SATURDAY, I ¥ AUGUST 25, 19283. ..» E DAILY ET TT BRITISH WH 1G FROST'S CITY STORAGE Now has vacant two clean, dry, - private rooms. (Your own lock and key.) PHONE 526. 209-305 QUEEN STREET. ---- PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning, Repairing and Player Piano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. PHONE 1819w. Rough-Cast. Bungalow, plece lig lot FOR SALE 7 rooms, floor, bath, hardwood ht, garden. Price on application. TO LET, FURNISHED 8 rooms and private wash-room, elec- tric Hght, hot water heating, gas cooking. $35.00 per month, tion, ensington Avenue-- modern ' GENERAL INSURANCE. BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. --- DR. A.W. WINNETT Corner of Johnson and Wellingtum Phone 368 R. H. Waddell Phones 326-996. 56 Breek St. DENTAL SURGEON. Btreets po 3-] leotric ood cellar, verandah, at, large diarrhoea started and I really thought Desirable location.) | was going to die. for Good loca- nine- med house, all conveniences. 'osses- sion and terms on application. ASK FOR BELL'S CUCUMBER CREAM (Chapped Hands, etc.) Use Use It Always All Ways. -- For Mov! of - FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTA BVER DESCRIPTION » 3 ™ 377. Eveul 153 WEL INGTON ngs 2231. STREET. XY on A Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S., D.D.S. Wellington and Brock Streets, Entrance, 1590 Wellington Sg, Evening by appointment. PHONE 679. GE and STORAGE OF Transfer Ce. WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington, DIARRHOEA and VOMITING Doubled Up With Pains If you are suddenly attacked with diarrhoea, dysentery, colic, cramps or pains in the stomach or any' loose- ness of the bowels do not waste val- uable time, but at once procure a bottle of Dr. Fowler's Extract of | Wild Strawberry and see how quick- ly it will relieve you. Mrs. Ernest Morris, 3 Webb St. | London, Ont., writés:--"I take great | pleasure in recommending Dr. Fowl- ! er's Extract of Wild Strawberry for | what it has done for me. | Some time ago I took an awful | violent headache, then started to | vomit and felt so sick I could hardly | stand it all day; towards evening | intense pains came in my bowels and {1 was just doubled up the pains were | 80. bad; the perspiration stood out like beads on my forehead; then the My husband went to the drug store and got a bottle of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry; he gave me four doses, at intervals, and by noon next day the diarrhoea had stop- { ped and the pain was all gone too. Now I will never be without 'Dr. Fowler's' in the house. Price 50c. a bottle; put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toron- to, Ont. dew $13 THE COOK MEDICINE CO; Cook's Cotton Root Compoand, TORONTO, ORT. (Fomady Wind.) 1 0. eH 3 Per x. al or sent Dr, Martel's Female Pills Thousands testify to beneficial re- d ond fo opis sults last half century. or nicker- Co., 71 E. Front St, Toronto, There is nothing else just as good. S Flies, Fleas, Bugs and Beetles Don't lose the "battle with the in- secs." Let us supply your "ammunition." No "duds" among these! Sappho-Puffer packages 15e. Keating's Powder.... and 25c. Wilson's Poison Pads ..10e. pkg. Fly-San and Fly-Fox. Tanglefoot, 3 double sheets, 10e. Sticky-Coils 2 for Se. "Kreso," the handy disinfectant and wash bottles, 25¢c. and up. International "Fly-Way" for your stock---quarts and gallons at very special low prices. + .70c. and $1.00. is black all Coal is alike. Some Coal will burn and some won't, We sell the will-burn kind. BOOTH & CO. _ "Phone 188. Grove Inn Yards Useful Sprayers .. Fly Swatters 10e. TELEPHONE 2018. PRINCESS PHARMA KINGSTON ano VICINITY Working in Louisiana. C. H. Bramscombe, formerly of Picton, is superintendemt of the treasury department in charge of the construction of Alexandria post of- fice, Alexandria, Louisiana. : Boys' School Suits. "Ve have received a big shipment | of. boys' school suits, which we will sell at a reduced price, dandy suits, at $6, $6.50, $7.50 and $9, all sizes, all colors. Prevost, Brock street. Back After Forty-Seven Years. George A. Blewett and daughter, Los Angeles, Cal., are guests of his cousin, George A. Blewett, Napanee. Mr. Blewett has been absent from Napanee for forty-seven years. Building. A New House. #. Dan Morden, who bought the has been busy taking the building down and removing the material to Wellingion, where he is building a new house. ------------ Historic Property: Bought. Mrs. James Armour has bought the house and surrounding ground in Perth on Haggart Island. The house was built about 1832 and was occu- pled for many years by Mrs. Armour's grandparents Mr. and Mrs. John Hag- gart. Overcoats in Vogue. Overcoats are in vogue