bts the last 1d in mouth NRT TEX Tooth Paste , and gives the ening White Sapper s relieving bleeding Wd inflamed gums CHAR-TEX LIGUID S nositively clears up Sli cases of and is ling dental an cofitinent. 1 to us i ; ving o. be the best pres , of its Kind on the Our showing of | | Casseroles is very | | extensive. They | se » q . ! on en: Sho would) ished work of! Canada's great- | n ¥ 0 acres ush; e, large { ell watered, > s | Panning streams} oon For mar: est silversmiths ket gardening Sg from church, school and { 125 ACRES jokes £ood soil; bal- ance good 00d frame house; | and make most | from city. | | | 65 ACRES~Gandea Ana truck farm; dpuble brick Bouse; 8.1 conveniences; clo, 2 barns; nevi #pring. 12 miles | useful gifts at any k time. [== 25 &cres good garden : Ir § barn and cow .| Spite of this, I think you will feel { Silver and Pyrex b { represent the fin- » ame Bouse close "factory, school and : 18 ties fro Kingston; on C. easy terms oF nge. Crop on easy e. terms for ' an's se to ¢f | | = Yes, we have a little Stove Coal, Egg and Chestnut and Pea, v is the time to get it in, ou won't be burning + 90 Coal and Coke this winter. DOWARDS COAL CO. Phone 155 Uptown Office: McGall's Cigar Store. Phone 811. pi Their Hair, poetess named Sappho. Greek women seem never to have bobbed their hair--at least if. we may judge by statues. I am showing you some heads which belonged tb sta- | tues made in Athens. One thing you | will notice is that the eyes 'are blank. That is because the sculptor failed to make the eyes definite. In those heads have a noble appearance. Do you ifke the head-dresses pictured? Most of them seem good- looking to me; but one woman has rather foolish-looking ringlets. Greek women had still other fash- ions in head-dress. Often they drap- ed the hair in such a way that the ears could be trlainly seen. Veils were commonly worn when women ventured outside their homes. Hats were seldom used, except for long journeys, Women in Athens had quite a great deal to do inside their homes. There was spinning and weaving. (Of course there 'weren't any cloth- ing "mills" in those days; cloth had to be made in the different houses.) That sort of work was likely to be tiresome. If the woman was rich, she put her slaves to doing it, while she embroidered or did some other light and erjoyable work. The women were allowed to watch certain kinds of plays, and on holi- The woman at the centre is work- days they might match in parades. Ing with an embroidery frame. In Those were the chief times at which | front of her 1s a visitor in street they were able to get outdoors. clothes. To the extreme left is a Since they were kept so much in- woman holding a basket. She !s side the home, it is no wonder that probably a slave. few Greek women ever proved them- Next.--Shoes, Feet and Sandals. 5 Kingston Markets | ic CLE 20 to 25 Broilers, 1b. Friday, Aug. 31st. All dairy produce has advanced 0 during the weeks, eggs retailing Bran. ton a os 28 to 29 now at 35¢ a doz; creamery butter Buckwheat, na re alas at 42¢ a pound; and new cheese at Corn, feed, car lots .... 