Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Aug 1923, p. 4

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THE DAILY ES -- FARMERS #5 and FINANCE A generation ago the banking needs of the - Canadian farmer were fairly simple. But today economic conditions make it advisable for him to co-operate thore and more closely with his Bank. In the Bank of Montreal the il farmers of Canada have con- veniently at their disposal com. plete banking facilities as well as the personal co-operation of ex- i men. Consider our nearest' Branch yowr banking headquarters. Savings Departments in all Branches. BRANCHES IN KINGSTON King and Clarence Streets: P. DU MOULIN, Manager Brock and 'Wellington Streets: H. A. TOFI , Manager Ontario Street: iu R. F. HARVEY, Manager BANK OF MONTREAL Established 'over 100 years Bl |'track, $1.05%. Oats--No. 2 SILVERWARE AND CHINAWARE TO RENT WM. J. ARNIEL Earl and Alfred ARNIEL & raoe 00. HAMBROOK (CATERERS) F .C. HAMBROOK 115 Brock Street Phone 1935w, NO DINNER TOO LARGE--NO LUNCHEON TOO SMALL, MILLERS eo WORM POWDERS » RELIEVE THE RESTLESS CONDITION BROUGHT, ON BY THE PRESENCE OF WORMS ;- . AND RESTORE THE CHILD TO"NORMAL HEALTH. HOT WEATHER HAVE YOUR MEALS AT OUR CAFE DURING THE SUM- MER -- GOOD THINGS SERVED AS YOU LIKE THEM -- PRICES RIGHT. DAINTY CAFE PRINCESS 8ST. OPPOSITE RIBBY'S WE ARE CLEARING OUT ALL OUR STOCK OF White Shoes Secure a pair now of White Pumps or Oxfords with high, low or sport heels. Prices ranging from $1.00 to $6.50 The Sawyer Shoe Store - Phone 159. 184 Princess St. "+ 2 Jee Crean | TE MANE REPORTS GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Toronto. Toronto, . Aug. 21. Manitoba wheat -- No. 1 northern, $1.22. Manitoba oats -- No. § C.W,, dlc; No. 1 feed, 47c. American $1.06. Millfeed-- Delivered, freights, bags included. Bran, per ton, $25 to $26; shorts, per ton, $27 to $29; middlings, $33 to $35; good feed flour, $2.15 to $2.25. Ontario flour -- Ninety per ceat. patent, in jute bags, Montreal, prompt shipment, $4.50 to $4.60; To- ronto basis, $4.40 to $4.50; bulk sea~ board, $4.40. Manitoba fllour -- 1st patents, in cotton sacks," $6.90 per barrei; 2nd patents, $6.85. Hay -- Extra No. 2 timothy, per ton, track, Toronto, $15; No. 3%t- mothy, $13; mixed, $12.50 to $13.50. Straw -- Car lots, per ton, track, Toronto, $9.50. Montreal, Montreal, Aug. 21. -- Corn, Am- erican No. 2, yellow, $1.04. Oats ~ No. 2 C.W., 66 ¢ to 57¢c; No. 3, 52¢c to 62 1-2¢; No. 2-local white, 5lc to 51 1-2¢. Flour, Man. spring wheat patents, first, $6.90; seconds, $6.40; strong bakers, $6.20; Winter patents, choice, $5.76 to $5.35. Rol- led oats, 90-1b. bag, $3 to $3.10. Bran $25 to 326 Shorts, $28 to $29. Mid- dlings, $33 to $34. Hay, No. 2, per ton, car lots, $165. Winnipeg. : Winnipeg, Aug. 21. -- Wheat, No. 1 Northern, $4.13 5-8; No. 2, do., $1.09 5-8; No. 3, do., $1.05 5-3; No. 4 wheat, 92 5-8¢; No. 5, do., 83 5-8¢, No. 6, do., 76%¢c. Feed, 65%c, on C.w., 45 1-8c; No. 3, do., 48 5-8c; extra, No. 1 feed, 43 5-8¢c; No. 1 feed, 42 1-8c; No. 2, do., 41 1-8¢; reject: ed, 40 1-8¢; on track, 44 5-8c. Bare ley -- No. 3 C.W., 53 1-4c; No. 4, do., 51 3-4c; rejected and feed, 49 1-4c; on track, 53 1-4c. Flax -- No. 1 N-W.C,, $2.06 1-2; No. 2, C. W.. $1.96 1-2] No. 3, do., and re- jected, $1.68 1-2; on track, $2.021;. Rye --- No. 2, 63 1-2¢. Minneapolis. Minneapolis, Minn., -Aug. 21. ---- Bran, $22 to $24. Wheat, No. 1 Northern, $1.13 to $1.18; Septlcm- ber; $1.13; December, $1.14 3-8; May, $1.16 7-8. Corn, No. 3 yellow, 84c to 84 1-3c. Oats, No. 