Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Aug 1923, p. 19

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SATURDAY, AUGUST 25, 1098, .- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG = 5 -- Ri -- ; | ome lime And Save So T pend me Dollars. Read This Section. Regularly! : L » 3 -- : : Automobiles . --- Merchandise Real Estate For Rent Real Estate For Sale, The British MW [i Automobiles for Sale, 11 ( i n= = 5 KINGSTON, ONT. - _ McLAUGHLIN--35, tl hauled |_a - | - 3 Ho ForSale a4 cl. N33, reeently overhauie } ~ , - - n T | BRICK--Hard and soft, an uantity. | HOUSE--A ce, new, seve ENT--Res CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINE Shain Seat Saag rutining order, Ap. » . | Apply EE Walthem, Corner Birch| With lags lof and Darn on NorcAVAL| De. TW Ran Catan cdonce of Indexed, standar ed ar 1 and Queen Street. | and Collingwood Streeis. Fhone 613 or| fred. Apply J.D. Boyd, Eastview| sisting of a brick house of au oom 2% ized acoo + 1391) | Park. Paone 1102 Ré. stone garage, and an acre of the best : . : rden he 3 BH BASIL. SMITH EVSTEN. BOOTS--Army. new and used: Men's| 104 BAGOT STREET _ Comforiable| vegetables and spiendigr To. ior po ne, Philadelphia, Pa | | There's a pleasant sound to any phrase which im- fine Deis: Diack sad Un: leggings. the | Brick Does, near, Cloy, Park Apply! greenhouses "rhe house iv prow ' B y LC. a. hh 14 re i Sgn naniiihe et | Cars For Sal Plies that vpportunies is ss yroiifc ap to Topas -Sesele Shupirs. 45 Erinctes Beret: | Hr moder Comveniener arias and. ai 'pr jas LsOn, a apri iy he 'Daily Whig style of type ale every minute--sixty times an hour. CQCKSHUTT PLOUGHS--Are the best | 260 ALFRED STREET -- Frame, 7 tr Possession wabed, inte ea : . TY & Angareo. kor sale by| rooms, tw iece bath, verandah a ms CLASSIFIED RATES dive | i pe Shere 18 Yio exit eration In the sutemomt hut the Joroat & Wood Agency, 236 Ontario Prd yard. ADDly eR doors Rang ; Lots For Sal 6 y Daily rate per link or consecutive | : -B-C C el on ngs forth opportunities at ston. . I : nsertions: { ] Ford Tourin 191 7 exactly this rate - - $30.00--113 Patrick Street, 8 rooms, | LOT Desi 3 bo . .. | CARPENTER"S TOOLS -- A tity,| thr i bath, eltetri Eas rable corner buildin 7 ps: charge, 25 cents. { g Read--and ily mason's tools, 8 choice broad axe w kA ot Water furnhce A il W,| Bood residential section and. Pa E Minimum EES, Charge Cash | easy' meet ong opportunity per minute. handle, and quantity of other goods too | Retin & Son, Johnson ky Division Street, 562 Albert Street. Must a tharge v4 1 Ford Touring 1918 . Reagesang sort them out with reference to your own Rumerous te mention. Enquire at Carl- | - Etrests. " "t best offer. Box C-24, Whig Oftice, we 4} : ndividual needs. ; s. 5 = or Wanted--Real Estate F 1 §..8 | ENGINE--Separately or collectively, 20 | n Yor 80 8 b charged. | | (3 D s Possibly each offer you encounter will not apply to hyp y olientively, 30 FARM a Marriages, | ra ort 1 ourin - Pp. steam engine (Sawyer-Massey).