a FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1928. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG : PROBS: Heavy winds and showery to-night. Saturday, mostly fair and cool. Is tis last word in mouth health. - ' The CHAR-TEX Tooth Paste removes the film and gives the teeth a glistening, white appear- ance besides relieving bleeding and inflamed gums. CHAR-TEX LIQUID positively clears up all cases of Pyorrhea, and is. recommended by the leading dental specialists on the American continent. We ask you to use CHARJTEX, knowing it to be the best pre- paration of its kind on the market. , Druggist 'arms For Sale ACRES--100 under cultivation, 12 - Kingston; frame house, good condition; 3 large barns, newly shingled swith or without implements--would exchange for city property. * 190 ACRES--8 miles from Kingston-- $16 acres under cultivation--50 acres ood bush; good, stone house, large and alive shed; well watered, og stream; well adapted for mar- rdening; 1 mile from church, and factory. "135 ACRES--100 acres Sood sof]; 'bal- ~mnoce good pasture; good frame house; barns; never-fadling spring. 12 miles m Ye 85 ACRES--Garden and truck farm; double brick house; sll conveniences; close to city. -- 26 acres good garden : e house; barn and cow house; close to factory, school and schurch; 13 niles, from kingaton; on 'eagy terms or exchange. Crop on easy "terms for Quick sale, Bateman's . 'Real Estate Whenever you feel doubtful about a WEDDING GIFT You are safe iv choosing We offer many articles of distinction to select from and all of them possess the brilliancy that can only be ob- tained in the genuine BELGIAN blanks. | nearby island coast. Their song is so y 136 Welngion St. BF Yes, we have a little Stove Coal, . Also Egg and Chestnut and Pea, . Now is the time to get it in, So you won't be burning ¥ soft Coal and Coke this winter. SOWARDS COAL CO. Phone 155 . Uptown Office: McGall's Cigar Store. Phone 811. and see how you are fixed for your heating requirements: -- --Quebec Heaters. --Quebec Heaters with Ovens. - --Happy Thought Ranges. --McClary's Radium Furnaces. --McClary's Sunshine Furnaces. --Gurney or Daisy Hot Water Boil \ Call in and see us about your re- quirements. Chapter 120~The Song of the Sirens. Circe was in earnest, She turned the sailors back to their human shapes, and for days everyone in the palace feasted. Odysseus greatly enjoyed liv- ing with Circe, but by and by he was reminded that his dear wife must be waiting anxiously for him to return. He then told Circe he would have to leave. She 'was sorry to hear of the decision, but gave advice to help to- ward a safe voyage. "Beware of the Sirens," she said. "You will hear them singing on a charming that" it drives men to mad actions. They leap from their ships into the sea, They hope to reach the Odysseus can be seen struggling in answer to their song. The mast in the picture. ONCE LLYORIANT CRINER NOW A HOPELESS WASTE Lies Flowerless and Ruined as Result of Civil War and Famine. ---- Alushta, Crimea, Aug. 24.--(BYy Mail)--The Crimea, the beloved health resort of the old days, and known as the 'Russian Riviera," once filled with beautiful palaces surrounded by flowers, vineyards and magnificent gruit gardens, lies now flowerless and ruined as a result of the civil war and last year's famine. Many of the owners of these vil- las, vineyards and fruit gardens be- longed to the upper classes and liv- ed in central Russia, coming here for their relaxation. Large num- bers fled the country years 8go, while others, having thrown in their jot with General Wrangel, became the scapegoats of his acts after his defeat and paid the death penalty during the terror which followed the second occupation of the Crim- ea by the Bolsheviks. : The Crimea has not escaped the effects of nationalisation, confisca~ tion and requisitions, and while nominally the immense vineyards and magnificent gardens nad been fact they are nobody's property. Vineyards and gardens stool un- guarded for several years, with the result that everything went to the dogs. The wine-stocks dried, and a majority of the best fruit trees died. Thousands of acres of al- mond, apricot, peach and pear trees and vineyards are today absolutely worthless, and many a year will have t0 pass before they can be brought to life again, The same is true of agriculture and industry. Despite the recon- struction work carried on by the Crimean "Independent" Soviet gov- ernment, Crimean agriculture and existing minor industries are in a deplorable condition. The numoer of cattle has diminished by 75 per cent., the total number of working' | horses being today only 30,000, The sowing area is only 40 per cent. that of 1916. This year's harvest declared nationalized, as a matter of | Sirens but always die before that hap- pens. Put wax in the ears of your men. Let them bind you to the mast of your ship until the Sirens' island has been passed." The counsel of Circe was followed. When Odysseus heard the Sirens, he forgot about wisdom and tried vainly to loosen the ropes which bound him. He ordered his men to untie him, but the wax in their ears kept them from hearing what he said. He motioned to them, but they would not heed--for he had ordered them not to pay any at- tention to what he might do while near the Sirens. As the ship passed on, the song of the Sirens died in the distance. Odys- seus and his men were saved. to get free and come to the Sirens to which he was tied is aot shown MADAM'S SKIRT COMES DOWN NEAR HER ANKLES It is Plain or Draped Slightly and Spreads Wide When She Walks- Péris, Aug. 24.--The Paris dress- makers have just found out what next season's fashions will be. The general outline will seem to be nar- row as usual, but when madam walke her skirt will spread wide ac the bottom. It comes down near her ankles at a length left / this year more then ever to her individ- ual taste. It is a plain skirt or drap- ed only slightly to one side. She will be turned out in blues, greens and marooms--this is the order of apparent preference--of as much brilliance as she may find wearable. _ Fabrics are profusely embroider- ed or 'woven with designs: In general, costume lines are simple and fabric designs sumptu. ous. Fur is used often as trim- ming. Sleeves in the day time are long and flow at 'the waist. In the evening they thrink up or even dis- appéar. The waist line is either at the level fixed by nature or slight- ly below. Neck lines may be square in front and V in back or the other way round. ---------- sil, Ey Here is an opportunity to effect a substantial saving on all your cash purchases. FROM 9 TO 1 O'CLOCK STORE WIDE SALE Save 10% | i Every department is represented in this Special Sale event that should prove an excellent opportunity for moth- ers with Children's school needs to buy; for Women and Misses to secure new Autumn apparel; for thrifty house- keepers with home replenishings in view, and for Men with Fall Underwear and other furnishings on the list. . WE INVITE YOU ALL TO-MORROW = --to take advantage of this Special Feature Attraction a || 'also to view our initial displays of Fall merchandise. | BETTER VALUES--FOR LESSIS OUR CON. = 7