Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Aug 1923, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG EMBER FOR LENNOX DIES] = INTHE GENERAL HOSPTAL pow in business in Montreal. His | youngest daughter, Miss Josephine | is at home. { GANANOQUE, In religion the doctor was a cons Lu i sistent member of the Church of | Aug. 21. -- What might have veen | PUBLICATION DAY, ALC. 7 t England in Canada; in politics he | a serious fire was averted at the for | { has always been a staunch Liberai. { home of Mrs. Charles Griffin yestcr- : : Dr. J. P. Vrqoman, Napanee, He was a prominent member of the | day morning by the timely assis- Il a Week--Thirty-8ix | Masonic order; also of the Inde-|tance of neighbors. The chimtey y ; pendent Order of Oddfellows. Pos- | tock fire and the blaze spread to the Years in Practice. | sibly he was a member of other fra- | 100f, and as there was a stiff breeze ternal societies of which the writer | blowing it required quick work on Is not aware. °° the part of tive volunteers to get it He believed in the encouragement | out. As 4t is, there will probably of industries in his home town and | be about $50 to $75 damage, which was president of the- Napanee Irom |is fully covered by insurance. No Works, Limited, untll the time of | fire alarm was seat in. his death. Before the Seymour Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cleary, Ro- Power Company and later the (chester, N. Y., are visiting the lat- Hydro-Commission had the supply-{ter's brother, Frank Tapping. : ing of electric energy to this town, Edwin Warren, Syracuse, N.Y. the town owned an electric. plant | joined Mrs. Warren here on Saturday of its own which was successfully | and is the guest of Mr. and Mws operated and that success was large- | D. J. Gordon, Princess-street. ly due to Dr. Vrooman's advice, en- i'rofessor and Mrs. Arfhibald | ergy and influence. The doctor was | MacMechan, Halifax, are expected to an active and useful member of the | arrive today to be Lhe guests ope Ontario Medical Council. and Mrs. W. T. Sampson at r : Dr. Vrooman was a member of summer home, "The Nest." $5.00. Clearing ak oa $2.95 the provincial parliament of On- Wilfrid Leverette, Brockville, tario, having been elected .at the | spent Sunday in Gananoque. { election on June 25th last, by a| Miss Maude Abernethy, Kingston, | Our AUGUST SALE large majority. Probably he polled [representing the Motbess-..RensionH i the largest vote ever secured by a | Fund, is fin town. . tinues and offers you many good bar- Liberal candidate in this riding. Un- Miss Tena Bedard, matron of the | fortunately his wisdom and energy | Eastern hospital, Brockville, is in are lost to the province. town on a thrge weeks' vacation with The funeral will be under the aus- | her brother, Wiliam Bedard. pices of the Masonic order. On| Mrs. William Kenniston and son, Wednesday afternoon, at 2:30 o~ |irvine, are visiting friends in Cha- clock, services will be held in the jtham, Windsor and Detroit. Church of St. Mary Magdalene, the Miss Dot Heffernan spent the week officiating clergy being the Vicar |end with friends in Kingston. Rev. J. H. H. Coleman, 'M.A.,| Miss Ethel Bradley, R.N., New and Rev. W. E. Kidd, St. George's | York, who has been visiting friends | Cathedral, Kingston. here, left yesterday for !'Sharbott Lake to visit her brother William | Napanee, Aug 21.--The sad news ! of the passing of Dr. J. P. Vroo- /man, M.P.P., at the Kingston Gen- | eral Hospital, was received in town shortly before noon, yesterday, and ihe town and surrounding country | are sincerely mourning the loss ot one of the biggest men who ever { lived in this community. He was | physically a big man, but he was | bigger in heart, in moral fibre, in | good deeds, in generous and chari- | table impulses which he carried to their logical conclusion. He was ad to all and his good works will .ive long after him, particularly in the memory of those who benefit- ed from his rare professional skill during times of sickness and suf- fering and who were helped over the dark places by his cheerful words and kindly manner. The doctor had bgen in his usualy health, apparently, until a couple of weeks ago, when symptoms oc- curred of internal trouble which necessitated an operation. He was taken to the KMugslon General Hos- pital where he was successfully op- erated upon on: Friday and was do- ing well until Saturday morning when pneumonia set in, which was the immediate cause of his death, on Monday morning, at 11.30 