oe THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS WONDERFUL SCENERY - - : By Juanita Hamel Be SERSEEAES Ss ss ---- ym 3 nreer ss : EXCLUSIVE STYLES MODERATELY PRICED Za. Our Super Value Coats FOR FALL WEAR '19.95 | Authentically styled, comfortable, with. gasy fisting Raglan and te In Sleeves, Sanyerk ible collars, military and slash pockets. " ; ; Y (2 SEA Tu 4 : ght "so gears and 1% igen meatly finished with i LY a ANY nding, wind shields in the large flaring cuffs. piondensed Mille | MRE AN we | | A splendid utility Coat at a price that is $10.00 food wiki? Thou- 6 -- S NV ey i - less in price than they regularly sold for pre- lands o children have been ; RAI XR NR 1 Ad | ; vious seasons, Brando JS pure.nourishing y- NSA 2 Sa ) J oe | | MATERIAL Plaid - Back English All- ope bo ks ot : NS temen, \% NEN : Ja iY Sd | Wool Coatings. Bordo G Lindtocd : : : SIZES--36to44. ........ Price $19.95 7 . z For Stout Women, Choice Eyes that see will find new wonders and great beauties in things at which other eyes wuil Range of look unseeing. 'The seeing eye beholds the glories of things close at hand, but'the unseeing Ii Anderson's Scotch eye may roam (¥&-world and never find one beauty worth the. viewing, But there are times {I} . : " %. ----certainly one fime--when even the most perfectly-seeing eye beholds its fairest loveliness |i Gingham Dresses Formerly priced as high as closest even amid most wonderful seenery in the world. This time is--yes, the honeymoon!|[} F ] $9.50 $14.50 ormerly $9. : Nn, [Let cool slightly, then turn thé brow- for $7.50 for $5.95 and $7.95 nish liquid over two egg-yolks which I I NT you have mixed with one-half Sup of | Women Nise Aue Senand large These verses, with no a ship 4 rec RA extra sugar and put into the top of al} sizes eased to hear s won. given, and ne title, either, are bs. he 10 : double boiler. Cook the mixture over derful offering. Correctly styled to five worth cutting out and keeping; } ! (AX hot water till thickened, then add to straight lines, so much sought after don't keep them so Carefully that S it one-half tablespoon of granulated Stout Sgr 86 to 4436. All colors. you will forget where they are, L gelatine which you have soaked in just : ' ok Laure. A. Kipkman ; : enough Eh to cover it--soak it at Clearance Sale Price $7.50 If you are tempted to reveal least five minutes in this water. Stir - A tale someone has told TOMORROW'S MENU faits that freeze themselves?" exclaim-| well and turn the custard into a china "© ® Ne Extra Special-Voile Dresses "About nother, make it pass : Breakfast ed a young husband to his bride, on a) dish to cool. Chill it, then add to jt In Women's and Misses' Sizes. Before you speak, three gates of Pears Sunday morning when he preferred to! one and one-half cups of heavy cream Formerly priced up to $18.95. Now priced at: 5.95-%7.95 99.95 and 12.50 Coffee Dropped Eggs on | the freezer-crank. And I don't know | and. flavored with one teaspoon of Wholewheat Toast but he's right? A parfait is just as|vanilla. Turn all into a mold or into Luncheon delicious as an ice-cream--so, in very your ice-cream freezer can. Cover Baked Beans, Catsup hot weathter, why not make the thing] closely (if you use a regular aluminum Lettuce that takes the least energy? Try one mold, line the cover with waxed paper, Tea _ Bread and Jam of the following: and bind the crack between mold and "Is it Dinner cover with adhesive tape, or smear it There is a dress for every type of figure in this range of ou s ie wi Swiss Normandy and English Voile Dresses. Dresses for the _ when you add the water and will also 'oe i . esses 1sses = 2 . What thé mesult of speech may| "What's the use of turning the ice lump, but keep the pan over the fire Miss NET apy ae eader Eien 9 H Matron; Dr . for the M and Dresses for the Juniors, vr Sa i jcream crank when we can make par-| until the lumps dissolve, still sfirring. cup of brown sugar and one-half cup Each has the distinction and fas hioni that bespeaks much i ee niin ~-- ; a of water into a saucepan and cook until higher prices. All colors and practica y all sizes. Make your ) ; . | 2 then turn the sirup slowly onto the selection to-morrow, at-- Celery Soup ' Caramel Parfait: Put one cup of| (ih hy and bind around with a strip Cheese Souffle granulated sugar into a dry frying pan ;¢ cloth). - Pack in equal parts of h [ 0 eggs, beaten with an egg-beater (this - var operation, of course, requires two peo- $6.95 - $7.96 - $9.08 and $12.50 0 ple). Now cook this mixture in the] I ; Baked Sweet Potatoes and place the pan over direct heat; ked i d rock salt and 1 d lps at last 2 cracked ice and rock salt and let stan Wt passes Tout ps gateways . Tomato Salad : jo tilt me gat melts and he let| four hours~before serving. (Do not Coffee Lemon Gelatine a wit ae pou po y oil turn the ice-cream freezer handle if three, s n ar, , one-half cup of boil- : v i ia a you make parfait in the freezer-can.) Then you'may tell rhe tale, nor| ICES THAT FREEZE THEM- |ing water; it will foam a good deal Brown Sugar Parfait: (This recipe ------ A SO 4 \ t te : THE bri . ¢ colours of the 2 3 i wiring consul i. "When tick, Cr om SIRE ------ * . | th A ov asm wid . " a ' + "= Orient are to be found in the | RE of haty crm bee (reser : = CA RAs OT + silks, laces and Chinese ff | fil § 4 favored with ne tablespoon of vail Z, now 80 much in {LLILE ICHPRRE and fold his cream into the cooled hangings. » . ® a. for window