3 white, 34 3-4c to 35 1-4c. Flax, No. 1, $2.34. Chicago. Chicago, Aug. 21. -- Wheat; No. 2 rad, $1 to $1.02;No. 2 bard, $1.01 3-4 to $1.04 3-4. Corn --No. 2 mixed, 89 1-4¢ to 90c. Oats ---~ No. 2 white, 39¢ to 40c; No. 3 white, 38 1-4c.to 39 1-2c. "Rye, No. 2 85 8-4c to 67 1-2¢. Barley, 55¢ to 66c. Timothy seed, $5.85 to $6.05. Clover seed, $15 to $17, wu LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Toronto. | Toronto, Aug. 20. -- Heavy stears, export, $7.25 to $7.75; butcher, choice, $6.75 to $7.25; do., medium, $4.50 to $6.25; do common, $4.50 to $5.50; baby beeves, $8.50 to $9.50; cows, fat, , $4.50 to $5.25; do. medium, $4'to $4.75; do. canners and cutters, $1 to $2; but- cher bulls, good, $4 to $5; feeding steers, good, $5.50 to $6.25; stock- ers, $4 to $56.50; calves, choice, $10 bo $11; do. medium, $8 to $9; do., common, $4.50 to $7; milch cows, $70 to $90; springers, $80 to $100; sheep, choice, $5 to $6.50; do., hea- vy, $3 to $4; do. yearlings, $8 to $9; bulls, export, $4 to $5; lambs, $11 to $11.50. Hogs -- thick smooths, €.0.b., bid. $10.25; do. féd and water- ed, $10.85; do. to farmer, $10. I ng-- Montreal. Montreal, Aug. 21, -- Cattle: But- cher steers, choice (not quoted); good, $6 to $7; medium, $5.25 to $5.50; common, $4 to $5. Butchers, heifers, good, $5.50 to $6; medium, $4 to $5; common, $2.50 to $4; dut- cher cows, good, $4.50, medium, $2.50 to $4; camners, $1; butcher bulls, good, $4; common, $2.25. Good veals, $8; medium, $6.50 to $7.50; common, $5.50 to $6.50;; grassers, $8 to $4. Ewes, $3.50 to $4.50; lambs, good, $10 to $10.50; com- Pledse Your Customers by Selling Them Jen STE te J tee Phone 930 | 38 Princess St. Vagilla, i oes ms net valued pot for what] The word is a comedy to thoss| but for What they seem to | who think, & tragedy to those who the alr cost a vast| Wit ta the salt of conversation, not ho SIRE ' |the food. 5 t corn--No. 2 yeliow, | Montreal, | i BRITISH WHIG WESTERN | sSouTw AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA NEW | SOUTH WALES J/o . . . UUme eh a . . ' » » AUSTRALIA CREATES A NEW CAPITAL. Nine hundred square miles of virgin dountry in Southern Australia is being converted into a federal capital state at' Cén- berra, N.S.W. A complete city, with suburbs and farthing. dis= tricts adjoining is being laid out, in accordance with the re- quirements of the 'national constitution, which was adopted Just unloaded a carload of No. | Clear » Fir, V Joints for ceilings, Wainscoting, etc. Excellent stock. | Also have on hand a full assortment of Spruce, V Joints, Siding and Flooring. For prompt service, telephone 1042, _ ALLAN LUMBER (0. VICTORIA STREET. "Phone 1042. C.W., 53¢ to 54c; extra No. 1 feed, | climate. mon, $9 to $9.50. Hogs, shop hogs and ungraded lots, $10.50 to $10.75; sows, from $6.50 to $8.25. Chicago. Chicago, Aug. 21. -- Hogs, bulk good and chodce 160 to 240 ib. av- crages, $8.60, to $3.80; top, $8.85; bulk desirable, 250 to 325-lh.. but- chers, $8 to $8.50; bulk packing sows, $6.50 to $6.80; good strong weight pigs, around $7.75; heavy weight hogs, $7.90 to $8.60; med- dum, $8.15 to $8.80; light, $7.55 to $8.85; light light, $7.50 to $8.65; packing sows, smooth, $6.50 to $7; packing sows, rough, $6.25 to $6.50; killing pigs, $7 to §8. 