SEPTEMBER 4, 1928. THE FALL "TIS HERE It is absolutely essential that you have a suitable Coat to wear on the chilly even- ings--yes, and even during the day. The J. A. McNabb Co. is fully prepared, with a range of beautiful Fall and Winter Coats, to compete against the change in the season which is upon us, TUESDAY, THE DAILY BRITIS i | AMUSEMENT. What the Press Agents Say About Coming Attractions H WHIG CEREMONY OF RECEPTION | £2 AND PROFESSION HELD "The Cheat" is a winner. As a pro- duction it is a® masterpiece, for George Fitzmaurice directed it, and it is a Paramount. The story is strong and fascinating, with all the GRAND [der Saturday, 815 | THE MOST PHENOMENAL AND RAUERLY AWAITED SHOW ON TOUR. DON'T MISS ! "ORIGINALS" - Including 15 Original "Dumbells" in __ "RAPID FIRE" Evenings, $1.50, $1, 75¢, 50c. Mat. 25c. to $1. vivid contrast by the director and cast. The star herseif surpasses ex- pectations, justifying her pre-emin- ence as a love actress. The lcading man is Jack Ilolt, a favorite whose popularity growe steadily. Charles de Roche is also in the cast. which The ladies went into At the House of Providence-- | [iil Four Receive the Holy Habit. [ The ceremonies of reception and profession were held at the | of Providence. Tuesday morning |i when a large number of faithful and devout sisters, committed to a |} ife of devotion to the church and to |} humanity, received the Habit of their Order. The occasion was marked by an inspiring religious service, His Grace the Archbishop officiating. He was assisteq by Rev. !|| THE "ORIGINALS" IN "RAPID FIRE" Canada's premiere and world fam- ous theatrical company, now known as the "Originals," and which creat- jed a sensation in every city from coast to coast for the past four years | will again delight their thousands of { admirers here with a brand new-and | entirely different revue of surprisés | at the Grand Opera House next Fri- day and Saturday evenings and Sat- urday matinee. "Rapid Fire" isthe title of their latest and greatest offering which includes fifteen former artists of the House is well chosen. lights and shadows brought out in i raptures over the gowns, while NI admired the beauty of the scenes an settings. There are stirring mom- ents in "The <Cheat," when the screen-watchers literally held their breath. 'Tis one of the film dramas that should not be missed. Harold Lloyd in "Pay Your Dues" is the co- SEATS ON SALE WEDNESDAY A x . i. MEERA ERE I EER REE li' 70-DAY avy h- BRADY LER TO-DAY = cast of "Biff Bing Bang," the "Dum- bells revue of 1922' and the entire cast of "Full O' Pep" with such old favorites as "Red" Newman, Arthur (Jock) Holland, Jimmie Goode, Alan Murray, Charlie McLean, Bili Ten- nent, Tom Young, Bertram Langley, | Ted Charter, Bob Anderson, Fred medy at the Strand, and it starts and maintains the usual role of Lioyd laughter. The Pathe Review Is artistic and educative, while *Fe- lix Makes Good,' one of the famous "Felix, the Cat' series of cartoon films, tickles the audience from start to finish. The same programme will be repeated this evening and twice to-morrow. : Father Hanley, rector of St. Mary's Cathedral, Rev. 'Father Coyle and Rev. Father Lacey, the latter act in attendance: Rev. Dean Kehoe, Gananoque; Dean Connolly, Trenton Father D. R. McDonald, Glen Nevis; Rev. Father Hyland, Rev. J. J. Mec- Donald, Lancaster; Rev. James, Rev. Father Byrne, Rev. ing as master of ceremonies. The iff following priests of the Diocese were | [ill Rev. Father Killeenn, Belleville, Rev- it Father Creamer, Rev. Father Clan- ll Father || Our SuperValueCoats «19 A Burbury Style Coat with expert fin- 95 SPORTING NEWS a®arAamou PICTURE Lf * ; ; A vivid, virile tale of the snowswept North. With fate as Love's Fy PATES CHANGED. helpmate in a scene that's the thrill of thrilis, the climax of cli- ishing and tailoring in every respect, featur- ing the new long Skirt, mannish cut Collar, which is convertible, and single