Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Sep 1923, p. 20

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SCHOOL OPENS TUESDAY. * MOTHERS Bring the boys in to-night, and have them try on some of our good weafing-- School Suits | SPECIAL VALUE '1.50 13.50 Buy extra Trousers with your Boy's Suit --it will pay you! BLOTTERS GIVEN AWAY. . : Open till 10 p.m.. | LIVINGSTON'S 75-79 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" | ANDERSON'S | | | | | Quality--Larger Market-- Service Retail Mardet Phones 458-459. Business Office 865. Wholesale Pepartment 1767. Sale of Basket Fruits 6 to 10 p.m. 25c¢. off 11 quart size 15c¢. off 6 quart size Peaches' Regular 50c., for ......... 200 quarts Plums-- Perquart, ......:conieini : Fancy Duchess Apples-- Reg. 70c., per peck aTelaTelaTaTa) | | | (of | | NEW YORK TO BE | THE BURIAL PLACE Princess Anastasia Greece--A Memorial Ser= vice in London. London Sept. 1.--The intermeut | of Princess Anastasia, of Greece, will | | of | side the graves of her father and | | mother, and a snemorial service will | | be held in London. Fina! arrange- { ments, however, will not be compiet- | ed until the sister of the Princess, | on her way from New York, has af- | rived. { Princess Christopher's son, W. I Leeds, who married Princess Sofia, of Greece, was with his mother dur- ing her last illness. There was a re- currence of an internal : treyble, which first made itself felt early in 1521, when 'the princess was in Athens. An American physician, Dr. Alded Hoover, was summoned {rom Constantinople and he diagtozed it 4s internal inflammation. The pria- cess underwént an operation and ez- perienced some relief. She was able to travel to Faris, but was never again in robust health. Twice again she had to go under the knife, al- though in between operations she was able to live a fairly normal life. Princess Christopher was always much annoyed, one of her closest friends stated at- rumors, that she had been active in anti-Venizelist intrigues, and used her wealth for partisan. purposes in Greece. She denied taking any part in politics at Athens. "I may have a good deal of money," she used to say, "but it would be a mere drop in the ocean of the Greek nceds." But the princess did a deal In other ways for the Greeks. Shc helped hospitals greatly, and was most generous in her response to appeals from people in distress, Con- sequently, although she only spent a few months in Greece, she had won an extraordinary popularity. Bota she and Prince Christopher, her hus- band, had also the kindliest [eelings for England, and in the frst year or two of the war her contribulions to English war charities amounted to £15,000. To Guillotine Soldiers For Striking Superior Casa Blanca, Morocco, Sept, 1.-- "Death! We want death! Sentence us to death!" shouted two French soldiers Fodevin and Tourbes, yes- terday along with a string of invec- tives they hurled at the court mar- tial which had just condemned them to penal servitude for life on charges of insubordination. The judge ordered them led away but with frantic rage the convicts, across whose foreheads the words "out of luck" were tattooed, giving them sinister appearances, - threw their hats in the face of Colonel Jul- Hard, the presiding officer, and again shrieked "A mort!" They will be guillotined as the court martial obligingly revised its sentence, for "striking a superior of- ficer." USE OF TELEGRAM. In Turkish Religious Fetes Upbeld by Court. Constantinople, Sept. 1.--Relig- fous conservatives throughout Tur- key are much excited because the minister of religious affairs has or- dered and the religious court has approved the sending of a telegram to fix feast dates. Conservative newspapers oppose. iLife methods as "too progressive,' a view which has many supporters. The trouble began recently when a national religion feast day was ob- served. Customs provide tuat 'the feast open when someone sces the new moon. But different Turkish cities saw the new moon at different times, this year. So there was a succession of services which should have been simultaneous. The Angora government decided to offset this, by putting all power in the hands of the rel us minis- ter, who, on Jeing properly convinc- ed on Jas really seen tke moon, could send ogt a general tele- gram. Older churches appealed the order, but the religious court upheld it. Latest Editions, Of all School text books at The College Book Store. Open Monday. College Book store open Monday for School books. THE DAILY BRITIS | September 'College Book Store. TO FIGHT EMBARGO: ON VANCOUVER GRAIN | British Columbia Wheat Ex= porters Charge Effort to Discredit the Port. Vancouver, B.C., Sept. 1.