30c a pound. Garden produce re- Corn feed: bus. mains about the same, although . . ' local cucumbers and tomatoes are down slightly. Green gage plums Oats, local, bus. are a little more pentiful at 90c for Shorts, ton a 11 qt. basket. Raspberries and Straw baled, ton, . $7 to $8 thimbleberries are off the market. Wheat, local, bus. .. $1.05 to $1.16 Egg Market Revicw. Ottawa, Sept. 1. -- Export de- mand is improving and several in- spections are being made this week for immediate shipment. Local mar- kets are firm and unchanged. L00K AHEAD and see how you are fixed for your heating requirements: -- --Quebec Heaters. --Quebec Heaters with Ovens. --Happy Thought Ranges. --McClary's Radium Furnaces. --McClary's Sunshine Furnaces. ~--Gurney or Daisy Hot Water ers. ~--MocClary's Electric Ranges. Call in and see us about your re- quirements, > In Axminster, Wilton, Brussels, Tapestry, Wool and HH Butter, dairy, 1b. ....ccovcoven.40 Melons, 10cal, we ae mee. Pears, Cal. dos. ...... ~ os Peaches, Cal, dos. ...... Toronto unchanged. Montreal very firm, good demand Plums, greengage, 11 qt. for specials at 42c, extras 33¢c; firsts Peaches, local, 11qt. weoe..... $1.00 | Quiet at 32¢, seconds 27c. Dressed Plums, Cal, doz. ........20 to 25 [Poultry market steady; turkeys, 3lc Dried fruits to 33¢c; chickens, 26c to 27c. Apricots, Cal.; Wm, 40 Winnipeg firm; dealers quoting Prunes, Cal, 1b. ,,e.....15 to 30 [extras 26c to 31¢; firsts, 22¢ to 36¢; Peaches, evap. Ib. .......... .38 seconds, 18c to 20c; cracks, 10c to ---- 12¢. i Alberta. and British Columbia Garden Produce. market unchanged. Cauliflower, each ........ ( New York and Chicago unchang- Celery, bunch od. Corn, evergreen, doz . . Corn, s Cucumbers, local, each, w...5 to 10 Lettuce, head, ... «s«3 for 25 PRODUCE MARKETS. Lettuce, leaf, Onion, green, bunch, 5 | Onions, Spanish, Ib. 3 for 35 Toronts, Geni 1. Potatoes, new, PK. wuvcvioe... 60 Cattle $6.50 to $7. Fiuth Vegeiables... Lambs $12 to $13.50. Beans, butter, qt. .. eevee... 10 Hens 23¢ to 25¢. Carrots, bunch : Chickens 27¢ to 30c. Cabbage, each, ....10 and 2 for 25 Turkeys 20c¢ to 25c. Tomatoes, 11 qt. bk, ....... «e.80 t Beets, bunch ee a wy produce, wholesale to re- Eggs: Firsts, 36c to 36c. Sugar, granulated, 1b. : Extras 40c to 4lc. Sugar, yellow, 1b. .. Suttons 12¢ to sac 5 Bugar, felng, 1b. ... 88s vered Toronto: Flour, standard, cwt....$4 to $4.10] Extras 34c to'35c. Rolled oats, ID. . voce ww oo oe .5| Firsts, 29c to 30c. { Honey, 5-1b pail .v..weween....80| Seconds, 22¢ to 23q Honey, comb, Splits, 21¢ to 22¢c. RAN IDL: vii vnnse ions 21| Butter to retall trade: Oleomargarine, Ib.. . ces 36 Creamery, extra fancy, 40c to 4lc. Maple Sugar, bb. ....%.... «++.25| Creamery No. 1, 39¢ to 40%. ------ No. 2, 38¢ to 39. Dairy, 37¢ to 38c. Fish Grain dealers' quotations: Cod, 1b, Sessa emsmasssssscessld Manitoba wheat No. x Northern, Fillets, Ib. ... «oc coo 00a 3300 38300 nore $1.25, Finnan haddie, Ib. ... ... 15 to 13 No. 3, C.W., none. Haddock fresh 1b. .......... 