THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG LATEST LOCAL SPORT ING F GENERAL REVIEWS NEWS \ TIMELY | - COMMEN1S OSHAWA HDS OUT ONE BIC StRPsE First Game for 0.0.B.L. " Championship. Oshawa, Aug. 26.--The local nine, champions of A. Seetion of the Cen- tral Ontario League, handed out a surprise to the whole circuit kere today when they shut out Belicville, Section B champions, 3-0 in the first same-for the league title. The weather was more suitable for fugby than baseball but. four thous- and fans turned up for the match i 'the field was surrounded by OF cars which were three dc<p in Some places. Umpires Hallinan and 'Thorne officisted, with. Thorne at the piate. Dainty and Tyson form- ed Oshawa's battery and Oulette aad Hagerman that of Belleville. Dainty allowed but four hits and Ouleiie five. First Inning. Bellevilie--Weir hit one to short, which got away from Morrison. Weir was caught off first base. Ross fanned. Brownscombe walked. W. Mills hit safely. H. Mills forced Browascombe at third. 0 rups, 2 hits, 0 errocs. . Oshawa--Jacobi walked. A. Fair flew out to Koss at centre. Rowden hit a slow one to Williams at third, and be missed it. Tyson hit to deep left, scoring Rowden. Rodbick out, pilcoer to first. Belding fanned. 2 rung, 3 hits, 1 error. S8écond Innings. Beleville--J. K. Williams flew out lo second. Casey lined to Jacob, who made a grand catch. Hager- man fanner. 0 runs, C hits, 0 errors. Oshawa--Morrison struck out. 3 O.B.A.A. SEMI-FINALS | «Peterboro Juniors vs. Kingston Circle Six Fair Grounds, Wednesday, at 5.30 ADMISSION: ADULTS, 35c. CHILDREN, 15c. Big Fish Stories are coming in every day. Are the right kind of Fishing Tackle? © We have the right kind for the fish you want to catch. CARS FREE, you using You can't catch Fish without Tackle. We have-- + . RODS; REELS; LINES, SINKERS, ..» FLOATS, SPINNERS, PLUGS. readgold 88 PRINCESS ST. Spo Everything in Tackle, rting Goods Co | PHONE 529, Wilson rolled one in front of plate and Hagerman threw it over to the track, Wilson going to second. Jacobi fanned W. Fair hit to Brown- fscombe and he let it ooze through his legs. Wilson scoring. Rowden out, short to first. 1 run, 0 his, 1 error. Third Innings. &! Belleville--Oulette walked. Weir lined out to Morrison at short, Russ hit safe to right. Browascombe flew out to left. W. Mills forced Oulette third. 0 Tums, 1 hit, 0 errors. Oshawa--Tyson hit safe. Dainty forced Tyson at second, and in an attempt to make a double play Weir heaved it over first. Roddick sacri- fived. Belding out, third to frst. 0 rubs, 1 hit, 1 error. Fourth Inning. Belleville--H. Mills out, Rowden to first. J. K. Williams popped out to Tyson. Casey out, Dainty to First. 0 rums, 0 hits, 0 errors. Oshawa--Morrison hit the air. Wilson out, second to first. Jacobi flied out te Brownscombe at snort. 0 rums, 0 hits, 0 errors, S---- Firth Inning. Belleville--Hagerman hit down third base line for a base. Oulettc fanned. Weir hit to deep centre. Roddick making a fine one-hand stab. Ross out, Dainty to first. 0 runs, 1 hit, 0 ervors. Oshawa--W. Fair out, pitcher to first, Rowden out, the same way. Tyson out, short to first. 0 rums, ¢ hits, 0 errors. Sixth Inning. ' Belleville Brownscombe flied out to Dainty. W. Mills fanned H. Mills safe on three strikes, Tyson letting the last one get away, Mills went to second on passed ball. J. K, Williams out, short to first. 0 runs, 0 hits, 1 error, Oshawa--Dainty fouled out to Williams. Roddick hit safe over second. Belding sacrificed. Mor- rison flied out to Brownscombe iu a running catch. 0 rums, 1 Lit, 0 errors. Seventh Inning. Belleville --Casey flied out {0 Row- den. Hagerman out, short to first, Oulette whiffed the air three times. 0 rums, 0 hits, 0 errors. Oshawa--Wilson out, short to ARE. through--for this year. , Very few people expect a loss. | .