| BUNGALOW---Furnished, : . WANTED--I want far 9 Di Fag ements, 5 | y g your requirements, but the great variety of offers is broad Grain Separator Jeo ite & Sons). | roomed house; also as ana'T roomed Re Meow. Treribe and stale pi hy onk, 2 - n . of Thanks' and Mgmoriam | These machines aa be purchased enough to cover the field of your interests. Elm Street or 5567 Albert Street. | pause. for Aug Park Pron Yos mL | Omaha, Neb. Kinson - Bldgs = insertion. { on payment plan. Everybody may profit by reading these ads--and FURNITURE--Den sett, kitchen cabl. | == i hi Bey BARA * nearly everybody does. How about yourself? net, buffet and bookcases, stovesand | Wamed-=To lout 81 " Rin fairl ge vi ithe Tor kins ihe | 3, 0 N ) UVEN BROS Cons 'iron phone. Tepe. 3 FT| HOUSE--with six rooms, bec anal| To-Day's Blunder | is of four lines. THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS * toilet, electric light, gas and furnace : Count six average words to the . A GARAGES AND COTTAGES Portable] [OT 15th September or 1st October. Ap- | C Yine. 34 PRINCESS STREET ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE or permanent, steel truss barns and|_PlY 4-23, Whig Office. ! -orrected Charged ads. will be received by impiem but The Ma 4 it- > - P. ent ulldings, steel water : s 3 faiephons snd If paid at he Brit. ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY tanks. shingles, sidings, etc. +. B. Me- Real Estate For Sale. (See Illustrauton on Page 14.) d ; mee, red Street. Agent M.S STE eee The titi thefirst day of insertion, cash rate & S. Co. Phone : repetition of a food in ome Ad be Alors. more than one day Auto Accessories--1Lires--Parts 18 = -. re cally, 4nd capes who. sy ri ; order: or tly, and i and stopped before expiration will | Apr rrpre IGT lon A big) ORGAN--Thomas, walriut, In good con-| J(NRM--90% acres, north side of Howe| JY Specially wien the flavor y Sux be charged for the numbes of Bargain, i ye ave youl size, Bastern | : dition, §15. C. W. Lindsay, Limited. | in ra A i Howe Wee) A i vary pronounced, is aot attractive pF hs Jana otire Co., Queen an n- | : : : the taste. I ment made &t the rate earned tario Streets. Phone 2050 0-Liis menu, Pineap> Rate per line for white space is : : MANDOLINS--Flat back A fin. | HARM PROPERTY--The north parts of| Ple is used twice, d altho line of type. Business Service Em ment 3 ack, naturlll fin-| yo 3) ang 32 i hal ugh it Bhs aime, for yearly advertising Business Services i EECA mploy $01; Dlesited tall plece; ¢ well be lanced, | Storrington, 60 ng eo, Concession, eu: be considered" more cionomis on request. EEE a ee steopathy 28g. y uy | Under cultivation, and t hi cal, the Bbiiabols rotary the right to 00st | "Business Bertices Offered 18 tr |S, Cannorie Aenis BB | Piura naan EAL TD in, gio Covcottion + Suokt| dishes could Rave boon. evel ro I ' or reject all classifie: e OSTEOPATHY--A. T. Still graduates. | AGEN \ { ngton, 100 acres more or less. For . av to be copy. x . i, Drs. Robert and Edne Ashcroft, 204] pmb tian iiable an Jer MOUTH _ORGANS--Hundreds to choose | jerins, apply to Geo. H. Seabrook, served the next day. 3 Teiophons 243, ask for a want ad. AUCTIORBER Vor geurtesy ana == King Street. Phone 447 for appoint-| Every property owner bas some of | Irom. We carry best makes only; stock | Secley's say. {Ty s . As 1 { -tO~ -. ~ : : Street. Phone 8304 or THisw, «S| MeN Rea Tag trees and pias t nol hardy | lowest prices Eiders. © oo" °'" | FARM Parts lots 39 and parts lots 13 ROOMS FoR RENT Announcemen Repairing 29 | needed. Complete equipment and in- and 20, Sth and eth co og e " . hip of Kingston, contai. struction free. Write Domin 2 - | PIANO--Stevenson, in good condition. nship & , containing 160 FOR HOME CO Personals 9 Dressmaking--Miilinery 21 FURNITURE FINISHING--Of all kinds.| les, Montreal. 