o'clock. | He retained consciousness until a few hours before. the end. He slept peacefully away. Sincere sympathy is extended by all to the | widow and family in thelr bereave- | ment. The flags on the post office, arm- ouries, and town hall are flying at half-mast as a symbol of respect to 95 Ladies' Patent Strap Shoes in seven different styles -- regular $4.50 and GENE STRATTON PORTER Author of Freckles, Laddies--whose novels and nature books have been so popular at:-- R. Uglow & Co. ~- still con- gains--every pair of Shoes on sale at 20% to 30% discount. IMPORTED LUSTRE CHINA Inexpensive and very ai- tractive in Buff, Blue and Green shades, with heautiful 'Opalescent lining. We have an exquisite 21 piece Tea Set at $25.00. Efficiency from eye strain YES, there is a tremendous amount of it. It is found everywhere--in offices, fac- tories, schools and stores. If the Optometrist can by supplying glasses to these patients increase their phy- sical welfare and their ef- ficiency surely the Optome- trist is rendering a worth. while service. We are doing that every business day in the year. W. D. GRAHAM, R.. Successor to 1 Abernethy's Shoe Store - r------ ern stpge--_-- el and his family at their summer home | ¢ | there. ™ ~ t Joseph Sophie. who has been visit- | in PRODUCE MARKETS. od Rochester, returned | ing friends g 1 e today. T to, Aug: 21. ~= home > . roe ro 24c¢ , Miss Jean Felow bas relurned ens, 22 . : : : Chickens, 30¢ to 3dc. home after a visit with friends in Also Honey Jars, Spoon Trays, Bon Bons, © Olive Dishes, Mayonnaise Dishes Buffalo. Dr. Waugh DENTIST 106 Wellington St. i sa and Whipped Cream Dishes, and priced from $1.50 to $2.50. Kinnear & d'Esterre Jewelers PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON Drs. Nash & Renton DENTISTS 783 PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON OFFICE HOURS: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. = Dr. Vincent A. Martin DENTIST by 272 Princess Street. Phone 2045w, W. F. Nelson, a well known Peter- boro busincss man dropped dead in one who in every way proved him- self a good citizen. i John Perry Vrooman was born at Centrevilfé; Ont., on February 25th, 1859, and was the eldest of five children born to William Vrooman and his wife, Mary Jane Ham. He received the rudiments of his ed- ucation at the Centreville public school, passing srom there to the Napanee High School. Leaving the latter institution he entered the To. ronto University and in 1887 grad. uated at the Toronto School af Med- icine. He practiced his Protession first at Tamworth, where he re. mained one year. Then he moved to Yarker where he built up a large and lucrative practice and laid the foundations of very many friend- ships throughout the county of I and Addington, which exis: until this day. He left Yarker for Napanee in 1896, and his fame hav- ing preceded him, he Wad no diffi- culty in acquiring the largest prac- tice, perhaps, ever held by any med- bay to 46c¢. Turkeys, 20c to 25c. Steers, $ to $7.75. Cattle, $6.75 (0 $7.25. Lambs, $11 to $11.25. Manitoba wheat, No.1 ports, $1.23. Manitoba oats, No. 2 C.W,, novac. {| & norihern, Manitoba oats, No. 3 C.W.,, 5lc. Ontario wheat, nominal. Ontario oats, No. Z., white, 44c | Hay: No. 2 track, Toronto, $15 por ton. No. 3, $i3 to $15 per ton. Mixed, $12.50 to $13.50. Lower-gradig 8. : Dairy and produce: Wholesale io retail trade. Eggs: Firsts, 30c to 3le. Extras, 35c¢ to 36c, Cartons, 37c¢ to 38c. Eggs, delivered Toronto, Extras, 20c¢ to 30c. Firsts, 26¢ to 27c. Seconds, 13c to 20c. Splits, 18¢ to 20e. Butter, to retail trade: a ! Pa., are the guests of Mr. and Mirs James K. Lattimore. Wheel Company, staff, has left for ¢ Montreal. of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Cummings Seuth street, town on Sunday. C the trip to Toronto and other points. | the guest of -Mr.