Po FROST'S CITY STORAGE Now has vacant two clean, dry, private rooms. (Your own lock and key.) PHONE 526. 209.805 QUEEN STREET, PIANO TUNING Piano Tuuing, Repairing and Player Piano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine §treet. PHONE 1819w. re o Let, Furnished Kensington Avenue--9 rooms, all con- | venlences. Price on application at of- | fice. Possession October 15th. | Division Street--i'lat of three rooms, $45 per month, Includes Went and elee~| trie light. Possession Sept. 1st, : General insurance. i Bonds bought and sold. R. H. Waddell | Phones 326-506. 56 Mrock St. | | | DR. A.W. WINNEIT DENTAL SURGEON. 'Corner of Johnson and Wellingtun Streets Phone 363 ns ASK FOR - BEL]'S CUCUMBER CREAM (Chapped Hands, etc.) Use It All Ways. Use Always a For Moving of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co, one 7. Evenings 2231. _ 158 WELLINGTON STREET, . Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM L.DSS DDS; Wellington and Brock Streets. Entrance, 150 Wellington St, Evening by appolutment. PHONE #70. nr Spriskleandes rugeandin clothesclosets ve KILL MOTHS [Clear Baby's Skin With Cuticura Soap and Talcum Hardwood | ABSOLUTELY DRY ~--Also-- SOFT WOOD AND SLABS | KENNY & FALLON PHONE 637. 187-141 CLERGY STREET If you don't feel good, why not try some of our FRUITS PEACHES, APPLES, PLUMS, ete. Get them while they last at & Candy Store 66 PRINCESS STREET PHONE 273. en FOUNDTO PUAERFUL GERMICIDE Originally, Absprbine J was sold ogly as a pain reliever and an embroca- tion. It was quickly discovered that the liniment was positive death to all forms of germ life, and it is now used as a mouth wash, for wound dressing and for all disinfecting pdrposes. Another surprise was yet in "store. A Wm. Pratt of Springfield, Mass, plied Absorbine Jr. to a varicose vein WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington Street. Fresh Flowers and Plants dally. Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1768. Residence, 1137. : to relieve the intense pain. Not only did the pain leave, but he noticed every day the swollen vein becoming smaller. The treatment was kept up and, today, Mr. Pratt's legs, though has never used anything else on them, are as smooth as when he was a boy. Ithas now been that Absorbine Jr. is an actual specific for varicose veins, leg ulcers, boils, pyorrhoea and a number of other ailments and injuries fhat for which it was ie Nothing serves so many every day pur- poses . nothing i, Detter onthied to its place in every home. en i ded, it will be needed in a hurry. WR McRae & Co |: -- is Don't wait for someone to be hurt, Get it at your druggist's today. $1.2§ S.J Smill's Specials "WE DELIVER" P. & G., Gold, Surprise, Comfort 3.38¢. Palmolive, Fairy or Baby's Own 3-35ec. Tollet Paper, 8 large rolls for ....35e. 2 in 1 Shoe Polish, any color ....3-30c. Fearline or Snow Fiake Ammonia 3-20e¢. Strictly Fresh Egss dosen 1 1b, tins Red Salmon, "Special" 23¢c en. 1 Ib. tins Plichards, each 4 Ib, tins Strawberry or Raspberry, pure Sle. each Corn Starch, reg. 13¢. .... 3-25¢c. Special Gunn's Ham and Tongue, regular 100; Thursday ....ccsoves cone Belle, We have a fresh supply of - Fraits, Veg 1 very thing for pickling season. If you can't come yourself just 1317 and we deliver promptly, Sims, call W. HL. Godwin &Son § 5 «| plused when they found that there KINGSTON axp VICINITY Model School Opening. and boating on the Rideau canal. The Model School began its scs The party landed some fine bass. sions in the Central School on Mon- day with Principal Root in charge. Excursion Postponed. The moonlight excursion' on the steamer Waubic scheduled for Tues- day evening was postponed owing to the unfavorable weather. Order Now. We are showing the finest range of Men's Suitings eveg carried, and our prices are the lowest. Suits made to measure from $32.60 to $40.00.