203 Rurser an sain tor quick sale. Apply: 248 IED Rae Traniand: fne stone Le CONVENIENCE. =D : Yb} Call and see . Driscoll, 23 John T ~t. barns. 3 ; rame try £ --Sena birth | HEMSTITCHING--Picot edging, pleat-| street. Phone 296F. SALES AGENT--Relia fhe, underground stables for fifty 3 cut THIS OUT FOR LUCK Send birth ing; work guaraateed. Mrs KE. A. sehted districts, Xishis Sop unrepres SPINET DESKS--20% reduction om| CRitle; this farm is fronting on Rideau 66 0 0 on oats Site. Prof, Raphael, 94| Card, 366 Barrie Street. 13% blocks| UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni-| ment. We are the largest growers of| [0Sewood Spinet Desks. Lesses' An- River, 2oen Illes from city of" King- 3 Grind Central Sta, New York. from Princess Street. ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop a| fruit and ornamental trees In Canada.| iQue Shop, $07 Princess Street. Phone| arm: water convenient and a .cholce IRN he ORT card. W. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot Street.| Sell for a Nursery, not for a jobber.| 1046W- * sands. of aohavlleges is worth thou- FURNISHED ROOMS 3 MATRIMONY Pretty girlie, wealthy, Ladics' Hair Parlor. 21a You wiil be successful. Write: Pelham Soe Arpiotars, every dcre ip till. MES. D. J. FITZEGIBBON 3 + "but 0h 50 lonesome. C. Box 65, Oxford, UPHOLSTERING--And general repair-| Nursery Co. Toronto. "| STOVES Lawrenson's for Good Cheer | gC. AER (0 D A. Cavs, 87 Brock| | Phone 2081m. 187 BROCK STREET "hPa HAIR WORK--Of all kinds, made to| Ing. Leave orders at or drop a card Square Quebec Stoves and Heaters, eel, Lingston, . 3 T o0-000 order. Also Shampooing and Massag-| to ¥. W. Harold ,104 Clergy Street. Teachers Wanted 85a Edonon y og Bpints and Var- 147 ACRES-- Buildings In good ai HOTELS ATRIMONY -- Widow, worth 1000.1 ing. Children's hair cutting. Mrs. #5 2 pr Stree One| tons; 50 acres und tiv Sond lonely. Gentlemen write. I-Box 35,| Charles Cunningham, 56 Bay Street, SHOE REPAIRING--All hand work.| pgACHER--For S. 8 No. 3 |. 338W. apposite ranse Hall venient to scheul and opLvation: con. H League, Toledo, Ohio. Kingston. Kubber Leola a specialty; efficient ser Lestant, holding limited 3rd ari VIOLINS--Light brown finish, highly| L 0.1 Watered. 3 miles rom Kinsey. ; 2 © MATRIMONY-- Wealthy, pretty affec- en Sg | real ang Queen Streets, Gh Analy. etacmg' ommence Sept. | polished, select Maple necks; well cut Apply C. O. Martin, Westbrooke, Ont. ! k : ' - Pp ' L! e ue. - . Oe Ketone. Dari' Dawn, South FIRE--Automobile and Casualty I SHOEMAKER -- James Modney, 233 j4Frie Co0poy, Sharbot Lake, R. R. No.| Der, at $15.00. Eiders. "Bath Road; slay eatsom Kingston on axKeview 3 s 3 : aie Ndrb - x RSUr-| ing Street, T. Biss rormerly of 246 . : oam soil; new barn; 3 5 Buclid, Ohio. alice. BS me, 420 Ear] Street. Hoe Street, in charge. An kinds| PREACHER Qualified WOOD---Mixed, $3.25 quarter cord; new Silo, Stone house. All modern conveni- & MATRIMONIAL ~-- Hundreds seeking one 1+ ' of 'work. Rubber Heels put on while| "gyn lion oq ™ el a normal trained,| and second hand lumber, matched lum- a es. or particulars apply to Ar- ouse marriage. If sincere enciose SIAMP. | INSURANCE Fire, Life, Accident and| You Welt. Workinanship guaranteed. | town. "Salary 31000 iy jo Boost, | her, cedar posta; lau, $5ae oye Houinyarunan, R. M. D. No. 1, Ports- - "hi- | 1 . . : y 31000, : slabs, ' CM . 2, En lard, 2928 Broadway, Chi Sickness, in reliable companies. J. B.| TPHOLSTERING -- Covered buttons §. Miller, sec, Collin's Bay, Ont, R. B.