-and Mrs. Ernest Hudson for a few days. says: The funeral of Mrs. Jokn F. Walker, formerly of Kingston, took Mr.and Mis. Sawyer, Philadelphia Every Day is Bargain Day at Home of Good values. Miss Clara Allen, of the Ontario few weoeks' visit with friends in R. Steele and Miss Eertha are the gucsts Mrs. ummings, Ottawa, James Mcleod, Kingston, was in ~iss Alice Felow, of the Steel ompany of Canada, motored as far $s Prescott' with Mr. and Mrs. W Jdoyd, Winchester, apd will take steamer Kingston there ior _a Miss Emma Orser, Montreal. is The Late Mrs. J. I". Walker. The Ottawa Journal of Monday Bargains Displayed Daily. structed with the new, oblong tables at Special Prices, JAMES REID Phone 147 for Kingston's Largest Home Furnishers his office. place this morning at eight o'clock from 52 Laurier avenupd cast, to St. Joseph's church, where a high mass of requiem was chanted iy Rev. B. J. Cornell, O. M. I., from whence the funeral cortege proceeded to Notre Dame cometery whers inter- ment took place. The chief mourners were: her husband, John P. Walker, " her brother, D. P. Branigan, King- ston; and a nephew, W. P. Hartly, Ot- tawa. Numerous spiritual and floral offerings bore mute testimon; to the esteem and affection held by the many friends and acquaintances o? the date Mrs. Walker both in Ottawa and Kingston. Among the floral tributes to her memory was a mag- nificent wreath from the staff and personnel of the Accounts Rranca of the Department of National! De- fence of which hes husband is a member, ical man in this section of the coun- try. The sisters and brother of the deceased are Miss Minnie Vrooman who died at Napanee three years ago; the survivors being Mrs. Ella Wagar, widow of the late Dr. Nel- son Wagar, Napanee; Norman B. Vrooman, postmaster, Walkerville; and Mrs. T. M. Barry, Toronto. Dr. Vrooman, in 1891, married Rose Catherall, daughter of the late John D. Ham, Newburgh. They haa |' three children the eldest being Mary, who died. in England over a year ago, and who was the wife ot Captain Miles Miller, London, Eng- land, formerly of Napanee. His son, Percy, some time ago had to re- sign his Captainey in the Indian army on account of ill health. He » GAS--X RAY. Creamery, exira fancy, 36c to 37c. Creamery, No. 1, 35c¢ to 3dc. No. 2, 34¢c to 35c. Dairy, 28c¢ to 30c. Delivered, creamery extra solids, 30¢ to 30 1-2c. Solids, No. 1, 29 1-2¢ to 30c. Solids No. 28 1-2¢ to 29c. Dairy prints, 20¢ to 22¢. Cheese, large per pound new, 21¢ 32¢. Stiiton, 23 1-2¢ to 24c. ------------ Tetal sales of ccment in Canada during 1922 reached 6,943,9(2 bar- rels, exceeding the previous year's total sales by 1,191,057 barrals George Thomas Goad, Amherst N.8., Las been appclinted 2ing warden of the maritime provinces peni'iutiary ai Dorchester, N.1. ~ iancy BEFORE BUYING A NEW - Dinner Set It will be to your advantage to see our Open Stock Patterns of Johnson Bros., highest grade English Dinner- ware. If you buy from open stock you can get the pieces you need, and re- place at any time. 2 to % CUMULATIVE PREFERRED STOCK We offer the above stock as, if and when issued Price 99, Carrying 25% Bonus Common Stock JOHNSTON ~»WARD Bibby's Block, Princess 8t., Kingston. -- Dr. W. O..Vrooman DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Princess and Barrie Streets. Entrance: 314 Barrie Street. PHONE 2404). Office Hours: 8.30 a.m. to 8 p.m. English farmer claims Ca cattle being fed at a loss in old country, Four goals scored im tue final Guarier against Shamrocks gave Cornwall the 1923 championship of | the Eastern Canada Lacics'¢ Asso Two members of wheat pool come= ciation. mittee in Alberta resign. a ~ - We have complete 97 piece sets from *20.00 up "COME IN AND LOOK AROUND" ROBERTSON'S Limited 73 Princess St. <By lincle Ray Chapter 117--The Wooden Horse jans argued whether or not the wood- The Greeks finally decided it was = horse Should be brought within the of little 'use to try to capture Troy by | Walls of the city. : a Then appeared on the force, so they devised a shrewd trick. priest, Laocoon. He said: It was suggested by Odysseus, 3 wise| «Fave nothing to do with anything and godlike leader (often called Ulys- | the Greeks have made. Let the horse ses). alone." The Greeks pretended they had giv-| It is likely this advice .would have en up hope, Some of their ships sailed | been followed if two giant serpents away, but only to a nearby island. A | had not come and wound their coils huge wooden horse was built (being | around the priest and his two sons, left hollow in the central part), and [strangling them to death. the Trojans were told that it was to| This seems to the Trojans a proof be a sacrifice to the gods. that the gods were angry. They de- When the remaining Greeks seem- cided t6 admit the horse, and it was ed on the point of leaving, the Tro-|drawn into Troy. scéne the Ning | Summer Novelties . INFOOT WEAR v" Fashion decrees SANDALS Tor present wear. This creation adds distinctiveness to the most carefully chosen sporting attire, | and is the ideal shoe for all oyt-door Sport White K hea Sandal .. $6.00 C a ut | ene: $5.00 a rR reat starr

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