this woa- ther, It has been a long time since heavy clothing was required in Au- gust. Not only during the evenings Js the additional garment worn, but in the daytime people find it desir- able. ---------- To Give Swimming Lessons. The Y.M.C.A. is turning over its swimming pool all next week, during | the morning, to the Y. W. C. A. which | Will give swimming lessons to girls | and women, a very desirable thing. | Those who wish to avail themselves ! of the lessons are asked to register at the Y. W. C. A. before Saturday | night. ------------ Have Been Replaced. After sixty-one years of constant duty, the sidesteps of the Perth town hall building leading into the | post office have been renewed. Or- iginally of sandstone, the feet of Dedestrians had worn them down 80 that they became dangerous in slip- erly weather. Now they are of ce- ment. ! Trim Up The Trees. The Board of Works should start a campaign of tree trimming on the streets. It would add greatly to the appearance of the city if the Just now the trees look bushy and AY The Con dab Up=town Drug Store "Where Princess and Division Cross" FOR SALE = $6,500 ouse © Street, 11 rooms, 7 bedrooms, 3 p. B., sep- arate toilet, good cellar, verandah, electric light and gas hot air and hot water heating, firepla First Class House Solid brick house on $7500 Centre St., 10 rooms ) 4 bedrooms, .3 p. B., good cellar, verandah, electric light and hot water heating, two fireplaces, hardwood floors in two pariors, gar- den $7, ~- ..rooms and separate toilet. Good cellar, g hot water heating, two fireplaces, hardwood floors in living and dining room. Well established room and boarding house. 'Ni Solid brick, 6 room $8, house, 3 bedrooms, 3 p. B., first class cellar, verandah, electric light and gas, hot water heating, fireplace, hardwood floors, garden. Solid brick, 11 room 16,000 house, 7 bedrooms, y two three piece bathrooms, one separate toilet, splens did cellar with stationary tubs, elec- tric light and gas, hot water heating, two fireplaces, hardwood floors down- stairs and in upstairs hall, heater for bath, verandajgggarage, Stone house, 12 rooms, + 9 bedrooms, two bath- Electric | Eruption On Face. liched and Burned. Lost Rest. "A small, sore the side school house near Hallowell station, | trees 'were trimmed up fairly high. disheveligd branches lop about ev- ery way. Farm Labor Scarce. Labor is reported to be very scarce in the country districts and the far- mers are anxious concerning the harvesting of their crops and other fall work, especially if the weather remains unfavorable. me eseetrant-- Preaching Orange Sermoen. Canon W. F. FitzGerald, who is speading his vacation at otella, will preach to the Orangemen 0: Am- herst lsland in 5. Aiban's church on Sunday, in the absence 0. Rev, J..¥. Dixon. " é Fishing From Wharves, Almost every evening many | youngsters and some grown-ups, Loo may be seen fishing from the various | wharves along. the waterfront. It | is seldom that a very large fislf is landed, but the smaller ones are con- sidered just as much fun. Advertising the Fair. Manager Robert Bushell has a special automobile travelling through tne district with long streamers ecar- rying advertisements of the King- ston Fair. The farmers of the district are eagerly looking forward to the annual fall show. King Street Pavement. The work of laying ithe asphalt macadam on the concrete base on King street began on Friday morn- ing and good progress has been made with the work. This section of the paving bAs been held up most of the summer and citizens will be glad to see the street opened up again. To Enter Queen's. "Jack™ Millan, Earl street, weil- known hockey player with St. Mich- ael"s College two winters ago, 1s spending a week with his parents in the city. Mr. llan has been sailing on the lakes'during the sum- mer vacation and expects Lo enter Queen's University this fail. Wesley Personals. L. Miller and P. Moore, Wesley, left last week for the west. Mr. and Mrs. C. Thompson and family, Vie- toria, spent Sunday with A. A. Moore, Wesley. Mr. and Mrs. W. 71, Jennings and daughter, Emma, Clare Mich., left for home on Monday af- ter visiting witn A. Moore, Wesley, Miss Blanche Moore, Wesley, is at- tending Model school in Kingston. Stadium Press Box. With the approach of the rugby seasom, reports regarding the remov- al of the press-stand at the Richard- son stadium to a more advantageous position are being revived again. It has been suggested that the press box be suspended from the front sec- tion of the grand-stand roof and this idea should be adopted. It would give the sport writers a splen- did view of the playing field and the movements of the players. Is Going to China. Miss Bessie