| Talbot. Yard: Concession street, near 308 Corner Qu cag! Leo Re strict Mahager, Phones: | 'made same day as ordered. Upholster- . 3. - Division. Phone 2302w. 8 ACRES--Lots 21, 22, 23, in 8th Con- UNDER een and Ontario Sts. by CRT ery IT lonely; for es: 343wW., ce: SU3w. Ing at reasonable prices. E. J. Good- - - a 2 food dairy and stock farm, } NEW MANAGEMENT. 0 results, try me; hest and most suc) INSURANCE--Only the most reliable] juiSh: 244 University Avenue. Phone Situations Wantod--Male 87 000 AND CO er aiant,™t 130] Biv Bex 5, Wale orice. ™™ AP" First-class rooms and meals. cessful "Home Maker"; hundreds ric % v . » y i ---- he wish marriage soon; strictly confi- EI gn pg TI ree: F- = SE SALESMAN--Position as salesman, 18 fixed oma woot, paved e Sp: and. de Houses For Sale Sad Jazds aud. stables: . denials most A iable; eat of sue. | Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. Employment J eh pence, Jroler Siothing, and Hard Coal Coke from cit Ar aaure: . > 3 Special rates to Marine Men. y i, oy gabe i .. en Le ee EET This - Apply ox -32, 10.00 ton u to Septem Ct y FF MN {cessful Club", Mrs. Nash, Box 056, | INSURANCE--Our Health ang Acc y --Femal 32 Whig Office. } Pp plembel, Cinder RAME HOUSE--$ rooms, bath, bast P. M. DRISCOLL, 3 an I ror fists sug Accent Help Wanted--F | Hho Cd Taher 0 CBRE) WE semaine hee amish, ae Fropriatr, | £ insurance at low rates.. Phone E.| re. GENE " nancial . : r stove, and 3 lots; | § MATRIMONY--Catholics wishing to] williams, 2 Couper Street COOK GENERAL -- Exporienced, by = one. block from street car; chea: 1 - Se tions. Bookl Lt oat September 1st. Apply Mrs. I. H. Mac- Wanted---To B cash to quick bu i p_ for : Tree. Write. atholle Correspondence Moving, Trucking, Storage 25 | fee: 143 King Street, West. Money to Loan 20 rr =. wy oo Shai.to qui; Aryeh Apply corner Elm BUSINESS Sunvice =F x 4 f " . D--sSllver, or Fal ee ------------------ : Club, Grand Rapids. Mich - - CUOK~-General, by Sept. 5th; must be| FRONTENAC--Loan 'and Investment| cash or exchange. a Boy th fur HOUSE-- Twelve room, brick central | MATRIMONY -- Attractive business | ASHES--Cleaned cut of cellars and| able to do plain couking well; nol Society, incorporated 1861. President,| 244 Princess street, Kingston. fittéd for rooming, boarding or threo Ww. Ken i irl, 27, worth $73,000, wantyg kind, | J3rds, clean job done. A. MacGregor,| washing, irowing or sweeping. Apply| W. F. Niekle, K.C.; vice-president, A. | gomplete apartments. Box U-19, cane : t Macnee t Reiping' husband =~ Write quick for| 24 Russell Street. Phone 2255. Mrs. Bimer Davis, 3 Sydenham Street, MB Cunningham. Money issued or city | QUEBEC HEATER--Wita oven. with| Whig Office. Gare Bank of Commerce Butidin : standing picture and description. Bo¥| gcnopacy SPACE--For furnit corner West. properties; municipal and| or Without warming closet. Give price| rma -------- | |W ng Streets. Phone Po : ; E-- ure, clean county debentures; -| and full R -21, | HOUSE--F 7 3 Ri 33, Los Angeles, Calif. and dry. Apply E. E. Wathem, 143 GIRL--To assist with two children and| thased; Investment Donan far salel ur. | Whig Ofhes 1 APPIY Box W-1l, | HG frontage, on Rideau Strecr ne Writing: Automopiie: res y= _ RUPIL NURSES--Diploma. 