or double cy. After the Veni Creator had been sung by the choir, Rev. Father Mec- |]! Mahon, 8.J., director of the retreat, In a few well chosen words depicted the greatest of great snow-country pictures. STRAND TO-MORROW HAROLD | "FELIX MAKES Ladies Fall Sits and Coat to 97 Wellington Street. L. WINSTON LADIES' TAILOR Phone 903. leased to conduct Auction ngston or the County of POLA NEGRI "The CHEAT" 8 Greatest Love Actress in a Film Drama of Rare Power and Beauty. LLOYD in "PAY YOUR DUES" PATHE REVIEW The Ancient St. John's Lodge No. 3, AF. or GRC The Officers and Members of the Lodge are summoned to attend the funeral of our late Brother Nathaniel Greenwood, from St. Andrew's Church, Wednesday, the 5th instant, at 3.30 pom. un of Sister Lodges are cordial ly invited to attend. By order of the W.M,, H. H. Lawson. A. W, CATHCART, Secre NOTICE After this date T will not be re- sponsible for any debts contracted in Ip name without a written order sign- y me. --E. J. TEEPELL. REMOVAL NOTICE WAH LONG LAUNDRY has moved from 155 Wellington Street to 112 expected, and send copy of cre- to H. W. DAVIS, Secretary of |||! Special i KBLLY the County of Fron nce of , will apply to the BROCK STREET. Phone 818f. keeps the Doctor away. Also a bunch of Grapes are very healthy. For Fruits of all kinds try: 66 PPRON® GENE PEARSON The marvelous new "discovery," who is said to have the finest, natural so- prano volce of any female impersonat- or before the public, appearing at the Grand, Friday, Saturday, September Tth | and 8th, with the "Originals" in "Rapid i Fire." Fenwick, Jerry Brayford, Ivor Ayre, i Percy Campbell and Leonard Young i A new and highly talehted female | impersonator, Gene Pearson, is wilh the company this season. { Among the scores of brand new | surprises, to say nothing of the many | new and unique scenic and lighting | effects, may be mentioned a rollick- | ing Mountie number written speciai- | ly for Arthur Holland and the chorus, | entitled "Monty of the Mountains," the bright costumes and dazzling eledtrical effects in this number age particularly beautiful. A speclacu- lar Oriental number in which the en- tire company takes part is something entirely different from anything of its kind ever seen in Canada before. "Rapid Fire" is bigger and better than the boys' previous shows, and and peppier than more beautifu | "Full O' Pep." The seat sale opens morning ak the box office, tomorrow "The Snow Bride. Alice Brady proves herself a real heroine in her latest Paramount starring vehicle, "The Snow Bride." at the Allen theatre to-day ana Wednesday. As Annette Leroux, a French Ca- nadian girl, Miss Brady is in love with Andre Porel, played by Maurice B. Flynn, the sheriff of the little village of La Paix. In a fight w/b Indian Chari, a Lalf-breed poacher of animals caught in white men's traps, Porel is wounded ana left to die in the snow. Annette dis- covers him, but is confronted by the all-important problem of getting this bulk of a man back to town and safety. Annette half drags, half Porel many miles snow drifts back to La Paix where she immediately summons a phys!- can, has the sheriff's wound attend. ed to and by her careful ministra- tions saves his life Later on in the: production eir- cumstantial evidence points an ace cusing hand at Annette as the mugd- erer of her husband-to-be on their wedding eve. Sheriff Porel is forced to arrest her despite her claims of innocense. The girl is tried, convict- ed and sentenced to die by hanging while Porel stands by powerless yet calm in the thought that he has carries through deep 2 Sydenham and Picton To Start on Friday Next, The dates for the Sydenham- Picton playoff in the intermediate section of the O.B.A.A. have been changed to Friday, September 7th, and Tuesday, September 11th. Some wise head has been at work ana has figured that it will save un- necessary playing in case Kingston's protest is allowed and by that time these