| sale over second. Circle-Six are to be congratulated should go a long way and it is up to A win and they bave another Dainty was responsible for the trick anything in life, for that matter. new rugby coach selected. fairness in dealing been a detriment to Queen's in other versity's rugby outfit is being kept looks queer, Sm, Fair and he 'dropped. H. Mills hit R. Fair now play- ing centre field in place of W. Fair. J. Williams out second to first. Casey fiew out to Morrison, 0 runs, 1 hit, 1 error. Oshawa 2, Bolleville 0. PICTON HERE FOR DELAYED PLAY-OFF "Weather Permitting," Will Meet Kingston Inter- mediates This Evening. Unless the rain clouds have special dislike for the intermediate series of the 0.B.A.A. and break up this evenlng's * entertainment, the Grounds again this evening and mee! first. Jacobi lined out to centre. W. Fair out the same place. 0 ruus, 0 hits, 0 errors, Eighth Inning. Belleville--Weir walked on four balls. Ross flew out to right. 'Brownscombe forced Weir at second. Brownscombe out stealing. 0 runs, 0 hits. 0 errors. Oshawa--Meagher playing nrenire field in place of Ross. Rowden out third to first. Tyson flew out to Weir, Dainty hit to Williams a: third and he made a bad heave to frst. Dainty being safe. Roddick fanned on three pitched balls. 9 runs, 0 hits, 1 error. Ninth Inning, Belleville--W. Mills lined out to or "THEM DAYS IS CONE FORE You not only read it, you sing it. Try it on your plano. comic hit. Watch nightly for this big VER" | | "PROLONG THIS ON YOUR PROPELLER." ANN DAN NA Ma J AN NS any A SMA Va § o> the Kingston nine in the second game of the playoff, first round. The game started on Friday even- ing last and for as long as it lasted the locals had the better end of it and they are satisfied that they can do as well Shia SYehing KRain but- ted in in the frst inning last time but good wedther will see a bumper orowd out (for this eveming's per- formance, which promises to be one of the best of the year. Croft and Quinn will be back on their pitching jobs and the teams will not likely be different. In case of a 'win for Kingston the third game will be played at Belle- ville, the date to be agreed on by the teams. . With the juniors doing well, the intermediates should take a spur now and recover lost ground. The City League is fn deed of several more games to make up its treasury which has been rather badly hit by the postponement in the intermedi- ate section and .the long Peterboro dy the juniors. NARROW MARCH "FOR THE PETES Defeated Cirgle=8ix 2-1 First Game In Lift=Lock Town---Napanee Chosen After two easy games 'against Oshawa the Peéterboro juniors ran against real opposition on Saturday when the Kingstom Circle-Six turned out on the diamond at Riverside Park. Not only did their star pilch- er, Whitehouse, meet his equal, but they only scraped out a victory by one run, the Dual score standing 2 to 1. ! Clarke was the choice of Manager Powell for the Kingston tesm aud De turned in a fine game. Both he and Whitehouse had seven strike- outs credited to (hém, while the Kingston' man' allowed seven hits and the Feterboro twirler five. Circle-Six scored 'first.' In the in- itial inming ' urday and encouraged to an even better showing here on Wednesday. Thé fate of the Kingston intermediates is in the balance this even- | protested and that Secretary Dulmage has named Dainty as ineligible. ~ A new secretary has been appointed to Queen's Athletic Board and a It is to be hoped that this year will bring out with all branches of the press--something that has ed when preference is shown in some directions. For a squad that is a sitdng contender every year gone to the Laurentians, Queen's players are doing everything that makes for great teams--presumably--but little .old Varsity still sits < Picton squad will appear at the Fair |® trip ol FROM THE OUTSIDE_LOOKING I. | on their showing in Petarboro on Sat- They the fans to get behind them. | | lease on life. A loss and they are | Oshawa's 3-0 shut out of Belleville in the league championship game | Saturday came to this end of the circuit surprise. Pitcher | that Belleville "has | | as a big but it 4s said The youthful Kenneth Bibby gave local yachtsmen a lesson in stick- | ing at it on Saturday in the long distance dinghy race and won the trophy! in Class C. + That spirit is what makes for success in any sport--and in| tines. Support can hardly be expect- Toronto . Uni- pretty well under cover. "Shag" has