Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Aug 1923, p. 7

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et _TomsDAY. atouer 2. soa. o_o __ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG nisi | CLAIM AUTO TOURISTS at Harrowsmith, Mrs. DeWitt Leslie { and (fttle Doris have returned tp | the city after a visit with friends GANANOQUE GAUSE LOSS T0 HOTELS [2x x. om, um, ogres cron | | 2 ' and Mr. and Mrs. PF. Kirkim are FALL COATS ads ome trom he United aise hare | ASE. 2600e of the prei ot ' The Visitors Use Hostelry they spent S0Me time With relatives. {morning in St. John's church wheun | | . W. E. Clow has improved his lot | . Conveniences But do Not |; "oF ers b adding a | the Very Rev. Dean Kehoe united in | y pe ; Spend Money ment yr 8 2 marriage Mary Florence, eldest Pp . mouueny {daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander i : | Pilon and Frederick McEwan, Wind- mn the summer au- | € i See our Tweed Fall Coats in'all the latest His Slaimed that the or a | |sor. The bride radiantly lovely in| tomobile tourist traffic is not a source PRODUCE MARKETS a gown of white canton crepe With) styles. of, profit to the hotelkeepers. Some | ; . veil becomingly arranged with or-| of them complain that not only is | [ange Blossoms was 'given away by | GABERDINE COATS--a real service- this sort of traffic not a profitable Toronto, Aug. 28. {her father. Miss Jean Pilon, cousin | one but it is occasioning an actual L gionrs $7 to $7.50 { cers, : -50, {of the bride, was maid of Honor, | able Coat for Fall wear. loss. This, as explained, 1s due 10 | (qi1ic' 36.50 to $7. {and looked very lovely In an orchid | . : the fact that so many tourisis trav- Lambs, $12 to $12.25 own of canton } 8 » $12 .25. crepe and orchid | Prices fee $18.00 to $25.00 Shins B lamgly parties ural em Hens, 23c to 25e¢. nat, She riod yon peas. Jos- | ; . selves eo use 8 ote PAr-| Chigkens, 27¢ ta 30c. eph McKeon, Windsor, was grooms- | : SEE VAN for your NEW HAT. lors and toilets and leave without Turkeys, 20¢ to 25c. Marly A high nuptial mass Tollow:| \ \ buying even a meal. Grain dealers' quotations: fed the marriage ceremony, with | ues ay an A representative of the Whig was | .niioha wheat, No, 1 Northern, |special music, the soloists being | George VanHorne's Briviend iu dvend aevera} Soues 1s [vay ver: $1303, |r. "Sanford Delaney and Misses| 4 4 one of Kingston's larzest hotels and Manitoba oats: | Lorraine Pilon 'and Mayle Bren- | WwW S 1 v \ : a He y . = he saw the conditions the propriet- io. 2 CW. | » 213 Princess Street. Phone 362w. ors complain of. Farties of six to Jo, 3 CWs Boge: fhe. organ Kale ON roiided ut eight were entering and leaving the | gino wheat nominal. {bride was a rope of pearls, to tha| ; : hotel, but paid nothing for the use Ontario oats, No. 2 white, 44c to | bridegmaid, silver meshbag, the 3 . "=. of - conveniences maintained for | 4g. {groomsman, gold cuff Mnks. After | About 100 pairs Ladies' Patent - Syeste. These people appeared to| jy,y. {a dainty buffet luncheon at the : 4 . . ! ty ircumsiydoey AWA ore No. 2 track, Toronto, $15 per {home of the bride's parents, North Strap Shoes in many fancy patterns, all as Relieve that ) : cars carrying camping outfits. They | = x 3, $13 to $15 ro Se a ule a oo i 24 7, in the lot d tl | » NO. » 1] . ontreal an uel y by 10 or, E estrain ° would halt at the roadside to pre-| iced $12.50 to $13.50 and after a couple of weeks noney- sizes to 7, in the lot, and mos y y - amon pare meagre meals and then drive| [,wer grades, $3. moon will take up residence in $4.00 and $4.50 Many women have the foolish ' on, halting again at night to slecp Barley, mailing, nominal. Windsor. Among the out-of-town | ' a Ne notion that glasses are a disfig- | under tents which they pitched. Dairy and produce, wholesale to guests were Misses Zeta Pilon, King- | urement. of It is a considerable item in 0uf{,etay trade: ston, and Miss Irene Amond, Brock- CLEARING AT $2.50 . On the contrary, they are an Annual expense account to maintain Eggs: ! ville. asset to your appearance if you the service which tourists avail them- Firsts, 33¢c to 35¢ Captain Kenneth Holloway, who Wear a pair to fit every occa. I Quality solves of free of charge," sald two | - xtra 35c to 40c. is now in military camp at Niagara- liroom, the mov- i fon --the Julliear and ns proprietors when discussing this| Cartons, 37¢ to 42¢. on-the-LaMe, is expected to spend or sewing. | new method of travel. *'Thore is a Eggs, delivered Toronto. two