Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Sep 1923, p. 13

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Me oat tsar sparta rere eer. BATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1923 = THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG : + 13 on ------ ? | os Reisve severe of t T day ! > = i ' Le 1 to keep, have long been | The Man On Watch || ®, CANADIAN NATIONAL Ramwsys 1 1 t the crowded jy rs" be- / : {Kipling S Irish Guards} |tween remove their ath acros We are now toil that tie Totes : AGENCY FOR ALL : i . t [dead Bel 1 towns and lages 3 : 38 : ; ols a2; . Rely | g A 2 \ { . . tar ie 3 Rs ! Bghis in| B i Foe es mr | OCEAN STEAMSHIP 3 nothing si y arvellous | ' s far from us! a. . . . . We > ROfMRE saps a a ge atl rm | better. Look at the men ft turned are fresh fruit juices combined with tonics into | LINES ros of the Great War and less thax The World of Battle. . the finest remedy for stomach, liver, kidney, . and skin trombles. 25¢c. and 50c. a box-- : Special attention given your family 1 dealers. or friends gqing 10 or returning from at al the Old Country. Passports arranged FRUIT-A-TIVES LIMITED, Ottawa, Ont. for. Ogdensburg, N.Y., -- London, Eng., -- Christchurch, N.Z. A - For information and rates apply to J. P. HANLEY, C.P. and T.A. C.N. Ry., Kingston, Ont. Office: Canadian National Railway, | five after its close one can sit down "Meantime, we. can take it for ed oe Sidwii . % There's nothing much worse than a lat read such a detailed, au ori granted, ghat the old Regular Army shor Siooins os SEielde Botiod; Lame Back, a Stiff Shotlder or & | tative, accurate and Wo¥d-fast uurra- |; Engiand passed away in the mud |b d followed by hanging requires Swollen Knee or Foot. | tive of that world shaking ! {of Flanders in less-than a 'year. In Sore ind a ¥ = It aches all the time and you just as Rudyard Kipling has supplied it | aining morale, endurance, cour-| I . can't get it in an easy position. his hook, "The Irish Guards in the age, and devotion the earth did not But see what a difference, when you {Great War" (Toronto: S. B., Gundy, | 01d its like, but it possessed neither vols, xvi. 334 and 307, $10.). Cer-| pa numbers, guns, nor equipineing gd and buy something silierent corner Johnson and Ontario streets, 2b 1 B an ou) | rub in { AbSC 23a] J tainly it Is only the story of the pecessary for the type of war th: | Kingston, Ontario. Absor | ne . lirish Guards, but as one knows the overtook it. The fact that its unpre- { With regard to styles; Just look over the prevailing ones and then It is to be no longer styiish for Open Day and Night. --_--H ocean from the drop, so can one ;aradness, nas been extolled as proof women over thirty to bob their hair, | A ¥ AP | PHONE 99 or 1433. It eases the pain with the first rub- | jearn of the English Army from the or the purity of its country's Weals, ft this will only iend to increase | A y y = : i i } ' se i us bat-! whie : at consolation | ; : - bing; and each Succesding fubbing history of 'thos wo glorious ba which must be great £oliso.a it _.| the bob-hair sisterhood, who will re- " ANS | Jeaucea the swelling. limber up ey tallons which stood to th 'U8¢ [for all concerned. There speak; 1 being regarded as under that {al 3 isi $ sore muscles, and starts up healthy without a flaw This was a record | the Kipling of the Barfack-Room, | . g . i i - i . ' age. circylation.--Tryit. d in the "wearing down" |apd those who are consoled can | ®® $1.25 a bottle i pr » Bgainst (he enemy "tavug' reflect upon his remark. It 1s not The automobiles have carried oe " J 5 BN 4 ist t postpaid Ihe automobiles have carried vice 3 at most druggists or sen Pp paid perjod of four years aa three | 3 solitary instance by any means. from toe city to the rural districts. SE ' \ y Ene { wiiioh $1 in 3 servatio i re ai : i wf W. F. YOUNG INC. mont during mos: of which u Here is another observation in tie | City street parking is not to be com- 28. \ A |S ne < Lyman Building - =~ Montreal. that enemj alt loszes at least !same key. 