Ketcheson, daughter of ex-Mayor H. F. Ketcheson, Belle ville, has started\on her journey Lo Chung King, China, where she will engage in mission work under the auspices of the Women's Mission- ary Sociely of the Methodist church. She will call at Yokohama, Japan, and Shanghai on the way and wii! take about two months to reach her destination. Her sister, Miss Nettie Ketcheson, accompanied her as far as, Vancouver, B.C. ? ------------ Anglers Pleased. The work of Oe game inspectors in dealing effectively with tose tak- ing game fish illegally this season is greatly appreciated by anglers who spend their summer vacation on the water and enjoy a week's fishing. There were insisten* com- plaints about 'the taking of bass in nets and the inspectors showed that the government was determined to put a stop to it. As a result of the measures taken, the amgiers ruport good sport, and ther is a proposal now under corsideration to form a local anglers' association fur the protection of game fash. uy Canadian Pacific. 180 Wellington street report the following arrivals of Alelr stesm- ships: ' : Empress of France, from Quebec, due Cherbourg and Southsmpton, Aug. 25th, and Hamburg, Aug. 47th. Montclare, .from Montreal, due Liverpool, Aug. 24th. Montrose, from Liverpool, Quebec, Aug. 24th. Melita, from Montreal, arrived Cherbourg and Southampton, Aug. 23rd, and due Antwerp Aug. 24th. due of nis neighbors gathered at his home to wish him many happy re- | turns of the day. After some lime spent in music and social intercourse | the ladies served dainty reiresh- ments. Mr. Wollrein, popular young minister, conveyed to Mr. | Walt the appreciation of the ¢am- | munity, mentioning especially lis! great interest in the Sunday school and Young People's League. Aller Earl had made a suitable reply aii | joined in singing, "For He's A Joily | Good Fellow." i CHOLERA INFANTUN Cholera infantum is one of the fa- | tal ailments of childhood. It is a trouble that comes on suddenly, es- | pecially during the summer months, and unless prompt action is taken the little one may soon be beyond | aid. Baby's Own Tablets are an ideal medicine in warding off this trouble, They regulate the bowels and sweet- en the stomach and thus prevent all the. dreaded summer complaints. They are an absolutely safe medi- | cine, being guaranteed by a govern- | ment analyist to contain no opiates | or narcotics or other harmful drugs. They cannot possibly do harm--they | always do good. The Tablets are | sold by medicine dealers or by mail | at 25¢. a box from The Dr. Wil-| liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. | -------------- Picton Fair Director Here. C. 8. Metcalfe, director of the Picton Fair, was in the city on Kri- day and visited the 'office of the Kingston Fair, Market street, where he discussed matters with R. J. Bu- shell, manager of the Kingston Fair, who Is busily engaged daily in mak- ing preparations for the big exbibi- tion to open here Sept. 18th. | - IRON IN COMFORT The electric iron is the emancipator of the housewife, The heated labor of using the old fashioned iron dis- appears. The elec- tric iron can pe kept. at the right temperature and easily used and controlled at all times. Would you iron in comfort at slight expense? Then pay us a BURKEELECTRIC@ PHNNE:423. 74 PRINCESS St na Nt cn nt MRS.BUDGE $0 WEAK COULD HARDLY STAND Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham' Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health | River Desert, Que.--'* I used to havea | severe pain in my side. I would be un- | able to walk fast and length gs Ps g k f si if £ r jes i a ® Delivery Service A battery of trucks covering all parts of this vicinity, constantly. We can reach all adjacent points where the roads are hard. This service is for our own merchandise only. Charges moderate. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington © Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Factory Phong 1413 Office Phone 66. - Final Clean Up The last lot of Summer Boots and Shoes to be sacrificed to make room for our Fall goods. Clearingpride . ....... ....... . $3.49 pair Watch our window for the new Fall styles next week. JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231]. 70 Brock Street NOTICE GOURDIER"S have removed to 86 PRINCESS STREET, next to Bibby's, Limited, while alterations are "being made to Brock Street store. GOURDIER'S 78-80 Brock Street For the Best Values in ' Cont Young Men's Suits | $20.00, $25.00, So $32.00, $35.00. SEE OUR SPORT MODEL SUITS At $25.00 TWEDDELL"S Clothing House FOR TONIGHT Silk Sweaters Tuxedos, Jacquettes and Pullovers * inall colors. Sizes up to 44. : TONIGHT for less than manufacturer's cost'