weeks in 'Gananoque = around . Bre guard your - eyes Sonsideranje loss from these peovle, | Extras, 29¢ to 31c. the 1st of September. Mrs. Hollo- ' : asBiant INCroeney Waalnoer SS ecause they don't spend one cent Firsts, 26c to 27e way is now In Gananoque with her Ime S tore fot neglect will bring wrinkles --WE carry only the quality of f}|-after using our parlors as rest rooms. Seconds, 19¢ to 2ie, father and mother, Professor and , and eventually serious om- [i Stones that can hold their ||\If municipalities are encouraging Splits, 18c to 21e. Mrs. Archibald MaoMechan, who are % ch orts. » . Has this class of business I would sug- Butter, to retail trads: occupying W. T. Sampson's resi- tf | own with the finest. . ev A x D 0 | ost. - gout het they Hovide 8 aiding Creamery, extra fancy, 36¢ to 370. |dence on Stone street. EE -------------- R | 6 oonveniences emanded, " . N 3 Ac Miss M ret Fenton is visitin, ~ o Ve . -THERE is satisfaction in Creamery, No. 1, 36c to 33c. Miss Margare E ~ _ WV GRAHAM, act There may be an occasional tourist| No. 2 310 to 37c triends in Toronto. Kingston's Largest Home Furnisher, knowing you are getting the whose party leaves a little money in Dairy, 2Sc to 30c. Dr. Royal Lee arrived in town|, best value for your money. ithe town, especially if it happens to Delivered: from New York Sunday and will - [------ - $e their destination, but such cases Creamery, extra fancy solids, 20c |SPend the next two weeks here on PHONE 147 REID YOUNG COUPLES aa PETIT er CDs nr a Se a Rv ae sagen 2 y --WE are pleased to show them ||| are the exceptions." to 30 1-2¢. 9 the river. C. B. Lee, also of Osh- For Repairing and will find Reid's a good place vo deal to you with no obligation to Solids, No. 1,, 29 .1-2¢ to 39. awa, will be here for the next ten Uphoistering No. 2, 28 1-2¢ to 2ve, days. Te THS PEOPLE ARE PLACING | >: D. y , 20 3c. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shurtliffe, ma Ro 35 Miss Florence Wilson and Jack A LIVING ROOM Cheese, large, per pound, new, -- . 21c¢ to 22c. 'Neill motored to Brockville on Sun- ' : Kinnear & d'Esterre \ COAL | THEIR CELLARS Cheese, stilton, 23 1-Zc to 24e. day and spent the day with friends. . ----y J. l A very sad death occurred on Sunday when Willie J. McDonald, Dr. Waugh ewe'ers Hoped the Napanee Oouncil| i | ounger son of Mrs. W. J. McDon- PRINCESS KIN Will Look After The Sl o { ald, passed away after a very brief DENTIST $7. XINGETON Wood Supply. Sd | illness. The beginning of the trou- 106 Wellington 5¢. Phone 256. ; . | [ble was summer grippe, which de- : 9 | f | |veloped into pneumonia, and de- a, Napanee, Aug. 28. -- The few cold 3 | |spite best medical efforts he pass- days and nights which we have had £ | [ed away at eight o'clock Sunday will take NN ---- 3 Dr. Vi A » recently have stirred up business for I " f evening. The tuneral b . Drs. Nash & Renton . incent Martin the coal dealers. A schooner is now | J 4 place to-day at 2 o'clock, from his ' ' vy severvivstlie DENTIST in the river discharging a large ; a mother's residence on Tanner street Sarge o Van | Lavans yard. Another 8 | [to Christ Church. Interment will be Evenings by appointment. arge boat- of coal is expecte ; | |made in Gananoque cemetery. Sur- » DENTISTS 272 Princess Street. Fhome 2045w. | | this Week at Gleason's dock. W. S.| | viving him are his mother and one Wilson is busy delivering coal to] fi V brother Morris. had 148 PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON town and country patrons from tbe | HEE. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Forester Seale, To-| a . . Russia buys 1.500 locomotives, | alway siding. It looks as it many ronto, are visiting relatives in town. | is the spirit of the times. We have some wondes appointment. paying dn gold, minister of railways | users © suffer: uring | § r James Shine, New York City, is : ed Bronings by sppoi Zavies dn aod Aid bed er, Sutiis homo on visit to his mother Mrs. | VAIUES in assorted Mohair, Velours and p kn ~ thing that would burn, are taking Benoit, John street. Taupe shades. _ ; ha time by the forelock and laying in The Misses Madeline and Marabel : their winter's supply, as muck as | | Morgan, Wolfe Island, returned they possibly can arrange for. This | home yesterday after spending a week-end with their aunt Mrs. action is commendable as it wiil to : li | some extent solve the fuel problem Frank Amo. 4 . ' here. The price here for anthracite J .A. BANFIELD, WINNIPEG Mr. and Mrs. Cecil deWolte are ; The