12% | Ontario whoat, nominal. : Halibut, fresh, 1b, w.......32 to 35 Ontario oats No. 2, white, 44c to Kippers, pair «e..veeees -22 to 25 46¢c. . Perch Ib, secncovesmuee.10 to 12 > ' Hay: ; sd No. 2, track, Toronto, $15 per Salmon, 1b. «.vueese . ton. : : : No. 2, $13,t0 $15. Trout, Salmon, 1b. "se mennesesdB Mixed $11.50 to $13.50. aimaenans veea20 to 22 Lower grades $8. Dairy Produce Butter, creamery, Ib. .....ven.. 42 Cheese, ew, 1b. cv voroeecems. 30 Cheese, old, Jb. .useionveesiian 35 Eggs, fresh, doz. ...¢cvemeeee.35 Meats and Poulrty Steak, porterhouse, Ib. ....32 to 35 Steak, round, Ib. +e. ... 30 to 35 BoIlingents, Ib .. mem... to 13 J0oal 1h i.e.iiimesoeennal IB ses qrenamnise soe 1 10 20 nToRsts Ib vavecanesnns BE , TOASES, ...v....22 to 26] welght, cwt. ....9 to 10 I aesssssmsess 35 10 B08 , dressed, cWt. ,... +.13 to 16 88, «ose. we36 to 40 tig meme ee ees. Mutton, carcase, sssssmecas wolf | | | 07 | Chapler 127--Greek Women and]selves great. There was one noted | | | | | | | ---- Fox : re : [ ---- A Store Closed All Day Monday, Labor Day SATURDAY NIGHT | BARGAINS GL Values that are bound to attract all thrifty shoppers to this busy 'shopping centre. Store Open Till 9.45 p.m. tn, BOYS' WOOL PULLOVER SWEATERS 89c¢ 200 Boys' Brown Heather Pullover Sweaters, in sizes 22 to 32. First quality and regu- lar $1.50 to $1.75. Tonight .....cicie oie ova 89. BOYS' WOOL COAT SWEATERS $1.00 60 only, All-Wool Coat Sweat- ers, Brown Heather. ' All sizes 22t032. Reg. $1.50to0 $1.75. To-night ....... ....$1.00 JAPANESE MATS-- worth regular $1.65. ...... FLOOR OILCLOTH-- Just placed in stock--1, yards wide. Your choice. Specials in House Furnishings! FLANNELETTE BLANKETS-- 120 pairs only, large double bed size F lannelette Blankets--White with Blue and Pink borders; first quality and special at $3. 72 only, Japanese Mats in many pretty colorings -- 75. TO-NIGHT ........ $2.89 TO-NIGHT ...... con... $1.39 oy ol 000 yds., all new patterns, 2 TO-NIGHT . 55c. sq. yd. | To-night ........... ........ 49. STEP-IN BLOOMERS--~ 60 pairs fine, Knitted Step-in Bloomers, --White only--all sizes--lace trim -- worth 60c; To-night ....... cv. +. 49¢. PERFECTION CORSETS-- 75 pairs fine Coutil Cor- sets -- Flesh and White -- sizes 21 to 25 -- four garter supports--regular $1.25. To-night 'ele lelelsTe fate el otal 89¢c. MEN'S CASHMERE SOX 10 doz. only, All Wool, Red Heel and Toe. Sizes 10, 104, 11. Worth reg. 60c. MEN'S WORK SOX-- 20 doz. Men's heavy Grey wool Work Sox -- all sizes and worth 35c. pair. To-night ......... 4 pairs $1.00 CHILDREN'S SCHOOL HOSE-- 200 pairs fine, one and one | ribbed School Hose--sizes 5} to 10. Regular 35c¢. TO-NIGHT ........ 38. ROLLER TOWELLING 100 yds pure Linen Rol- ler Towelling, -- natural shade. Colored border -- regular 25¢, To-night * folie MATa e Te Talore) 19¢. KNITTING WOOL-- 1,000 balls Steacy's 2 and 4 ply Sweater Wool-- 18 shades. | oz. balls. Reg- ular price 15c¢. To-night....... .. 2 for 25¢. CASHMERETTE HOSE Penman"s. Colors Sand, | Brown, Light and Dark' Grey. Reg. 50c. value. [ i \ READY-TO-WEAR See our displays of new Fall Suits, Coats, Dresses and" --all marked at popular prices. é Tonight .... 3 for $1.00] ------