dates will just about suit for a Kingston-Sydenham ser- ies. Arden Takes First. In the first game of the Inter- county final series for the Cronk trophy Arden defeated Inverary on Monday by a score of 19-11. The next game is to be played on Thurs- day, the winners to play a sudden death game with Gananoque for the cup. WITH THE GOLFERS. Fifty-eight Players Took Part in Bermingham Cup Series. In the qualified round for the Bermingham cup, fifty-eight players took part. The following will play off as set out below. The first round must be played off on or be- fore Sept. 10th; the secand round Sept 17th; the third round Sept. 24th; semi-final Oct. 1st and final round Oct. 15th. Handicap. J. W. Rigney 28, W. K. Macnee, a1. F. Moxley 16, W. Waldron 18, J. Swift 19, C. E. Taylor, 24. J. Carruthers 13, Dr. J. C. Mec- Donald 30. Gen. Elmsley 16, E. A. McGowan 17. S. Calvin 24, J. B. McLeod, 23. H. Ryan 16, C. E. Willis 22. A. B. Cunningham 14, D. B, Mur- ray 30. B. N. Steacy 21, W. Wilgar 30. G. I. Mchay, 22. T. McGinnes 30. Col. Brown 27, C. Townsend 28. 'Col. Perry, 27, Hopkins 20. . R. K. Hicks 20, E. T. Steacy 25. F A. Smythe 24, W. A. Mitohell, 2 W. G. Minnes 21, G. Gay Shannon 13. Lady Golfers in Belleville. The ladies of the Cataraqui Golf Club are motoring to Brockville on Saturday to play a friendly game there. Following are the ladies who are. going: Mrs. W. H. Cover- dale, Mrs. W. R. Givens, Mrs. Keith Hicks, Mrs, J. O. Macdonala, Mrs. James Miller, Mrs. W, Minnes, Miss Caroline Mitchell, Mrs. W. Mitdhell, Miss Grace Mooers, Miss Marion Redden, Miss Aline RutHerford, in vivid colors the great blessings and advantages of the religious state, and he congratulated the par- ents upon having a child called to so elevated and useful life, and the sisters on their happy privilege. He exhorted them to prove faithful to their obligations, The ceremony was most impres- sive as the sisters for the reception advanced, and after the usual in- terrogation received the habit of their order. The sisters for profes- sion were likewise interrogated be- fore being permitted to make their VOWS. The following professed: Johanna Catherine Lansing, in religion Sist- er M. Boniface, of Spring Lake, Al- berta; Loretta Mary Buchanan, (Sister M. Domitila) Edmontca; Margaret Mary Adrain (Sister M. Remigius), Bathurst, Ont., Teresa Margaret Callahan (Sister M. Dam- ian), Belleville; Anna Gertrude Se- guin (Sister M. Irma), St. Andrew's, Ont; Cathagine Jane Ryan (Sister M. Anicetus)Y™'weed; Catharine Cal- ferty, (Sister M. Audry), Smith's Falls; Catharine Cecelia Desjardins, (Sister M. Carmel Tercsa), Trenton; Eva Emelia Vincent (Sister M. Cle- tus), Gananoque; Sarah Waalen (Sister M. Clarissa), Stoco; Eliza- beth Kerr (Sister M. Majella), To- ronto; Annie Mary Laflan (Sister M. Vivian), Madoc. Reception to the Holy Habit; Mar- garet Florence Barry, North Laacas- ter, Ont.; Margaret Mary Kenneay, Apple Hill, Ont.; Mary Ann Vaughn, Corkery, Anna Sommers, Heisler, Al- berta. Special music sung by the choir made the ceremony one of more than ordinary grandeur. During the procession, the hymn, "My Soul Re- joice, He Comes, He Comes," was rendered effectively. There was a large attendance of relatives and friends of the candi- dates and at the close of the religious ceremony, all assembled in the recep- tion room and tendered their con- gratulations. This evening the Bemediction of Blessed Sacrament will conciude the services. Notes of Queen's. The supplementary examinations commenced Tuesday morning at Grant Hall Dr.W.G. McNetil, registrar, has re- turned from Toronto, whera he un- derweut a successful operation, That a warm response is given to the early sale of tickets for the coming rugby games this fal is shown' by the requests that have been coming in from al. points for reservations. Cobourg has asked for an aliotment of fifteen tickets while Napanee wants thirty-five. box pleats down the back. greatest value