BIRCH AVENUE---S8ix rooms, hard- wood foors, electric light, gas for cooking; all conveniences Posses- sion September 1st. Avenue. i Spend Some Time And Save Some Dollars. 'Read This Section Regularly! White's | | 5 ___Real Estate For Sale. Mouses For Sale tpt ee eee FRAME HOUSE--S$ rooms, bath, W.C separate, cellar, verandah, elec tr ; Wired for stove, and 3 lots; G eck tom street car; cheap for cash to quic uyer Apply oor Elm and Alfred Streets. bp.y Sormmt ------io------------ Solid brick, barn and hen house § Double frame, centrally located. . Brick houSe and barn .. Frame iouse and garage . Double urick, 2 blocks from Prine Coss. llents for $60 month ....$7 Brick house, south side Brick house, south side Arick t house, Victoria Street ..,.$8 We have houses In all parts of oj Come in and we will arrange ter to sil purchaser. - M. B. TRUMPOUR 237 Bagot Street. Phones 704 or 1542F. et on eee 3.500 3 | $3200.00-- Barrie Street, solid brick. | $4500.00 -- | } | $7500.00 i | | Queen's | Apply to 5 Birch 104 BAGOT STREET - -- Comfortable brick house, near City Park Apply King & Smythe, 71-73 Clare nce Street, Kingston" Ont. / Bummer Places For Ren 80 pa itescea as. | BUNGALOW----TFurnished, at once; a 4+ roomed house; aisv & 5 and 7 roomed house, for August ist. Apply J Boyd, Eastview ark. Phoue 1102 Wanted---1T'v Reut SPINET DESKS--20% reduction on Rusewood Spinet Desks. esses' An- tique Shep, H07-Princesg-Street. Phone 1045w. STOVES--Lawrenson's for Good Cheer Square Quebec Stoves and Heaters, Economy Ready Mixed Paints and Var- nishes. 387 Princess Street. Phone #39w,, opposite Urdnge Hall STOVE--Happy Thought, No. 94, with waterfront; in first class condition. Bargain for quick sale. Apply 27 Col- borne Street. SAXAPHONE--C. melody, silver plated. Apply A. E. Hunt, Princess Street. UE BLELEg-- Perfectly balanced---first class instruments. Just the thing for camp. From 33.00 up. Elder's. CLASSIFIED ADS! profit! Read them and ! WOoOD--Mixed, $3.25 quarter cord; new and second hand lumber, matched lum- ber, cedar posts; soft slabs, $2.50 quar- ter cord; mixed slabs, $7.25. WwW. H. Talbot. Yard: Concession street, near Division. Phone 3303w. WOOD--Two carloads of dry maple, beech and bireh wood, cut in ocord- wood. Thomas Murphy, R. R. No. 2, Tamweath, Ont. WOOD AND COKE--New yard at 290 Wellington, corner Ordnance, dry mixed cordwood, sawed, gp'it and de- livered, $2.50; 1-8 cord, fu. measure. Hard Coal Coke from city gas works, $10.00 ton up to September, Cinders, $1.00. Load Clinkers 0c. W. C. Bru- ton. Phone 2440w. Wanted---To Buy oo OLD GOLD----Sllver, or False Teeth, for cash or exchange. G. W. Lyons, 244 Princess street, Kingston, - Help~--Male or F 34 SPARKS & SPARKS -- Di 159 Wellington street, corner of Brock Phone 346. ENAPP--Dr. A. E, Dentist. Office: 268 Princess Street. Phone 653w. Open evenings by appointment. Legal 28e. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunningham, K.O.; Cyril M. Smith. DAY AND REVELLE-Barristers and solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, Kin ston. A. E. Day, Adrian I. Revelle Money to loan. Phone 205. SHEA--Ambrose, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor. Law Office, "Saher of Kin and Brock, over Royal Mone to loan. Phone 1999. 2X Osteopathy = 28g. OSTEOPATHY--A. T. Still graduates. Drs. Robert and Edna .Ashcroft, 204 King Street. Phone 447 for appoint- ment. WHEN YOU write a classified ad, 'put in it all the facts you would oii to any one Who made inquiry about your proposition. COUNT that day lost whose low descending sun sees you neglecting ORGANIST---And choir leader,.at once, for Princess Street Methodist church. Apply 'Box 8-16, Whig Office. Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 385 SALES AGENT---Rellable, for unrepre- sented districts. Good pay, free equip- ment. We are the largest growers of fruit and ornamental trees in Canada. Sell for a Nursery, not for a jobber. You will be successful. Write: ham Nursery Co., Toronto. Teachers Wanted TEACHER--Protéstant, holding a third class ificate, for 8. 8. No. 16. Salary $00.00. Duties to commence - Sept. th, Apply to Mrs. Frank on, R. R. 2, Tamworth. 35a TEACHER-- Echo Lake, brooke, $600 Leoa, Qualified, Protestant, for 8 B. No. 10, Hinchin- Sen," Soy. Me um. y H. Mec- lake P. O. y 2 8. 8. No. 10. County TEACHER--For a all O'Donnell, 1 Addi Salary $600. Address Hugh Sec.