Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Aug 1923, p. 5

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TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, Sm-- roe 1928 i eH | FROST'S CITY STORAGE Now has vacant two clean, dry, + private rooms. (Your own lock and key.) PHONE 526. 200.805 QUEEN 'STREET, em "PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing "ana Player Piano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. PHONE 1819w. - Flies, Fleas, Bugs and Beetles Don't lose the "battle with the in- sects." = Let us supply your "ammunition No "duds" among these! Sappho-Puffer packages ....,...15e. Keating's Powder....10e. and 25¢. Wilson's Poison Pads ..10e. pkg. Fly-S8an and Fly-Fox Tanglefoot, 2 double sheets, 10e. Sticky-Colls .2 for Se. "Kreso," the handy disinfectant and wash bottles, 25c. and up. International "Fly-Way" for your stock--quarts and gallons at very special low prices. « Useful Sprayers ....75e. and $1.00. Fly Swatters 0c. TELEPHONE 2018. PRINCESS PHARMACY The Convenient, Dependable Up-town Drug Store "Where Princess and Division Cross" fore Kenslugton Avenue--9 rooms, aif con veniences. Price oa npplieation at of-| fice. Possession October 13th. Division Street--Flat of three rooms, $45 per month, includes heat and elee- trie light. Possession Sept. ist. General insurance. Bonds bought snd sold. R. H. Waddell Phones 326-596. 56 Brock St. DR. A.W, WINNETT 'DENTAL SURGEON. Corner of Johnsou and Wellington Streets Phone 363 ASK FOR BELI'S CUCUMBER CREAM (Chapped Hands, etc.) Use Use It Always All Ways. } To Let, Furnished An = Miss Boissineau Tells How Cuticura Healed Pimples " About three years ago I was bothered with pimples on my face. The pimples were hard and small and festered, 4, and my face was disfig~ J ured for a while. They oftentimes caused me to le awake hours at a time as the irritation was so great. "1 tried different remedies but without any relief. I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment and after the first application I could see an improvement. I continued usi them and was completely healed after using three cakes of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Oint- ment." (Signed) Miss Rose Bois- sineau, 12 Bellevue Ave,/ Saulte Ste. Marie, Ont. Give Cuticura Soap, Ointment and 'Talcum the care of your skin. SRI RT fete ne Zhe. Ointment 2 and bbe, Taleom Ba. shaves without mug. -- For Moving of s oT GHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF Kingston Transfer Co. an Nao aT. Kvenings 2231. Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S., D.D.S, Wellington and Brock Streets. Entrance, 138 Wellington St, Evening by appolutment. PHONE 679 WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington Street. Fresh Flowers and Planta daily. Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order, Phone 1768. _ § Residence, 1187. $8,000 | verandah, electric light and gas, hot Somes to us it is supposed be clean. We pay clean Sash but we take no chances. Ve screen carefully our selves. We make sure that no customer of ours gets dirt, slate BOOTH & CO. ! "Phone 188. Grove Inn Yards FOR SA LE uart $6,500 Street, 11 rooms, 7 bedrooms, 3 p. B., sep- arate toilet, good cellar, verandah, electric light and gas, hot air and hot water heating, fireplaces. First Class Rooming House $7 500 Solid brick house on ) Centre St.,, 10 rooms 4 bedrooms, 3 p. B., 'good cellar, verandah, electric light and hot water heating, two fireplaces, hardwood floors in two parlors, gar- den: Stone house, 12 rdoms, $7 500 9 bedrooms, two bath- ' rooms and separate toilet. Good cellar, gas. hot water heating, two fireplaces, hardwood floors in living and dining room. Well established room and boarding house. Solid brick, 6 room house, 3 bedrooms, 3 p. B., first class cellar, water heating, fireplace, hardwood floors, garden. Solid brick, 11 room $16,000 Foner oicer two three piece bathrooms, one separate toilet, splen- did cellar with stationary tubs, elec- : tric light.and gas, hot water heating, two fireplaces, hardwood floors down- stairs and in upstairs hall. Electric heater for bath, verandah, garage, garden. E. L. MARTIN 111% Brock Street. Residence MRS. DAVIS NERVOUS WRECK | TellsWomenHow She Was Restored to Perfect Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Winnipeg, Man.