Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Aug 1923, p. 13

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG = i. ------ B.C. FIR CEILING Just unloaded a carload of No. | Clear Fir, V Joints for ceilings, Wainscoting, etc. Excellent stock. Also have on hand a full assortment of , V Joints, Siding and Flooring. Spry "i YS service, telephone 1042. ALLAN LUMBER (0. VICTORIA STREET. Worst In All Ontario, T. Beeching - Declares Hamilton Oitizen States No One Oould Have Suffered More From Stomach Trou~ ble Than He -Did--Thanks Tanlac For Full Restora- tion. "I feel fit as a fiddle. fully twen- ty years younger and just lHke'a two- year-old," declared Thomas Beeching, 166 Rebecca St., Hamilton, Ont. while discussing his experience with the Tanlac treatment. ! "I don't believe anybody in the Province ®t Ontario had end at times could hardly hold my head up. My appetite was all but gone, I often went all day without , and at times even the sight food would nauseate me so I have to leave the table. My were all undone, and I was | bought a bottle. 'Phone 1042. on ah 5 80 restless nights 1 almost forgot what it was to get a good might's gleep. It was an effort for me to deo any work, and nights when I got home I just eould put one foot bé- fore the other. "I heard so much praise of Tan- lac 1 went up to the corner and It was the luck- fest day of my life, for I started to pick up as soon as I began using it. My appetite is so big now 1 eat like a hungry wolf and never suffer, at all from indigestion. My nerves are back to' normal and I sleep all night without waking up. Mornings I feel plumb full of life and ready for work, In fact, Tanlac has made a new man of me, and that tells it bet- "| ter than anything else." Tanlac is for sale by ail good druggists. Accept no substitute. HUMAN NATURE HALF SHELL By Joseph Van Raalte Copyright, 133, by Thr WoClave XTwepaper fy odisain EC [OL BRICKLAYING vs. MULTIPLICATION Now That Public Schools Are To Graduate Bricklayers, Country Only Needs Good Hooch Substitute Unions Vote Aequiescerico Plan for Relieving &% » age of Men YR) DRS They are going to teach bricklaying in thé New York 'public schools so that when a boy completes his course he will know something else besides how to bound the State of Idaho, the maidén name of Omar Khayyam's mother and that Ecuador is not spelled with a Q. . There is many a man drying dishes in his wife's boarding house who wishes that when he went to school they had specialized more on brick- Over 37 million bottles sold. Tanlac Vegetable Pills are Na- ture's own remedy for constipation. For sale everywhere, OUT DURING THE HOT WEATHER HAVE YOUR MEALS AT OUR CAFE DURING THE SUM- MER -- GOOD THINGS SERVED AS YOU LIKE THEM -- DAINTY ---- ASTONDS DRECO CAFE OPPOSITE BIBBY'S et ce eta -- wen we _ Mrs. Gibson Enjoys Better Health Than for Yéars, After Taking Two Bottles of New Herbal Remedy.' Had Spent Hundreds of Dollars In Vain Before Finding "For three years I have suffered from stomach trouble and indiges- tion," says Mrs. J. B. Gibson, of Al- fred Street, Kingston, Ont. "Gas 'would form on my stomach after eat ing and make me miserable and my ¢ would sour, causing belching, Shaneat st Sou choks 3 x1 would choke me.: My ap- poor and I was rest- awake for hours My kidneys were gave me pains across Constipation was chronic and I was Soptiually forced bh laxativés. I tried every- thing and spent hundreds of dollars ag Foliet; but nothing- did me & month ago I heard of ~ Dreco, and decided to give it a trial ttles, but it is astounding what thi wonderful medicine has dome for me. like a new woman and can eat just about anything now without feeling the least bit distressed. My appetite is splendid and I sleep like a child ail night long. My kidneys with constipation. | | 1 feel | smile kindly over. laying and less on the gentle art of becoming President of the United States. It was the goal of our youthful am- bition set, as we remember, by Old Lady Morrison, who introduced us to the mirth-provoking intricacies