in-Coats offered long season. They are the in many a PRICED AT $19.95 Fur Trimmed Coat ron 29:00 t0°105.0 Depicting the very newest creations straight tubular lines with fine tucking or embroidery as trimming. Side fastening is featured in the majority of models, . silk- lined and interlined. A superb assortment to make your choice from. PRICED FROM $29.50 to $105.00 Building Blocks, Bricks and MANUFACTURER OF HIGH GRADE CONORETE BLOCKS, MENT BRICKS, LINTELS, SILLS, CE. BASE COURSE, PIER CAPS, ETC. DEALER IN BEST QUALITY OF BUILDING AND PL ASTERING SAND, AND GRAVEL, DELIVERED ON SHORT NOTICE. R. J. McCLELLAND CORNER ONTARIO AND WILLIAM STREETS \ BLUNDERS SMITH'S Just received fresh shipment No. §' Bordeaux Shelled Walnuts | We are offering these while they last at 49c. pound. Reg. price 70¢c. bo 300 1bs. of "Queen City Tea" at 68ec.' 200 1bs. "Arrow Blend" at .....BSc. These Teas are both good quality and worth the price. Money back if not perfectly satisfied. WATCH FOR OUR SOAP DEAL Get a supply of Soap and Linen Towels FREE--Coming soon, Smith's Cash Grocery Phone 1817. "WE DELIV. at the next session Bill of Divorce from her BL, LYON KELLY, of , in the County of ince of Ontarfo, black- ground of adultery and the city of Kingston, In Dac, in the Prove ourth day of Au« FARRELL, Mrs. Charles Taylor, Mrs. H. C. Welch and spare, Miss Norah Mac- nee. ' . Bowling at Queen's A very successful bowling tourma- ment of doubles was held at Several replies haze been received from 'Queen's rugby players expres- sing hopefulness for the fall games and assuring the authorities that they are keeping in good shape. A full attendance of players is expect- ed by the 17th of September, Barrie and Colborne Streets. -- | Dr. Ww. 0. Vrooman), DENTAL SURGEON Corner of Princess and Barrie Streets. Entrance: 314 Barrie Street. PHONE 2484J. » done his duty even if it did mean the greatest sacrifice that could be | exacted of him 'The smashing climax that follows makes "The Snow Bride" one of the most novel and striking productions 'of the season ---- "THE CHEAT" DRAWS A LT Yas, THE TOWNSHIP OF WOLFE 1 ND, COUNTY OF FRONTENAC. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered How has this baby's mother been thoughtless, The answer will be found among to-day's want ads. He for the Applicant. 2 for | take i Act, the 00 the sald Section to all persons appear- in, y t. Tovised Assessment Roll of the said municipality at elec- tions for members of th to ns) Ana, 3 nersby "Proceedings Yo na e ngs to ve corrected CROWDS TO STRAND. The name of Pola Negri is a mag- net to draw lovers of brilliant acting to the motion picture theatre, The throng which besieged the Strand yesterday to see "The Cheat" amply ihe! proved this. Many were turned away at night; not so much disappointed as determined to see this remarkable ac~| picture to-night or to-morrow. For hw. goo . {oneal kle TO HOLD DOG SHOW AT THE KINGSTON FAIR Added Attraction Under the Auspices of Kingston Humane Society. nll Office Hours: 8.30 a.m. to § p.m || The Schools Kingston's army of schoo! chil- dren are back at thelr studies for another term. "Gee! school starts to-day, and 1 am glad too," said a little girl to a Whig representative, on Tuesday morning, as she was on her way te school, : The majority of people have the idea that boys and girls do not like to go back to school, after the holi- days but in this they are mistaken, as after about three week's holidays --r "kiddies" become rather restless' and do not know what to do'to pas in the time, but just as soon as shecool starts again and they mix with their old associates they are in high glee. Of course there are als ways a few youngsters who do not' like to go back to school. § The attendance at the opening was quite large, but until the var- fous classes get organized, it will be difficult to secure any figures. i ------ ! The seal of truth is simplicity, Sold - Kingston ex eluaively by 7 a