-- Prevost, Brock Street. Harbor Was Rough. The lake was very rough on Tues- day and many of the vessels running out of the harbor had a difficult] time. A good sea was 'rolling throughout the day. Rain Will Help Corn. The rain came a trifie late for the ordinary crops in the district, but it is believed that the corn may be helped considerably. The pastures may also benefit. Heavy Yield of Oats. Charles S. Worden, Lyn, recently threshed some mew 'oats which may be a record yield for this section. Five acres yielded 315 bushels test- ing 40 Ibs. to the bushel. Newspaper Changes. W. J. Styles, who has been on the staff of the Smith's Falls Record- News, for the last, three years, is rejoining the staff of the Kenfrew Mercury as local editor. Got Into Prizm» List. Dr. Benson, Belleville, is paigning his string of trotters the New York state circuit cam- on and raced at Ogdensburg, N. Y., getting | a good share of the purses. Appointed to Position. Miss Dorothy Chapman, Brockville has been advised by tae Civil Ser- vice Commission of 'her permanent slenographic appointment in the of- fices of the Department of Agricul- ture. Spoke at Diamond Jubilee. The diamond jubilee of the Pres- byterian church at Kirkton was cel- ebrated_yecently. Rev. Dr. Graccy, who labored so long and faithfully in Gananoque, was the first pastor of the charge. He attended and made an address. Now Lives in Los Angeles Willlam J. Weaver, formerly of this city, and a former member of the 4th Hussars baseball team, has written 'to a friend in Kingston to state that he is delighted with Los Angeles, Cal., where his family are now residing. At Lake Ontario Park. Lake Ontario Park has not been patronized a great deal this summer, probably due to the cool evenings that have been the order during the The dances in the pavilion are the only attraction now, and the old merry-go-round is sadly missed by the kiddies. Also a Kingston, N.Y. Several of the Kingston Fair work- ers, who were on a trip through New York state recently advertising the local exhibition, were rather non- was a Kingston, N.Y., which nulli- fied the effect of the posters adver- tising the "Big Kingston, K Fair." It is expected that new bills will be printed fally for the occasion with the word "Ontario" added. Sunsetls Captivate U, 8, Visitors. The recent L. Y. R. A. regatta at Belleville may have a sequel in po- pularizing this district with tlie peo- ple of the northern states. As a result a scheme has been put on foot to advertise the Bay of Quinte in the cities of northerm New York and in Pittsburg, Buffalo and Cleveland. Am- ericans who have visited hore bave rémarked on the wonderful sunsets on the bay, and suggests that these should be capitalized, as they are in Califormia. Canadian Pacific. 180 Weilington street, report thé following arrivals of their steam- ships: ; " Empress of Britain, from Ham- burg, Southampton end Cherbourg, due Quebec, Aug. 22nd. Montclare, from Monireal, due Li. verpool, Aag. 24th. Molita, from Montreal, due Cher. bourg and Southampton, Aug. 23rd, and Antwerp, Aug. 24th, Minuedosa, from Antwerp, South- ampton and Cherbourg, due Queoee Aug. 24th. Marburn, from Montreal, 1ue Bei: a Aug. 23rd and Glasgow, Aug. 24th. - "e Marloch, from Glasgow, and Rel. Left For The Pacific Coast. In the departure of Miss Muriel Fair and Steacy Fair for Vancou- ver, B.C., Athens loscs two 'of its most Aopuiar young 'people. Doth have always been staunch supporters of the Anglican church, Steacy be: ing a member of the choir, and they will be especially missed in church circles. Both were remembered with gifts. They will reside with their sister, Mrs. Howard Thompson, 1549 11th West, Vancouver, B.C. Rev. Dr Dyde's Sermon. Chaist was a good sport, according to Rev. Dr. Dyde, principal of the