--Grala | cxporters in this port are preparations to oppose the announced embargo placed by ratl- | te 3 r } TOR all whe: ming to Van-| { probably take place, it is learned, in | 034s on all wheat coming | Woodlawn cemetery, New York, be- domestic or export, after | 1st, upless permits for cars have Leen obtained ana space | on boats arranged. | Exporters have claimed that as | thers is space for 1,250,000 bushels | couver, ; i of grain e al elevator, il is | | Mrs. Henderson Greene, who is now | LR in the local r too early to place an embargo grain moving this way. R. E. Beattie, of the Vancouver harbor commission, says that he sces in the new regulation an effort on the part of the Winnipeg Grain Ex- change to discredit this port in the eyes of the shipping farmers by hav- ing the repgri circulated that there was an embargo on wheat moving this way. Fort Willlam frequentiy lias congestion, it is pointed out by the commission, but no embargo is placed that way. The Vancouver harbor commis- sioners would be satisfied if the rail- roads would fill up the local elevator before placing an embargo. on | No Home Large Enough . For Two Families Windsor, Sept. 1. == Magistrate Jundy yesterday. in police court re- fused to make an order against Joha Webb, 79 years of age, for the support 'of his wife, Mary Webb, 30. Mrs. Webb, who charged HEEhud r band with desertion, admitted that her son, by a former marriage, and who seldom worked, had lived with them for four years. "No home is large enough for two families," commented tho court as he dismissed the charge. "You had better choose between your husband and the son," the court ad- vised Mrs. Webb as she left the courtroom. Toronto Conservatory Examinations. The following pupils of Miss Mamie Tierney were successful in the recent piano examinations held in July in connection with the Toronto Conservatory: « Junior piano---Edgar Vandewalk- er (1st class honors), Annie Kerslaw (honors), Mrs. Brown, Vera Low- ing (passl. Primary piano--Sybil (1st class honors). Elementary piano--Marjorie Scott, Irene Wright (honors). Introductory -- Ruth (honors). Rudiments---Esther Circle, Susman Boon + School Text Books. Latest editions of/ the Fublic and High" School text books at The, A royal commission will be <alf" péinted to investigate the recent ir.- dustrial trouble at Sydney, N.B. Sm mn DAILY MEMORANDUM. The Whig wil not be published on Monday. Dance to be held in Great érans' Hall to-night, 9 to 12F mission: Gents, 50c. ar Vet- Ad- Ladies, CN .d Dance to be held in Great War Vou erans' Hall Saturday, Sept. 1st, 9 to 1M p.m. Admission: Gents, 50c. Ladies, 35c. I ---- PRINTING AND OFFICE SUPPLIES HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR MARKET SQUARE BORN, BIRDSALL--At Kingston General Hos- pital, on Friday, Aug. 31st, 1923, to Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. F. E. Birds- all, a daughter. MARRIED, SPRING--SHARP--At Bath, Aug. 29th, Gladys Florence, daughter of Wes- ley I. Sharp, to George Wilfred, son of Geo. Spring, Bath. TOPLIFF--KENYON--At Kingston, by the Rev. Father Powell, Railton, Catherine. Evelyn Kenyon to Wil- llam Elijah Topliff, both of Odessa. ---- DIED. HOUGH---In Picton, August 24th, John Hough, in his 100th year HAMBLY--In Oonsecon, on Aug. 27 e Samuel Hambly, son of the late Samuel and Jane Hambly, in his 80th year. KINGZ-In Picton, Aug. 24th, William Benjamin King, in his 29th year. KELLY--In Picton, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fred Watson, Mrs. Mary Kelly, wife of the late Daniel Kelly, aged #0 years. KERR--At Cherry Valley, Aug. Willlam Kerr, aged 77 years. SAVAGE---At Napanee, on Aug. 29th, James Savage, aged 67 years. STUART---In Kingston, on August 30th, 1923, Constanza Lamming, beloved wife of Samuel G. Stuart, Jones' Falls, aged 71 years. 12 Funeral from her son-in-law's resi- dence, Arthur E. Sedgwick, 305 Uni- versity Avenue, Sunday, at 10 a.m. for interment at Elgin. " Friends and acquaintances respectfully Invited to attend. JAMES REI The Old Firm of Undervakers 254 and 256 FRINCES\ STREET Phone 147 rir Ambui ance 22n4, "--~ H_WHIG/ SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1928 err ---- SHOP TONIGHT chandise at a very low price. Splendid values are here, in- C S \ ( Store Closed All Day Monday. 4 WE will bring forth some of the finest quality mer- luding something for the Boy or Girl, who is going to chool next week. You will do well to shop HERE tonight. SPECIAL 34 SOCKS [SCHOOL HOSE Made from good quality |For Boys and Girls. Real Lisle in the wide ribbed |good value in Stockings style. Shades are Helio, |for school. All sizes. Sage, Green, Buttercup |This is a very special of- and White. Sizes 74 to 9.|fering. Come and see Regular 75c¢. pair. them. Special 48¢ pair | Special 25¢ pair \. GIRLS' PRINCESS HOSE Cotton Hose -- ribbed style -- Black, White and Brown. All sizes. 39¢ to | 50c pr. LISLE SOCKS White with an assort- ment of colored tops. All sizes. 40¢ to 0c pr. BOYS' Leatherknit HOSE Famous for service -- made from Cottos -- ribbed style. Black. All sizes. 45¢ and ole pr. Boys' Blouses Fine quality Duck. Khaki color. All sizes, 90c each Another line made from Striped Print--assorted colors----all sizes. \ / "$1.00 eac \. 4 \ CORETS LA DEESSE Well-made Corset -- elas- tic top .-- low bust -- rust- proof -- flesh color -- four hose supporters--sizes 21 to Price *1.00 P.C SUMMER NET Fashionable 'for Summer wear--low bust-- rust-proof -- color, white -- four hose supporters. Sizes 21 to 26. | Price 31.25 ] 7.30 O'CLOCK LAIDLA W'S The Best Place To Shop, After All. J Cashmere Hose For Boys and Girls. Heather mixtures in Greens, Blues and Browns. A splendid quality Hose that will give satisfaction --all sizes. 90c to 1.25 pr. )

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