. ; f WEDNESDAY, AuGUST 22, 1923 THE, DAILY BRITISH WHIG w Americans. |" Latest | LOCAL | * BABE RUTH'S BAT MAY GO TO COURT Legal Action Probably Wii| Follow Johnson's Refusal to Approve Bambino's Stick Another storm is brewing in the American League between President | Ban Johnston and the New York | Yankees. { It promises to be as serious as the | Carl Mays dispute, which Was carriec™ into the courts and almost disrupted | the American League. | Babe Ruth se the central figure in | the impending row. His new bag, | "Betsy Bingle," is the cause of the | dispute that nmiay cause Owner Rup- | Port to Zo as far as he did in the | Mays case in order to prevent Fresi- dent Johnson's interference. John- son has ruled that Ruth cannot use | the bat. | On July 2nd Ruth discarded his | old style bat and started to use a new type, the invention of Sam C rawford, former star outfielder of the Detroit | Kuth had been in a slump at the time. With the new | bat he started on a batting spree that | has brought his home run total to 29 and his average close to the .400 | mark. Crawford's bat, which has been | named "Betsy Bingle," is construct- ed of four sections of the very vest] uckle SPORTIN selected wood, so that it is uniform throughout and can be held in any manner by the batsman without pay- ing any attention to the grain of the wood. Tlie four sections are glued together. Ho cleverly are the bats made tbat it is impossible to deter- mine where the sections are joined, Some idea of the care and expense of the construction of the bat can be gleaned from the fact chat the new bat retails for $8, while the ordinary bat used by big league players costs only $2. There i& much more drive to the new bat because of its unusual | construction: After permitting Ruth to use the bat for six weeks, President Johnson has pronounced it illegal. In a letter to Manager Huggins, of the New Yoik Yankees, Johnson Bays: "The special bat George Ruth is now using does not conform to the regulations prescribed by thie rules and must be discarded at once. The American League umpires have been instructed to stop Ruth from using this new bat, which 1 understand is the invention of Sam Crawford." Owner Ruppert, Manager Huggins and Babe Rut are up in the air over the ruling. Manager Huggins in- sists that Johnson is in error and will be forced to reverse his ruling when the facts in the case are properly pre- sented. Owner Ruppert says he is back of Huggins in any stand kis manager decides to take. Ruth is Sore and doesn't make any attempt to conceal his feelings, The ban on Ruth using his new style bat came at a time when he was within a fraction of a point of catch- ing the lcague leadership in batting this yeas. Since that time Ruih has dropped back slightly, "I can see no reason why Johnson should bar the Crawford model bat," says Manager Huggins. "I must dif- { fer (with President Johnson when he ® "Auctioneer Aucitoneer! 9 SERVICE AND SATISFACTION We conduet sales in Kingston an) Frontenac County, E. W. Jackson &Son 108 Clergy Street. Phone 20733 | a po 5 says it does not conform with the rules. "The rules simply state that the bat must be round, entirely of hard- wood and conform to certain dimen- | sions. "The new bat used by Ruth is made of hardwood and is perfectiy round. The rules do net state that the bat must be made out of cne piece of wood. Ruth's bat is not a trick bat, but simply an improvement on the old type. A four-piece bat is much stronger than a one-piece af- fair, ofcourse, has much more driv- ing power. * "I have shipped a bat to resident Johuson for hds inspection, aiso a letter telling my reasons wiy I be- lieve the Ruth bat is perfectly legal I am sure Fresident Johnson will re- verse his rqling by the time we open in the West." Owner Ruppert backs Huggins up in his stand, and says he feols thai Ruih is being discriminated against. He Mas wired President Johnson to that effect in sirong terms. -------- Harold J. ("Pie") Traynor play- ed with Portsmouth, Va., and Birm- Ingham, Ala., before coming to Pittsburg. Johnny Dundee, champion feath- erweight boxer of the world, re- ceived $12 for his first fight. Try it on your plano. comic hit. ONLY THREE CLUBS FOL SENIOR SERIES THIS FALL. With the anmual meeting of the Ontario Rugby Football Union sill three weeks away, ithe executive is already engaged in preparing for the coming season which, it is confideni- ly expected, will be greater than last fall when a record number of teams competed in the four series. While there are rumors of certain clubs ap- plying for a franchise in the senior Series to fill the vacancy caused by the withdrawal of the Ottawa St. Bridgfids, it is hardly Hkély that a fourth circuit will toe the mark and the series will be composed of Paik- dale, who have won the titlé during the last two years, University of To- ronto and Hamditon Rowing Ciub. we KING'S RIDER SUSPENDED. Ingliam, an Apprentice Lad, Assault- cd Jockey Donoghue. 