of per- centage. | i We are a little hazy as to the details of her procedure, but looking back it seems that her subtle psychology conl veyed the idea that perfection in mem- orizing and retiting selections from the poetical works of Henry Wads- worth Longfellow presaged more than a likelihood of our holding the job of President. ' It never occurred to the class that we couldn't --all-be-- President; that some of us would go to jail, others become dog catchers, janitors, bishops, manufacturers of flea powddr, con- gressman, and that one, unmindful of his duty to the nation, would relin- quish all thoughts of assuming the role of political Moses and set about earning his blue points and 'pancakes by contributing pieces to the papers, It was a long time ago, and we were very young. Old Lady Morrison was one of those simple gentlewomen who never marfied and thought nobody was wise to the fact that she wore a switch. ' She kept us happy and fur- nished us with a memory that we can Which, after all, is about the best a teacher can do for a boy. She may have been a little: hazy ori the requirements for the Presiden are also|SYs but she sure was a bear cat at much stronger and I no longer have | percentage, and 'we've often thought pains in the back, nor am I troubled | what a marvellous thing it would have been for the country if Andy "Dreco is certainly a grand medi-| Volstead (Rep. Minn.) had sat in that cine and nobody 'of it than I do." \ Here is relief for every sufferer in Kingston - «<-~ a thoroughly reliable herbal remedy that aids digestion, re- lieves constipation, strengthens weak kidneys, arouses a singgish liver and drugs. } Dreco Is being specially Introduced in Kingston by MA- HOO0D'S DRUG STORE. Oall at their store and ask for Mr. could think highef| class. Out in some star-dusty limbo of the infinite Miss Morrison is probably trapsing around wearing her glésses down near the end of her nose, pitk- ing celestial begonias, entirely obliv- purifies the blood. Put your digestive | ious of the fact that if anyone came System in proper working order by | along now and offered us our choice taking Dreco. It is made trom herbs, | of being either a good bricklayer or roots, bark and leaves and contains | President of the United States, we no mercury, potash or habit-forming | woul n't hesitate a moment in our selection, ¢ The advent of the bricklayer as men- tor in the public schools is merely an- other stitch in the revamping process to which the scholastic cobblers have been subjecting the system for years. There was 3 time when they began the day in the assembly room, and the ! principal got up and r "The Lord . |ls my Shepherd, 1 ry not want," Then they sang 3 couple of songs, a defi at all foreigners who t/ be chy dia: Ee Tir Fre I | was devoted to reading, writing, spell- | were crooks. ing and leatning that all En 'e were told that if it hadn't been for the help of the Lord Pn PAP tN li. Prin, : STORRINGION, 3 Council met at Sunbury Aug. 13th. and Lafayette, the British would have been given the decision in the Revolu. tionary War, the Americans being no match for the Britishers in nefarious- ness, villainy and low cunning. Gradually "that has been changed. Today James Isaac is taught to spell by ear and to read by psychology. They have found that the history we used to study was all one sided, like an argument with your wife; that the maps in the geography were phony; that the arithmetics were written by madmen, who thought two and two made four when, as everybody knows two and two make five, Did you love your Grandpa who fought in the Civil War? You did? Ha, ha! The joke's on you. Your Grandpa was a monkey. "My Grandpop was not a monkey," says Jimmy, hurling the black board eraser at the teacher. "Lowbrow!" says the teacher, "You're expelled for being decadent and otherwise out of date." \ Every man or woman, who has a fad wants to see it made a study in the public schools; and it's. been one fad after another till now the bricklayers have-come-atong with their steadying