2 years, unl. | elson street. Phone 1391J .or 818. Joudework, AUDIY Mis W, W. Anglin, | Jost, received snd interest allowed. | = er dames Bargain for cash or terms, at dons, 8 Skness, Plate Gl Surg 4 ' p a 0] " . - LC. I » $1 C > AP : ance. Arovriad: | Che Ha STORAGE--For furniture, clean, dry, hos y | Street. Kingston: get) 3/ Clarence Rooms For Rent By 2 Jonuson Street, panies" Rg only rellable I, $11 HB. 49th, Chicago. and ken® pod spaces; your own lock | GIRL--Smart, Junior, accurate at figur- | Roos * a ar. Fronts city, Storage, i95- ing; Aldo a knowledge of shorthand Instruction With Board 7 HOUSE----One of the Best built hous. 1 BLEMISHES -- Halr, Moles, | h "| an pewriting; steady, light work. ea eT the city. Large lot. Fruj - MERCHANDISE 'Wa he ancer === | Apply in writing, staung ex fence, 3 BEDROOM---Furnished, in private fam-| Improv. , t and a . Jods pra SA, CANS | = Punting, Pupering, Decorating 36 10 ox B10. Whi 'Obie oTTICRIGMS Unite UR) Ltn Torn toh PA | IOP SUNRISh Byun SONAR, 8) (eee . Satisfactory Glasses fitted and ~ ; y convenient an OI | eee rnished fier others have failed | PAINTING--Papering, Decorating --| HOME-WORK--U0od wages. We need SPGCIALIZE:--Every great man hag| lke. Apply 196 Ordnance Street. Fi URNI TURE «@oitre cured without operation. 3§| frst class work and work guaranteed. You to make socks on the fast, easily- h Me great, every successful man hone 2356J. $3200.00--Barrie Street solid brick ¢ v4' experience. Dr. Eimer J. Lake, | All or phone A. Anderson, 155 Bagot| learned Auto Knitter: experience un-| (08 Stcteeded in proportion as he has = . $4300.00 -- University = Avenus, Of AN Descriptions at Reasoge ye, Kar, Nose, Throat, Skin, 364] Street. Phone 1966. necessary; distance immaterial; posi gontined is powers to one particular| BOARD AND ROOMS--First class, by| brick, all improvements. . - Wolid able Prices Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 1138) tively no canvassing: yarn supplied.| Channel. Thousands of Canuda's spe-| @&y or week. All conveniences. Rea- | $4500.00 -- Collin STOV. A a A EIGN PALNTIN % Bobin Particulars, 3c, stamp, Dept. i3-C Jains 8 Atchitecturs, Advertising, Saiable Hates, Appl A an University | provements, ha wood floors, hop -- Well repaired, at a rging es Lost and Found 10 376 Ba, NG--J. obinson, rear! Aute Knitter Co. Toroate. .- O 4 » ectrical, echanloay, r ree ter heating. » " bi SOL street. Civil, Mining and Steam Engmeering, $7500.00 . LADIES--Wanted to handle our line of| ave been trained by the LOS ASK RN tably ished. large bedtuom. brick, ry nary Avenue, solid » E > onal direction, , Bu ° 00 -- J CO Ly Found un ta, Owe Archies Bon, Loinunsl necting cards between now | yu, IAUCTRL ACTOR, stating work] TVe Nie table Dont Apbis' 151] ei Som CICFEY Brest West, a reat . Turk's . may Have same at 8 . ten to forty dollars weekly. Whole or| j€ation. International Correspon.| Brock Street. Phone $im. $4500.00--Johnson Street, soli PHONE 706. ARCHITECTS--Power, Son and Drever,| Spare time. pPauples are. Weekly iu He canadian, Limited. Lept, For Ho = rr = rgoms, all improvements. d brick, 10 RANK---F a erchants Ban "hambers, ay. Dept. D-122, Carlt Publish a » Canada. cal Of Rooms use. n, vera ar ean. bY She police, Noch Brock and Wellington. SUIBSE. 9: oh Toronto, Ont.' oa ShINE| fice: 150 Clarence Street, Ringacon: Ont. pay I ry Tao ities. 