-Treas., Flinton, Ont. EVERY individual has something he doesn't want and wants something he doesn't héive.. The classified ads strgighten out difficulties QUEBEC HEATER---With oven, with or without warming closet. Give price and full particulars. Apply Box W-21, Whig Oftice. Rooms For Rent Rooms With Board 67 BOARD AND ROOMS---First class, by day or week. All conveniences. Rea- sonable rates. Apply 298 University Avenue, near Brock Street. ROOMS---Warm, good board, reason- able rates: close to the down-town busi section. Mrs. Todd, 114 John- son street. ROOM--For select guests at Bostwich Island Farm. Apply Mrs. Julia Tur- cotte, Bostwigh lsiand Farm, Ganano- que. ROOMS -- Furnished, large bedroom, comfortably furnished, suitable fo two. Also table board. Apply 19 k Street. Phone §3m. ES SIs Rooms Without Board os ROOM--Furnished, in nice part of city, centrally located, every convenience. uitable for one or two gentlemen. "or further particulars apply 260 King Street, city. FORTUNE favors the classified ad. APARTMENT OR FLAT- ished --orunfurnished; Tequized for married couple. Occupancy Uctober lst. P. O. Box 113. -- Real Estate For Sale. Farms and Land For Sale 83 FARM---90% acres, north side of Howe Island; easy terms. Apply Quinn, Route 1, Howe Island. Small, furn- 147 ACRES-- Buildings in good condi- tions; 80 acres under cultivation; con- venient to school and cheese factory. Well watered. § miles from Kingston. Apply C. ©. Martin, Westbrooke, Ont. 136 ACRES--3 miles fram Kingston on Bath Road; clay loam soil; an barn; sllo, Stolle house. All modern conveni- ences. "or particulars apply Ar- thur Wartman, R. M, D. io ¥ Sorts mouth. 2308 ACRES--Lots 21, 22, 23, in 8th Con- cession, good dairy and stock farm, good stables, nice lake on farm. Ap- ply Box T-16, Whig Office. Houses For Sale 84 E. W. MULLIN & SON, Real Estate and Insurance Brokers, Jolinson and Division Sts. Fhone 538W. See advt. Page 2. HOUSE---Solid brick, seven rooms; all conveniences; hot water heating. Ap- ply on the premises, at 187 University Avenue. Phone 564J. HOUSE--One of the best built houses in the city. Large lot. Fruit and ali improvements. Apply personally, at 857 Johnson Street. BUNGALOW---4 rooms, 2 piece bath, summer kitchen, electric lights, hot air furnace. Apply 12 Markland St To-Day's Blunder Corrected (See Illustration on Page 10.) When lifting a heavy object the knees should be bent. In this way the strain on the muscles is more evenly distributed. When the knuves are held stiff, all the weig%t and strain is carried by the muscles in the back. iD. R 4. | | | | D. Pj } | | $3300.00 -- Luiversity Avenue, brick, all iupruvements. lingwood street, all im» provements, harawood floors, hot was tel' healing. 80 University Avenue, solid brick, very modern. : $6500.00 -- Clergy Street West, a real guud home, $4000.0u--Jounson Street, solid brick, 19 Founie, a.l improvements. Several vtucrs in all localities. H, B. WILSON, / Real kistate and Insurance 316 Barrie sireet Phone 1088, SEE--Bateman's large Real 'Estate ads vertisement, page 4 column 1. ROOMS FOR RENT -------- RT AND IENCE "THE, ECHO" FURNISHED ROOMS MRS. LD, J. FITZGIBB Phone 2081m. 187 BROCK STREET FOR HOME COM FO CONVEN ta tisdale . HOTELS Lakeview House Corner Queen and Ontario Sts UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. First-class roms and meals. Good yards and stables. Special rates to Marine Men, Po M.-DRISCOkly Proprieto ¥ BUSINESS SAMVICH ~ W. Kent Macnee Bank of Commerce Buildin and King Streets. ne 7 FB General Insufance A Writing:--~Automobile, dent, Sickness, Plate Glas etc, Representing caly reli s. pane bie coma] FURNITURE Of All Descriptions at Reasons able Prices n BTOVES Well repaired. at a rgiht oriea J. Turk's PHONE 705. ARTICLES FOR SALE Lite Boats, Rowing Skiffs, small Knock-about Boats, Gas- oline Engines, Evinrude Stern : Motors, small Pumping Units. Also the place to get machin- ery repaired and oxy-acetylene welding and carbon burning. DAVIS DRY DOCK (0. Foot of Wellington Street We expect to take care season. L. What We Have Been Doing-- Since April 1st we have taken orders for Anthracite coal and filled them as quickly as possible. What We Are Doing Now-- Still taking orders aid guaranteeing delivery. What We Expect To Do-- fn of all orders received throughout James Swift & Co., Limited ' Foot of Johnson Street : BY GEORGE Mc\ ILL GO SEE BEFORE HE CALLS TONIGHT- WHEN YOU TOLD Hiv HE SAID HED BE HERE TONIGHT AT

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