influence, and education hereafter will be riveted to the level where the re- knew it belonged. Is Egbert ready for school? Fine and dandy! Put on his little overalls. Give him his pick and shovel. Sead him out to school where Cornelius McGillicool- "ey, the bricklayer, will teach him how to release his love in his work and that a brick. in. dha wall «is worth two in the. hod: YE Somebody had to out-and com- bat the John: Drew influence of the seductive collar advertisement that was weaning the feet of the young men from the posfals of the American Fe- deration of Labor to the gates of the movie lot. If the retrograde had not been ended who would have been left to convert the mountains of brick in- to the walls of the retired bricklayers' country homes? ; Slap a boy in the face day after day, year after year, with a composite pic- ture of Pierrepont Morgan, Jack Dempsey, Archbishop McGuttigan and reason to linger in front of the glass in the medicine cabinet in the bath- room, looking at himself with an ex- pression of mingled doubt and sweet troubled tenderness. . The young man in the bathroom doesn't realize, of course, that no ore who. ever lived could possibly be as legitimate as the man in the collar ad- vertisement looks, with the exception, possibly, of the head of the Dumb Bell rust, who smokes camel's hair cig- arettes on the bill-boards because they gratify. BE . The president of the on in the cigarette ad looks as if he would be a tough man to try to touch for five bucks; but at least he has the appear. ance of working for a living, while all that can be said for the Collar Ad Man is that he has a wonderful neck to button a collar on. We've always wonderad how he earned enough to pay for his laundry. No one seems to know what he does for a living. It will probably be dis- 4 pald by, treasurer: Alf, Smider, §i. L. Div. No.. 8, $173: Alf. Snidos, special gremt, $26; Lyman Young. St. Li Div./No. 45, $7.50; Dr. W. W. Sands, *8t. L. Div. No. 54, $35.60; Dr. W. W. 2, tired Greek peanut peddied always! Henry Ford, and you've given him a is, Special grant, $50; Wilton" Allison, St. L. Div, No.| covered some day that he is Chief Flower Smeller for the American Soc- iety of Fatherless' Foreigners Who Kite Carnations on Mother's Day. A long time ago in this land of doughnuts and thought, the young men didn't feel the urge to imitate anybody. There they stood on their own number nine feet, and take them or leaye them for what they were worth. - Then some bulgy browed savant got up and pointed out the benefits of selecting the concrete expression of an ingrowing ideal and utilizing it as a model for manhood. The trouble with the plan is its suc- cess devolves upon the ready and cor- rect decision in the choice of a model; and it's a lamentable fact that before a youth emerges from the age of aston- ishment he is a notoriously poor pick- er. If Edgerton feels that he tant be bappy without a model, why not choose the Man in the Overalls--the chap who keeps the chimneys smok- ing and the ice-cream cones pointed; who sticks the sticks in the Jollypops, and sees that the church spires re- main headed in the right direction. He may wear his blue denim cap with the patent leather visor a trifle too far down over the bridge of his nose, but his wife isn't afraid to ans- wer the door bell around the first of the month, and you never see him in court asking for a change of venue He comes up the gravel 'walk of his picture-book home as the western hills are hiding the sun. He has a dinner pail in one hand and with the other holds aloft a pay envelope. 7 "Look," he cries, as his wife, Lydia Pinkham, her dear old face seamed with years of patient suffering, rushes down the walk to meet him. "Look! Two dollars and sixty-nine cents a month raise! Now we can buy Grand- ma alt the Unlucky Strike cigarettes she craves! "I was sitting in the Owl Lunch Wagon this noon when Mr. Jasper, the President of the Road, who was on the stool beside me, aut down his egg sandwich add turning to me sail. *" 'Pinkham, I can tell by the re. fined and cultured way you éat corn on the cob that you are taking a course in railroad economics at the I. W. W. Correspondence School. Am I right? **Yus,' I said. 