030. Sn, . Real Estate and Insu a 5 Chiropract 28¢. | MAJ)--For general housework. Ap- 8toc ROOMS---Furnished, suitable for light| 316 Barrie rance NX - [| CRANK Lost, for Reo truck. Will nd- |W re Bly Mra. Robertson, 32 Lower Unioh Live Stock housekeeping. Apply 261 karl Street. Btieet, Phone 1098. " kindly advise W. G. Craig & Co, | MARCELI m., A, D.C, Ph. C,, cor. eel. { Dogs, 47 : i , Onta oo h ner Princess and ba -¥ z SEE--Bateman's Ia. 3 Tra. rio Street. Phone 210. Nr ihcess an Fortin LR Ly MAKE MONEY ,AT HOME--$15 to $80| BOSTON BULL DOG--Asni 5 ROOMS Three, unfurnished, for light| Vertisement, page fo Real Sates aa: Ont." Consultation ' free. Telephone| Paid Weekly for your spare time writ-| "Stansbury, § Chestnut Sirest. co phony! |ousekeeping. No children. Call af- : GLASS BUTTER DISH-«In Anderson| $22). Hours ¥ to 12 a.m. 1 to 6 pam. | .N8 show/cards for us. No canvassing.| 1730w. eet, or phon€| ter § p.m. at 93 Gore Street. - ee : Becthors' store. Owner apply there. | oe F ; ie Ar aaa a sie aror, Real Estate FRAME HOUSE bedroom OR SALE u JCY--Drs. G. F. & . est-Angus ow Car ervice, 1 [¢ -- Ji y i ractic Specialists Janie An Sire Colborne Bid., Toronto. NO ERRIER Lb Th a ==co8l Estate For Rent ith clothes closets, oluetiis Loar a. pu urse, got Street. Ph fdiw, partmen ' . 800d cellar, a 4 , MAN'S COAT--Found, in taxi. Apply at| Hours: 9-12 a.m.. 1 to 5, and § to 7.30 WOMAN---Middle-aged ,to take care of Tames Norrie 193 ash. APPly Mrs, 4 ts and Flats . 74 | and 'garage, newly conse, Yarden Lite Boats, Rowing Skifts, FL eS Brock Brees nd. in taxi. ADK pm. Sunday and other hors by uat| An elderly lady and. aseist with er Bagot St. APARTRERE painted. Price $2500; easy terms. This small Knock-abo pointment. Consultation free. wo: Shite pay, Heply, PUPS---8cotch Collie, heelers: price §4| furnished for TE Rouse Rogping eure: Bo soi aratively new house and must "about Boats, Gas- PIN--Found, 4n front of Congregational tat Sod. | BEY expected. Apply Box L-10,° Whig in Apply Richard Whitty, hari-| able for married couple without chdld- | oline Engines, Evinrude Stern : rch Gwar at of Congregations] . Otice, . ren. Apply 236 Barrie Street. | FRAME HOUSE--Very centrally locet Motors, small Pumping Units, § Office. SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dentists, 150 [M AP lee $1000 CK from Princess Btreet. : WAITRESS-CHAMBERMAID-- At once, erchandise. ARPMENT--Four rooms; all con-| Price $1000, wit Andie. Teoh OF MONEY~--Lost, on Prin Wellingion aireet, corner of "Brock: experienced, for summer home, for Venisdces: hot water heating. Pos- Ith $200 to handle. Also the placg to get machin- % in nay Trulia Poacd go 3s Empioy og ane Articles For Sale 51 | Insufnce ET. ME. Apply Whites M. B. TRUMPOUR i ery repaired and oxy-acetylene APP--Dr. A. E, Dentist. Office: 368! of Cs ment Seryies : \ ie incess Street. Rhone §5aw. Open) Or oonade, 3§ Clarence Street. ASHES -- And Heav 337 Bagot Street. welding and : . sme = y: ClinRers. | FOUR ROOMS--On bat oi : carbon burning. | MINING ENGINEERS samen ly thon Help Wanted--Wale 38, 35°50 Mag" fa of, rood Tork | able tor young Couple; Gv and sec: Phones 104 or 164zr. -1 3 y| tr ts, heated. pply Phone ' AT KIRKLAND LAKE | Legal 2Be. | AGENTS -- Purity Laundry Tablets, cuecn Srowes Foundry, King and| 239m. D ; Queen Streets SEMI-BUNGALO' hes Without rubbin t W--Good localit 3 . CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers] marine are' rubbing. Agents i side, § » West re maki 0 weekl - Bua Places ; 8 rooms and 3 plece : 1d: Mi There Ree| S53 Solicitors, Ty Clarence Streat. pg i Asadliny our bro- AWNINGS -- Tents, Automooile Tentn For Beat 75 vers modern with aly e backieoom, Foot of Wellington Street | nes Rie "arith, > Cumhingham, KCI| 88's Mfg. Co, London, Ont. De:| Cushions sien. Taseuiils S8VI08| LODGE ROOMS Rooms on Kink siresi| Gon lof oon condition"ihcluding good: oN : = he " . . 