Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Aug 1923, p. 3

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__ SUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1023. Char-Tex fs the last word @n mouth health. . The CHAR-TEX Tooth Paste removes the film and gives the teeth listening, white appear- LBDO8 i relieving bleeding and inflamed gums. . CHAR-TEX LIQUID positively clears up all cases of Pyorrhea, and is recommended by the leading dental specialists on the American continent. We ask you to use CHAR-TEX, knowing it to be the best, pre- paration of its kind om the L. T. Best Our showing of Druggist -Silver and Pyrex Casseroles is very 'extensive. They Farms For Sale ACRES--100 under cultivation, 12 =m from Kingston; frame house, good pondition; 2 large barns, newly shingled with or without implements--would exchange for city propgrty. 190 A'RES--8 miles from Kingston-- Sokes under cultivation--&0 acres 3 mush; good. stone house, large Ey and drive shed; well Nitered, ng stream; well adapt or - Kot dening: 1 'mile from ch y represent the fin- ished work of Canada's great- silversmiths and make most useful gifts at any time, est and factory. '}" 125 ACRES--100 acres good soil; bal- Ance good pasture; good frame house; } barns; never-falling spring. 12 mileg city. $6 ACRES--Garden and truck farm; double brick house; sll conveniences; close to city. 56 ACRES -- 25 acres good garden land; frame hquse; barn and cow house; close to factory, school and cl church; 13 miles from Kingston; on easy terms or exchange. 'Crop on easy terms for quick sale. - Bateman's A Real Estate 136 Wellington St. 'Yes, we have a little Stove Coal, Also Egg and Chestnut and Pea, Now is the time to get it in, "So you won't'be burning Soft Coal and Coke this winter. SOWARDS COAL CO. Fim 5 Phone' 811. S stories I have been telling 'about Odysseus are taken from a great poem of the ancient Greeks called The Oryssey. You and I know that many of the things in the stories could never have really happened; but I am putting them in this history because most of the Greeks believed they were true. The touching tale in the Odyssey @ about Penelope. She was the granddaughter of a king of Sparta. Her fame for virtue and wisdom «caused many young men to ask her to marry them. v 3 She chose Odysseus, the king of the island Ithaca. Odysseus took his bride to Ithaca and for a year they lived in peace and happibess. Then came the Tro- jan war. When her husband sailed to Troy, Penelope was left alone--- oxcept for their infant son.' Years dragged by, and still the husband did not return. After the burning of Troy, Greck ships sailed back to their native land; but none of them bore Odys- seus. The nobles of Ithaca came to the queen and said: "Your busband must be dead. Choose one of us to be your mate and rule over the kingdom." "No," replied Fenelope. "We must wait longer, Soon I shall bo- gin work on the funeral robe for my busband's father. If Odysseus does not return. before I get it done, 1 shall marry one of you." True to her word, she started to make the robe, but each night she undid the work she had done during the daytime. The nobles saw somc- thing was wrong. Ome night they waited and surprised her in the act of unraveling what she had woven. Their mood became ugly. They sald she must marry one of them at once. the funeral robe. WINDSOR ALDERMAN LOSES HIS SEAT Because of Non-Attendance Through lliness--Position Filled by City Clerk. Windsor, Aug. 28. -- Arthur W. Jackson, member of the Windsor city council, and a former mayor of the city, was unseated last night by the council for failure t¢o attend meetings, The matter was brought to the council's attention by Mayor Wilson, who stated that under the Municipal Act, the seat to which and see how you are fixed for your heating requirements: -- ~--Quebec Heaters. : ~--Quebec Heaters with Ovens, ~--Happy Thought Ranges. ~--McClary's Radium Furnaces. ~--McClary's Sunshine Furnaces. ~--Gurney or Daisy Hot Water ers. ~--McClary's Electric