'What's it to yuh? * 'T knew it," he ejaculated, jumping up and spilling his coffee as he reach- ed for my hand. 'Pinkham, you're the man we've been combing the country for as 30th Vice-President of the Road. Instead of the $100 per month you have heretofore received, your sal. ary hereafter "will be $102.69 per per month, with time and a half for overtime.' "You ses, Lyd, it's what I've always maintained. Knowledge is power!" This is the soft of nobleman that Cornelius McGillicooley, the brick- layer, will teach the lads to emulate. Under his influence the public school will blossom like the rose. He may not kpow much. about, the way a square should act when it starts to wander across the hypotheneuse of a right an- gle triangle, Lots of men know that | and can't $14 a day. But he'll realize the value of ground- ing youth in the rediments of paper hanging, plastering, plumbing, fifteen- ball pool, coal heaving, how to be- come a br without getting into contempt of court, how tp look as if the dough belonged to how to be mentioged as a Presidential possi- bility without immediately tal on the appearance of a demitasse a soup plate. They're always needed a basso pro- fundo educator in the public school system, with a square chin and a fist like a mule's hind leg in full bloom. He's here in the person of Cornelius McGillicooley, And now all the country requires is a good substitute for hooch. W. Greer is listed on Assessment roll with two dogs, but owning one only, corrected. Motion, Grabham-Hawkey, that by- law No. 134 authorizing the builld- ing of side-walks and other improve- ments under the Local Improvement Act be read a first time, Motion, Graham- Hawkey, that by- law No. 134 have a.second and third reading. Payments ordered: $5, =n. BE Harpell, acet.; $68.75, Hydro Elec, P. C. for lights on streets of Catar- aqui for six months, Jan. Ist to June 30th, 1923; $1.62, "British Whig, acct; $100.44, Standard Pub- lishing Co., printing minutes 1923, advertising, letter heads; $39, J. F. Leatherland, Ins, on Twp. Hal:; »2, H. Campsall, ingp. sheep; $9, Geo. Irwin, 1 sheep killed by ads; $135.46 E. H. Stover, services 8 road overseer to Aug 1st; ¥3, Geo. Robertson, drawing tile and putting culvert on Front road; $7.62, Thos. G. Bishop, repair steam drill; $25, Orris Orr, work on Road Div. 31; $6, Wesley Kemp, work on Roag -- i Div. 81; $40.55, E. H. Stover, mats erial for culverts; $2.09. A Chown & Co, acct; $15, °T. H. Biveh, dal ; $14.50, Bros. work on bin; $13.26 H. Melvor, acct, ditching; $12, Clar- ence Mclver, opening road 134; $3, John Ahearn, bonus on 30 = rods fence. 3 Motion, Cordukes -Silver, that council adjourn until Sept, 3rd, at 1.30 p.m. v4 Charles F. Adair, Twps. Clerk, New Turkish Assembly. Constantinople, Ang. 24, -- Tradesmen predominate in the new Turkish assembly. It is composed of 216 members of which 28 are army officers, three naval officers, 46 tradesmen, 33 civil servants, lawyers; 16 scientists, 18 doctors, oine government officials, eight public education offieials, seven writers, four sociologists, three foi- eign office officials, two finance ficials, three engineers and ome . WM. J. ARNIEL Earl end Alfred / SILVERWARE AND CHINAWARE TO RENT? ARNIEL & rem. HAMBROOK (CATERERS) F 0. HAMBROOK 115 Broek Street Phone 19206w. NO DINNER TOO LARGE--NO LUNCHEON TOO SMALL. for your work. THRESHERS SUPPLIES ° Threshers will do well to get our prices / | when filling out for harvest. We carry a complete stock of Rubber Belting from 1 inch to 7 inches, Belt Lacing, Oils, Greases, Packing, Valves, and everything necessary | . Lemmon & Sons 187 PRINCESS STREET A White heels. WE ARE CLEARING OUT ALL ,OUR STOCK OF Shoes Secure a pair now of White Pumps or Oxfords with high, low or sport Prices ranging from . $1.00 to $6.50

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