6 Cattle -- top matured steers, $12.65; few here to sell above $12; numerous loads yearlings, $9.50 to $10.50; over 2,000 head western, including liberal proportion of stockers and feeders; bulk heavy bologna bulls, $4.50 to $4.75; canners end cutters, $2.50 to $3.25; bulk vealers to oulsiders, #12 to $12.50; packers paying around $11. Sheep -- early top fat western lambs, $13.75, some held higher; bulk natives, $13 to $13.25; top to city butchers, $13.40; culls; generally $9.50 to $10; fat light welight ewes, generally $7.75 to $8.25. Buffalo, East Buffalo, Aug. 21. -- Caille, shipping steers, $10 to $12; but- chers, $8 to $9.50; yearlings, $9 to $11.50; heifers, $6 to $8.50; cows, $2.50 to $6.25; bulls, $3 to $6; sbockers and feeders, $5.50 to $6.50; fresh cows and epringers, active; 5 to 10 cents higher; $45 to $115 per head. Calves. -- $4.50 to $15. Hogs --heavy, $8 to $8.50; mixed, $9.25 to $9.50; yorkers, $9.25 to $9.50; t High to $9.25; pigs, $8.75 to 39; Toughet 3050 to $6.75; stags, $4 to $6. GENERAL: TRADE, Montreal. Montreal, Aug. 21. --Butter = Creamery, solids, 350 per 1b; prints, 36c per 1b; cooking butter, Sic per. '| 1b.; oleomargarine, 21¢c per Ib. Eggs -- Specials, 40c; extras, 36c¢; firsts, 31c; seconds, 27c. Ham---Large size, 25¢; small size, 28¢; cooked, 42¢ to 48c per th. Bacon--Windsor boneless, 40c per ib; breakfast, 29¢ per Ib. Dressed poultry -- Milkfed chick- ens, 36c to 38c per 1b; broilers, 85¢ to 45c; selected chickens, 39¢ to 34c; 'turkey, 38¢ to 42¢; ducks, 25c to 85¢c; green ducks, 30c to 33¢ per Ib. . Dressed hogs -- Fresh killed, ab- attoir stock, $16 to $16.50. Flour -- Firsts patents, $6.90 per bbl; and $1.15 per 90-Ib. bags do Mvered; second Patents, $6.40; strong bakers, $6.20; winter wheat, choice, in jute bags, $5.40; broken lots, in cotton bags, $6.50. Milifed bran and shorts in box car lots, $25.25; shorts, $29.25 per ton. ' -- Ex-track in 90.ib bulk, N. B. Green Mte., $1.30 to $1.35; American No. 1, f.0.b: Mon- treal, $6 to $6.25 per barrel, Ameri- can No. 2, $4 to $4.25 per barrcl. Hay -- Baled, per ton, in car lots, new crop No. 2 timothy, $12 to $14; No. 3 timothy, $9 to $10; delivered to Montreal. \ ONITED GHUROH PLANS STARTED IN MANITOBA Officlals Announce Presby- terians and Methodists Will % es have agreed to make their 'pres- bytery and district boundaries cot- erminous. . It is officially announced by Un. "| ited Church officials that the whole almost a quarter of a century ago. Its location is indicated on the map. The new state has an ideal ~t lst, according to the fourth report on the efficiency of the railroads made by the American Railways As- sociation. This huge coal supply indicates, the association gays, that satisfactory progress is being made in regard to the coal storage, The original plan of the Am- erican Rallways Association, made on April 5th, this year, provided that the coal stores by the railroads should be sufficient on September ! 1st for their needs during the peak of the freight traffic this fall. It is pointed out that a total of 15,009,872 tons of coal have been dumped at lake ports during 1923, which is a new high record. atece ETM AX SCIENTIFICALLY REFINED SY Y using En-ar-co all time you get not creased power and more mileage per gallon of gasoline-- get the in- them at an actual saving in cost! Canadian Oil i ian Oil Companies Canada's Largest and Oldest Independent ® line and Lubricants. J WHITE ROSE GASOLINE rrr efiners of Gaso- " por packet 80° f 72 lb tin il FINEST VIRGINIA. | Fill your pe with P a [£ your roll your OWI. ask for DEDEN'S FINE GUT Groen label) g i hil fis LEAVING KINGSTON 11.45 AM, AUGUST sand. | LUNCH COUNTER CARS--Food and Refreshments at Reasonable Prices. Travel i . CANADIAN PACIFIC

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