tight. In which Kingston and Petarboro will play the third game. The teams: Kingston--McPherson, 2b; Rich- ards, c; Leggett, ss; Purvis, 1b; Hartley, If; Reid ef; Smith, rf and 3b; Clarke, p; McKelvey, 3b and rf. Peterboro--Cameron, ss; L. Le- barr, 1b; Moore, 2b; Whitelow, of; Collins, ¢; Whitehouse, p; Halliday, 3b; McIntyre, If; Lebarr, of. By innings: Z R. H. E. Kingston ....100000000--=1 5 3 Peterboro ...001000001--2 7 5 Umpires-~Sullivan, of Kingston, B.C. FIR CEILING Just unloaded a carload of No. | Clear Fir, V Joints for ceilings, Excellent stock. Wainscoting, etc. Also have on hand a full assortment of Spruce, V Joints, Siding and Flooring. or prompt service, telephone 1042, ALLAN LUMBER C0. PRICES RIGHT, It | fem at the plate; Kay, of Peterboro, on the bases. --------------. baad EEE ET RE BRENT ly % INTER-CITY YACHT RACES. Montreal, Aug. 25. ----- The inter-city yacht races sailed here this afternoon resulted as follows: 1, Beaver Montreal; Red .Fateh IV., Montreal; 3, Vega, 2 MAKE YOUR Toronto; 4, Aneatis, Toronto; Montreal, 33 points, Toionto 16. + * . * * + » ¢ * * * + + + ea EE JEMMETT AGAIN WINS THEW. CASEY TROPHY {Long Distance Dinghy Race Featured by Pluck of K- Bibby and Many Mishaps In a gale blowing twenty-five miles |an hour and a heavy sea the long dis- | tance cruising race, dinghys, for the | Casey Trophy, left the Yacht Club ou Saturday at 2.30. There were ten entries in all---Messrs., Jemmett, H. Hill, 8. Hill, H. Duff, K. Bibby, B. Cunningham, J. Campbell, H. Hora, B. Hopkins and D. Matheson. The race, an annual affair, was thirty miles long running from the Yacht ! Club buoy around Burnt Islond and home. Following the Safety First | principle a launch manned by { Messrs. C. 8. Kirkpatrick, Clare { Kirkpatrick, George and Biil Smith and John Murray accompanied the boats to render aid if necessary. Several mishaps of exciting nature occurred, forcing five of the yachts Lo drop out in the first lap of the face. It was very, very cold and heavy sea all but swamped Cunning- ham and Hopkins, the former put. ting in to Wolfe Island and the lat- ter to Eastview Park. Matheson and Bibby upset and were towed to Brophy's Foint by the Emergency Launch, while Duff beached his boat at Milton narrowly escapi arrest by the village constable, wio took him for a rum runner. . All of thesc returned to the ¥acht Club except young Kenneth Bibby, who pluckily resumed his cou arriving becx about nine on unday morping, thereby winning the 'cup tn C. Class, | Those who went on rounded Burnt Island in the wir Phone 600, mett, 10.34 p.m.; H, Hill, 10.45 p.m. J. Campbell, 11.30 p.m.; K. Bibby, 9 am, (Buuday morning). Prof. Jemmeétt made the course'in 8 hrs., 4 minutes; Hill in 8 hrs. 15 min- utes; Campbell, 9 hours, and Bibby in 18 firs, 30 minutes. - " ---------------------------- PICTON LADIES WON AT GOLF. A ladies' golf mateh, uine bodes, was held at Napanee on Aug. 23rd and resulted: fed Napanee. : Points Miss Spencer «...........\ 7. Mrs. Baker .... ae 20s sr tne nas Miss Miller ..............:. seer usena esses vasvennsse vase it erases sin 1. ' "Phone 1042. DINE OUT DURING THE HOT WEATHER HAVE YOUR MEALS AT OUR CAFE DURING THE SUM- MER -- GOOD THINGS SERVED AS YOU LIKE THEM -- DAIN1Y CAFE Superior Welders make our welding work superior to dll others. Because of our long ex- perience in testing, in heating, in do- ing all kinds of welding work, we feel that we are amply able to take care of any welding work you wish 'done. Bishop Machine KING AND QUEEN STRERTS WORK EASY Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your home. We have everything you may need to bring comfort -- Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc, Halliday Electric Co. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS, . Non-skid, guaranteed first quality Tires The Central Garage Limited - ing, Coupe and ' ' 5 1 > Two, Five and Seven Passenger 210-214 Wellingtod 8¢, Under the regulations of the New York State Boxing Commission, $25 is the highest price that can be charged for admission to a bout. The record for circling the baies Is 13 2-5 seconds, held by Archdeca~ [fon ISL cklg