Ranges. Call in and see us about your re- * quirements, Ald. Jack has been elected had been forfeited because of his non- attendance. The mayor explained that Ald. Jacksons failure to attend to his aldermannc duties was due to ill-health. The vacancy will be fil- led without an election, the act giv- ing authority to the city clerk to de- clare the runner-up at the last elec- tion eligible. Archibald Hooper, 'Who finished in thirteenth place, will by proclamation of the clerk, receive the appointment. LJ PROMINENT TEACHER DIES. Passes Away in Hospital--DBurial in| Renfrew. Charles McDowell, aged seventy-. three, one of Ontarfo's most promin- ent teachers, died at a Port Arthur hospital on Saturday. The funeral will be held at Renfrew. Mr. Mc- | Dowell was ome of the first students of Principal Grant; was principal of Renfrew Collegiate, 1879-1¥03; in- spector of schools for Fort Wililam district during the war; inspector for Fort Frances district until 1922. He graduated at Queen's in 1877. ------ 'Three horses belonging to William Burrows, Prospect, Lanark county, were killed by Mghtning during a heavy electric storm. All - three were out in an open pasture fieid at the time. . After a long period of ill-health, Mary Melnnis, wife of John D, Arm- strong, died at her home in Morris- | burg on Aug. 21st. She was born in eighty-seven years ago. DOCTORS WANTED T0 OPERATE I ---------- The nobles discovered Penelope as she was undoing the work on WANT 14 PER CENT. INCREASE IN WAGES 12,000 Employees of the Can- adian National Railways To Make Demand. ---- Toronto, Aug. 28. -- Clerks, freight handlers and other station employees of the Canadian National railways, to the number of 12,000, are seeking a wage increase of 14 per cent. on their present rate of wages. They seek, in short, the re- storation of the wage rates of 1921. This became known through Pre- sident A.R. Moshier, of the Canadian Brotherhood of Railway Employees, the organization which now has jur- isdiction over this class of labor on the Canadian roads. -------- i " NO SEMINARY FUNDS THERE. garding Larder Deposits. London, Onmt., 'Aug. 28.--Bishop Fallon of the Roman Catholic dio- cese of London has issued the fol- lowing statement: '"The public has been given some basely information regarding the solo o the diocese of London in ect. with the regrettable gys- pension the Home Bank of Can- ada. 1 "I think it is due to the clergy and faithful of the diocese that they should know -the facts. According to the returns made in answer to my request fourteen parishes of the dio- cese carried accounts in the Home Bank. At the time of its suspension these accounts aggregated $29,- 235.94. Against this amount we owe the bank $18,183.81. The net indebtedness, therefore, by the Home Bank fo us fs $11,106.13, which rep ts our total loss. {in tlie £ides © i fe pr - --priced from 48c. to $1.25 ea. » You'll take Pride in Possessing . } We have just received a large shipment of Lace pieces, in hand-made Cluny, Point Venise, Florentine and Maderia -- a wonderful variety for your choosing at prices that are consider- ably below regular. We wish particularly to invite your inspec- tion of the following lines, which are exquisite, Cluny Pieces 's | Lace CentresLace Runners Lace Ovals Jf In all widths from 20| All sizes from 20x36 | In sizes 14x22 ins. to to 72 inches wide -- in. to 20x72 inches--| 20x28 inches. Priced priced from $2.98 on| priced from $6.75 up from $3.50 to'$5.00, upto $29.95 each. |to $12.00 each. om $3.50 to'$5.00, ; Florentine Lace Pieces CENTRES | RUNNERS | OVALS n sizes 6 to 12 inch I En cal In ice 182.36 10 18{In sis 14:2. 22.10.20 31,25 7 gach. Sizce x 54 inches -- priced |x 28 inches -- priced to eat onl from $9.00 on up to] from $4.50 on up to 4 Venise Lace Pieces CENTRES | RUNNERS © Doylies from 6 to 12 inches | 1, ., 0, 18 436 10 18 x 54 ins Centres from 20 to 45 inch- | ches. Priced from $9.00 on up $4.50 to | to$12.50 cach, SEE SPECIAL WINDOW, DISPLAY,

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