--"I cannot speak too of what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound has done for fl iit § 2 if ; | i ood ope ge58 £ i Big © ki E : £ § a i ] g 8 58% ji gs ; { i € i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG KINGSTON axp VICINITY { Improving in Health. | Mrs. C. Peterson, 40 John street, | who wae very ill, is improving splen- ididly at the Hotel Dieu. | Fishing Reported Good. | The fishing is reported to be very | good in Battersea Lake this summer. | Several local sportsmen have met | 'with splendid success there recently. Praying for Rain. {+ Prayers for rain are still being | made in the churches. The congre- | gations join heartily in the petitions. | Good results came on Monday af- | ternoon'" | Order Now. | We are showing the finest range of | Men's Suitings ever carried, and our {prices are the lowest. Suits made | to measure from $32.50 to §40.00.-- | Prevost, Brock Street, | | i Cobden's Tax Late. | Cobden Council has set the local | tax Jevy at 47 mills, as follows: Mu- {nicipal rate 10; school rate, 17; | school debentures 1; memorial hall | 5; county rate 12; local improve- | ment 2. Increased Tourist Traffic. Evidently old Kingston has its at- { tractions after all. During the sum- | mer ample proof has been establish- {ed by the greatly increased tourist | traffic from ll parts of the Domin- | ion and the United States. Entered Into Partnership. nN | Willam W. Kelley, prominently | identified in legal circles in Water- town, N. Y,, for nearly a quarter of a century, and Fred A. Grant, Cape Vincent, N. Y., have entered into a law partnership in Watertown, NY > -------- Caught Unprotected, The rain shower on Monday af- ternoon came on very suddenly and many citizens were caught unprotect- ed on the streets. The dry summer has allowed the majority of people 'to forget that there are such neces- sities as umbrellas and rubbers. % The First Occurring Here. According to a well-known tarmer who resides near Collins' Lake, the tragic accidont to, the four Kingston young people on Sunday afternoon was the first drowning fatality that had ever occurred there. The lake used to be 3 famous fishing grounds. Fine Church Lawn. FPassersby comment most favorab- ly on the grass plots around Chal- 'mers' Presbyterian church. Despite 'the continual sun on this open space, the grass is pure green and velvety. 'The vines on the church walls give the edifice a pretty appearance from Barrie street. Poor Harvest Outlook. Even the little "dabe' of rain are appreciated by the farmers and gar- deners of the district. A short mo- 'tor drive through the surrounding county would convince even the un- initiated of the poor outlook for a bountiful harvest this year. ---------- A Sorry Looking Lot. grounds committee?" asked a citi- zen as he passed by the university- owned lot at the corner of University avenue and Alice street yesterday. This lot once had the old Gordon street school on ft, but now it is covered with high-grown weeds and rank grass. It is a sorry spectacle. Small Church Attendance. There is a marked dropping oif in church attendance these days. There are many who are taking ho- Jidays, the same as the dlergy are. The gol links, the auto cars, the steamboat trips and week-end wvisit- ing are all lures that depopulate the churches. Cheese Board 'Sales. Watertown, N. Y., 5,900 at 23 %¢. Gouverneur, N. Y. 3,666 al 23%e¢. t Belleville, 1,455 at 2034c. Vankleek Hill, 1,012 at 20 1-2¢. Cornwall, 2,135 at 20 3-Sc. Stirling, 295 at 20 1-2c. Campbellford, 757 at 20 7-Se. St. Hyacinthe, Que., 570 at 19 5-8c. Drought at Amberst Island. There has beem no rain at Ame herst Island since June and all farm to the chimney. "Where is the Queen's university | Mrs. Hitchman was stunned and some parts of her body slightly paralyzed, and she had no use of her hands. She is now regain- ing use of her limbs, and it is ex- pected will soon be fully recovered. Will Supervise the Work The building commitice of the Campbellford Board of Education, acting on authority given thew by resolution of the board, have ap- pointed John Nancarrow to supervise the construction of the new high school. Mr. Nancarrow is one of the most experienced builders in