'Our battalions played pared with tne parking and sparking Ei SER ES TORONTO AR ---------------------------- ¢qual to those he received," and | themselves into. the game at tor | in the country lanes at night. A ~ tested human tiie ugon a. case awful price that must be paid for - WEEK I mN el ol WEEK AUGUST 25th to } 'hat the wi Lies ureamned OL" | improvisation, however cheery, en-| The place' for modest young wo- BURNS ven for Kipling the ultimate record | during with a philosophy that may | mea and girls.at night is not in au AUTO SHOW, PURE FOOD SHOW, BABY SHOW, SEPTEMBER 8th 3 an impossini . He Sue | have saved the, war, the deviations | auiomobiie with male companions. DOG AND CAT SHOWS. inability ) Geal wita each "In-{and delays made necessary by the | jr ipev are reaily modest they will Sp reduced fares. Eo SOAR Coat SS Soak [oo mabiley to dont wits eset fh demands of the various political and | sigs whore. co ¥ AGRICULTURAL, HORTICULTURAL, Suu reaweed Jue. en ations. on _stife 1 in "the oiic:a, | sc in other ory fons at home." So | o DAIRY AND INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITS ; : AND NUMEROUS OTHER AILMENTS which is was acanuv. i But we can scarcely get past the intro-| yg, pedestrians have really some i For particulars of reduced fares ape COMMON TO MAN AND BEAST, THERE here is enc Coaracieristic detail |duetion itself in a preliminary suf rights. You must not run over | ply to-- AD Ia rERIOn TO THAT LD o cover all Ail0n8 Jlauilesta- [vey ul the book. But It is tov fas-| india 5; street inteloocicr Increased Prize Money for the Approved Breeds of ! J. P. HANLEY, C.P. & T.A. A ' ms: of human virtut and valour cinating a field to keep out of jong. | -- Live Stock and Poultry. C.N. Railways, Kingston, Ont. De® THOMAS hit the war provided. One is [It is not a daring prediction to say | If the Canadian government wish- Phone 99 or 1438. mpted "constartiy jucte the feii- Is record will take its place|es the biz grain vessels FE LECTRIC <n pted 'constadtiy jo quote the seid j that this rec rd will take its plac > {es the big gra a vessels to run on AUTO RACES, AUTO POLO, HORSE RACES it and heart- attracting Paszages | with the great histories and diarfes | the rocks in the Thousand Island | N Py 4 with which the whole book 1s5|of English literature. It has al] the | region, let it make Frescott the grain | BALLOON ASCE SIONS 7d) ys WHITE STAR strewn. He speaks of the 'very |detail and vita precision of a Da-| terminal. The wrecking companies ALL FEATURE VAUDEVILLE EACH ) » small proportion of the skill, daring foe, for it is to a wonderful extent | will be delighted. ~ AFTERNOON AND NIGHT " ¥ ! and heroism actually noted: for no | in the language of the men them- --- S a aa DOMINION volume could hold the full tale of !selves: "Soldiers Three" multipliea All the saints are not dead by any Montreal--Quebeo--Liverpool | &J! that was done, either in the way indefinitely delivering their nra- | means. It is instanced that a certain Entire New Midway with the Latest Rides and Shows Megantic * ot duty, under constraint of neces-|hand impression of the war of the | Presbyterian merchant of Kingston I. Ss 9 . sity and desire to keep alive, or |ages, told us all that we wanted to | has presented each of his married M ifi t S cul F rk a. . pt 29. Oct. Nov. | through joy and Teiter Pur achiev- | snow while the war went on, and! clerks with #& winter's supply of coal. agn cen d ar Irewo S . Colonlan Ir Oct. 6 {Cargo only) | ing great deeds." {tell us now in voices forever hush- | -- _ - Salis at to agow, Belfast West'd. _-- ed, about deeds that will never be| Road building appears to have les- WHITE STAR LINE The Irish Temperament, | forgotien. v sened hay fever,-for great quantitieg Concluding with the Greatest Feature Display we ow XY eric--Queens town... iveryuol . "Here the Irish rank and file by | ---- of ragweed along the highways have | have ever shown Baltle Bent ih, very hvaor temperament excelled. They had all | For Civilian Study. been eliminated during the past three ---- Cedric ept. 22 Sb 20. Nov. = | their race's delight in the drama of | The pages are studded with anec.