eading Undertaker coal seems to ve $17 a ton for tie ene Ran tr Aoooinident | 1 town from the west on a visit to --t Y popular sizes, stove and nut. This | Canada for a second term. Mr. Ban. the former's grandmother, Mrs. de | i ms fleld has glven special attention to the does not savor of bargain-counter problems of retail merchants and is| WOlMe, Sydenham street. : 1 YOU CAN BUY prices, but--, oh, well. Many pseple Mrs. R. J. Webster and daughter | Ottawa & HdllP Co L in town unfortunately cannot afford anche have returned after a holi- ! ower mpany : I that price, mor can they lay in a ay with friends in Cornwall. os : ; @ ® supply for the cold days that will in- : 5 Misses Loretta O'Neill and Doris 7% CUMULATIVE PREFERRED STOCK tervene between mow and the baimy . Woolgar, Kingston, who have been . A : : d days of spring. For their benent it|| From Whig Fyles ||te guest of Mrs. James Some, We offer the above stock as, if and when issued I} is hoped that the town council wili ' Princess street, have returned home. | : OF TEN AND TWENTY YEARS [| Fihiess Hircet, hove Isturned Nome. Price 99, Carrying 25% Bonus Common Stock # { 5 $ 34 & & . : 3 : $ J repeat their good action of last win ter and maintain a town wood-yurd visiting friends here for the past 1 : - : on the market square. '| couple of weeks, returned home yes- OHNS ON WA Cups and Saucers, Cake Plates, Tea August 28th, 1915. * terday. J I AND WY Plates Bo ls. C Mr. Lancaster, of the Custom-|. ream ugs li | house staff, who has been enjoying Lorne "W. Mulloy, blind South The tie in the Century golf match l A d hh Wis l §} 8 two-weeks' vacation, is on duty [African war hero, is appointed as-|Dbetween Dr. Kinloch and O. D. Cow- | Bibby's Block, Princess 8t., Kingston. 1d ma i , }| aagin. sistant professor of English at the jan was won by Dr. Kinloch. : an . ny other artic es worth double le Miss Elsie Woodcock who has| Royal Military College. In the finals for the first con- the price, i been visiting friends in Utica, iv. Y.,| A number of stone-outi<rs in the |solation for the Webb trophy Mrs. . . and other points in New York state, | city laid off as a result of slackness |W. E. Rees was the winner, beat- Now is the time to buy your 2 also at Barrie, Orillia and Toronto, | in work at present. ing Mrs. F. B. Cowan. Misses Betty | made te order. Best quality materials Carpenter. Phone : returned to town on Monday. The mew addition to the Notre |Campson and Sarah Stunden will Meg. raer mow before rush com- GLASS 'FRUIT JARS Miss Mary Deroche, Ottawa, paid | Dame convent will be ready for oc-|play off the finals for second con- Removed to 97 Wellington Street. |, See ne a Sida ur O All si 1 J . 'her aunt, Mrs. Clew, a short visit, | cupancy early in September. solation for Webb trophy to-day. L. INSTON | isi nave Your hacavoos Moor cles sizes, low prices. and has returned to her sumpier| The firemen at the Ontario street| On Wednesday the 20th there of WHR our mew floor cleaning ms home at Bogart's-on-the-Bay. hall gave exhibition with new lite. (Will be 4 medal-play, 18-hole one HE TALon hie. ; : A LS . STONE CROCKS for Eggs and J. Geale Daly was a visitor to|belts received for fire chiefs' con-|club handicap match for a prize pre- » . Kingston on Monday. vention, sented by Captain L. 8. Barr. Pickles--sanitary and useful. i Fred. Conger, New York. is visiting Much Interest is being taken fn a i his sister, Mrs. W. S. Wilson, White August 28th, 1903. private match that has been ar- Lodge, Bridge street. ranged between Misses Edith Rees Several G.T.R. employees dismiss- and Jane Cowan for Wednesday af- Miss Hilda G. Daly, who has been 4 the guest of her, sister, Mrs. John | collision a cate sire $2498 18 | orca, Thess are the two best lady 'D. Morse, Winnipeg, for the summer, Government inspeciors are exain- in the Gamanogue golf club is expected to return home at the ining the Martello towers and other only a few points difference in end of this week. defénse works in the city th eir respective handicdps, conse- Mrs. T. P. Culbane, Deseronto, and The ammual Army 8 . Corps quently very keen interest {s being her som, Geoffrey, were visitors in picnic held at Lake Rerviee oe shown in this match which is ex- town on Monday: with record attend # pected to produce some very clever James Thompson, collector of cus- Quite a few number of typhoid goit. i toms, is on a vacation. He left town are reported in the city. MADE IN CANADA Mr ----------

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