8. Ingham, the young apprentice, who carried tie King's colors to vie- tory in the Royal Hunt Cup. at As- cot last June when he rode a bril- lant race on Weathervane, and who Was recently presented by His Majes- ty with a gold-mounted inscribed whip as a momento of that occasion, Was today suspended by the stew- ards of the jockey club for assauit- ing Stevé Donoghue, England's lead- ing jockey over the flat, in the dros- sing room at the Brigaton course, on August 9. For the encouragement of the American national game, the Mexi- can government has translated base- ball rules into Spanish. A physical director has been sent to the Un- ited States to study the game and qualify himself to supervise\the de- velopment of baseball in the state ot Yucatan. Horseback swimming is the pop- dlar sport at the summer seseion at the University of Wisconsin. The only equipment necessary is ¢ bath- ing suit, a horse and bridie. SOLE LEATHER Insist upon it [1 for repairs. Demand it on your new shoes ever Tanned "THEM DAYS IS GONE FOREVER You not only read it, you sing It. Watch nightly for this big "FOOZLE THIS ON YOUR FIFE.» GENERAL REVIEWS {FROM THE OUTSDEL00KING I, 1 May local fans are very anxious to see just how the Kingston juniors | will look against an outside team but unless Pelerboro pulls a win in| Oshawa they may have to wait another week Unless the team to be met | is a marvel the local Juniors will give a good account of themselves. It may not be generally known that the average age of the Kingston | intermediate champip#s is only a little over nineteen, making them very | near juniors. i all under twenty-four and most of them under | twenty. ; | | This afternoon the championship of the Eastern Group of the C. o.| B. L. is being settled by Peterboro and Belleville at Cobourg. A few! Kingston people had intended to make the trip, or stated so yesterday. Sir Thomas Lipton, the most cheerful sant | about $3,000,000 trying to 1ift the America's Cup, and twenty-three years of effort, says he 'wih try again in 1925 and .will call this fifth contender | Shamrock V. The Irish have been noted as eport®men for long but al great many Englishmen wiil now have to say that 8ir Thomas equals any | of their race in perseverance. Incidentally he told the Ameri ans their cup was no use with nothing to put in it, on this side. loser in the world, who hasg The latest craze in major léague baseball is illegal bats. Ruth was | forced to give up his sectional slugger and now Ken. Williams' is to be| asked to surrender a 'bat 'with a wooden plub in the business end. ! Toronto is making a great stir about the sale of "Red" Wingo to De- | troit for $50,000 while the owner and manager of the Detroit team con- | sistently deny the deal. The rest of the world --is wondering which | parties are a little wrong in the sixteenth storey. | | -- I ) Many rugby men are picking McGill as the team that Queen's must | beat in the intercollegiate rugby this fall What their reasons are Mo | NEWS TIMELY COMMENTS Big Fish Stories are coming in every day. Are you using the right kind of We have the right kind for the fish you want to catch. You can't catch Fish without Tackle. We have -- : RODS, REELS, LINES, SINKERS, FLOATS, SPINNERS, PLUGS. Everything in Tackle. Treadgold Sporting Goods Co 88 PRINCESS ST. PHONE 529. ing something strange going on. Shaughnessy to have two weak years in a row. entians was a wise move--""Shag" knows the value of publicity and hay- not seem to the forthcoming but it is probably because they do not expect | That trip to the Laur-| ---- mm Providing a purse between $200,- 000 and $300,000 is raiged, Jack the ENGLISH DERBY WINNER TO, RACE AMERICA'S BESY At Saratoga Springs, an interest- ing international sporting event--a race between the best three-year- old thoroughbred in America and the best in England--ig being aw ranged. It will be for a purse of between $100,000 and $150,000, winner take all, and will be held probably at Belmont Park within two months. Papyrus, winner of the English Derby, will be shipped to this coun- try in a few weeks. The American horse that will meet him will be chosen after a series of elimination tests. The idea was developed by the Jockey Club in the interest of thoroughbred racing. The Jockey Club in England has approved such a match. The owner of Papyrus, B. Irish, is willing. « &% An effort is'being made to bring Epinard, the best thred-year-old in France, to make it a three-cornerad affair, ] -------- - Lake © Wasn't Enough. An effort) to break all records. for swimming the English Channel will be 'made shortly by a Cleveland swimmey, Carbls A. Walker, who | Dempsey will meet Tom Gibbons in University of Minnesota. The bowl will have a seating capacity of 65,000. | them approved. two weeks ago swam across Erie from' Point Pelee Light, Can- ada, to Lorain, Ohio, a distance of | approximately thirty-two miles in| twenty hours and fifteén mimuses. i Walker has dbtained passports and left for Washington to have He expects to sail irom New York. On arriving " | Dover, he will go Into training for | a week, it is announced. The at- | tempt is being financed by a group of Cleveland business men. ---- The timid never set up a trophy. | a retirn bout in New Orjeans, La. [torium is to be erected this fall at BASEBAL Picton vs. Kingston Intermediates Fair Grounds, Friday, Aug. 24th, 5.30 A successful physician is one who is able to relieve his patients of good fees. A new $2,000,000 stadium-aud!- INTERMEDIATE O.B.A.A, SEMI-FINALS ------ pan. Sharp ADULTS, 35¢; CHILDREN, 15c. CARS FREE. nd ICs a CIGAR 3) & AREAL HAUA (a Fo LOCROTHE 17p Enduring Values THE trade-in price of a 1921 Ford is equal to the trade-in price of other 1921 cars which cost 30to 50% more than the Ford when new. This is proof of the Ford quality "and the guarantee that the purchase of a Ford is an investment as distinguish- ed from an expenditure. E. W. HORNING & SON Ont. + FORD, ONTARIO