Camp- bellford and is' familiar with all branches of construction, brick, iron and carpenter work. His ap- pointment means that everything will be 1n accord with the specifica- tion. Should Modify Terms. The Gananoque Reporter says. The Kingston Rotarians cleared $50 on the recent Chautauqua entertain: ment which they brought to the city. That is a different, tale than told by most places which have had these entertainments. In Gananoque and other places in this part of the pro- vince there was a succession of ius- ses which led to the final abandon- ment of effort to secure the Chau- tauqua. The truth is that the Chau- ltauqua people stipulate ¢orditions that are unreasonable and unfair. They provide always something C MOTHER! Castor Oil, SNA NAN Constipation Flatulency; Diarrhea ASTOR NEEL RRRR RAS worth while and above the ordinary, but if they are to continue in busin: €ss Lhey must modify their terms. Many persons object to paying twice even for a good thing. Engagements Announced. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Reid, West- meath, Ont.. announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Jean, to Dr. W. Lorne Higginson, Cobden, Ont. The marriage to take place ear- ly in September. Mrs. Annie K. Anger, Toronto, an- nounces the engagement of her youngest daughter, Annie Walkins, to Dr. Aubrey O. Derbyshire, Toron- to, son of Mrs. Sarah Derbyshife, Westport, the marriage to take place the early part of September. Northern City Sets Forth Beauties. The Whig is in receipt of a very fine little circular setting forth the beauties and advantages of North Bay, Ontario, "Tae Gateway of the North," which has been published and distributed by the Board of Trade of thai city. North Bay is a city of 12,500 with very healthful climatic conditions, fine tramsporta- tion facilities and many attractions for the tourist and sportsman. Ii is evidently awake to its opportuni- ties and the booklet is a credit to its Board of Trade. No man can safely solate himself either intellectually or in practical matters, 4 2 4 ' ARERR 0 Fletcher's Castoria is a harmless Substitute for ric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, prepared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels Aids in the assimilation of Food, promoting Cheerfulness, Rest, and Natural Sleep without Opiates To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of 7 L Proven directions on each package, Physicians everywhere recomifiend it, Pout Tider: J. L. 159 WELLINGTON RAWBON & SON ST., KINGSTON, ONT. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, PHONE p46sW, on a costly piece of machinery or steel, by means of our oxy-acetylene process of welding, often results in the saving of the machine. You know what this means. By paying us a fraction of the cost of new parts, you can restore your machinery to its original usefulness and value. "Bishop Machine Shop 1 Packing, Valves, for your work. a : = ---- --_-- 2 THRESHERS SUPPLIES Threshers will do well to get our prices when filling out for harvest. We carry a complete stock of Rubber Belting from 1 inch to 7 inches, Belt Lacing, Oils, Greases, and everything necessary Lemmon & Sons Ki ¥ when properly laid, have a very long life. Certain manufacturers claim that they will last for fifty years, under favorable con- ditions. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1418 ; | The British Whig Publishing Co. Ltd. has a Department specially equipped to execute all classes of " joB First-class service and fair prices, 806-8-10 KING STREET, KINGSTON, Ont. NOTICE GOURDIER'S have removed to 86 PRINCESS STREET, next to Bibby's, Limited, while alterations are being made to Brock Street store. GOURDIER'S 78-80 Brock Street PHONE 243. hen TWEDDELL'S - For the Best Values in Young Men's Suits $20.00, $25.00, $28.00, $32.00, $35.00, SEE OUR SPORT MODEL SUITS At $25.00 TWEDDELL'S Clothing House -y Just received two cases of fine Scotch All Wool 'Blankets from Scotland. These Blankets are made of the finest grade of wool, thor- oughly scoured and shrunk, and are all whipped separately. Made in 4 sizes, If you are considering buying Blankets it will pay you to see these. 'W. N. Linton & Co. The Walden Sr. -- \ &

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