2 o e 4 . z " garded as the Richest In 5 ---- -- partment 3. Cooke, 318 Bagot Steer oy ? muy scoupled by the OOF. plot. Apply Box B-34, Whig Oftice. J A LLE--] . o. Cunningham . 3 The World. el 08 Clarence. Steoaiers andj CHEESEMAKER--For balance of sea- BRASS, BED--Dull # ; 5 3 Son : oh Da son, by the hundred, and. furnish his By nigh, double size, Houses For Ren 5 qn sb yc adrian L Revelle| own help. Also to separate the whey.| PrinSs and Mattress, all in good con. t 77 - Kirkland Lake, Aug, 35. -- 'he |omey to lean Fhone 305. Binte smlary expected to Box AH| Sr phous Jobb." CONREWGSd Surat What We Ha is K. A g Office. 4 : HOUSE--4 e Been i mine operators of Kirkland Lake | SHEA Ambrose, BA. Barrister and roums, electric light and ve Kn i Meitor. Law Ofrice, 3) tol L Giarict are, ontertaining a EToup of | aad Becck. aw Oh iss, corner of) King FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN--Begin- BICYCLES-Cle 1Sieveiand Bd sud ) Perfect. Al let. Apply § Macdonald Street. Since April 1st we have taken orders for Anthracite coal : © mining engineers, the biggest so far| !o loan. Phong 1999. tion?) Write Rall oy Meh He Hab ra hades tepaired and 'ro-tired. and filled them as quickly as possible. sb cye orks, 371- \ : be ay his Sold. Englasess trom | and smuggle them into Canada erth. Office. treet. Phone 1981w or Han King HOUSES--Several to rent from $18.00 to What We Are Doing Now-- various parts of the world are here, [or at Prescott or Brockville, j | REPRESENTATIVES -- W ER ee : vath, Cherry Street; two one hundred eirong. The Hel lown (he Mie the seme scheme ls| Tal PENMbAY SLRS MPULNE CULIES our fiengar have probiad Ly rasan | BIOLOSALS: sarah. foamed odes "ma Sil taking orders and gusrantesing delivery. ng cards. ra y readin, Y inines of Kirkland Lake di-| worked in other cities. Tobacco is| ing from ten to Aety" dollars weekly, classified 30 have friends of | furnace: one seven pocmes binee oo What We Expect To Do-- ; 4 it have proveg to be a revelation at half th in the Uni either whole or spare time. = Weekiy| yeur friends' frie Charles un w 9 § h e United | pay. les Dept. D122, Carle]. a 3 $3 Pattios Seteet Pl? Bo F. Norman, Son. Tock fo take care of all orders received throughout | cs Sra t many - the visitors. | States as In a. on Publiening Co., Toronto, Ont. iA Gepends snows about Op ih Street. the season. 2 Son hem say they are undoubt- " . tho aRon how consci. 3 st ¢ : 2 $2,000--Per year, easll 1 gutiously he reads the classified col- . . h the richest in the world. B.| They who dp, not value praise | "our rubber aprons ¥ ade hing N YOU wit com rag a in od locality, ames S f * . A 5 Mathewson, of the American In-| will seldom do anything worthy of | Free sample case to workers. Write] fn It all he fesse mos "isified ad. put lights, cellar, large . garden, © mer wi » 1 el expressed the opinion that|it. = Yor prices and particulars. B. &L.any one who made inquiry ahous rors] ent moderste to good careful tenant. - : Root of ny ' ; iL * alihougl do 2 Inage ings | without children' preferred. Apply 1i oot of Johnson Street A S § Sad si the mines of Cobalt have Tm BRINGING UP FATHER ;; ; WERE

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