Theological department of Queen's University, wlio preached the anni versary services on Sunday in the Burabrae Presbyterian church. A real sport, according to the doctor's standard --- one who sets the game and the object of the game above himself. As he played the game of .ifle Christ reckoned the service as of greater account than Himself. IH put His duty above all else, no mat- ter what the black gate ahead of * i }im and we may be thankful teday | | 4 anyone thinks we are worth: while | to follow ilim. Ln A ------ May Sue City. | A meeting of the Children's Aid go-| ciety has been called, and W. M.| Nickle, its solicitor, will ask author-| ity to enter suit against the city for | amount of the accounts rendered for maintenance of its ward if they are | not paid forthwith. | Dr. McCallum, president of the oh] ciety, states that they are only ask-| ing for payment ol the accounts that | have been rendered and that no ac-| counts will be made out up to Sept. | 1st as asked for by the city solicitor, | for the. reason that the children are being removed from the Orphans' Home constantly and accounts cannot be made out in advance. Command and force may, often create but can never cure an aver- sion: ahd whatever any 'one ts brought te by compulsion, he will leave as soon as he can, When affection only truth is pot always there. A good heart is better than tho good heads in the world, speaks, all Muslard aids digeslion red . 4 ways be serve the assimilation © or cold. It aids your food. but if musi be Keen's ustard should al with meats hot Flies, ants, moths, bugs, mosquitos, roaches, are quickly killed by FLY-TOX., Will not stain, non-poison- ous to humans or food, plea- sant odor, easily used. Free sprayer with each bottle. 8 oz., 5O0c. Groeers and Druggists CANADA REX SPRAY CO. Limited BRIGHTON, ONT. '* The British Whig Publishing Co. Ltd. has a Department specially equipped to execute all classes of First-class service and fair prices. 306-8-10 KING STREET, KINGSTON, Ont. PHONE 243. Superior Welders make our welding work superior to all others. Because of our long ex- perience in testing, in heating, in do- ing all kinds of welding work, we feel that we are amply able to take care of any welding work you wish done. Bishop Machine Shop KING AND QUEEN STRERTS A TerRIFic TEST! 7 © o CEDAR SHINGLES when properly laid, have a very long life. "Certain manufacturers claim that they will last for fifty years, under favorable con- ditions, S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Factory Phone 1415 Final Clean The last lot of Summer Boots and Shoes to be sacrificed to make room for our Fall goods. Clearing price ........ ........$3.49 pair Watch our window for the new Fall styles next week. JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231]. 70 Brock Street NOTICE GOURDIER'S have removed to 86 PRINCESS STREET, next to Bibby's, Limited, while alterations are being made to Brock Street store, "2 . GOURDIER'S 78-80 Brock Street TWEDDELL'S For the Best Values in Young Men's Suits $20.00, $25.00, $28.00, $32.00, $35.00, SEE OUR SPORT MODEL SUITS At $25.00 ¢ TWEDDELL'S Clothing House Some Very Useful Articles Which ~ We Offer at Special Prices Christie's celebrated Bath Towels with fancy colored stripes . , .. .....50c. each. All Linen, Hemstitched, Huck Towels, made in Ireland ..............50c. each Pure Irish Linen Glass Cloths with red borders, absolutely fast colors--40c. each, $4.50 dozen. . Hemmed Linen Napkins which are very reasonable at $5.00 dozen or 45c¢. each. (It is on account of these Napkins being hemmed that we offer this special price). Irish Linen Table Cloths, '"'Seconds,' 2 aids square for $5.00. 2 yds. by 2} yds. or le RGA ~. Men's Res Liew Handkerchiefs for . 20c. each, | Ladies' pure Linen Handkerchiefs for 10¢. each. J 'W. N. Linton & Co. g