| years through the coastruction of Special Reduced Rates on all Railways New Yor hier on a od hampton | things; and, whatever the pinch -- | dotes Of men of all ranks, most of | Provincial and county roads. Olympic Ce Sept 8. Sept. 29. Oct. 2 | Whether ambushed warfare or hand- | them rich with the flavor of Hiber- -- On Sn +18. et. 2 to-hand shock, or an insolently per-| rian character. Here is one, "In a Stooped "shoulders cause old age Ample Parking Space for Autos on Grounds Haren Sew poh fa 13. Hoyt | fact parade after long diverce from | battalion where the call for the | So straighten up and: imagine you iss N.Y.=Plymonth--Cherbourg -- Antwerg {the decencies -- could be depended | priest goes out with, or before, the | are younger. : fe Sailings Wednesdays. jupon to advance the regimental call for stretcher-bearer, neither --y WRITE, OR PRIZE LISTS AND BOOKLETS ur AMBRIUAN LINE | honor." That sentence has all the shepherds nor flock are long separ-!|° Twenty years ago the board of go- George J. Pink, James K. Paisley, Ne Aen Che rhuurg Hamburg | old Kipling flavor, and the book 1s|ated under any circumstances. They | vernors of the Kingston General Fos- | President yor. and Sec'y H. G. THORLEY, 41 KING ST. E., AN "OLD PL" [full of such utterances, shaped by tell the. tale of one of their priests | pital was in favor. of appointing a . TORONTO, or Loeal Agents. | the mastercraft of the word magi- | who, utterly wearied, dropped for an | Pasiness Stews Jugiead of 2 medi- relieve your distress. "What is it?" clan, but softened through the heart | hour's sleep in a trench that was | cal superintendent. It has taken just || *=- rT rset . ? E- Jour aes hes | of the reaved ig Ping fo To is under fire. He was| two decades to definitely decide on [der for him to pray for those Who | learn the cause, and found a man | anxiously asked the sufferer. "You ay irritable stomach and a {duction itself is a masterpiece of | aroused by a respectful whisper | the matter. The hospital govern- have PLISIETS Die a Ma Talkies 40 sud Jewa aPpuresiy b hase yutknd or a vie: id liver that refused to do the things | apologia, and might well pass into [from the working-party; "We've dug | ing body moves very slowly, but it ~TE 2 ALMAN. gre Hy Eu 3. 3 8 sympa 4 : 8 € ue $ " xy i 8 10 that all good livers should. No | our reading. books as an exposition |to your head an' your feet, Father, |!s moving aright. ; Fort oe 0 Cg Ye e cause. owe Be Lo bed, and le rown do . wonder his friends called him an | of the temper in which we fought | an' now, i®you'll get up, we'll dig } -- The Other Fellow, 4 my Tend rown five hundred dol-| wa ing.' "old pill" and stayed away. [the war and the spirit in which ve out under the length of ye." 'There| Auto thieves do not even respect | A gentleman was much annoyed (lars, which I am utterly unable to 4 But that was years ago--long PE -- {view its results. The nationa: cmar- | is a passage on page 122 which | ministers of .the gospel. "The good [at night by a person stepping heav- pay," explained the nervous person. A crécd built upon fairness, square i ' lacter fs not to be divorced from the | must become a classic in the way of | FeCtor of Barriefield has lost his new 'lly In the room above, and, unable | "My friend," said the gentleman. less, Justice and patience, is 'creed butore he Siveened Sasha's | actions of its soldiers in farfare,/regimental anecdotes. There is | 5!OTage battery, but it will be in or- to sleep, he went Up to the room to | "I can give you advice which will enough for any man, 3 inlgned bring sunshine into a and the deeds that were done ana | probably nowhere else in the English EE ---- SS man's life. Today, he's an opti | the moods that arose out of the do- | language such a picture of actual BD mist, a hero to his wife, and a lug are the best reflex of that phase | war as Kipling presents in the sec- staunch believer in Beecham's of humanity which we know as|tion "The Salient to the Somme." Pills. British. "It seemed to him best, | Here the opening of the Somme bar- The cheer that Beecham's Pills then, to abandon all ideh of such [tles of September, 1916, is given bring into a man's disposition, is broad and balanced" "naratives as | With a wealth of detail and an ac- . : the incomparable cheer of sound will be put forward by experts, and | cumulation of horrors that are more digestion, active liver, and the to limit himself to matters which | impressive than anything else that PY ° © ®_ 0 regular habits that make good directly touched the men's lives ana | has yet been printed. This tells v heaith. fortunes. Nor has he heen too care- | what the war was to those who ful to correct the interferences of | Were in it, and after reading these At All Druggists | the time by knowledge of later ev- | things no civilian, whatever he may e S on Nl us d I on (ents. From first to last, the Irish [have at home, may ever open his he JR i --~-- ~~ | Guards, like the rest of our armies, | mouth in complaint again. Would You never have to go tarough any | knew little of what was going on | that every civilian might reaq them. red tape or formality when you bor- | around them." That is part of the | And it strikes one that if every row trouble. great tragedy, a tragedy he sums | Irishman, in the Free State or eise- Sameness Is the mother of disgust; | UD- in words of profound pathos. | Where, could reaq this record, edit- - n variety the cure. "But the men of '14 and '15, and|ed and compiled oy an Englisliman | b 9 "+ | Waose suis b.ood was mingled witn the blood 'of the Irish Guards, if night do something to restore that ' .q 2acient bond which, in pire of al that has happened, draws the men nN Y mi C of the western Islands c.oser togeth- 9 . J . er than any other men in Europe. rere AN EXHIBITION OF MERIT AND MAGNITUDE Blessings in Disguise, When Mrs. Farley learned that her ola friend, Mrs. Tarler, had be- ON' tome "stone deaf," she went, with KINGST S a long face, to see her, A ° 'It must be an awful cross, Har- 250th An riet," she wrote on the slate which | niversa Mrs. Tarler presented to her as| 800n as sh was seated. Days and Extraordinary Programme Days and 'Tint, either," snapped the af- rie 2 ae mee use tnt Nights Entrancing Masi Nights : Of that have got anything to say - can, Write it on that slate. And Caler Novel Amusements. walter, thats had to put a curb ff' Of instructive Recreation Grand Exhibition of Amusing Entertainment on his tomgue for upward of 30 : 1 4 Years on account of the hi emp- | || (5) DAYS OF Mans Heart || [550 wats oii [fl] (5) DAYS and NIGHTS [| CATTLE-HORSES-POULTRY EXCITING RACES Every woman knows the answer, to me and no feelings hurt. | count | Of exciting races, capti- The Greatest Display of Fireworks $3,600.00 In Purses and a dependable rangeis the great- my deafness a real blessing. How's B , . . est aid a woman can have to reach your rheumatism?" -- Philade] a Happy Thought Pipeless 0 "0 the man in her home. . | Ledger. Phia { yating ttractions. urnaces insure warmth and comfort in the small = What sisiion @ Barve & range ---- f . - home, mo ol To reper The 70s ony aoe Srriod tots DO NOT FORGET THE DATES consumes little fuel and maintains the confectioners sh d es Surrey os fosiand peste CC impatiently on tus souninrd Ped 5t.c TEMBER 18-22, 1923, KINGSTON, ONT., CANADA . wazuts, d The young lady assistant a r. A ca oe ed and inquired what she coud do DO NOT MISS THIS GREAT EVENT | and the big oven, even heat and for him. cooking surface make the work "I-l-er-well, I want a make-u ADMISSION TO THE GROUNDS: : EEE I JuntTet re mew Adults ..35c. Children... 10c. Automobiles . .50c. Evenings, Adults ._25c. Tae bred ond hommes bave ay Yo, hiuk_tat Entries close, General List, 15th September. Poultry, 8th September. Soldby ll eve Sk wy REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS. ASK YOUR AGENT ¥ BA mee ey IAL sure OF mak. Watch the Newspapers for further anmouncements. mean a box of chocolates for the wife. T promised to be home three hours ago, and I've &ol to take hor something to make up for it," : Ever Disglaved in Kings Amusing Novelties -- 5 . 3 and , 1928. Candi Wo A.E. WELLER, Esq., President. P.O. Address, Bath Road, Ontarie The young wife sat plying her [ . Su ' needle: A cost of ker husband's or 14 Market Street, City. Was in her lap. As the husband ap- : ; . St peared, she said, fretfully: ' EATEST HISTORICAL CITY "Ite 105 bad the careless way the] ; COME AND VISIT CANADA'S GREA LC : tailor sewed this button om. This ; l= i Si a is the. fifth time I've had to put it back for you."--Tit-Bits. ' =

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